Two hundred and sixty copies of this edition
have been printed on hand-made paper, of which
this is Number
VOL. V: 1760—1764
LETTERS 721-933 1-454
HORACE WALPOLE . . . • ,. * • • Frontispiece
From painting by J. GK Eckhardt in National Portrait
LADY MARY COKE To face p. 156
From a mezzotint after Ramsay.
Miss NELLY O'BRIEN » „ 294
From painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds in Hertford House
From painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds in possession of the
Marquis of Hertford.
721 Thursday [Nov.
722 Nov. 14, 1760 .
723 Nov. 24, 1760.
724 Nov. 27, 1760 .
725 Dec. 5, 1760 .
726 Dec. 11, 1760 .
727 [1760] . .
728 Jan. 2, 1761 . . .
729 Jan. 3, 1761 . . .
730 Jan. 7, 1760 [1761] .
731 Jan. 22, 1761 . . .
732 Jan. 27, 1761 . . .
733 Feb. 7, 1761 . . .
734 Feb. 12, 1761 . . .
735 Monday, five o'clock,
Feb. 1761
736 March 3, 1761 . .
737 March 7, 1761 . .
738 March 13, 1761 . .
739 Friday night .
740 March 17, 1761 . .
741 March 17, 1761 . .
742 March 21, 1761 . .
743 March 25, 1761 . .
744 March [April] 7, 1761.
745 April 10, 1761 . .
746 April 10, 1761 . .
747 April 14, 1761 . .
748 April 16, 1761 . .
749 April 28, 1761 . .
750 May 5, 1761 . . .
751 May 14, 1761 . . .
752 May 14, 1761 . . .
George Montagu .... 6%
Sir Horace Mann . . . 697
George Montagu .... 698
Kev. Henry Zouch . . .699
Sir Horace Mann . . . 700
George Montagu. . . . 701
Earl of Bute.
Sir Horace Mann . . . 702
Rev. Henry Zouch . . . 703
George Montagu. . . . 646
George Montagu .... 704
Sir Horace Mann . . . 705
George Montagu. . . . 706
Lady Mary Coke.
Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 707
Sir Horace Mann . . . 708
Rev. Henry Zouch . . .710
George Montagu. . . .713
Countess of Suffolk . . .719
Sir Horace Mann . . .711
George Montagu . . . .712
George Montagu . . . .714
George Montagu .... 715
George Montagu .... 709
Sir Horace Mann . . . 716
Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 717
Sir David Dalrymple . . 718
George Montagu. . . . 720
George Montagu .... 721
George Montagu. . . . 722
Sir Horace Mann . . .723
George Montagu .... 724
List of Letters
758 June 8, 1761 . . .
764 June 18, 1761. . .
765 June 18, 1761. . .
766 July 5, 1761 . . .
767 July 6, 1761 . . .
758 July 9, 1761 . . .
769 July 10, 1761 . . .
760 July 14, 1761 . . .
761 Sunday [July 19, 1761]
762 July 20, 1761 . . .
763 July 22, 1761 . . .
764 July 22, 1761 . . .
765 July 28, 1761 . . .
766 July 23, 1761 . . .
767 July 28, 1761 . . .
768 [Aug. 6, 1761] . .
769 Aug. 17, 1761 . . .
770 Aug. 20, 1761. . .
771 Tuesday morning
[Sept. 1761]
772 Sept. 9, 1761 . . .
773 Sept. 10, 1761. . .
774 Sept. 23, 1761. *; 'i
775 Sept. 24, 1761. . v
776 Sept. 25, 1761. .• V
777 Sept. 27, 1761. . .
778 Sept. 28, 1761. . .,
779 Oct. 6, 1761 . . .'
780 Oct. 8, 1761 . . v»
781 Oct. 8, 1761 . .- *
782 Oct. 10,1761 . . -v
788 Oct. 10, 1761 . ..,-•'*;
784 Oct. 10, 1761 . .. :-l
785 Oct. 12, 1761 . . . 1;
786 Oct. 24, 1761 .
787 Oct. 26, 1761 .
788 Nov. 7, 1761 .
789 Nov. 14, 1761. .'. ' .
790 Nov. 28, 1761.
791 Nov. 28, 1761 . . ifi
792 Nov. 80, 1761. . .
793 Dec. 8, 1761 . . .
794 Dec. 12, 1761 . . .
Lady Mary Coke.
Countess of Ailesbury
George Montagu .
George Montagu .
Earl of Strafford.
Sir Horace Mann
George Montagu.
Hon. Henry Seymour Con way 780
Grosvenor Bedford . . . 782
Countess of Ailesbury . . 738
Earl of Strafford. . . .734
George Montagu .... 735
Sir Horace Mann . . . 736
Hon. Henry Seymour Con way 737
George Montagu .... 738
Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 739
Sir Horace Mann . . . 740
George Montagu . . . .741
Earl of Strafford ... 742
Hon. Henry Seym our Conway 743
Sir Horace Mann . . . 744
Grosvenor Bedford . . . 745
George Montagu .... 746
Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 747
Countess of Ailesbury . . 748
Sir Horace Mann . . . 749
Sir Horace Mann * • -. • . 750
George Montagu. •'•.-• . 751
Sir Horace Mann . . . 752
Sir Horace Mann • J ' . . 753
George Montagu. • •» • -v . 754
Countess of Ailesbury . . 755
Hon. Henry Seymour Con way 756
George Montagu .... 757
Hon. Henry SeymourConway 758
George Montagu .... 759
Sir Horace Mann . . . 760
George Montagu .... 761
Countess of Ailesbury . . 762
Sir David Dalrymple . . 763
George Montagu .... 764
Sir Horace Mann . ' . , 765
List of Letters
795 Dec. 21, 1761 .
796 Dec. 23, 1761 .
797 Dec. 28, 1761 .
798 Dec. 30, 1761 .
799 Jan. 4, 1762 . .
800 Jan. 26, 1762 . .
801 Jan. 29, 1762 . .
802 Feb. 2, 1762 . .
803 Feb. 6, 1762 . .
804 Feb. 7, 1762 . .
805 Feb. 13, 1762 . .
806 Feb. 15, 1762 . .
807 Feb. 22, 1762 . .
808 Feb. 24, 1762 . .
809 Feb. 25, 1762 . .
810 Feb. 25, 1762 . .
811 March 5, 1762
812 March 9, 1762
813 March 20, 1762 .
814 March 22, 1762 .
815 March 22, 1762 .
816 April 13, 1762
817f April 20, 1762
818 April 29, 1762
819 April 30, 1762
820 May 14, 1762 . .
821 May 20, 1762 . .
822 May 25, 1762 . .
823 May 26, 1762 . .
824 June 8, 1762 . .
825 June 20, 1762. .
826 June 30, 1762. .
827 Wednesday night.
828 July 1, 1762 . .
829 July 29, 1762 . .
830 July 31, 1762. .
831 July 31, 1762 . .
832 Aug. 5, 1762 . .
833 Aug. 5, 1762 . .
834 Aug. 10, 1762. .
Sir David Dalrymple
. 766
George Montagu .
. 767
Sir Horace Mann
. 768
George Montagu .
. 769
Sir Horace Maim
. 770
George Montagu .
. 771
Sir Horace Mann
. 772
George Montagu .
. 773
George Montagu .
. 774
Rev. William Cole .
. 775
Rev. Henry Zouch .
. 776
Earl of Bute ....
George Montagu .
. 778
Dr. Ducarel ....
Sir Horace Mann
. 780
George Montagu .
. 781
Countess of Ailesbury
. 782
George Montagu .
. 783
Rev. Henry Zouch .
. 784
Sir Horace Mann
. 785
George Montagu .
. 786
Sir Horace Mann
. 787
Earl of Egremont (?).
George Montagu .
. 788
Sir Horace Mann
. 789
George Montagu .
. 790
Rev. William Cole .
. 791
George Montagu .
. 792
Sir Horace Mann
. 793
George Montagu .
. 795
Sir Horace Mann
. 7%
Lady Mary Coke.
George Montagu .
. 794
Sir Horace Mann
. 797
Rev. William Cole .
. 798
Countess of Ailesbury .
. 799
Sir Horace Mann
. 800
Earl of Strafford .
. 801
Rev. William Cole .
. 802
George Montagu .
. 803
•f Now printed for the first time.
List of Letters
Aug. 12, 1762 .
Aug. 19, 1762.
Aug. 21, 1762.
Aug. 29, 1762.
Sept. 9, 1762 .
Sept. 9, 1762 .
Sept. 24, 1762.
Sept. 24, 1762 .
Sept. 26, 1762.
Sept. 28, 1762 .
Sept. 30, 1762.
Oct. 1, 1762 .
Oct. 3, 1762 .
Oct. 4, 1762 .
Oct. 14, 1762 .
Oct. 20, 1762 .
Oct. 29, 1762 .
Oct. 31, 1762 .
Nov. 4 [1762] .
Nov. 9, 1762 .
Nov. 13, 1762 .
Nov. 21, 1762 .
Nov. 22, 1762 .
Nov. 30, 1762 .
Dec. 20, 1762 .
Dec. 20, 1762 .
Dec. 23, 1762 .
Jan. 28, 1763 .
Feb. 28, 1763 .
March 4, 1763
March 14, 1763
March 16, 1763
March 16, 1763
March 25, 1763
April 6, 1763 .
• .•
[April 1763] .
Friday night, late
April 10, 1763
April 14, 1763
• »
874f [April 1763] . .
Sir Horace Mann . . . 804
Rev. William Cole . . .805
Rev. Thomas Warton . . 806
Sir Horace Mann . . . 807
Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 808
Grosvenor Bedford ... 809
Grosvenor Bedford . . . 810
George Montagu .... 815
Sir Horace Mann . . . 816
Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 817
Rev. William Cole . . *. 818
Lady Hervey .... 819
Sir Horace Mann . . .820
Hon. HenrySeymourConway 821
George Montagu .... 822
Sir Horace Mann . . . 823
Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 824
Lady Hervey .... 825
George Montagu .... 826
Sir Horace Mann . . .827
Rev. William Cole . . .828
Henry Fox . . . . .830
Earl of Oxford . ,. . . 831
Sir Horace Mann . . . 833
George Montagu .... 832
Sir Horace Mann . . . 834
Rev. William Cole ... 835
Sir Horace Mann . . . 836
Hon. HenrySeymourConway 837
Sir Horace Mann . . . 838
Earl of Bute.
Earl of Bute.
Viscount Nuneham.
George Montagu .
George Montagu .
George Montagu.
Sir Horace Mann
George Montagu .
Contessa Rena.
f Now printed for the first time.
List of Letters
875 April 22, 1763 . .
876 April 30, 1763 . .
877 May 1,1763 . . .
878 May 2, 1763 . . .
879 May 6, 1763 . . .
880 May 10, 1768 . . .
881 May 16, 1763 . . .
882 May 17, 1763 . . .
883 May 21, 1763 . . .
884 Saturday evening
[May 28, 1763]
885 May 30, 1763 . . .
886 June 5, 1763 .
887 June 16, 1763. . .
888 June 30, 1763. . .
889 July 1, 1763 . . .
890 July 1, 1763 . . .
891 July 1, 1763 . . .
892 July 10, 1763 . . .
893 July 12, 1768 . . .
894 [July 1763] . . .
895 July 23, 1763. . .
896 July 25, 1763 . . .
897 Aug. 8, 1763 . . .
898 Aug. 8, 1763 . . .
899 Aug. 9, 1763 . . .
900 Aug. 10, 1763 . . .
901 Aug. 11,1763. . .
902 Aug. 15, 1763. . .
903 Sept. 1, 1763 . . .
904 Sept. 3, 1763 . . .
905 Sept. 7, 1763 . . .
906 Sept. 7, 1763 . . .
907 Sept. 13, 1768. . .
908 Oct. 3, 1763 . . .
909 Oct. 8, 1763 . . .
910 Oct. 17, 1763 . . .
911 Oct. 18, 1763 . . .
912 Nov. 12, 1763 . . .
913 Nov. 17, 1763 . . .
914 Nov. 17, 1763. .
915 Nov. 20, 1763. . .
916 Nov. 25, 1763 . . .
George Montagu. . . . 844
Sir Horace Mann . . . 845
Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 846
Sir David Dalrymple . .847
Hon. Henry Seym our Con way 848
Sir Horace Mann . . . 849
Rev. William Cole ... 850
George Montagu. . . .851
Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 852
Hon. Heniy Seymour Conway 853
George Montagu .... 854
Sir Horace Mann . . . 855
George Montagu .... 856
Sir Horace Maun . . . 857
George Montagu .... 858
Sir David Dalrymple . . 859
Rev. William Cole . . . 860
Bishop of Carlisle.
Rev. William Cole . . .861
Rev. William Cole . . . 862
George Montagu .... 863
George Montagu .... 864
Rev. William Cole ... 865
Dr. Ducarel 866
Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 867
Earl of Strafford. . . .868
Sir Horace Mann . . . 869
George Montagu. . . . 870
Sir Horace Mann . . . 871
George Montagu .... 872
George Montagu. . . . 873
Hon. George Grenville . . 874
Sir Horace Mann . . . 875
George Montagu .... 876
Rev. William Cole . . .877
Sir Horace Mann . . . 878
Earl of Hertford. . . .879
George Montagu .... 880
Earl of Hertford. ... 881
Sir Horace Mann . . . 882
George Montagu. . . . 883
Earl of Hertford. . . 884
xii List of Letters
917 Dec. 2, 1763 . . • Earl of Hertford . ... 885
918 Dec. 6, 1763 . . . Rev. William Cole . . .886
919 Dec. 9, 1768 ., , •=. Earl of Hertford . ... 887
920 Dec. 10, 1763 . <.«-.'" Miss Anne Pitt.
921 Dec. 12, 1763 ... Sir Horace Mann . . . 888
922 Dec. 16, 1763. . . Earl of Hertford . ... 889
923 Dec. 29, 1763. . . Earl of Hertford . ... 890
924 Dec. 29, 1763 . . . Rev. William Mason . . . 891
925 Jan. 8, 1764 ... Sir Horace Mann . . .892
926 Jan. 11, 1764. . . George Montagu . . . .893
927 Jan. 18, 1764 . . . Sir Horace Mann . . .894
928 Jan. 22, 1764 . . . Earl of Hertford . . . .895
929 [Jan. 1764] . . . Countess Temple . . . 896
930 Jan. 28, 1764 . . . Countess Temple . . .897
931 Jan. 81, 1764 . . . Rev. William Cole . . . 898
932 Jan. 81, 1764 . . . Sir David Dalrymple . . 900
933 Feb. 6, 1764 . . . Earl of Hertford . ... 901
P. 432, line 4 from below, for 'your brother General' read 'your
brother [the] General.'
Arlington Street, Thursday [1760].
As a codicil to my last letter, I send you the Bed-
chamber: there are to be eighteen Lords and thirteen
Grooms ; all the late King's remain, but your cousin
Manchester1, Lord Falconberg, Lord Essex, and Lord
Hyndford, replaced by the Duke of Eichmond, Lord Wey-
mouth, Lord March, and Lord Eglinton 2 ; the last at the
earnest request of the Duke of York. Instead of Clavering,
Nassau, and General Campbell, who is promised something
else, Lord Northampton's brother 8 and Commodore Keppel
are Grooms. When it was oifered to the Duke of Kich-
mond, he said he could not accept it, unless something
was done for Colonel Keppel, for whom he has interested
himself; that it would look like sacrificing Keppel to
his own views: this was handsome. Keppel is to be
Princess Amelia goes everywhere, as she calls it ; she
was on Monday at Lady Holderness's, and next Monday
is to be at Bedford House ; but there is only the late King's
LETTER 721. — 1 Robert Montagu 3 Hon. Spencer Compton (173S-
(circ. 1710-1762), third Duke of Man- 1796), brother of seventh Earl of
Chester. Northampton, whom he succeeded
2 Alexander Montgomerie (d. 1770), in 1763.
tenth Earl of Eglinton.
2 To Sir Horace Mann [i760
set, and the court of Bedford : so she makes the houses of
other people as trist as St. James's was. Good night.
Not a word more of the King of Prussia : did you ever
know a victory mind the wind so ?
Arlington Street, Nov. 14, 1760.
I AM vexed, for I find that the first packet-boat that
sailed after the death of the King was taken by the French,
and the mail thrown overboard. Some of the parcels were
cast on shore, but I don't know whether they were legible,
or whether the letter I had written to you was among them,
and is got to you. It must be very irksome to you not to
hear from me on that occasion ; and it is particularly so to
me, as I had given you all the satisfaction imaginable that
you would be safe. This is of much more consequence
than the particulars of the news. I repeat it now, but
I cannot bear to think that you feel any anxiety so long.
Everything remains so much in the same situation, that
there is no probability of your being removed. I have
since given you a hint of purchasing medals, antiquities, or
pictures for the King. I would give much to be sure those
letters had reached you. Then, there is a little somebody
of a German prince, through whose acre the post-road lies,
and who has quarrelled with the Dutch about a halfpenny-
worth of postage ; if he has stopped my letters, I shall wish
that some frow may have emptied her pail and drowned his
dominions ! There is a murmur of Mr. Mackenzie * being
Vice-Chamberlain, — I trust you have been very well with
him ; I am so connected with the Campbells 2 that I can
LETTER 722. — * James Stewart 2 Not only Lady Ailesbury was
Mackenzie, brother of Lord Bute. a Campbell, but Lady Strafford,
Walpole. sister of Lady Eliz. Mackenzie, was
1760] To George Montagu 3
increase it. Why should not you write to him to offer your
services for any commissions in virtu that the King may be
pleased to give ?
Lord Huntingdon s remains Master of the Horse ; nothing
else is decided yet. The changes in the Household, and
those few, will constitute almost all the revolution. The
King seems the most amiable young man in the world ;
you may trust me, who am not apt to be the Humorous
Lieutenant 4 and fall in love with Majesty.
We are all in guns and bonfires for an unexpected victory
of the King of Prussia over Daun ; but as no particulars
are yet arrived, there are doubters. The courier comes
so exactly in cadence with the intended meeting of the
Parliament, having set out before the late King's death
could be known, that some people are disposed to believe it
is a dispatch to the City, which he meant to take by surprise
sooner than he will Dresden.
I make this a short letter, for I could only repeat the
contents of my two last, which I have forgot, and which
I will flatter myself you have received. Adieu !
Strawberry Hill, Monday, Nov. 24, 1760.
UNLESS I were to send you journals, lists, catalogues,
computations of the bodies, tides, swarms of people that go
to court to present addresses, or to be presented, I can tell
you nothing new. The day the King went to the House,
I was three-quarters of an hour getting through Whitehall :
there were subjects enough to set up half a dozen petty
kings. The Pretender would be proud to reign over the
a Campbell, and wife of the Earl of ingdon. Walpole.
Strafford, one of Mr. Walpole's par- * A play of Beaumont and Fletcher,
ticular friends. Walpole. Walpole.
8 Francis Hastings, Earl of Hunt-
B 2
4 To George Montagu [1760
footmen only — and, indeed, unless he acquires some of
them, he will have no subjects left : all their masters flock
to St. James's. The palace is so thronged, that I will stay
till some people are discontented. The first night the King
went to the play, which was civilly on a Friday, not on the
opera-night, as he used to do, the whole audience sung God
save the King in chorus. For the first act, the press was
so great at the door, that no ladies could get to the boxes ;
and only the servants appeared there, who kept places. At
the end of the second the whole mob broke in, and seated
themselves. Yet all this zeal is not likely to last, though
he so well deserves it. Seditious papers are again stuck
up : one t'other day in Westminster Hall declared against
a Saxe-Gothan Princess. The Archbishop, who is never
out of the Drawing-room, has great hopes, from the King's
goodness, that he shall make something of him — that is,
something bad of him. On the Address, Pitt and his zany
Beckford quarrelled, on the latter's calling the campaign
languid. What is become of our magnanimous ally and
his victory, I know not. In eleven days no courier was
arrived from him ; but I have been here these two days,
perfectly indifferent about his magnanimity. I am come to
put my Anecdotes of Painting into the press. You are
one of the few that I expect will be entertained with it. It
has warmed Gray's coldness so much, that he is violent
about it — in truth, there is an infinite quantity of new and
curious things about it ; but as it is quite foreign from all
popular topics, I don't suppose it will be much attended to.
There is not a word of Methodism in it, it says nothing of
the disturbances in Ireland, it does not propose to keep all
Canada, it neither flatters the King of Prussia nor Prince
Ferdinand, it does not say that the City of London are the
wisest set of men in the world, it is silent about George
Townshend, and does not abuse my Lord George Sackville —
I76o] To George Montagu 5
how should it please ? I want you to help me in a little
affair that regards it. I have found in a MS. that in the
church of Beckley1, or Becksley, in Sussex, there are
portraits on glass, in a window, of Henry the Third and
his Queen. I have looked in the map, and find the first
name between Bodiham and Eye, but I am not sure it is
the place. I will be much obliged to you if you will write
directly to your Sir Whistler2, and beg him to inform
himself very exactly if there is any such thing in such a
church near Bodiham. Pray state it minutely, because if
there is, I will have them drawn for the frontispiece to
my work s.
Did I tell you that the Archbishop tried to hinder The
Minor from being played at Drury Lane? For once
the Duke of Devonshire was firm, and would only let him
correct some passages, and even of those the Duke has
restored some. One that the prelate effaced was, 'You
snub-nosed son of a bitch.' Foote says he will take out
a licence to preach, Sam. Cant against Tom Cant.
The first volume of Voltaire's Peter the Great is
arrived, I weep over it ! It is as languid as the campaign ;
he is grown old. He boasts of the materials communicated
to him by the Czarina's order — but, alas I he need not be
proud of them. They only serve to show how much worse
he writes history with materials than without. Besides, it
is evident how much that authority has cramped his genius.
I had heard before, that when he sent the work to Peters-
burgh for imperial approbation, it was returned with orders
to increase the panegyric. I wish he had acted like a very
LETTER 723. — * Bexhill is the 2 Sir Whistler Webster, second
place referred to. The window was Baronet, of Battle Abbey, Sussex ;
in 1774 presented to Horace Walpole d. 1779.
by Lord Ashburnham, and was 3 The portraits were engraved as
placed in the chapel at Strawberry a frontispiece to the first volume
HilL of the Anecdotes of Painting.
6 To the Rev. Henry Zouch [i760
inferior author : Knyphausen once hinted to me that I
might have some authentic papers, if I was disposed to
write the life of his master 4 — but I did not care for what
would lay me under such restrictions. It is not fair to use
weapons against the persons that lend them — and I do not
admire his master enough to commend anything in him
but his military actions. Adieu !
Yours ever,
H. W.
Arlington Street, Nov. 27, 1760.
You are extremely kind, Sir, in remembering the little
commission I troubled you with. As I am in great want of
some more painted glass to finish a window in my round
tower, I should be glad, though it may not be a Pope, to
have the piece you mentioned, if it can be purchased
My Lucan is finished, but will not be published till after
Christmas, when I hope you will do me the favour of accepting
one, and let me know how I shall convey it. The A necdotes
of Painting have succeeded to the press : I have finished
two volumes ; but as there will at least be a third, I am not
determined whether I shall not wait to publish the whole
together. You will be surprised, I think, to see what
a quantity of materials the industry of one man (Vertue)
could amass! and how much he retrieved at this late
period. I hear of nothing new likely to appear ; all the
world is taken up in penning Addresses, or in presenting
them ; and* the approaching elections will occupy the
thoughts of men so much that an author could not appear
at a worse era.
4 Frederick the Great.
1760] To Sir Horace Mann
Arlington Street, Dec. 5, 1760.
WHEN I mentioned the brocadella two or three times
to you, it was not from impatience for the patterns, but
because I thought my first letter about them had mis-
I have now received the samples, but they are so small
that I cannot form any judgement of the pattern. I will
beg you to follow your own method, and send me some
pieces by the first person that will bring them, that is,
a quarter of a yard or thereabouts of each ; but they must
be of three colours. I am sure I remember such at Florence,
particularly at Madame Kinuncini's or Madame Eicardi's,
I think the former's ; it was in a bedchamber where she
saw company when she was with child. Of two colours
they make them here very well, but they cannot arrive
at three. I do not approve damask at all, for as there
will be no pictures in the chamber, nothing is more trist
than a single colour.
Don't think I took ill your giving away my books : I had
really forgot them ; you shall certainly have another set,
and one for Lady Mary Wortley1, who scolded me by
Stosch. I shall send you a curious pamphlet, the only
work I almost ever knew that changed the opinions of
many. It is called Considerations on the present German
War, and is written by a wholesale woollen-draper 2 ; but
the materials are supposed to be furnished by the faction
of the Yorkes. The confirmation of the King of Prussia's
victory near Torgau does not prevent the disciples of the
LETTER 725. — l The famous Lady 2 Isaac Manduifc. Walpole. — Israel
Mary Wortley Montagu, who. was (not Isaac) Mauduit (1708-1787).
then in Italy. Walpole.
8 To Sir Horace Mann [1760
pamphlet from thinking that the best thing which could
happen for us would be to have that monarch's head shot
off. There are letters from the Hague, that say Daun is
dead8 of his wounds. If he is, I shall begin to believe
that the King of Prussia will end successfully at last. It
has been the fashion to cry down Daun ; but, as much
as the King of Prussia may admire himself, I dare say he
would have been glad to have been matched with one much
more like himself than one so opposite as the Marshal.
I have heard nothing lately of Stosch, and am told he
has been ill at Salisbury. This climate is apt to try foreign
constitutions. Elisi, the first singer, cannot get rid of a
fever, and has not appeared yet. The comic opera pleases
extremely; the woman Paganini has more applause than
I almost ever remember ; every song she sings is encored.
I have little to tell you more of the new reign. The
King is good and amiable in everything he does, and
seems to have no view but of contenting all the world ;
but that is not just the most attainable point. I will tell
you a bon mot of a Mrs. Hardinge, a physician's wife — and
a bon mot very often paints truly the history or manners
of the times. She says, it is a great question what the
King is to burn in his chamber, whether Scotch-coal *, New-
castle-coal, or Pitt-coaL The Bedchamber, I was going to
say, is settled, but there are additions made to it every
day ; there are already twenty Lords and seventeen Grooms.
To the King's own set are added all the late King's, but
Lord Hyndford, Lord Essex, the Duke of Manchester, and
Lord Falconberg ; added, are the Duke of Eichmond, Lord
Weymouth, Lord March, and Lord Eglinton; and, since
that, two Tory Lords, Oxford8 and Bruce 6. General Camp-
8 He was dangerously wounded, 6 Edward Harley (1726 - 1790).
but lived until 1766. fourth Earl of Oxford.
4 Alluding to Lord Bute, the Duke • Afterwards Earl of Ailesbury.
of Newcastle, and Mr. Pitt. Walpole.
1760] To Sir Horace Mann 9
bell, Mr. Nassau, and Mr. Clavering are omitted; Mr.
Compton, and I forget who, are new Grooms, with three
Tories, Norbonne Berkeley, George Pitt, whom you re-
member, and Northey. Worsley, Madame Suares' old
cicisbeo, is made Surveyor of the Board of Works ; he was
this King's Equerry, and passes for having a taste for
architecture, of which I told you the King was fond. Lord
Rochford is amply indemnified by a pension on Ireland of
two thousand a year. Of a Queen, the talk is dropped ;
and no other change is likely to be made yet. We have
already been in danger of losing this charming young King ;
his horse threw him the day before yesterday, and bruised
his head and shoulder ; with difficulty they made him be
blooded. He immediately wrote to the Princess that she
might not be frightened, and was well enough to go to
the play at night.
Thank you for your kindness to Mr. Strange ; if he still
persists in his principles, he will be strangely unfashion-
able at his return. I, who could make great allowances
in the last reign, cannot forgive anybody being a Jacobite
As you have a print of my eagle, I will be obliged to
you if you will employ anybody at Eome to pick me up
an altar as like to the pedestal of the eagle as they can.
I don't insist upon an exact resemblance ; but should like
it to be pretty much of the same height and size : it is for
my Vespasian, which is to answer the eagle in a recess in
my approaching gallery. Adieu !
P.S. As I was going to seal my letter, the post brought
me one from Stosch, who is at the Bath, and says he shall
be in town in a month. The secret expedition is beating
about off Portsmouth.
10 To George Montagu [i?6o
Arlington Street, Dec. 11, 1760.
I THANK you for the inquiries about the painted glass,
and shall be glad if I prove to be in the right.
There is not much of new to tell you ; and yet there
is much dissatisfaction. The Duke of Newcastle has
threatened to resign on the appointment of Lord Oxford
and Lord Bruce without his knowledge. His court rave
about Tories, which you know conies with a singular grace
from them, as the Duke never preferred any — Murray,
Lord Gower, Sir John Cotton, Jack Pitt, &c., &c., &c., were
all firm Whigs. But it is unpardonable to put an end to
all faction, when it is not for factious purposes. Lord
Fitzmaurice *, made aide-de-camp to the King, has disgusted
the army. The Duke of Richmond, whose brother2 has
no more been put over others than the Duke of Newcastle
has preferred Tories, has presented a warm memorial in
a warmer manner, and has resigned the Bedchamber, not
his regiment — another propriety.
Propriety is so much in fashion, that Miss Chudleigh
has called for the council books of the subscription concert,
and has struck out the name of Mrs. Naylor — I have some
thoughts of remonstrating that General Waldegrave is too
lean to be a Groom of the Bedchamber.
Mr. Chute has sold his house to Miss Speed3 for 3,000?.,
and has taken one for a year in Berkeley Square.
LETTER 726. — l William Petty Secretary of State for the Southern
(1737-1805), Viscount Fitzmaurice, Province, 1766-68 ; Foreign Secre-
eldest son of first Earl of Shelburne, tary, 1782 ; First Lord of the Trea-
whom he succeeded in 1761 ; cr. sury (Prime Minister), 1782-83.
Marquis of Lansdowne, 1784. En- 2 Lord George Lennox,
tered the army in 1758, and was 3 Henrietta Jane (d. 1783), daugh-
present at the battle of Minden and ter of Colonel Samuel Speed ; m.
at the affair of Kampen ; President (1761) Baron de la Peyrifere, after-
of the Board of Trade, 1762-63 ; wards Comte de Viry. She resided
1760] To the Earl of Bute 11
This is a very brief letter; I fear this reign will soon
furnish longer. When the last King could be beloved,
a young man with a good heart has little chance of being
so. Moreover, I have a maxim, that the extinction of party
is the origin of faction. Good night !
Yours ever,
H. W.
Having heard that his Majesty was curious about his
pictures, I recollected some catalogues of the royal collections
which I had a little share in publishing some years ago.
I dare not presume to offer them to his Majesty myself;
but I take the liberty of sending them to your Lordship,
that, if you should think they may contribute to his
Majesty's information or amusement, they may come to his
hand more properly from your Lordship than they could
do from me. I have added some notes that illustrate a few
Having dabbled a good deal in this kind of things, if
there is any point in which I could be of use to your
Lordship for his Majesty's satisfaction, I should be very
ready and happy to employ my little knowledge or pains.
And permit me to say, my Lord, your Lordship cannot
command anybody who will execute your orders more cheer-
fully or more disinterestedly, or that will trouble you less
with any solicitations : an explanation which even esteem
and sincerity are forced to make to one in your Lordship's
situation. The mere love of the arts, and the joy of seeing
for many years with her relative, •was written after a call made upon
Lady Cobham, whose country seat him by herself and a friend.
was the Manor House, Stoke Poges. LETTER 727. — Not in C. ; reprinted
Here she made the acquaintance of from Lord Orford's Works, voL ii.
Thomas Gray. She was one of the pp. 376-7.
heroines of his Long Story, which
12 To Sir Horace Mann [i?6l
on the throne a prince of taste, are my only inducements
for offering my slender services. I know myself too well
to think I can ever be of any use but as a virtuoso and
antiquarian ; a character I should formerly have called very
insignificant; though now my pride, since his Majesty
vouchsafes to patronize the arts, and your Lordship has
the honour to countenance genius, a rank of which at most
I can be but an admirer.
I have the honour to be, &c.,
Arlington Street, Jan. 2, 1761.
I NEVER was so rich in letters from you before ; I have
received four packets at once this morning — there had
been thirteen mails due. It is supposed that the packet-
boats were afraid of French privateers, who swarmed about
the Dutch coast, believing that the late King's jewels were
coming over. I have not yet received the letter by Prince
San Severino's 1 courier ; but, as you mention the fans in
a subsequent dispatch, I shall immediately provide them ;
but, as the packets have been detained so long, I fear
any courier to Mr. Mackenzie must be departed some time :
I shall send them by sea, with the books I promised you.
With regard to enlarged credentials, I cannot think this
a likely time to obtain them. You yourself hold the com-
pliment paid to the Emperor 2 extraordinary ; undoubtedly
LETTER 728. — l The Neapolitan and his twenty years of service being
Minister. Walpole. remembered, he had fair claim to be
8 ' The Grand Duke of Tuscany to elevated to a position above that of
whom [Mann] had been originally an Envoy, and to be furnished with
accredited, had enjoyed increase of additional means to illustrate the
dignity by becoming Emperor of elevation.' (Mann and Manners, voL
Germany, and Mann suggested that ii. pp. 70-1.)
such circumstances being considered,
1761] To Sir Horace Mann 13
they would not make that civility greater. Should he send
a minister in form, I should be glad if increasing your
dignity would be thought a sufficient return ; but, in my
own opinion, the Peace will be the best season for pushing
your request. When that will arrive, God knows ! or who
will be the person to whom application must be then made.
Quiet as things are at present, no man living expects or
believes they can continue so. Three separate ministers
and their factions cannot hold together in a more phlegmatic
country than this. The preferment of some Tories had
already like to have overset the system ; and, though Lord
Bute avoids preferring his countrymen more sedulously
than it was supposed he would try to prefer them, the
clamour is still unreasonably great, nor can all his caution
or the King's benignity satisfy.
With regard to foreign affairs, I beg you to be cautious.
Stick to your orders, and give no opinion : make no declara-
tion of the King's intentions, farther than you are authorized
by Mr. Pitt's directions. He is too much a man of honour
not to support you, if you act by his instructions ; but don't
exceed them. The German war is not so popular as you
imagine, either in the closet or in the nation. Mystery,
the wisdom of blockheads, may be allowable in a foreign
minister ; use it till you see farther. If I have any sagacity,
such times are coming as will make people glad to have
nothing to unsay. Judge of my affection for you, when
a nature so open as mine prescribes reserve; but I wish
your fortune to be firm, whatever happens. At present, there
is no kind of news — everybody is in the country for the
holidays. The laying aside of the expedition gave universal
pleasure ; as France had had so much time to be upon its
guard, and the season is so far advanced, and so tempestuous.
We have lost poor Lord Downe 8, one of the most amiable
3 H. Pleydell-Dawnay, Viscount Downe. Walpcle,
14 To Sir Horace Mann [1761
men in the world. Frank, generous, spirited, and odd,
with a large independent fortune, he had conceived a rage
for the army. He received twelve wounds in the affair
of Campen ; and though one of them was in his knee, he
was forced to walk five miles. This last wound was neg-
lected, and closed too soon, with a splinter in it, not being
thought of consequence ; and proved mortal. He bid the
surgeons put him to as much pain as they pleased, so they
did but make him fit for the next campaign. He languished
ten weeks; and not a mouth is opened but in praise or
regret of him.
I question a little whether you will see the Duchess
of Hamilton ; these mails have brought so good an account
of her that, unless she grows worse, they will scarce pass
Lyons, where they are established for the winter. I never
heard of that Lord Archibald Hamilton4; he would pass
his time ill with General Campbell, who is not at all of
a humour to suffer any impertinence to his wife.
Thank you much for the seeds ; in return, behold a new
commission, but, I trust, not a troublesome one. A friend
of mine, one Mr. Hawkins5, is writing the History of Music:
the sooner you could send us the following books the better ;
if by any English traveller, we should be glad.
1. Tutte le Opere di Giuseppe Zarlino. Venezia, 1589;
2 vols. folio.
2. History of Music, in Italian, by Gio. Andr. Angelini
Bontempi. 1695, folio.
3. Dialogo della Musica antica e moderna, di Vincenzo Galiki.
Folio, 1602, or 1541, in Firenze.
4. Musica vaga ed artifiziosa di Romano Michieli. Folio,
1615, Venezia.
4 Sir H. Mann did not know that 1799, and died in 1819.
he was half-brother of the late Duke 6 Afterwards Sir John Hawkins,
of Hamilton. Wdlpole. — He sue- His history was published in five
ceeded his nephew as ninth Duke in volumes quarto. WalpcHe.
I76i] To the Rev. Henry Zouch 15
5. Osservazioni di ten regolare il Coro della CappeUa Ponti-
ficizia, fatte da Andrea Adami. Quarto, 1714 ; in Roma.
Any other books of character on the subject will be very
acceptable ; but, when I review the list and see so many
thundering folios, I don't expect that any gentleman will
bring them in his breeches-pocket, or even in his cloak-
Pray, is there any print of the Cardinal of York6? If
there is, do send me one.
Adieu, my good child !
SlKj Arlington Street, Jan. 3, 1761.
I stayed till I had the Lucan ready to send you, before
1 thanked you for your letter, and for the pane of glass,
about which you have given yourself so much kind trouble,
and which I have received ; I think it is clearly Heraclitus
weeping over a globe.
Illuminated MSS., unless they have portraits of particular
persons, I do not deal in ; the extent of my collecting is
already full as great as I can afford. I am not the less
obliged to you, Sir, for thinking of me. Were my fortune
larger, I should go deeper into printing, and having engraved
curious MSS. and drawings ; as I cannot, I comfort myself
with reflecting on the mortifications I avoid, by the little
regard shown by the world to those sort of things. The
sums laid out on books one should, at first sight, think
an indication of encouragement to letters ; but booksellers
only are encouraged, not books. Bodies of sciences, that
is, compilations and mangled abstracts, are the only salable
commodities. Would you believe, what I know is fact,
6 Younger brother of Prince called, by the remaining adherents
Charles Edward, and after his death to his family, Henry IX. Walpole.
16 To George Montagu [i7Gi
that Dr. Hill earned fifteen guineas a week by working
for wholesale dealers? he was at once employed on six
voluminous works of botany, husbandry, &c., published
weekly. I am sorry to say, this journeyman is one of the
first men preferred in the new reign : he is made gardener
of Kensington, a place worth two thousand pounds a year.
The King and Lord Bute have certainly both of them great
propensity to the arts ; but Dr. Hill, though undoubtedly
not deficient in parts, has as little claim to favour in this
reign, as Gideon, the stock-jobber, in the last ; both en-
grossers without merit. Building, I am told, is the King's
favourite study ; I hope our architects will not be taken
from the erectors of turnpikes.
Arlington Street, Jan. 7, 1760.
You must not wonder I have not writ to you a long time ;
a person of my consequence ! I am now almost ready to
say We instead of /. In short, I live amidst royalty — con-
sidering the plenty, that is no great wonder. All the world
lives with them, and they with all the world. Princes and
Princesses open shops in every corner of the town, and the
whole town deals with them. As I have gone to one,
I chose to frequent all, that I might not be particular, and
seem to have views ; and yet it went so much against me,
that I came to town on purpose a month ago for the Duke's
levee, and had engaged Brand to go with me — and then
could not bring myself to it. At last, I went to him and
Princess Emily yesterday. It was well I had not flattered
myself with being still in my bloom ; I am grown so old
since they saw me, that neither of them knew me. When
LETTER 730. — Misdated by Horace •written in 1761. (See Notes and
Walpole Jan. 7, 1780 ; evidently Queries, Ang. 4, 1900.)
I76i] To George Montagu 17
they were told, he just spoke to me (I forgive him, he is
not out of my debt, even with that), she was exceedingly
gracious, and commended Strawberry to the skies. To-night
I was asked to their party at Norfolk House. These parties
are wonderfully select and dignified : one might sooner be
a Knight of Malta than qualified for them ; I don't know
how the Duchess of Devonshire, Mr. Fox, and I, were for-
given some of our ancestors. There were two tables at loo,
two at whisk, and a quadrille. I was commanded to the
Duke's loo ; he was set down ; not to make him wait,
I threw my hat upon the marble table, and broke four
pieces off a great crystal chandelier. I stick to my etiquette,
and treat them with great respect, not as I do my friend,
the Duke of York — but don't let us talk any more of
princes. — My Lucan appears to-morrow ; I must say it is
a noble volume. Shall I send it you, or won't you come
and fetch it?
There is nothing new of public, but the violent com-
motions in Ireland1, whither the Duke of Bedford still
persists in going, ^lolus to quell a storm.
I am in great concern for my old friend, poor Lady Harry
Beauclerc ; her lord dropped down dead two nights ago, as
he was sitting with her and all their children. Admiral
Boscawen is dead by this time — Mrs. Osborn a and I are not
much afflicted. Lady Jane Coke8 too is dead, exceedingly
rich ; I have not heard her will yet.
If you don't come to town soon, I give you warning, I will
1 In consequence of a dispute with Osborne, Baronet, of Chicksands,
the Irish Privy Council, Bedford and Bedfordshire. She was the sister of
his secretary, Bigby, had been burnt Admiral Byng.
in effigy in Dublin. Bedford did not 8 Lady Jane Wharton, elder
return to Ireland, and shortly after- daughter of first Marquis of Wharton;
wards resigned the viceroyalty. m. 1. John Holt ; 2. Robert Coke, of
a Sarah (d. 1775), only surviving Longford, Derbyshire. Her fortune
daughter of first Viscount Torring- was left to Miss Draycott, afterwarda
ton ; m. John, eldest son of Sir John Countess of Pomfret.
18 To George Montagu
be a Lord of the Bedchamber, or a Gentleman Usher. — If you
will, I will be nothing but what I have been so many years,
my own and yours ever,
Arlington Street, Jan. 22, 1761.
I AM glad you are coming, and now the time is over, that
you are coming so late, as I like to have you here in the
spring. You will find no great novelty in the new reign.
Lord Denbigh is made Master of the Harriers, with two
thousand a year ; Lord Temple asked it, and Newcastle and
Hardwicke gave in to it for fear of Denbigh's brutality in
the House of Lords — does this differ from the etyle of
George the Second?
The King designs to have a new motto ; he will not have
a French one, so the Pretender may enjoy Dieu et mon droit
in quiet.
Princess Emily is already sick of being familiar ; she has
been at Northumberland House, but goes to nobody more.
That party was larger, but still more formal than the rest,
though the Duke of York had invited himself and his
commerce-table. I played with Madam Emily, and we
were mighty well together — so well, that two nights after-
wards she commended me to Mr. Conway and Mr. Fox, but
calling me that Mr. Walpole, they did not guess who she
meant. For my part, I thought it very well, that when
I played with her, she did not call me that gentleman.
I was surprised at her being so vulgar ; as she went away,
she thanked my Lady Northumberland, like a parson's wife,
for all her civilities.
I was excessively amused on Tuesday night ; there was
a play at Holland House acted by children ; not all children,
1761] To George Montagu 19
for Lady Sarah Lenox 1 and Lady Susan Strangways 2 played
the women. It was Jane Shore ; one Price s, Lord Barring-
ton's nephew, was Gloster, and acted better than three parts
of the comedians. Charles Fox 4, Hastings ; a little Nichols,
who spoke well, Belmour ; Lord Ofaly 6, Lord Ashbroke 6,
and other boys, did the rest— but the two girls were
delightful ; and acted with so much nature and simplicity,
that they appeared the very things they represented. Lady
Sarah was more beautiful than you can conceive, and her
very awkwardness gave an air of truth to the shame of the
part, and the antiquity of the time, which was kept up by
her dress, taken out of Montfaucon. Lady Susan was
dressed from Jane Seymour, and all the parts were clothed
in ancient habits, and with the most minute propriety.
I was infinitely more struck with the last scene between
the two women than ever I was when I have seen it on
the stage. When Lady Sarah was in white, with her hair
about her ears, and on the ground, no Magdalen by Corregio
was half so lovely and expressive. You would have been
charmed too with seeing Mr. Fox's little boy 7 of six years
Lirms731. — * Lady Sarah Lennox shire, by Sarah, daughter of first
(1745-1826), seventh daughter and Viscount Harrington; created a
eleventh child of second Duke of Baronet in 1828. He was a school-
Richmond ; m. 1. (1762) Thomas fellow and friend of Charles Fox.
Charles Bunbury, afterwards sixth 4 Charles James Fox (1749-1806),
Baronet, from whom she was di- third son of Henry Fox, afterwards
vorced in 1776 ; 2. (1782) Hon. George Lord Holland ; Lord of the Ad-
Napier. She was the object of miralty, 1770-72; Lord of the Trea-
George IITs early affection, and sury, 1772-74 ; Foreign Secretary (in
there seems no doubt that he would Bockingham ministry), March-July,
have married her but for the in- 1782 ; (in Coalition ministry) April-
fluence of his mother and Lord Bute. Dec., 1783 ; Feb.-Sept., 1806.
By her second husband she was the 5 George Fitzgerald (1748-1765),
mother of Sir Charles Napier and Lord Offaly, eldest son of twentieth
Sir William Napier. Earl of Kildare ; styled Earl of
2 Lady Susan Fox-Strangeways, Offaly after the promotion of his
eldest daughter of first Earl of father (whom he predeceased) to the
Ilchester. In 1764 she made a ran- Marquisate of Kildare. He was the
away match with William O'Brien, first consin of Charles Fox.
an actor. 6 William Flower (1744 - 1780),
3 Uvedale Price (1747-1829), son second Viscount Ashbrook.
of Robert Price, of Foxley, Hereford- 7 Henry Edward Fox (1755-1811),
C 2
20 To Sir Horace Mann [i76i
old, who is beautiful, and acted the Bishop of Ely, dressed
in lawn sleeves and with a square cap ; they had inserted
two lines for him, which he can hardly speak plainly.
Francis 8 had given them a pretty prologue. Adieu !
You give me no account from Sir Whistler of the painted
glass ; do press him for an answer. Adieu !
Yours ever,
Arlington Street, Jan. 27, 1761.
I SHOULD like Marshal Botta's1 furniture, which you
describe, if my tenure in Strawberry were as transitory
as a Florentine commander's ; but, in a castle built for
eternity, and founded in the most flourishing age of the
greatest republic now in the world, which has extended
its empire into every quarter of the globe, can I think of
a peach-coloured ground, which will fade like the bloom
on Chloe's cheek? There's a pompous paragraph! A
Grecian or a Eoman would have written it seriously, and
with even more slender pretensions. However, though
my castle is built of paper, and though our empire should
vanish as rapidly as it has advanced, I still object to peach-
colour — not only from its fading hue, but for wanting the
solemnity becoming a Gothic edifice: I must not have
a round tower dressed in a pet-en-l'air. I would as soon
put rouge and patches on a statue of St. Ethelburgh. You
must not wonder at my remembering Kinuncini's hangings
at the distance of nineteen or twenty years : my memory is
exceedingly retentive of trifles. There is no hurry : I can
fourth son of Henry Pox, afterwards Charles Fox's tutor at Eton.
Lord Holland ; entered the army in LITTER 732. — l Commander of the
1770, and became full general in troops in Tuscany for the Emperor
1808. Francia Walpole.
8 Eev. Philip Francis, who was
I76i] To Sir Horace Mann 21
wait till you send me patterns, and an account of that triple-
coloured contexture, for which, in gratitude to my memory,
I still have a hankering. Three years ago I had the ceiling
of my china-room painted, from one I had observed in the
little Borghese villa. I was hoarding ideas for a future
Strawberry even in those days of giddiness, when I seemed
to attend to nothing. The altar of the eagle is three feet
two inches and a half high, by one foot eight inches wide.
If that for the Vespasian should be a trifle larger, especially
a little higher, it would carry so large a bust better ; but
I imagine the race of altar-tombs are pretty much of the
same dimensions.
So much for myself — surely it is time to come to you.
Mr. Mackenzie, by the King's own order and thought,
was immediately named plenipotentiary. I fear you have
not exactly the same pretensions; however, as I think
services will be pretensions in this reign, the precedent
I hope will not hurt you. The Peace seems the proper
period for asking it.
I have delivered to your brother the famous pamphlet * ;
two sets of the Royal and Noble Authors for yourself and
Lady Mary Wortley; a Lucan, printed at Strawberry,
which, I trust, you will think a handsome edition; and
six of the newest-fashioned and prettiest fans I could find
— they are really genteel, though one or two have caprices
that will turn a Florentine head. They were so dear, that
I shall never tell you the price ; I was glad to begin to pay
some of the debts I owe you in commissions. All these
will depart by the first opportunity ; but the set for Lady
Mary will, I suppose, arrive too late, as her husband is
dead, and she now will probably return to England. I pity
Lady Bute8; her mother will sell to whoever does not know
8 See letter to Mann, Dec. 5, 1760. daughter of Lady Mary Wortley.
3 Mary, Countess of Bute, only Walpole.
22 To Sir Horace Mann [1761
her, all kinds of promises and reversions, bestow lies gratis
and wholesale, and make so much mischief, that they will
be forced to discard her in three months, and that will go
to my Lady Bute's heart, who is one of the best and most
sensible women in the world ; and who, educated by such
a mother, or rather with no education, has never made a
false step. Old Avidien4, the father, is dead, worth half
a million. To his son 6, on whom six hundred a year was
settled, the reversion of which he has sold, he gives 1,0001.
a year for life, but not to descend to any children he may
have by any of his many wives. To Lady Mary, in lieu
of dower, but which to be sure she will not accept, instead
of the thirds of such a fortune, 1,2001. a year ; and after her
to their son for life ; and then the 1,200Z. and the 1,0001. to
Lady Bute and to her second son6; with 2,OOOZ. to each of
her younger children ; all the rest, in present, to Lady Bute,
then to her second son, taking the name of Wortley, and in
succession to all the rest of her children, which are numerous ;
and after them to Lord Sandwich, to whom, in present, he
leaves about 4,0001. The son, you perceive, is not so well
treated by his own father as his companion Taaffe 7 is by the
French court, where he lives, and is received on the best
footing ; so near is Fort 1'^lveque to Versailles. Admiral
Forbes told me yesterday, that in one of Lady Mary's jaunts
to or from Genoa, she begged a passage of Commodore
Barnard. A storm threatening, he prepared her for it, but
assured her there was no danger. She said she was not
* Edward Wortley Montagu, bus- 6 Hon. James Stuart (d. 1818),
band of Lady Mary. Both were re- afterwards Stuart • Wortley - Mac-
markably avaricious, and are satir- kenzic.
ized by Pope in one of his Imitations 7 Theobald Taaffe, an Irish adven-
of Horace, under the names of turer, was, with his associate,
Avidien and his Wife, Walpole. Wortley Montagu, imprisoned in
6 Edward Wortley Montagu, jun., Fort I'Evdqtie at Paris, for cheating
their only son, whose adventures and robbing a person with whom
deserve better to be known than his they had gamed. Walpole,
own writings. Walpole,
I76i] To George Montagu 23
afraid, and, going into a part of the gallery not much
adapted to heroism, she wrote these lines on the side:
Mistaken seaman, mark my dauntless mind,
Who, wrecked on shore, am fearless of the wind.
On landing, this magnanimous dame desired the com-
mander to accept a ring : he wore it as a fine emerald, but
being over-persuaded to have it unset before his face, it
proved a bit of glass.
I know nothing of Stosch, and have all your letters for
him still. A fortnight Knyphausen 8 told me he was every
day expected in town.
News we have of no sort — Ireland seems to be preparing
the first we shall receive. The good Primate 9 has conjured
up a storm, in which, I believe, he will not employ the
archiepiscopal gift of exorcism. Adieu !
Arlington Street, Feb. 7, 1761.
I HAVE not written to you lately, expecting your arrival.
As you are not come yet, you need not come these ten days,
if you please, for I go next week into Norfolk, that my
subjects of Lynn may at least once in their lives see me.
Tis a horrible thing to dine with a mayor ! I shall profane
King John's cup1, and taste nothing but water out of it as if
it was St. John Baptist's.
Prepare yourself for crowds, multitudes. In this reign
all the world lives in one room. The capital is as vulgar as
a county town in the season of horse-races. There were no
fewer than four of these throngs on Tuesday last, at the
Duke of Cumberland's, Princess Emily's, the Opera, and
8 The Prussian Resident. Walpole, LETTER 733. — 1 A cup possessed by
9 Dr. Stone, Archbishop of Armagh, the Lynn Corporation.
24: To George Montagu [i?6i
Lady Northumberland's— for even operas, Tuesday's operas,
are crowded now. There is nothing else new. Last week
was a magnificent ball at Norfolk House : the two royal
Dukes and Princess Emily were there. He of York danced ;
the other and his sister had each their table at loo. I played
at hers, and am grown a favourite — nay, have been at her
private party, and was asked again last Wednesday, but took
the liberty to excuse myself — and yet am again summoned
for Thursday. It is trist enough : nobody sits till the game
begins, and then she and the company are all on stools. At
Norfolk House were two armchairs placed for her and the
Duke of Cumberland, the Duke of York being supposed a
dancer, but they would not use them. Lord Huntingdon
arrived in a frock, pretending he was just come out of the
country; unluckily, he had been at court, full-dressed, in
the morning. No foreigners were there but the son and
daughter-in-law of Monsieur de Fuentes : the Duchess told
the Duchess of Bedford that she had not invited the
ambassadress, because her rank is disputed here — you
remember the Bedford took place of Madame de Mirepoix
— but Madame de Mora danced first, the Duchess of Norfolk
saying she supposed that was of no consequence.
Have you heard what immense riches old Wortley has
left ? One million three hundred and fifty thousand pounds.
It is all to centre in my Lady Bute ; her husband is one
of fortune's prodigies. They talk of a print, in which her
mistress is reprimanding Miss Chudleigh — the latter curtseys,
and replies, ' Madame, chacun a son But.'
Have you seen a scandalous letter in print, from Miss
Ford 2 to Lord Jersey ? with the history of a boar's head —
9 Anne (1737-1824), only child of her beauty and talents for music.
Thomas Ford, Clerk of the Arraigns ; For her letter to Lord Jersey and his
m. (1762), as his third wife, Philip reply see Gent. Mag. 1761, pp. 33-31
Tbicknesse, Gainsborough's friend and 79-80.
and patron. She was celebrated for
1761] To Lady Mary Coke 25
George Selwyn calls him Meleager. Adieu ! this is positively
my last. Yours ever,
Newmarket, Feb. 12, 1761.
You would be puzzled to guess, Madam, the reflections
into which solitude and an inn have thrown me. Perhaps
you will imagine that I am regretting not being at loo at
Princess Emily's, or that I am detesting the corporation of
Lynn for dragging me from the amusements of London ;
perhaps that I am meditating what I shall say to a set of
people I never saw ; or — which would be more like me —
determining to be out of humour the whole time I am there,
and show how little I care whether they elect me again or
not. If your absolute sovereignty over me did not exclude
all jealousy, you might possibly suspect that the Duchess of
Grafton has at least as much share in my chagrin as Pam
himself. Gome nearer to the point, Madam, and conclude
I am thinking of Lady Mary Coke, but in a style much
more becoming so sentimental a lover than if I was merely
concerned for your absence. In short, Madam, I am
pitying you, actually pitying you ! how debasing a thought
for your dignity ! but hear me. I am lamenting your fate ;
that you, with all your charms and all your merit, are not
yet immortal! Is not it provoking that, with so many
admirers, and so many pretensions, you are likely to be
adored only so long as you live? Charming, in an age
when Britain is victorious in every quarter of the globe, you
are not yet enrolled in the annals of its fame ! Shall Wolfe
and Boscawen and Amherst be the talk of future ages, and
LETTER 734. — Not in G. ; reprinted from Letters and Journals of Lady
Mary Coke, vol. iii. pp. xi-xii.
26 To Lady Mary Coke [i?6i
the name of Mary Coke not be known ? 'Tis the height of
disgrace ! When was there a nation that excelled the rest
of the world whose beauties were not as celebrated as its
heroes and its orators? Thais, Aspasia, Livia, Octavia —
I beg pardon for mentioning any but the last when I am
alluding to you — are as familiar to us as Alexander, Pericles,
or Augustus ; and, except the Spartan ladies, who were
always locked up in the two pair of stairs making child-bed
linen and round-eared caps, there never were any women of
fashion in a gloriously civilized country, but who had cards
sent to invite them to the table of fame in common with
those drudges, the men, who had done the dirty work of
honour. I say nothing of Spain, where they had so true
a notion of gallantry, that they never ventured having their
brains knocked out, but with a view to the glory of their
mistress. If her name was but renowned from Segovia
to Saragossa they thought all the world knew it and were
content. Nay, Madam, if you had but been lucky enough
to be born in France a thousand years ago, that is fifty or
sixty, you would have gone down to eternity hand in hand
with Louis Quatorze ; and the sun would never have shined
on him, as it did purely for seventy years, but a ray of it
would have fallen to your share. You would have helped
him to pass the Ehine and been coupled with him at least
in a lout rime.
And what are we thinking of ? Shall we suffer posterity
to imagine that we have shed all this blood to engross the
pitiful continent of America? Did General Clive drop
from heaven only to get half as much as Wortley Montagu ?
Yet this they must suppose, unless we immediately set
about to inform them in authentic verse that your eyes and
half a dozen other pair lighted up all this blaze of glory.
I will take my death your Ladyship was one of the first
admirers of Mr. Pitt, and all the world knows that his
I76i] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 27
eloquence gave this spirit to our arms. But, unluckily,
my deposition can only be given in prose. I am neither
a hero nor a poet, and, though I am as much in love as if
I had cut a thousand throats or made ten thousand verses,
posterity will never know anything of my passion. Poets
alone are permitted to tell the real truth. Though an
historian should, with as many asseverations as Bishop
Burnet, inform mankind that the lustre of the British arms
under George II was singly and entirely owing to the
charms of Lady Mary Coke, it would not be believed —
the slightest hint of it in a stanza of Gray would carry
conviction to the end of time.
Thus, Madam, I have laid your case before you. You
may, as you have done, inspire Mr. Pitt with nobler orations
than were uttered in the House of Commons of Greece or
Rome ; you may set all the world together by the ears ; you
may send for all the cannon from Cherbourg, all the scalps
from Quebec, and for every nabob's head in the Indies ;
posterity will not be a jot the wiser, unless you give the
word of command from Berkeley Square in an ode, or you
and I meet in the groves of Sudbrook * in the midst of an
epic poem. 'Tis a vexatious thought, but your Ladyship
and this age of triumphs will be forgotten unless somebody
writes verses worthy of you both.
I am your Ladyship's
Most devoted slave,
Monday, five o'clock, Feb. 1761.
I AM a little peevish with you — I told you on Thursday
night that I had a mind to go to Strawberry on Friday
1 Near Kingston-on-Thames ; the seat of the Dowager-Duchess of Argyll,
Lady Mary Coke's mother.
28 To Sir Horace Mann [i?6i
without staying for the Qualification Bill. You said it did
not signify — No ! What if you intended to speak on it ?
Am I indifferent to hearing you ? More — am I indifferent
about acting with you ? Would not I follow you in any-
thing in the world? — This is saying no profligate thing.
Is there anything I might not follow you in ? You even
did not tell me yesterday that you had spoken. Yet I will
tell you all I have heard ; though if there was a point in
the world in which I could not wish you to succeed where
you wish yourself, perhaps it would be in having you
employed. I cannot be cool about your danger ; yet
I cannot know anything that concerns you, and keep it
from you. Charles Townshend called here just after I came
to town to-day. Among other discourse he told me of your
speaking on Friday, and that your speech was reckoned
hostile to the Duke of Newcastle. Then, talking of regi-
ments going abroad, he said, . . . 1
With regard to your reserve to me, I can easily believe
that your natural modesty made you unwilling to talk of
yourself to me. I don't suspect you of any reserve to me :
I only mention it now for an occasion of telling you, that
I don't like to have anybody think that I would not do
whatever you do. I am of no consequence : but at least
it would give me some, to act invariably with you ; and
that I shall most certainly be ever ready to do. Adieu !
Yours ever,
Arlington Street, March 3, 1761.
WELL, are not you peevish that the new reign leaves our
correspondence more languid than the old ? In all February
LETTER 735.— * So in 4to (1798) ed. of Lord Orford's Works, in which this
letter was first printed.
I76i] To Sir Horace Mann 29
not an event worth packing up and sending to you ! Neither
changes, nor honours, nor squabbles yet. Lord Bute obliges
everybody he can, and people seem extremely willing to be
obliged. Mr. Pitt is laid up with a dreadful gout in all his
limbs ; he did not sleep for fourteen nights, till one of his
eyes grew as bad as his hands or feet. He begins to mend.
Whatever mysteries or clouds there are, will probably
develop themselves as soon as the elections are over, and
the Parliament fixed, which now engrosses all conversation
and all purses ; for the expense is incredible. West Indians,
conquerors, nabobs, and admirals, attack every borough ;
there are no fewer than nine candidates at Andover. The
change in a Parliament used to be computed at between
sixty and seventy; now it is believed there will be an
hundred and fifty new members. Corruption now stands
upon its own legs — no money is issued from the Treasury ;
there are no parties, no pretence of grievances, and yet
venality is grosser than ever! The borough of Sudbury
has gone so far as to advertise for a chapman ! We have
been as victorious as the Romans, and are as corrupt :
I don't know how soon the Praetorian militia will set the
empire to sale. Sir Nathaniel Curzon1 has struck a very
novel stroke ; advertising that the Bang intended to make
him a peer ; and, therefore, recommending his brother * to
the county of Derby for the same independent principles
with himself. He takes a peerage to prove his indepen-
dence, and recommends his brother to the opposition to
prove his gratitude!
Ireland is settled for the present ; the Duke of Bedford
relinquishes it, with some emoluments, to his court. Lord
Kilciare's neutrality is rewarded with a marquisate — he has
LETTER 736. — l Created Baron Baronet, of Kedleston, Derbyshire ;
Scarsdale. Walpole. or. Baron Curzon, 1794, and Viscount
8 Assheton (1730-1820), second son Curzon, 1802. He was not elected
of Sir Nathaniel Curzon, fourth for Derby county.
30 To Sir Horace Mann [1701
been prevailed upon to retain the oldest title in Europe,
instead of Leinster, which he had a mind to take3. Lord
Temple has refused that island, very unwillingly, I believe,
or veiy fearfully ; but Mr. Pitt was positive, having nobody
else in the House of Lords — and what is such an only one !
Some who are tolerably shrewd, think this indicates more,
and that Mr. Pitt would not let Lord Temple engage in
Ireland, when he himself may be thinking of quitting in
England. Lord Halifax, I believe, will be Lord-Lieutenant.
Mr. Conway is going to Germany 4, to his great content-
ment, as his character is vindicated at last. It may show
he deserved to lose no glory, but the ensuing campaign does
not open much prospect of his gaining any.
The new peerages will soon be declared. Legge5 is not
of the number ; and yet has had an intimation to resign,
being extremely out of favour in the new court, where he
had been so well, and which he had officiously contrived to
disoblige very late in the day. Lord Barrington will be
Chancellor of the Exchequer; Charles Townshend Secretary
at War ; and Lord Talbot, who is to be an earl, and is much a
favourite, will succeed Lord Halifax in the Board of Trade fi.
Voltaire has been charmingly absurd. He who laughed
at Congreve for despising the rank of author and affecting
the gentleman, set out post for a hovel 7 he has in France,
to write from thence, and style himself Gentleman of the
Bedchamber to Lord Lyttelton, who, in his Dialogues of tlie
Dead, had called him an exile. He writes in English, and
not a sentence is tolerable English. The answer is very
civil and sensible.
3 And which he afterwards took, Halifax at the Board of Trade,
with a dukedom. Walpole. 7 Voltaire wrote from ' my castle
4 To command under Lord Granby. of Ferney in Burgundy.' For his
5 Henry Bilson Legge, Chancellor letter, and Lyttelton's reply, see
of the Exchequer. Walpole. Phillimore's Memoirs of Lyttelton,
8 Lord Sandys succeeded Lord vol. ii. pp. 666-8.
1761] To the Eev. Henry Zouch 31
There has been a droll print: her mistress8 reproving
Miss Chudleigh for her train of life. She replies, ' Madame,
chacun a son But.'
Pray, is there a print of the Cardinal of York, or any
medal of him ? If there is, do be so good to send them to
me. Adieu !
Arlington Street, March 7, 1761.
JUST what I supposed, Sir, has happened ; with your
good breeding, I did not doubt but you would give yourself
the trouble of telling me that you had received the Lucan,
and as you did not, I concluded Dodsley had neglected it :
he has in two instances. The moment they were published,
I delivered a couple to him, for you, and one for a gentle-
man in Scotland. I received no account of either, and
after examining Dodsley a fortnight ago, I learned three
days since from him, that your copy, Sir, was delivered to
Mrs. Ware, bookseller, in Fleet Street, who corresponds
with Mr. Stringer, to be sent in the first parcel ; but, says
he, as they send only once a month, it probably was not
sent away till very lately.
I am vexed, Sir, that you have waited so long for this
trifle : if you neither receive it, nor get information of it,
I will immediately convey another to you. It would be
very ungrateful in me to neglect what would give you a
moment's amusement, after your thinking so obligingly of
the painted glass for me. I shall certainly be in Yorkshire
this summer, and as I flatter myself that I shall be more
lucky in meeting you, I will then take what you shall be so
good as to bestow on me, without giving you the trouble of
sending it.
8 The Princess-Dowager. Walpole.
32 To George Montagu ' [i76i
If it were not printed in the London Chronicle, I would
transcribe for you, Sir, a very weak letter of Voltaire to
Lord Lyttelton, and the latter's answer: there is nothing
else new, but a very indifferent play, called The Jealous
Wife1, so well acted as to have succeeded greatly. Mr.
Mason, I believe, is going to publish some Elegies : I have
seen the principal one, on Lady Coventry ; it was then only
an unfinished draft.
The second and third volumes of Tristram Shandy, the
dregs of nonsense, have universally met the contempt they
deserve : genius may be exhausted ; — I see that folly's
invention may be so too.
The foundations of my gallery at Strawberry Hill are
laying. May I not flatter myself, Sir, that you will see the
whole even before it is quite complete ?
P.S. Since I wrote my letter, I have read a new play
of Voltaire's, called Tancred, and I am glad to say that it
repairs the idea of his decaying parts, which I had con-
ceived from his Peter the Great, and the letter I mentioned.
Tancred did not please at Paris, nor was I charmed with the
two first acts ; in the three last are great flashes of genius,
single lines and starts of passion of the first fire : the
woman's part is a little too Amazonian.
Arlington Street, March 13, 1761.
I CAN now tell you, with great pleasure, that your
cousin 1 is certainly named Lord-Lieutenant — I wish you joy.
You will not be sorry too to hear that your Lord North is
LETTER 737. — l A comedy by LETTER 738. — Wrongly dated in C.
George Colman, produced in 1761 at March 19.
Drury Lane. * The Earl of Halifax.
1761] To George Montagu 33
much talked of for succeeding him at the Board of Trade.
I tell you this with great composure, though to-day has been
a day of amazement. All the world is staring*, whispering,
and questioning — Lord Holderness has resigned the Seals,
and they are given to Lord Bute — which of the two Secre-
taries of State is first minister? the latter or Mr. Pitt?
Lord Holderness received the command but yesterday, at
two o'clock, till that moment thinking himself extremely
well at court — but it seems the King said he was tired
of having two Secretaries, of which one would do nothing,
and t'other could do nothing ; he would have a Secretary
who both could act and would. Pitt had as short notice of
this resolution as the sufferer, and was little better pleased.
He is something softened for the present by the offer of
Cofferer for Jemmy Grenville, which is to be ceded by the
Duke of Leeds, who returns to his old post of Justice in
Eyre, from whence Lord Sandys is to be removed, some
say to the head of the Board of Trade. Newcastle, who
enjoys this fall of Holderness, who had deserted him for
Pitt, laments over the former, but seems to have made
his terms with the new favourite — if the Bedfords have
done so too, will it surprise you ? It will me, if Pitt sub-
mits to this humiliation — if he does not, I take for granted
the Duke of Bedford will have the other Seals.
The temper with which the new reign has hitherto pro-
ceeded seems a little impeached by this sudden act, and
the Earl now stands in the direct light of a minister, if
a House of Commons should choose to cavil at him.
Lord Delawar kissed hands to-day for his earldom ; the
other new peers are to follow on Monday.
There are horrid disturbances about the militia8 in
8 Oent. Mag. 1761. Monday, March 9: for the militia. A great number of
' A terrible riot happened at Hex- pit-men, &c. having attacked a party
ham, in Northumberland, on the of the Yorkshire Militia, who were
deputy-lieutenants meeting to ballot sent for to prevent mischief, the
34 To the Countess of Suffolk [1701
Northumberland, where the mob have killed an officer
and three of the Yorkshire militia, who, in return, fired and
shot twenty-one.
Adieu ! I shall be impatient to hear some consequence
of my first paragraph.
Yours ever,
H. W.
P.S. Saturday.
I forgot to tell you that Lord Hardwicke has writ some
verses to Lord Lyttelton, upon those the latter made on
Lady Egremont 3. If I had been told that he had put on
a bag, and was gone off with Kitty Fisher, I should not
have been more astonished !
Poor Lady Gower * is dead this morning of a fever in her
lying-in : I believe the Bedfords are very sorry — for there
is a new opera this evening.
Friday night.
WE are more successful, Madam, than I could flatter my-
self we should be. Mr. Conway (and I need say no more)
has negotiated so well, that the Duke of Grafton is disposed
to bring Mr. Beauclerk l in for Thetford. It will be expected,
I believe, that Lord Vere should resign Windsor 2 in a hand-
some manner to the Duke of Cumberland. It must be your
Ladyship's part to prepare this — which I hope will be the
men were obliged to fire, which they Notes and Queries, Feb. 7, 1900.) Col-
did with such fury for near ten lated with original in Brit. Museum.
minutes, that forty-two were killed, 1 Hon. Aubrey Beauclerk (1740-
or have since died of their wounds, 1802), only son of first Baron Vere
and forty-eight were wounded.' of Hanworth, whom he succeeded
3 For Lord Lyttelton's verses, and in 1781 ; succeeded his cousin as fifth
Lord Hardwicke's addition to them, Duke of St. Albans, 1787. He was
see Ann. Reg. 1761, pp. 240-2. elected as one of the members for
4 Countess Gower was sister-in- Thetford on March 28, his colleague
law of the Duchess of Bedford. being General Conway.
LETTER 789. — Misplaced in C. (See 2 The borough of New Windsor.
I76i] To Sir Horace Mann 35
means of putting an end to these unhappy differences. My
only fear now is, lest the Duke should have promised the
Lodge : Mr. Conway writes to Lord Albemarle, who is yet
at Windsor, to prevent this, if not already done, till the
rest is ready to be notified to the Duke of Cumberland.
Your Ladyship's good sense and good heart make it unneces-
sary for me to say more.
I am your Ladyship's
Most obedient Servant,
Arlington Street, March 17, 1761.
You will have no reason to complain now that there is
a barrenness of events. Here are changes enough to amount
to a revolution, though it is all so gilded and crowned that
you can scarce meet a face that is not triumphant. On
Friday last it was notified pretty abruptly to Lord Holder-
nesse that he must quit the Seals l, which the King thought
proper to give to Lord Bute. This measure was as great
a secret as it was sudden. Mr. Pitt heard it as late as his
colleague himself. To soften, however, the disagreeableness
of his not being consulted, and whatever else might be
unpleasant to him in the measure, Mr. Pitt was acquainted
that the King bestowed the Cofferer's place on Mr. James
Grenville, and would restore the department of the West
Indies, which had been disjoined to accommodate Lord
Halifax, to the Secretary of State. As Mr. Pitt's passion
is not the disposal of places, and as he has no dependants
on whom to bestow them, this feather is not likely to make
him amends for the loss of his helmet, which it is supposed
Lord Bute intends to make useless ; and, as he has hitherto
LETTER 740. — 1 As Secretary of State for the Southern Province.
D 2
36 To Sir Horace Mann
behaved with singular moderation, it is believed that his
taking the Seals in so particular a juncture was determined
by the prospect of his being able to make a popular peace,
France having made the most pressing offers. Nothing
else, I think, could justify Lord Bute to himself for the
imprudence of this step, which renders him the responsible
minister, and exposes him to all the danger attendant
on such a situation. As Groom of the Stole, he had
all the credit of favourite without the hazard. The
world does not attribute much kindness to the Duke of
Newcastle and Lord Hardwicke, who advised him to this
Lord Halifax goes to Ireland ; Lord Sandys succeeds
him in the Board of Trade, which is reduced to its old
insignificance; and the additional thousand pounds a year
granted to Lord Halifax are turned over to the Duke of
Leeds, who is forced to quit the Cofferer's place to James
Grenville, and to return to his old post of Justice in Eyre,
which Lord Sandys had ; — but to break the fall, the Duke
is made cabinet counsellor, a rank that will soon become
indistinct from Privy Counsellor by growing as numerous.
You will ask what becomes of Lord Holdernesse;— truly,
he is no unlucky man. For a day or two he was to be
Groom of the Stole, with an addition of 1,OOOZ. a year, —
at last he has the reversion of the Cinque Ports for life,
after the Duke of Dorset, who is extremely infirm.
When you have digested all this in your head — have
you ? — I shall open a new vein of surprise, — a new favourite !
Lord Talbot is made an earl, and his son-in-law, Eice2, a
Lord of Trade; — stay, this is nothing: the new Earl is made
Lord Steward too ! To pave his way, Lord Huntingdon is
removed to Groom of the Stole, and the duke of Rutland to
8 George Rice.
I76i] To Sir Horace Mann 37
Master of the Horse j — you see great dukes are not immov-
able as rocks. The comments on this extraordinary pro-
motion are a little licentious, but, as I am not commentator
enough to wrap them up in Latin, I shall leave them to
future expounders ; and the rest of the changes, which have
less mystery, I shall reduce to a catalogue.
Legge, turned out from Chancellor of the Exchequer,
succeeded by Lord Barrington, Secretary at War; he by
Charles Townshend, Treasurer of the Chambers ; and he
by Sir Francis Dashwood, at the solicitation of Lord
Westmorland. Mr. Elliot succeeds James Grenville in the
Treasury. Lord Villiers 3 and your friend T. Pelham, Lords
of the Admiralty. Rice, John Yorke, and Sir Edm. Thomas,
Lords of Trada The new peers, Earl Talbot and Earl of
Delawar ; Mr. Spencer, Lord Viscount Spencer ; Sir Richard
Grosvenor, a Viscount or Baron, I don't know which, nor
does he, for yesterday, when he should have kissed hands,
he was gone to Newmai'ket to see the trial of a race-horse.
Dodington, Lord Melcombe ; Sir Thomas Robinson, Lord
Grantham ; Sir William Irby, Lord Boston ; Sir Nathaniel
Curzon, Lord Scarsdale ; and Lady Bute, Lady Mount-
Stuart of Wortley. This is a sensible way of giving the
English peerage to her family regularly, and approved by
all the world, both from her vast property and particular
merit, which is not at all diminished by the torrent of her
fortune. Lord Carpenter is made Earl of Tyrconnel, in
Ireland ; and a Mr. Turnour, a Lord * there. The next
shower is to rain red ribands, but those I suppose you are
in no hurry to learn.
The Parliament rises in two days. Mr. Onslow quits the
chair and the House ; George Grenville is to be Speaker 5.
» George Bossy Villiers (1785 - 1769.
1806), Viscount Villiers, succeeded * Lord Winterton. Walpole.
his father as fourth Earl of Jersey, * This did not happen.
38 To George Montagu [i76i
You will not wonder that in a scene so busy and amusing,
I should be less inquisitive about the Jesuitical war at Eome.
The truth is, I knew nothing of it, nor do we think more of
Rome here than of a squabble among the canons of Liege or
Cologne. However, I am much obliged to you for your
accounts, and beg you will repay my anecdotes with the
continuation of them. If Pasquin should reflect on any
Signora Eezzonica for recommending a major domo 6 to his
Holiness, pray send me his epigram.
Thank you for the trouble you have had about the books
on music ; I paid Stosch eight guineas for the Burgundy,
and your brother has repaid me.
If our political campaign should end here, and our German
one where it is, we still are not likely to want warfare.
The colliers in Northumberland are in open hostilities with
the militia, and in the last battle at Hexham the militia
lost an officer and three men, and the colliers one-and-
twenty. If this engagement, and a peace abroad, had
happened in the late reign, I suppose Prince Ferdinand
would have had another pension on Ireland for coming over
to quell the colliers. Adieu I
Arlington Street, March 17, 1761.
IF my last letter raised your wonder, this will not allay
it. Lord Talbot is Lord Steward ! The stone which the
builders refused is become the head-stone of the corner.
My Lady Talbot, I suppose, would have found no charms
in Cardinal Mazarin. As the Duke of Leeds was forced
to give way to Jemmy Grenville, the Duke of Rutland has
been obliged to make room for this new Earl. Lord
8 The name of the then Pope was to Lord Talbot's being Lord Steward.
Bezzonico. The major domo alludes Walpole.
I76i] To George Montagu 39
Huntingdon is Groom of the Stole, and the last Duke I have
named, Master of the Horse — the red liveries cost Lord
Huntingdon a pang. Lord Holderness has the reversion
of the Cinque Ports for life, and I think may pardon his
If you propose a fashionable assembly, you must send
cards to Lord Spencer, Lord Grosvenor, Lord Melcomb,
Lord Grantham, Lord Boston, Lord Scarsdale, Lady
Mountstewart, the Earl of Tirconnel, and Lord Wintertown.
The two last you will meet in Ireland. No joy ever
exceeded your cousin's or Dodington's. The former came
last night to Lady Hilsborough's to display his triumph.
The latter too was there, and advanced to me. I said,
' I was coming to wish you joy.' ' I concluded so,' replied
he, 'and came to receive it.' He left a good card yesterday
at Lady Harrington's, 'A very young Lord to wait on
Lady Harrington, to make her Ladyship the first offer of
himself.' I believe she will be content with the Exchequer *.
Mrs. Grey 2 has a pension of £800 a year.
Mrs Clive is at her villa for Passion week ; I have writ
to her for the box, but I don't doubt of its being gone —
but considering her alliance3, why does not Miss Eke
bespeak the play and have the stage box?
I shall smile if Mr. Bentley and Mtintz and their two
Hannahs meet at St. James's. So I see neither of them,
I care not where they are.
Lady Hinchinbrook and Lady Mansel 4 are at the points
LETTER 741. — * Lord Barrington, Stamford.
who was apparently an admirer of 3 Miss Bice's brother was married
Lady Harrington (see letter to Mon- to the only child of Earl Talbot, the
tagu of Dec. 23, 1769), had just been King's ' new favourite.'
appointed Chancellor of the Ex- 4 Lady Barbara Villiers (d. June
chequer. 11, 1761), daughter of second Earl of
2 Lucy, daughter of Sir Joseph Jersey ; m. 1. Sir William Blackett ;
Danvers, Baronet, of Swithland, 2. Bussy Mansel, fourth Baron
Leicestershire; m. (1748) Hon. John Mansel.
Grey, second son of third Earl of
40 To George Montagu [i?6i
of death. Lord Hardwicke is to be Poet-Laureate, and,
according to modern usage, I suppose it will be made a
cabinet counsellor's place. Good night !
Yours ever,
H. W.
March 21, 1761.
OF the enclosed, as you perceive, I tore off the seal, but it
has not been opened.
I grieve at the loss of your suit, and for the injustice done
you — but what can one expect but injury, when forced to
have recourse to law ? Lord Abercorn asked me this evening
if it was true that you are going to Ireland ? I gave a vague
answer, and did not resolve him how much I knew of it.
I am impatient for the reply to your compliment.
There is not a word of newer news than what I sent you
last. The Speaker1 has taken leave, and received the
highest compliments, and substantial ones too — he did not
overact, and it was really a handsome scene.
I go to my election on Tuesday, and, if I do not tumble
out of the chair and break my neck, you shall hear from
me at my return. I got the box for Miss Kice. Lady
Hinchinbrook is dead.
Yours ever,
H. W.
Houghton, March 25, 1761.
HEBE I am at Houghton ! and alone ! in this spot, where
(except two hours last month) I have not been in sixteen
years ! Think, what a crowd of reflections 1 — no, Gray, and
forty churchyards, could not furnish so many ; nay, I know
LETTER 742. — * Arthur Onslow.
I76i] To George Montagu 41
one must feel them with greater indifference than I possess,
to have patience to put them into verse. Here I am, pro-
bably for the last time of my life, though not for the last time
— every clock that strikes tells me I am an hour nearer to
yonder church — that church, into which I have not yet had
courage to enter, where lies that mother on whom I doted,
and who doted on me ! There are the two rival mistresses
of Houghton, neither of whom ever wished to enjoy it !
There too lies he who founded its greatness, to contribute to
whose fall Europe was embroiled — there he sleeps in quiet
and dignity, while his friend and his foe, rather his false
ally and real enemy, Newcastle and Bath, are exhausting
the dregs of their pitiful lives in squabbles and pamphlets !
The surprise the pictures gave me is again renewed —
accustomed for many years to see nothing but wretched
daubs and varnished copies at auctions, I look at these as
enchantment. My own description of them l seems poor —
but shall I tell you truly— the majesty of Italian ideas
almost sinks before the warm nature of Flemish colouring !
Alas ! don't I grow old ? My young imagination was fired
with Guide's ideas — must they be plump and prominent
as Abishag to warm me now ? Does great youth feel with
poetic limbs, as well as see with poetic eyes? In one
respect I am very young; I cannot satiate myself with
looking — an incident contributed to make me feel this more
strongly. A party arrived, just as I did, to see the house, a
man and three women in riding dresses, and they rode post
through the apartments — I could not hurry before them
fast enough — they were not so long in seeing for the first
time, as I could have been in one room, to examine what
I knew by heart. I remember formerly being often
diverted with this kind of seers — they come, ask what such
a room is called, in which Sir Kobert lay, write it down,
LETTER 743. — * In the Aedes Walpolianae.
42 To George Montagu [i76i
admire a lobster or a cabbage in a market-piece, dispute
whether the last room was green or purple, and then hurry
to the inn for fear the fish should be over-dressed — how
different my sensations ! not a picture here but recalls
a history ; not one, but I remember in Downing Street or
Chelsea, where queens and crowds admired them, though
seeing them as little as these travellers !
When I had drunk tea, I strolled into the garden — they
told me it was now called the pleasure-ground — what a dis-
sonant idea of pleasure — those groves, those dtte'es, where I
have passed so many charming moments, are now stripped up
or overgrown ; many fond paths I could not unravel, though
with a very exact clue in my memory — I met two game-
keepers, and a thousand hares ! In the days when all my
soul was tuned to pleasure and vivacity (and you will think,
perhaps, it is far from being out of tune yet), I hated
Houghton and its solitude — yet I loved this garden ; as
now, with many regrets, I love Houghton — Houghton,
I know not what to call it, a monument of grandeur or
ruin ! How I have wished this evening for Lord Bute !
how I could preach to him ! For myself, I do not want
to be preached to — I have long considered, how every
Balbec must wait for the chance of a Mr. Wood.
The servants wanted to lay me in the great apartment —
what, to make me pass my night as I have done my
evening ! It were like proposing to Margaret Koper to be
a duchess in the court that cut off her father's head, and
imagining it would please her. I have chosen to sit in my
father's little dressing-room, and am now by his scrutore,
where, in the height of his fortune, he used to receive the
accounts of his farmers, and deceive himself — or us, with
the thoughts of his economy — how wise a man at once,
and how weak ! For what has he built Houghton ? for his
grandson to annihilate, or for his son to mourn over ! If
I76i] To George Montagu 43
Lord Burleigh could rise and view his representative driving
the Hatfield stage, he would feel as I feel now — poor little
Strawberry ! at least it will not be stripped to pieces by a
descendant ! — You will think all these fine meditations dic-
tated by pride, not by philosophy — pray consider through
how many mediums philosophy must pass, before it is
purified —
. . . how often must it weep, how often burn!
My mind was extremely prepared for all this gloom by
parting with Mr. Conway yesterday morning — moral re-
flections on commonplaces are the livery one likes to wear,
when one has just had a real misfortune. — He is going to
Germany — I was glad to dress myself up in transitory
Houghton, in lieu of very sensible concern. To-morrow
I shall be distracted with thoughts — at least images, of
very different complexion — I go to Lynn, and am to be
elected on Friday. I shall return hither on Saturday, again
alone, to expect Burleighides * on Sunday, whom I left at
Newmarket— I must once in my life see him on his grand-
father's throne.
Epping, Monday night, thirty-first.
No, I have not seen him, he loitered on the road, and I was
kept at Lynn till yesterday morning. It is plain I never
knew for how many trades I was formed, when at this time
of day I can begin electioneering, and succeed in my new
vocation. Think of me, the subject of a mob, who was
scarce ever before in a mob ! addressing them in the town-
hall, riding at the head of two thousand people through
such a town as Lynn, dining with above two hundred of
them, amid bumpers, huzzas, songs, and tobacco, and
finishing with country dancing at a ball and sixpenny
whisk ! I have borne it all cheerfully ; nay, have sat hours
in conversation, the thing upon earth that I hate, have been
2 His nephew, the Earl of Orford.
44 To George Montagu [1701
to hear misses play on the harpsichord, and to see an
alderman's copies of Eeubens and Carlo Marat. Yet to do
the folks justice, they are sensible, and reasonable, and
civilized ; their very language is polished since I lived
among them. I attribute this to their more frequent inter-
course with the world and the capital, by the help of good
roads and postchaises, which, if they have abridged the
King's dominions, have at least tamed his subjects — well !
how comfortable it will be to-morrow, to see my perroquet,
to play at loo, and not to be obliged to talk seriously— the
Heraclitus of the beginning of this letter will be overjoyed on
finishing it to sign himself
Your old friend,
P.S. I forgot to tell you that my ancient aunt Hammond
came over to Lynn to see me — not from any affection, but
curiosity — the first thing she said to me, though we have not
met these sixteen years, was, ' Child, you have done a thing
to-day, that your father never did in all his life ; you sat as
they carried you ; he always stood the whole time.' 'Madam,'
said I, ' when I am placed in a chair, I conclude I am to sit
in it — besides, as I cannot imitate my father in great things,
I am not at all ambitious of mimicking him in little ones.' —
I am sure she proposes to tell her remark to my uncle
Horace's ghost, the instant they meet.
Arlington Street, March [April] 7, 1761.
I REJOICE, you know, in whatever rejoices you, and though
I am not certain what your situation is to be. I am glad you
LBTTKB 744. — Dated by Horace dently written in April. (See Notes
Walpole March 7, 1761, but evi- and Queries, May 12, 1900.)
I76i] To George Montagu 45
go, as you like it. I am told it is Black Rod *. Lady Anne
Jekyll2 said she had writ to you on Saturday night. I
asked when her brother was to go, if before August? she
answered, 'Yes, if possible.' Long before October you may
depend upon it ; in the quietest times no Lord-Lieutenant
ever went so late as that. Shall not you come to town
first ? You cannot pack up yourself, and all you will want,
at Greatworth.
We are in the utmost hopes of a peace ; a congress is
agreed upon at Ausbourg; but yesterday's mail brought
bad news. Prince Ferdinand has been obliged to raise the
siege of Cassel, and to retire to Paderborn ; the Hereditary
Prince having been again defeated3, with the loss of two
generals, and to the value of five thousand men, in prisoners
and exchanged. If this defers the Peace it will be grievous
news to me, now Mr. Conway is gone to the army.
The town talks of nothing but an immediate Queen ; yet
I am certain the ministers know not of it. Her picture is
come, and lists of her family given about; but the latter
I do not send you, as I believe it apocryphal. Adieu !
Yours ever,
P.S. Have you seen the advertisement of a new noble
author? A Treatise of Horsemanship, by Henry Earl of
Pembroke — as George Selwyn said of Mr. Greville *, so far
from being a writer, I thought he was scarce a courteous
1 Montagu had been appointed Halifax ; m. Joseph Jekyll. She was
Usher of the Black Bod by his Montagu's first cousin. See Table II.
cousin the Earl of Halifax, the 3 By Broglie, near Grunberg, in
newly-appointed Viceroy. Hesse.
2 Lady Anne Montagu (d. 1766), * Fnlke Greville, author of Maxims
second daughter of first Earl of and Characters.
46 To Sir Horace Mann [1761
Arlington Street, April 10, 1761.
WELL, I have received my cousin Boothby1 and the
packet. Thank you for the trouble you have given your-
self ; but, another time, I will trust my memory rather than
my taste. Einuncini's brocadella is frightful ; how could
I treasure up an idea of anything that consisted of such
a horrid assemblage as green and yellow ? Those that have
red, green, and white, are very pretty, and as soon as I can
determine the quantity I shall want, I will take the liberty
of employing you for the manufacture. The gallery advances
by large strides, and when that is complete, I shall furnish
the Bound Tower. My cousin Boothby is my cousin ; my
mother and his were first cousins ; but his, happening not
to be the most amiable person in the world, we have had so
little connection, that it was perfectly nothing at all.
If I can find an opportunity of presenting the account of
the statues, I certainly will, and in a manner not to hurt
you. Strange's information is, I believe, by no means ill-
founded, and I give up my advice. Kings, though the
representatives of Heaven, have none of its all-seeingness
inserted in their patents, and being obliged to use many
pair of eyes besides their own, no wonder if they are made
to pay for all the light they borrow. The young King has
excellent and various dispositions — just so many occasions
for being imposed upon ! Whatever a king loves, is ready
money to those who gratify his inclinations — except he
loves what his grandfather did, the money itself. I who
love the arts, like the King, have found that even I was
worth cheating.
Blessed be Providence ! we are going to have peace ; I do
LETTER 745. — * Thomas Boothby Schrimshire, Esq. Walpole.
I76i] To Sir Horace Mann 47
not regret it, though the little dabs I save would be almost
doubled if the stocks continued at low-water mark. France,
who will dictate even in humiliation, has declared to
Sweden that she must and will make peace ; that even their
Imperial Furiousnesses, Tisiphone and Alecto*, would be
Content with less perdition of the King of Prussia than they
had meditated ; and when snakes smile, who can help
hoping ? France adds, that she will even let the Peace be
made vis-a-vis du Roi de la Grande Bretagne. It is to be
treated here, and the imps of the two Empresses are to
reside at Paris, to communicate their instructions ; the
congress will be afterwards held, for form, at Augsbourg.
All Canada is offered. I don't believe we shall be intract-
able, as all Prince Ferdinand's visionary vivacities are
vanished into smoke ; his nephew is again beaten, himself
retired to Paderborn, and the siege of Cassel raised.
Luckily, the French cannot pursue their success for want
of magazines.
And so you don't think we are obliged to Mr. Pitt ? Yes,
I am sure you do. Who would have believed five years ago
that France would send to Whitehall to beg peace ? And
why would they not have believed it? Why, because
nobody foresaw that the Duke of Newcastle and Lord Hard-
wicke would not be as absolute as ever. Had they con-
tinued in power, the Duke of Newcastle would now be
treating at Paris to be Intendant of Sussex, and Sir Joseph
Yorke would be made a Prince of the Empire for signing the
cession of Hanover. 'Tis better as it is, though the City of
London should burn Mr. Pitt in effigy upon the cessation of
contracts and remittances. And so you and I are creeping
near to one another again ; we shall be quite sociable when
there is only all France betwixt us. Will you breakfast
in the Holbein chamber the first week in June ?
2 The two Empresses of Germany and Russia. Walpole.
48 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [i76i
I must announce a loss to you, though scarce a misfor-
tune, as you never saw her. Your dear brother's second
daughter s is dead of a consumption. She was a most soft-
tempered creature, like him, and consequently what he
much loved.
As the elections are now almost over, people will begin
to think of something else, or at least will consider what
they intend to think about next winter— no matter what !
Let us sheathe the sword, and fight about what we will.
Adieu !
Arlington Street, April 10, 1761.
IF Prince Ferdinand had studied how to please me,
I don't know any method he could have lighted upon so
likely to gain my heart, as being beaten out of the field
before you joined him. I delight in a hero that is driven
so far that nobody can follow him. He is as well at Pader-
born, as where I have long wished the King of Prussia, the
other world. You may frown if you please at my impru-
dence, you who are gone with all the disposition in the
world to be well with your commander ; the Peace is in
a manner made, and the anger of generals will not be worth
sixpence these ten years. We peaceable folks are now to
govern the world, and you warriors must in your turn
tremble at our subjects the mob, as we have done before
your hussars and court-martials.
I am glad you had so pleasant a passage1. My Lord
Lyttelton would say that Lady Mary Coke, like Venus,
smiled over the waves, et mare praestabat eunti. In truth,
when she could tame me, she must have had little trouble
8 Sarah, second daughter of Gal- LKTTKB 746. — J From Harwich to
fridus Mann. Helvoetsluys. Walpole.
1761] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 49
with the ocean. Tell me how many burgomasters she has
subdued, or how many would have fallen in love with her
if they had not fallen asleep ? Come, has she saved two-
pence by her charms? Have they abated a farthing of
their impositions for her being handsomer than anything in
the seven provinces? Does she know how political her
journey is thought ? Nay, my Lady Ailesbury, you are not
out of the scrape ; you are both reckoned des Marechales de
Guebriant*, going to fetch, and consequently govern the young
Queen. There are more jealousies about your voyage, than
the Duke of Newcastle would feel if Dr. Shaw had pre-
scribed a little ipecacuanha to my Lord Bute.
I am sorry I must adjourn my mirth, to give Lady
Ailesbury a pang ; poor Sir Harry Ballendene 3 is dead ;
he made a great dinner at Almack's4 for the house of
Drummond, drank very hard, caught a violent fever, and
died in a very few days. Perhaps you will have heard this
before ; I shall wish so ; I do not like, even innocently, to
be the cause of sorrow.
I do not at all lament Lord Granby's leaving the army,
and your immediate succession. There are persons in the
world who would gladly ease you of this burden. As you
are only to take the viceroyalty of a coop, and that for
a few weeks, I shall but smile if you are terribly distressed.
Don't let Lady Ailesbury proceed to Brunswick : you might
have had a wife 5 who would not have thought it so terrible
to fall into the hands (arms) of hussars ; but as I don't take
that to be your Countess's turn, leave her with the Dutch,
2 The Marechale de Gu6briant was den, Knight, Usher of the Black Bod.
sent to the King of Poland with the * Almack's (afterwards Brooks's)
character of Embassaclress by Louis Club in Pall Mall, founded by
XTTT to accompany the Princess William Almack (d, 1781), a former
Marie de Gonzague, who had been valet of the Duke of Hamilton.
married by proxy to the King of 5 The Countess of Harrington,
Poland at Paris. Walpole. with whom Conway was formerly in
8 Uncle to the Countess of Ailes- love.
bury. Walpole. — Sir Harry Bellen-
50 To Sir David Dairy mple [i761
who are not so boisterous as Cossacks or Chancellors of the
Exchequer 6.
My love, my duty, my jealousy, to Lady Mary, if she is
not sailed before you receive this — if she is, I shall deliver
them myself. Good night ! I write immediately on the
receipt of your letter, but you see I have nothing yet new
to tell you.
Yours ever,
gIB? Arlington Street, April 14, 1761.
I have deferred answering the favour of your last, till
I could tell you that I had seen Fingal. Two journeys into
Norfolk for my election, and other accidents, prevented my
seeing any part of the poem till this last week, and I have
yet only seen the first book. There are most beautiful
images in it, and it surprises one how the bard could strike
out so many shining ideas from a few so very simple objects,
as the moon, the storm, the sea, and the heath, from whence
he borrows almost all his allusions. The particularizing
of persons, by 'he said,' 'he replied,' so much objected to
Homer, is so wanted in Fingal, that it in some measure
justifies the Grecian Highlander ; I have even advised
Mr. Macpherson l (to prevent confusion) to have the names
prefixed to the speeches, as in a play. It is too obscure
without some such aid. My doubts of the genuineness are
all vanished.
I fear, Sir, from Dodsley's carelessness, you have not
6 See note on letter to Montagu of Macpherson's historical writings and
March 17, 1761. newspaper defences of Lord North's
LITTER 747. — * James Macpherson ministry made him the object of
(1736-1796), the 'editor' of Fingal, Horace Walpole's special dislike and
which had recently appeared in contempt.
London. At a subsequent period
I76i] To George Montagu 51
received the Lucan. A gentleman in Yorkshire, for whom
I consigned another copy at the same time with yours, has
got his but within this fortnight. I have the pleasure to
find that the notes are allowed the best of Dr. Bentley's
remarks on poetic authors. Lucan was muscular enough to
bear his rough hand.
Next winter I hope to be able to send you Vertue's History
of the Arts, as I have put it together from his collections.
Two volumes are finished, the first almost printed and the
third begun. There will be a fourth, I believe, relating
solely to engravers. You will be surprised, Sir, how the
industry of one man could at this late period amass so near
a complete history of our artists. I have no share in it, but
in arranging his materials. Adieu !
Arlington Street, April 16, 1761.
You are a very mule — one offers you a handsome stall and
manger in Berkeley Square, and you will not accept it
I have chosen your coat, a claret colour, to suit the com-
plexion of the country you are going to visit — but I have
fixed nothing about the lace. Barret had none of gauze, but
what were as broad as the Irish Channel. Your tailor found
a very reputable one at another place, but I would not
determine rashly ; it will be two or three-and-twenty shillings
the yard — you might have a very substantial real lace, and
that would wear like your buffet, for twenty. The second
order of gauzes are frippery, none above twelve shillings,
and those tarnished, for the species is out of fashion. You
will have time to sit in judgement upon these important
points, for Hamilton1, your secretary, told me at the
Opera two nights ago, that he had taken a house near
LETTER 748. — * William Gerard Hamilton, Chief Secretary for Ireland.
E 2
52 To George Montagu [1701
Bushy, and hoped to be in my neighbourhood for four
I was last night at your plump Countess's2, who is so
shrunk, that she does not seem to be composed of above
a dozen hassocks. Lord Guildford rejoiced mightily over
your preferment. The Duchess of Argyle was playing there,
not knowing that the great Pan was just dead, to wit, her
brother-in-law 3. He was abroad in the morning, was seized
with a palpitation after dinner, and was dead before the
surgeon could arrive — there's the crown of Scotland too
fallen upon my Lord Bute's head ! Poor Lord Edgecumbe *
is still alive, and may be so for some days ; the physicians,
who no longer ago than Friday se'nnight persisted that he
had no dropsy, in order to prevent his having Ward, on
Monday last proposed that Ward should be called in — and
at night they owned they thought the mortification begun —
it is not clear it is yet ; at times he is in his senses, and
entirely so, composed, clear, and most rational ; talks of his
death, and but yesterday, after such a conversation with his
brother, asked for a pencil to amuse himself with drawing.
What parts, genius, and agreeableness thrown away at a
hazard table, and not permitted the chance of being saved
by the villainy of physicians !
You will be pleased with the following anacreontic,
written by Lord Middlesex upon Sir Harry Ballendine — I
have not seen anything so antique for ages ; it has all the
fire, poetry, and simplicity of Horace.
Ye sons of Bacchus, come and join
In solemn dirge, while tapers shine
Around the grape-embossed shrine
Of honest Harry Bellendine.
8 The Countess of Bockingham, of Argyll
Lord Guilford's third wife. * Richard Edgcumbe, second Baron
3 Archibald Campbell, third Duke Edgcumbe.
1761] To George Montagu 53
Pour the rich juice of Bourdeaux's wine,
Mix'd with your falling tears of brine,
In full libation o'er the shrine
Of honest Harry Bellendine.
Your brows let ivy chaplets twine,
While you push round the sparkling wine,
And let your table be the shrine
Of honest Harry Bellendine.
He died in his vocation, of a high fever, after the celebra-
tion of some orgies. Though but six hours in his senses, he
gave a proof of his usual good humour, making it his last
request to the sister Tuftons 6 to be reconciled — which they
are. His pretty villa, in my neighbourhood, I fancy he has
left to the new Lord Lorn 6. I must tell you an admirable
bon mot of George Selwyn, though not a new one; when
there was a malicious report that the eldest Tufton was to
marry Dr. Duncan, Selwyn said, ' How often will she repeat
that line of Shakespear,
Wake Duncan with thy knocking — would th,ou couldst ! '
I enclose the receipt from your lawyer. Adieu !
Yours ever,
Arlington Street, April 28, 1761.
I AM glad you relish June for Strawberry. By that tune
I hope the weather will have recovered its temper. At
present it is horridly cross and uncomfortable ; I fear we
6 The Ladies Mary and Charlotte 6 General John Campbell, brother
Tnfton, daughters of seventh Earl of the Countess of Ailesbury. He
of Thanet. Lady Mary m. (1768) had become Marquis of Lome in
Dr., afterwards Sir William, Duncan, consequence of his father's succes-
and died in 1806. Lady Charlotte sion to the Dukedom of Argyll,
died unmarried, 1803.
54 To George Montagu [I?GI
shall have a cold season ; we cannot eat our summer and
have our summer.
There has been a terrible fire in the little traverse street,
at the upper end of Sackville Street. Last Friday night l
between eleven and twelve, I was sitting with Lord Digby 2
in the coffee-room at Arthur's. They told us there was a
great fire somewhere about Burlington Gardens. I, who am
as constant at a fire as George Selwyn at an execution, pro-
posed to Lord Digby to go and see where it was. We found
it within two doors of that pretty house of Fairfax, now
General Waldegrave's. I sent for the latter, who was at
Arthur's ; and for the guard from St. James's. Four houses
were in flames before they could find a drop of water ; eight
were burnt. I went to my Lady Suffolk, in Saville Eow,
and passed the whole night, till three in the morning,
between her little hot bedchamber and the spot, up to my
ankles in water, without catching cold. As the wind, which
had sat towards Swallow Street, changed in the middle of
the conflagration, I concluded the greatest part of Saville
Row would be consumed. I persuaded her to prepare to
transport her most valuable effects— -joortantur avari Pyg-
malionis opes miserae. She behaved with great composure,
and observed to me herself how much worse her deafness
grew with the alarm. Half the people of fashion in town
were in the streets all night, as it happened in such a quarter
of distinction. In the crowd, looking on with great tran-
quillity, I saw a Mr. Jackson, an Irish gentleman, with whom
I had dined this winter at Lord Hertford's. He seemed
rather grave — I said, 'Sir, I hope you don't live anywhere
hereabouts.' — 'Yes, Sir,' said he, 'I lodged in that house
that is just burnt.'
LETTKS 749. — 1 Friday, April 24. houses were burnt.
The fire broke out in some stables at 2 Henry Digby (1731-1793), seventh
the back of Swallow Street ; fourteen Baron Digby ; cr. Earl Digby, 1790.
I76i] To George Montagu 55
Last night there was a mighty ball at Bedford House ; the
royal Dukes and Princess Emily were there ; your Lord-
Lieut[en]ant, the great lawyer-lords, and old Newcastle,
whose teeth are tumbled out, and his mouth tumbled in ;
hazard very deep ; loo, beauties, and the Wilton Bridge in
sugar, almost as big as the life. I am glad all these joys are
near going out of town. The Graftons go abroad for the
Duchess's health. Another climate may mend that — I will
not answer for more. Adieu I
Yours ever,
H. W.
Arlington Street, May 5, 1761.
WE have lost a young genius, Sir William Williams * ; an
express from Belleisle, arrived this morning, brings nothing
but his death. He was shot very unnecessarily, riding too
near a battery : in sum, he is a sacrifice to his own rashness
— and to ours— for what are we taking Belleisle 2 ? I rejoiced
at the little loss we had on landing — for the glory, I leave it
[to] the Common Council. I am very willing to leave London
to them too, and do pass half the week at Strawberry, where
my two passions, lilacs and nightingales, are in full bloom.
I spent Sunday as if it was Apollo's birthday ; Gray and
Mason were with me, and we listened to the nightingales
till one o'clock in the morning. Gray has translated two
noble incantations3 from the Lord knows who, a Danish
Gray, who lived the Lord knows when. They are to be
LETTER 750, — 1 Sir William Peere son and Commodore Keppel) effected
Williams, fourth Baronet, M.P. for a landing on Belleisle on April 25,
Shoreh am, and captain in Burgoyne's and finally took possession of the
Dragoons. At the request of his island on June 7.
friend, Frederick Montagu, Gray 3 The Fatal Sisters and The Descent
wrote an epitaph on Will Jams. of Odin, paraphrases from the Ico-
2 After a repulse on April 8, the landic.
English forces (under General Hodg-
56 To George Montagu [i76i
enchased in a history of English bards, which Mason and
he are writing, but of which the former has not writ a word
yet, and of which the latter, if he rides Pegasus at his usual
foot-pace, will finish the first page two years hence. But
the true frantic oestnis resides at present with Mr. Hogarth ;
I went t'other morning to see a portrait he is painting of
Mr. Fox — Hogarth told me he had promised, if Mr. Fox
would sit as he liked, to make as good a picture as Vandyke
or Eubens could. I was silent — ' Why now,' said he, ' you
think this very vain, but why should not one speak truth ? '
This truth was uttered in the face of his own Sigismonda,
which is exactly a maudlin whore, tearing off the trinkets
that her keeper had given her, to fling at his head. She
has her father's picture in a bracelet on her arm, and her
fingers are bloody with the heart, as if she had just bought
a sheep's pluck in St. James's Market. As I was going,
Hogarth put on a very grave face, and said, ' Mr. Walpole,
I want to speak to you.' I sat down, and said I was ready
to receive his commands. For shortness, I will mark this
wonderful dialogue by initial letters.
H. I am told you are going to entertain the town with
something in our way. W. Not very soon, Mr. Hogarth.
H. I wish you would let me have it, to correct ; I should
be sorry to have you expose yourself to censure. We
painters must know more of those things than other people.
W. Do you think nobody understands painting but painters ?
H. Oh ! so far from it, there's Keynolds, who certainly has
genius ; why, but t'other day he offered £100 for a picture
that I would not hang in my cellar; and indeed, to say
truth, I have generally found that persons who had studied
painting least were the best judges of it — but what I parti-
cularly wanted to say to you was about Sir James Thornhill *
(you know he married Sir James's daughter) : I would not
4 Sir James ThornhiU, Knight (1675-1734), Sergeant-Fainter to George I.
I76i] To George Montagu 57
have you say anything against him ; there was a book pub-
lished some time ago, abusing him, and it gave great
offence — he was the first that attempted history in England,
and, I assure you, some Germans have said that he was a
very great painter. W. My work will go no lower than
the year 1700, and I really have not considered whether
Sir J. Thornhill will come within my plan or not ; if he
does, I fear you and I shall not agree upon his merits.
H. I wish you would let me correct it — besides, I am writing
something of the same kind myself ; I should be sorry we
should clash. W. I believe it is not much known what my
work is ; very few persons have seen it. H. Why, it is
a critical history of painting, is not it ? W. No, it is an
antiquarian history of it in England ; I bought Mr. Vertue's
MSS., and I believe the work will not give much offence.
Besides, if it does, I cannot help it : when I publish any-
thing, I give it to the world to think of it as they please.
H. Oh! if it is an antiquarian work, we shall not clash.
Mine is a critical work ; I don't know whether I shall ever
publish it — it is rather an apology for painters — I think it
owing to the good sense of the English that they have not
painted better. W. My dear Mr. Hogarth, I must take my
leave of you, you now grow too wild — and I left him. — If
I had stayed, there remained nothing but for him to bite
me. I give you my honour this conversation is literal, and,
perhaps, as long as you have known Englishmen and
painters, you never met with anything so distracted. I had
consecrated a line to his genius (I mean, for wit) in my
Preface ; I shall not erase it ; but I hope nobody will ask
me if he was not mad. Adieu !
Yours ever,
H. W.
58 To Sir Horace Mann [1761
Strawberry Hill, May 14, 1761.
FROM your silence. I began to fear you was ill ; but
yesterday I received yours of the 25th of last month, with
the account of your absence at Pisa. The little convulsions
which surprised you so much in my letter of March 17th,
subsided the moment they were settled ; and if any factions
design to form themselves, they will at least not bespeak
their colours till next session of Parliament, or till the
Peace. The latter is the present object, and the stocks at
least give credit to the professions of France. The im-
pertinent Bussy (who, I believe, will be a little more humble
than formerly) is coming, exchanged with Mr. Stanley, — but
with all the impatience of France to treat, they modestly
proposed that Bussy1 should come in the man-of-war that
carried Stanley 2. This was flatly refused ; and an Irish
arrangement is made ; the one is to be at Dover, the other
at Calais, on the 22nd, and if the same wind can blow
contrary ways at once, they will sail at the same moment ;
if it cannot, I am persuaded the French weathercocks will
not blow east till ours have been four-and-twenty hours in
the west. I am not among the credulous, not conceiving
why the court of Versailles should desire a peace at the
beginning of a campaign, when they will have so much
more in bank to treat with at the end of it. They will
have Hesse and Hanover ; shall we have the rock of
Belleisle? That expedition engrosses as much attention
as the Peace. Though I have no particular friends there,
I tremble every day in expectation of bloody journals,
LETTER 751. — 1 The Abb6 de Bnsay : for a neutrality for Hanover. Wai-
he had been very insolent, even to pole.
the King, in a former negotiation - Hans Stanley, Esq. Walpole.
To Sir Horace Mann 59
whether successful or disadvantageous. Sir William Williams,
a young man much talked of, from his exceeding ambition,
enterprising spirit, and some parts in Parliament, is already
fallen there ; and even he was too great a price for such
a trumpery island — we have dozens as good in the north of
Scotland, and of as much consequence. For the Empress
Queen, she has marked her Christian disposition to peace
sufficiently, by forbidding her Knights of Malta to assist
their religion, lest it should offend the Turk, and take her
off from pursuing the King of Prussia.
Your friend, Lord Huntingdon, is safe — at least till some
new court earthquake. To Mr. Dodington you ask what
you shall say ? Nothing : but to my Lord Melcombe address
as many lords and lordships as you please, and you cannot
err : he is as fond of his title as his child could be, if he had
one. Another of your friends, Lord Northampton, is named
to return the compliment to Venice s.
I rejoice that you have got Mr. Pitt 4 ; make him a thousand
speeches from me, and tell him how much I say you witt
like one another. You will be happy too in Sir Kichard
Lyttelton and his Duchess 5 ; they are the best humoured
people in the world. I promised you another Duchess, the
famous beauty Duchess, she of Hamilton, but she is returning
to England. In her room I announce her Grace of Grafton 6,
a passion of mine — not a regular beauty, but one of the
finest women you ever saw, and with more dignity and
address. She is one of our first great ladies. She goes
first to Genoa — an odd place for her health, but she is not
very bad. The Duke goes with her, and as it is not much
3 Lord Northampton had been ap- first Lord Lyttelton. Walpole.
pointed Ambassador to Venice. 6 Anne Liddel, only child of Lord
* Thomas Pitt, of Boconnock. Wai- Bavensworth, was first married to
pole. Augustus Henry, Duke of Grafton,
8 Rachel, Duchess Dowager of and, being divorced from him,
Bridgwater, married to her second secondly, to John Fitzpatrick, second
husband, Richard, brother of George, Earl of Upper Ossory. Walpole.
60 To George Montagu [1761
from inclination that she goes, perhaps they will not agree
whither they shall go next. He is a man of strict honour,
and does not want sense, nor good-breeding ; but is not
particularly familiar, nor particularly good-humoured, nor
at all particularly generous.
I sent your proposal to Dr. Dalton ; the answer was, he
was in Holland, but was expected in a week — neither the
week nor he are arrived yet.
As we have a rage at present for burlettas, I wish you
would send me the music of your present one, which
you say is so charming. If pleasures can tempt people
to stay in town, there will be a harvest all summer;
operas at the little theatre in the Haymarket, and plays
at Drury Lane.
I have lost one of the oldest friends I had in the world,
Lord Edgecumbe ; a martyr to gaming : with every quality
to make himself agreeable, he did nothing but make himself
miserable. I feel the loss much, though long expected ; and
it is the more sensible here, where I saw most of him. My
towers rise, my galleries and cloisters extend — for what?
For me to leave, or to inhabit by myself, when I have
survived my friends ! Yet, with these ungrateful reflections,
how I wish once to see you here ! And of what should we
most talk ? — of a dear friend we have both, alas ! survived.
Gal served me to talk to of you — now I can only talk to you
of him ! But I will not — I love to communicate my satisfac-
tions— my melancholy I generally shut up in my own breast !
Adieu !
Strawberry Hill, May 14, 1761.
As I am here, and know nothing of our poor heroes at
Belleisle, who are combating rocks, mines, famine, and
Mr. Pitt's obstinacy, I will send you the victory of a
17G1] To George Montagu 61
heroine — but must preface it with an apology, as it was
gained over a sort of relation of yours. Jemmy Lumley l
last week had a party of whisk at his own house; the
combatants, Lucy Southwell2, that curtseys like a bear,
Mrs. Prujean, and a Mrs. Mackinsy. They played from
six in the evening till twelve next day; Jemmy never
winning one rubber, and rising a loser of two thousand
pound. How it happened I know not, nor why his suspicions
arrived so late, but he fancied himself cheated, and refused
to pay. However, the bear had no share in his evil surmises.
On the contrary, a day or two afterwards, he promised
a dinner at Hampstead to Lucy and her virtuous sister3.
As he went to the rendezvous his chaise was stopped by
somebody, who advised him not to proceed. Yet no whit
daunted, he advanced. In the garden he found the gentle
conqueress, Mrs. Mackinsy, who accosted him in the most
friendly manner. After a few compliments, she asked him
if he did not intend to pay her — 'No, indeed I shan't,
I shan't ; your servant, your servant.' — ' Shan't you ? ' said
the fair virago — and taking a horsewhip from beneath her
hoop, she fell upon him with as much vehemence as the
Empress-Queen would upon the King of Prussia, if she
could catch him alone in the garden at Hampstead — Jemmy
cried out murder ; his servants rushed in, rescued him from
the jaws of the lioness, and carried him off in his chaise to
town. The Southwells, who were already arrived, and
descended on the noise of the fray, finding nobody to pay
for the dinner, and fearing they must, set out for London
too, without it, though I suppose they had prepared tin
pockets to carry off all that should be left. Mrs. Mackinsy
is immortal, and in the Crown Office.
LETTKE 752. — * Hon. James Lum- 2 Hon. Lucy Southwell, second
ley, son of first Earl of Scarborough ; daughter of first Baron Southwell,
his sister married the Earl of Halifax, s Hon. Frances Southwell.
Montagu's uncle.
62 To George Montagu [JTGI
I can tell you two more quarrels, that have not ended
quite so bloodily. Long Herbert has lately made some
alterations to his house in Berkeley Square : the workmen
overturned three stone posts. Lady Mary Coke's servants
disputed with his for the property, and she herself sent him
a message about them. . . .*
The last battle in my military journal happened between
the mother of the last-mentioned dame and Lord Vere. The
Duchess, who always talks of puss and pug, and who, having
lost her memory, forgets how often she tells the same story,
had tired the company at Dorset House with the repetition of
this narration ; when the Duke's spaniel reached up into her
lap, and placed his nose as critically . . .6 'See,' said she,
'see, how fond all creatures are of me.' Lord Vere, who
was at cards, and could not attend to them from her
gossipping, said peevishly, without turning round or seeing
where the dog was, 'I suppose he smells puss.' — 'What!'
said the Duchess of Argyle, in a passion, ' do you think my
puss stinks ? ' — I believe you have not three better stories
in Northamptonshire.
Don't imagine that my gallery will be prance-about-irnible,
as you expect, by the beginning of June ; I do not propose
to finish it till next year — but you will see some glimpse of
it — and for the rest of Strawberry, it never was more
beautiful. You must now begin to fix your motions : I go
to Lord Dacre's the end of this month, and to Lord
Ilchester's the end of the next — between those periods
I expect you.
Saturday morning, Arl. Street.
I came to town yesterday for a party at Bedford House,
made for Princess Emily ; the garden was open, with French
horns and clarionets, and would have been charming with
one single zephyr that had not come from the north-east —
* Passage omitted. 8 Passage omitted.
1761] To George Montagu 63
however, the young ladies found it delightful. There was
limited loo for the Princess, unlimited for the Duchess of
Grafton, to whom I belonged, a table of quinze, and another
of quadrille. The Princess had heard of our having cold
meat upon the loo-table, and would have some. A table
was brought in, she was served so, others rose by turns and
went to the cold meat ; in the outward room were four little
tables for the rest of the company. Think, if George the
Second could have risen and seen his daughter supping pell-
mell with men, as it were in a booth ! The tables were
removed, the young people began to dance to a tabor and
pipe ; the Princess sat down again, but to unlimited loo, we
played till three, and I won enough to help on the gallery.
I am going back to it, to give my nieces and their lords
a dinner.
We were told there was a great victory come from Pondi-
cherry6, but it came from too far to divert us from liking
our party better. Poor George Monson7 has lost his leg
there. You know that Sir W. Williams has made Fred
Montagu heir to his debts. Adieu !
Yours ever,
H. W.
6 Oent. Mag. 1761. 'Friday, May sary of life. Other accounts say,
15. Advice was received over land that the siege was obliged to be
by the way of Bassora from the East raised on account of the monsoons,
Indies, that the garrison of Pon- but was to be resumed in Jan. (last).'
dicherry had made a vigorous sally, Pondicherry surrendered to the Eng-
but were repulsed with great loss, lish under Colonel (afterwards Sir
and that, on our side, Col. Monson Eyre) Coote and Admiral Stevens on
had one of his legs shot off by Jan. 15, 1761.
a cannon ball This account came 7 Colonel (afterwards Lieutenant-
by the Groine mail, and adds, that General) Hon. George Monson (1730-
the English expected soon to be 1776), third son of first Baron Mon-
masters of the place, as they had son, afterwards well known as an
learned by the prisoners that the opponent of Warren Hastings,
garrison was in want of every neces-
64 To Lady Mary Coke [1701
DEAR MADAM, Strawberry Hill, June 3, 1761.
I will renounce my new vocation if my zeal hath eaten
you up. I intended to laugh you out of danger, but I resign
all the honour that has attended my preaching, if I have
given you an uneasy moment or a disagreeable thought.
You answer me too seriously upon the foot of looks ; I wish
I could always justify myself as well as I can on this
chapter ! Did ever any man tell a very pretty woman that
she looked ill, but when it was in her power to look well,
or when she was sure of looking well immediately ? It is
brutal — a behaviour I think your Ladyship cannot suspect
me of — to tell a woman her beauty is gone ; it is kind to
warn her to preserve it, or to take care to recover it when it
is clouded by sickness. I don't love to put myself too much
in your power, but how are you sure that I was not jealous
lest anybody should look better than you at the Birthday?
I knew you would not borrow any bloom, I knew a little
time would restore it ; it is for the honour of my passion
that you should never be seen without being admired, and
it imported to my glory that Lady Mary Coke should rather
be missed at the first Birthday of the King, than that
a charm of hers should be missing. But I had a better
reason than all these ; I was seriously afraid of your hurting
yourself, and my having staggered your resolution proves to
me, that if our divines make no more converts, it is because
they do not feel what they preach *. I was eloquent because
I spoke from my heart.
I propose to be in town on Friday, and shall be happy to
receive your commands for a visit from Strawberry — if Straw-
LETTKR 768. — Not in C. ; reprinted to dissuade Lady Mary Coke from
from Letters and Journals of Lady going to the King's Birthday, as she
Mary Coke, vol. iii. pp. xiv-xv. had lately been ill." (Horace Walpole,
1 ' May 30. Wrote a mock sermon Short Notts of my Life.)
I76i] To the Countess of Ailesbury 65
berry is not drowned. I have scarce been able to stir out of
the house since Monday morning ; my workmen are all at
a stand, and the deluge seems to be arrived before my ark
is half ready. Adieu ! Madam.
Your most faithful
Humble servant,
Strawberry Hill, June 13, 1761.
I NEVER ate such good snuff, nor smelt such delightful
bonbons, as your Ladyship has sent me. Every time you
rob the Duke's dessert, does it cost you a pretty snuff-box ?
Do the pastors at the Hague * enjoin such expensive retribu-
tions? If a man steals a kiss there, I suppose he does
penance in a sheet of Brussels lace. The comical part is,
that you own the theft, and send it me, but say nothing of
the vehicle of your repentance. In short, Madam, the box
is the prettiest thing I ever saw, and I give you a thousand
thanks for it.
When you comfort yourself about the operas, you don't
know what you have lost ; nay, nor I neither ; for I was
here, concluding that a serenata for a Birthday would be as
dull and as vulgar as those festivities generally are: but
I hear of nothing but the enchantment of it. There was
a second orchestra in the footman's gallery, disguised by
clouds, and filled with the music of the King's chapel. The
choristers behaved like angels, and the harmony between
the two bands was in the most exact time. Elisi piqued
himself, and beat both heaven and earth. The joys of the
year do not end there. The under-actors open at Drury Lane
to-night with a new comedy by Murphy, called All in the
LKTTKK 754. — 1 Lady Ailesbury re- Conway was with the army during
mained at the Hague while Mr. the campaign of 1761. Berry.
66 To the Countess of Ailesbury [i76i
Wrong. At Kanelagh, all is fireworks and sky-rockets. The
Birthday exceeded the splendour of Haroun Alraschid and
the Arabian Nights, when people had nothing to do but to
scour a lantern and send a genie for a hamper of diamonds
and rubies. Do you remember one of those stories 2, where
a prince has eight statues of diamonds, which he overlooks,
because he fancies he wants a ninth ; and to his great
surprise the ninth proves to be pure flesh and blood, which
he never thought of ? Somehow or other, Lady Sarah is the
ninth statue ; and, you will allow, has better white and red
than if she was made of pearls and rubies. Oh ! I forgot,
I was telling you of the Birthday: my Lord P had
drunk the King's health so often at dinner, that at the ball
he took Mrs. for a beautiful woman, and, as she says,
' made an improper use of his hands.' The proper use of
hers, she thought, was to give him a box on the ear, though
within the verge of the court. He returned it by a push,
and she tumbled off the end of the bench ; which his
Majesty has accepted as sufficient punishment, and she is
not to lose her right hand s.
I enclose the list your Ladyship desired : you will see that
the plurality of Worlds are Moore's4, and of some I do not
know the authors. There is a late edition with these names
to them.
My Duchess5 was to set out this morning. I saw her
for the last time the day before yesterday at Lady Kildare's :
never was a journey less a party of pleasure. She was so
melancholy, that all Miss Pelham's oddness and my spirits
could scarce make her smile. Towards the end of the
a The story of King Zeyn Alasnam. 1757. A collected edition of the
3 The old punishment for giving papers appeared in that year, and
a blow in the King's presence. Berry, another in 1761. The mention of
4 Edward Moore, author of sixty- the plurality of Worlds is an allusion
one out of the two hundred and ten to Fontenelle's Entretiens de la Plura-
papera of the periodical called The lite des Mondes.
World, which ceased to appear in 8 The Duchess of Grafton.
I76i] To ike Countess of Ailesbury 67
night, and that was three in the morning, I did divert
her a little. I slipped Pam into her lap, and then taxed her
with having it there. She was quite confounded ; but
taking it up, saw he had a telescope in his hand, which
I had drawn, and that the card, which was split, and just
waxed together, contained these lines :
Ye simple astronomers, lay by your glasses;
The transit of Venus6 has proved you all asses:
Your telescopes signify nothing to scan it ;
'Tis not meant in the clouds, 'tis not meant of a planet :
The seer who foretold it mistook or deceives us,
For Venus's transit is when Grafton leaves us.
I don't send your Ladyship these verses as good, but to show
you that all gallantry does not centre at the Hague.
I wish I could tell you that Stanley and Bussy, by
crossing over and figuring in, had forwarded the Peace. It
is no more made than Belleisle is taken. However, I flatter
myself that you will not stay abroad till you return for the
Coronation, which is ordered for the beginning of October.
I don't care to tell you how lovely the season is ; how my
acacias are powdered with flowers, and my hay just in its
picturesque moment. Do they ever make any other hay
in Holland than bulrushes in ditches ? My new buildings
rise so swiftly, that I shall not have a shilling left, so far
from giving commissions on Amsterdam. When I have
made my house so big that I don't know what to do with it,
and am entirely undone, I propose, like King Pyrrhus 7, who
took such a roundabout way to a bowl of punch, to sit down
and enjoy myself ; but with this difference, that it is better
6 The transit of Venus took place should have conquered the world,
on June 6, 1761. replied that he proposed to pass his
7 A reference to an anecdote re- time in feasting and pleasure ; where-
lated by Plutarch in his Life of upon Cineas asked Pyrrhus why he
Pyrrhus, King of Epirus. Pyrrhus, did not take his ease at once, instead
when asked by his friend Cineas of first undergoing the toils and
what he intended to do when he perils of war ?
F 2
68 To George Montagu [ITGI
to ruin one's self than all the world. I am sure you would
think as I do, though Pyrrhus were King of Prussia. I long
to have you bring back the only hero8 that ever I could
endure. Adieu, Madam ! I sent you just such another piece
of tittle-tattle as this by General Waldegrave : you are very
partial to me, or very fond of knowing everything that
passes in your own country, if you can be amused so. If
you can, 'tis surely my duty to divert you, though at the
expense of my character ; for I own I am Ashamed when
I look back and see four sides of paper scribbled over with
nothings. Your Ladyship's most faithful servant,
Strawberry Hill, June 18, 1761.
I AM glad you will come on Monday, and hope you will
arrive in a rainbow and pair, to signify that we are not to
be totally drowned. It has rained incessantly, and floated
all my new works ; I seem rather to be building a pond
than a gallery. My farm too is all under water, and what
is vexatious, if Sunday had not thrust itself between, I could
have got in my hay on Monday. As the parsons will let
nobody else make hay on Sundays, I think they ought to
make it on that day themselves.
By the papers I see Mrs. Trevor Hampden 1 is dead of the
smallpox. Will he be much concerned ?
If you stay with me a fortnight or three weeks, perhaps
I may be able to carry you to a play of Mr. Bentley's — you
stare — but I am in earnest — nay, and de par le roy. In
short, here is the history of it. You know the passion he
8 Her husband, General Conway. (1706-1783), third son of first Baron
LETTER 755. — * Constantly, daugh- Trevor. He took the name of Hamp-
ter of Peter Antony de Huybert, den in 1754 ; succeeded his brother
Lord of Van-Kruyningen in Hoi- as fourth Baron Trevor, 1764 ; and
land; m. (1743) Hon. Robert Trevor was created Viscount Hampden, 17 76.
1761] To George Montagu 69
always had for the Italian comedy. About two years ago
he writ one, intending to get it offered to Kich — but without
his name. — He would have died to be supposed an author,
and writing for gain. I kept this a most inviolable secret.
Judge then of my surprise, when about a fortnight or three
weeks ago, I found my Lord Melcomb reading this very
Bentleiad in a circle at my Lady Hervey's. Cumberland 2
had carried it to him with a recommendatory copy of verses,
containing more incense to the King, and my Lord Bute,
than the Magi brought in their portmanteaus to Jerusalem.
The idols were propitious, and to do them justice, there is
a great deal of wit in the piece, which is called The Wishes,
or Harlequin's Mouth Opened. A bank-note of 200Z. was sent
from the Treasury to the author, and the play ordered to be
performed by the summer company. Foote was summoned
to Lord Melcomb's, where Parnassus, was composed of the
peer himself, who, like Apollo, as I am going to tell you,
was dozing, the two chief justices, and Lord Bute. Bubo8 read
the play himself, ' with handkerchief and orange by his side.'
But the curious part is a prologue, which I never saw. It
represents the god of verse fast asleep by the side of Helicon.
The race of modern bards try to wake him, but the more
they repeat their works, the louder he snores. At last 'Ruin
seize thee, ruthless King,' is heard, and the god starts from his
trance. This is a good thought, but will offend the bards
so much, that I think Dr. Bentley's son will be abused at
least as much as his father was. The prologue concludes
with young Augustus, and how much he excels the ancient
one by the choice of his friend. Foote refused to act this
prologue, and said it was too strong. 'Indeed,' said
Augustus's friend, 'I think it is.' They have softened it
8 Richard Cumberland (1782-181 1), called ' Bubo ' by Pope in the Prologue
dramatist, nephew of Richard Bent- to the Satires, from which (line 228)
ley the younger. the quotation in the next line is
3 Bubb Dodington, Lord Melcombe, taken.
70 To George Montagu [i?6i
a little, and I suppose it will be performed. You may
depend upon the truth of all this ; but what is much more
credible is, that the comely young author appears every night
in the Mall in a milk-white coat with a blue cape, disclaims
any benefit, and says he has done with the play now it is
out of his own hands, and that Mrs. Hannah Clio, alias
Bentley, writ the best scenes in it. He is going to write
a tragedy, and she, I suppose, is going — to court.
You will smile when I tell you that t'other day a party
went to Westminster Abbey, and among the rest saw the
ragged regiment 4. They inquired the names of the figures.
' I don't know them,' said the man, ' but if Mr. Walpole was
here he could tell you every one.'
Adieu ! I expect Mr. John and you with impatience.
Yours ever, H. W.
Strawberry Hill, July 5, 1761.
You are a pretty sort of a person to come to one's house
and get sick, only to have an excuse for not returning to it.
Your departure is so abrupt, that I don't know but I may
expect to find that Mrs. Jane Truebridge, whom you com-
mend so much, and call Mrs. Mary, will prove Mrs. Hannah.
Mrs. Clive is still more disappointed ; she had proposed to
play at quadrille with you from dinner to supper, and to
sing old Purcell to you from supper to breakfast next
morning. If you cannot trust yourself from Greatworth
for a whole fortnight, how will you do in Ireland for six
months ? Kemember all my preachments, and never be in
spirits at supper. Seriously I am sorry you are out of order,
but am alarmed for you at Dublin, and though all the bench
of bishops should quaver Purcell's hymns, don't let them
warble you into a pint of wine — I wish you was going
* The wax effigies formerly carried in funeral processions.
1761] To the Earl of Straffbrd 71
among Catholic prelates, who would deny you the cup.
Think of me and resist temptation. Adieu !
Yours ever,
H. W.
MY DEAR LORD, Strawberry Hill, July 5, 1761.
1 cannot live at Twickenham and not think of you:
I have long wanted to write, and had nothing to tell you.
My Lady Denbigh seems to have lost her sting ; she has
neither blown up a house nor a quarrel since you departed.
Her wall, contiguous to you, is built, but so precipitate and
slanting, that it seems hurrying to take water. I hear she
grows sick of her undertakings. We have been ruined by
deluges ; all the country was under water. Lord Holder-
nesse's new fosse 1 was beaten in for several yards : this
tempest was a little beyond the dew of Hermon, that fell on
the HUl of Sion. I have been in still more danger by
water : my parroquet was on my shoulder as I was feeding
my gold-fish, and flew into the middle of the pond : I was
very near being the Nouvelle Eloi'se 2, and tumbling in after
him ; but with much ado I ferried him out with my hat.
Lord Edgecumbe has had a fit of apoplexy ; your brother
Charles 8 a bad return of his old complaint ; and Lord
Melcombe has tumbled down the kitchen stairs, and — waked
London is a desert ; no soul in it but the King. Bussy
has taken a temporary house. The world talks of peace —
would I could believe it! every newspaper frightens me:
Mr. Conway would be very angry if he knew how I dread
the very name of the Prince de Soubise.
LETTER 757. — 1 At Sion Trm, near * Charles Townshend, married to
Brentford. Walpole. Lady Greenwich, eldest sister to
2 Rousseau's Julie, ou la Nouvelle Lady Strafford. Walpole,
Elotee, recently published.
72 To Sir Horace Mann [i?6i
We begin to perceive the tower of Kew * from Montpellier
Kow B ; in a fortnight you will see it in Yorkshire.
The apostle Whitfield is come to some shame : he went
to Lady Huntingdon lately, and asked for forty pounds for
some distressed saint or other. She said she had not so
much money in the house, but would give it him the first
time she had. He was very pressing, but in vain. At last
he said, ' There's your watch and trinkets, you don't want
such vanities ; I will have that.' She would have put him
off : but he persisting, she said, ' Well, if you must have
it you must.' About a fortnight afterwards, going to his
house, and being carried into his wife's chamber, among the
paraphernalia of the latter the Countess found her own
offering. This has made a terrible schism : she tells the
story herself — I had not it from Saint Frances ', but I hope
it is true. Adieu, my dear Lord !
Yours ever,
P.S. My gallery sends its humble duty to your new front,
and all my creatures beg their respects to my Lady.
Strawberry Hill, July 9, 1761.
WAS it worth while to write a letter on purpose to tell
you that Belleisle was taken? I did not think the news
deserved postage. I stayed, and hoped to send you peace.
Yesterday I concluded I should. An extraordinary Privy
Council of all the members in and near town was summoned
by the King's own messengers, not by those of the Council,
to meet on the most urgent and important business. To
* The pagoda in the royal garden '•' In Twickenham,
at Kew. Walpole. 6 Lady Frances Shirley. Walpcle.
1761] To Sir Horace Mann 73
sanctify or to reject the pacification, was concluded. Not
at all — To declare a queen. Urgent business enough, I
believe ; I do not see how it was important. The hand-
kerchief has been tossed a vast way ; it is to a Charlotte *,
Princess of Mecklenbourg. Lord Harcourt is to be at her
father's court — if he can find it — on the 1st of August, and
the Coronation of both their Majesties is fixed for the 22nd
of September. What food for newsmongers, tattle, solicita-
tions, mantua-makers, jewellers, &c., for above two months
to come !
Though exceedingly rejoiced that we are to have more
young princes and princesses, I cannot help wishing the
Council had met for a peace. It seems to be promised, but
I hate delays, and dread the episode of a battle. Bussy has
taken a temporary house, and is to be presented here as
Stanley has been at Paris.
You will be pleased with a story from thence : Monsieur
de Souvr62, a man of wit, was at Madame Pompadour's,
who is learning German. He said, 'II me semble que
depuis que Madame la Marquise apprenne I'Allemande, elle
ecorche le francois.' As the company laughed violently at
this, the King came in, and would know what diverted
them so much. They were forced to tell him. He was
very angry, and said, 'Monsieur de Souvr6, est-il longtems
que vous n'avez pas et4 a vos terres?' 'Oui, Sire,' replied
he ; * mais je compte d'y partir ce soir.' The frank hardiesse
of the answer saved him.
Have you seen Voltaire's miserable imitation, or second
part, or dregs, of his Candide ? Have you seen his delightful
ridicule of the Nouvelk EMse, called Prediction ?
I have often threatened you with a visit at Florence;
LETTER 758. — * Charlotte Sophia 1761, and was married to George III
(1744-1818), daughter of Charles in the evening of Sept. 8.
Louis, Prince of 'Mecklcnburg-Strelitz. 2 The Chevalier de Souvr6, after-
She reached England on Sept. 7, wards Marquis de Louvois.
74 To George Montagu [i76i
I believe I shall now be forced to make you one, for I am
ruining myself; my gallery, cabinet, and round tower,
will cost immensely. However, if you can, find me a
pedestal ; it will at least look well in my auction. The
brocadella I shall postpone a little, not being too impatient
for a commission of bankruptcy.
I have not connection enough with the Northumberlands
to recommend a governor for their son. I don't even know
that he is going abroad. The poor lad 3, who has a miser-
able constitution, has been very near taking a longer
journey. His brother* has as flimsy a texture; and they
have just lost their only daughter8.
Adieu ! We shall abound with news for three or four
months, but it will all be of pageants.
Strawberry Hill, Friday night, July 10, 1761.
I DID not notify the King's marriage to you yesterday,
because I knew you would learn as much by the Evening
Post, as I could tell you. The solemn manner of summoning
the Council was very extraordinary : people little imagined
that the urgent and important business in the rescript was to
acquaint them that his Majesty was going to lose his
maidenhead. You may choose what complexion you please
for the new Queen : every colour under the sun is given to
her. All I can tell you of truth, is, that Lord Harcourt
goes to fetch her, and comes back her Master of Horse.
3 Earl Percy, eldest son of the created in 1766. His second son
Duke and Duchess of Northumber- succeeded him as Baron Lovaine in
land. Wdlpole. — He succeeded his 1786, was created Earl of Beverley
father in 1786 as second Duke, and in 1790, and died in 1880.
died in 1817. 6 Lady Elizabeth Anne Frances
4 Lord Algernon Percy. Lord Percy ; d. May 27, 1761.
Northumberland was not made a LETTER 759. — Wrongly dated by
duke till after the period of the C. July 16.
letter above. Walpole. — He was so
176i] To' George Montagu 75
She is to be here in August, and the Coronation certainly
on the 22nd of September. Think of the joy the women
feel — there is not a Scotch peer in the Fleet, that might not
marry the greatest fortune in England between this and the
22nd of September. However, the ceremony will lose its
two brightest luminaries, my niece Waldegrave for beauty,
and the Duchess of Grafton for figure. The first will be
lying-in, the latter at Geneva — but I think she will come,
if she walks to it, as well as at it. I cannot recollect but
Lady Kildare and Lady Pembroke of great beauties. Mrs.
Bloodworth and Mrs. Kobert Brudenel, Bedchamber Women ;
Miss Wrottesley l and Miss Meadows, Maids of Honour, go to
receive the Princess at Helvoet ; what Lady I do not hear.
Your cousin's Grace of Manchester, they say, is to be
Chamberlain, and Mr. Stone, Treasurer — the Duchess of
Ancaster2 and Lady Bolinbroke3 of her Bedchamber: these
I do not know are certain, but hitherto all seems well
chosen. Miss Molly Howe, one of the pretty Bishops, and
a daughter of Lady Harry Beauclerc, are talked of for Maids
of Honour. The great apartment at St. James's is enlarging,
and to be furnished with the pictures from Kensington:
this does not portend a new palace.
In the midst of all this novelty and hurry, my mind is very
differently employed. They expect every minute the news
of a battle between Soubise and the Hereditary Prince.
Mr. Conway is, I believe, in the latter's army; judge if I
can be thinking much of espousals and coronations ! It is
terrible to be forced to sit still, expecting such an event — in
1 Mary, eldest daughter of Eev. St. John, second Viscount Boling-
Sir Richard Wrottesley, seventh broke, from whom she was divorced
Baronet ; d. 1769. in 1768 ; 2. (1768) Topham Beau-
2 Mary, daughter of Thomas Pan- clerk, grandson of first Duke of
ton ; m. (1750) Peregrine Bertie, St. Albans. She had considerable
third Duke of Aiicaster. artistic talent, and executed for
3 Lady Diana Spencer (1734-1808), Horace Walpole a series of designs
eldest daughter of third Duke of in illustration of his tragedy The,
Marlborough; in. 1. (1757) Frederick Mysterious Mother,
76 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [1761
one's own room one is not obliged to be a hero; conse-
quently, I tremble for one that is really a hero !
Mr. H. 4, your secretary, has been to see me to-day ; I
am quite ashamed not to have prevented him. I will go
to-morrow with all the speeches I can muster.
I am sorry neither you nor your brother are quite well,
but shall be content if my Pythagorean sermons have
any weight with you. You go to Ireland to make the rest
of your life happy — don't go to fling the rest of it away !
Good night !
Yours most faithfully,
.0* H.W.
Mr. Chute is gone to his Chutehood.
Arlington Street, July 14, 1761.
MY dearest Harry, how could you write me such a cold
letter as I have just received from you, and beginning Dear
Sir I Can you be angry with me, for can I be in fault to
you? Blamable in ten thousand other respects, may not
I almost say I am perfect with regard to you ? Since I was
fifteen have not I loved you unalterably? Since I was
capable of knowing your merit, has not my admiration been
veneration ? For what could so much affection and esteem
change ? Have not your honour, your interest, your safety
been ever my first objects ? Oh, Harry ! if you knew what
I have felt and am feeling about you, would you charge me
with neglect ? If I have seen a person since you went, to
whom my first question has not been, ' What do you hear of
the Peace ? ' you would have reason to blame me. You say
I write very seldom : I will tell you what, I should almost
be sorry to have you see the anxiety I have expressed about
4 William Gerard HamUton.
I76i] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 77
you in letters to everybody else. No ; I must except Lady
Ailesbury, and there is not another on earth who loves you
so well and is so attentive to whatever relates to you.
With regard to writing, this is exactly the case : I had
nothing to tell you ; nothing has happened ; and where you
are, I was cautious of writing. Having neither hopes nor
fears, I always write the thoughts of the moment, and even
laugh to divert the person I am writing to, without any ill-
will on the subjects I mention. But in your situation that
frankness might be prejudicial to you : and to write grave
unmeaning letters, I trusted you was too secure of me either
to like them or desire them. I knew no news, nor could I :
I have lived quite alone at Strawberry ; am connected with
no court, ministers, or party ; consequently heard nothing,
and events there have been none. I have not even for this
month heard my Lady Townshend's extempore gazette. All
the morning I play with my workmen or animals, go
regularly every evening to the meadows with Mrs. Clive, or
sit with my Lady Suffolk1, and at night scribble my
Painters — what a journal to send you ! I write more
trifling letters than any man living ; am ashamed of them,
and yet they are expected of me. You, my Lady Ailesbury,
your brother, Sir Horace Mann, George Montagu, Lord
Strafford — all expect I should write — of what ? I live less
and less in the world, care for it less and less, and yet am
thus obliged to inquire what it is doing. Do make these
allowances for me, and remember half your letters go to my
Lady Ailesbury. I writ to her of the King's marriage, con-
cluding she would send it to you : tiresome as it would be,
I will copy my own letters, if you expect it ; for I will do
anything rather than disoblige you. I will send you a diary
of the Duke of York's balls and Kanelaghs, inform you of
LETTER 760. — J Henrietta Hobart, Countess of Suffolk, then living at
Marble Hill. Walpole.
78 To the lion. Henry Seymour Conway [i76i
how many children my Lady Berkeley is with child, and
how many races my nephew goes to. No ; I will not, you
do not want such proofs of my friendship.
The papers tell us you are retiring, and I was glad. You
seem to expect an action — can this give me spirits? Can
I write to you joyfully, and fear? Or is it fit Prince
Ferdinand should know you have a friend that is as great
a coward about you as your wife ? The only reason for my
silence, that can not be true, is, that I forget you. When
I am prudent or cautious, it is no symptom of my being
indifferent. Indifference does not happen in friendships, as
it does in passions ; and if I was young enough or feeble
enough to cease to love you, I would not for my own sake
let it be known. Your virtues are my greatest pride ;
I have done myself so much honour by them, that I will
not let it be known you have been peevish with me un-
reasonably. Pray God we may have peace, that I may
scold you for it!
The King's marriage was kept the profoundest secret till
last Wednesday, when the Privy Council was extraordinarily
summoned, and it was notified to them. Since that, the
new Queen's mother is dead, and will delay it a few days ;
but Lord Harcourt is to sail on the 27th, and the Coronation
will certainly be on the 22nd of September. All that
I know fixed, is, Lord Harcourt Master of the Horse, the
Duke of Manchester Chamberlain, and Mr. Stone Treasurer.
Lists there are in abundance ; I don't know the authentic :
those most talked of are Lady Bute Groom of the Stole, the
Duchesses of Hamilton and Ancaster, Lady Northumber-
land, Bolingbroke, Weymouth2, Scarborough3, Abergavenny,
2 Lady Elizabeth Cavendish-Ben- 3 Barbara, daughter of Sir Georgo
tinck, eldest daughter of second Savile, sixth Baronet; m. (1752)
Duke of Portland ; m. (1759) Thomas Richard Lumley-Saunderson, fourth
Thynne, third Viscount Weymouth, Earl of Scarborough ; d. 1797.
afterwards Marquis of Bath.
I76i] To Grosvenor Bedford 79
Effingham *, for Ladies ; you may choose any six of them
you please ; the four first are most probable. Misses, Henry
Beauclerc, M. Howe, Meadows, Wrottesley, Bishop, &c., &c.
Choose your Maids too. Bedchamber Women, Mrs. Blood-
worth, Robert Brudenel, Charlotte Dives, Lady Erskine ; in
short, I repeat a mere newspaper.
We expect the final answer of France this week. Bussy5
was in great pain on the fireworks for Quebec, lest he should
be obliged to illuminate his house : you see I ransack my
memory for something to tell you.
Adieu ! I have more reason to be angry than you had ;
but I am not so hasty : you are of a violent, impetuous, jealous
temper — I, cool, sedate, reasonable. I believe I must subscribe
my name, or you will not know me by this description.
Yours unalterably,
DEAR SIB, Strawb. Sunday1.
I will beg you to copy the following lines 2 for me, and
bring or send them, whichever is most convenient to you,
to my house in Arlington Street on Tuesday morning.
Pray don't mention them to anybody.
Yours, &c.,
I hope you did not suffer by all the trouble I gave you
* Elizabeth, daughter of Peter LETTER 761.— 1 Probably July 19,
Beckford, of Jamaica ; m. 1. (1746) 1761, which fell on Sunday.
Thomas Howard, second Earl of 2 ' July 16, 1761. Wrote The Gar-
Emngham; 2. (1776) Field-Marshal land, a poem on the King, and sent
Sir George Howard, K.B. ; d. 1791. it to Lady Bute, but not in my own
5 The Abb6 de Bussy, sent here hand, nor with my name, nor did
with overtures of peace. Mr. Stanley ever own it.' (Horace Walpole, Short
was at the same time sent to Paris. Notes of my Life.)
80 To the Countess of Ailesbury [1701
In private life, where Virtues safely bloom,
What flow'rs diffuse their favourite perfume?
Devotion first the Garland's front commands,
Like some fair Lily borne by Angel hands.
Next, Filial Love submissive warmth displays,
Like Heliotropes, that court their parent rays.
Friendship, that yields its fragrance but to those
That near approach it, like the tender Kose,
As royal Amaranths, unchanging Truth ;
And Violet-like, the bashful blush of youth.
Chaste Purity by no loose heat misled,
Like virgin Snowdrops in a winter bed.
Prudence, the Sensitive, whose leaves remove
When hands, too curious, would their texture prove.
Bounty, full-flush'd at once with fruit and flower,
As Citrons give and promise ev'ry hour.
Soft Pity last, whose dews promiscuous fall,
Like lavish Eglantines, refreshing all.
How blest a cottage where such Virtues dwell !
To Heaven ascends the salutary smell :
But should such virtues round imperial state
Their cordial gales in balmy clouds dilate,
Nations a long-lost Paradise would own,
And Happiness reclaim her proper Throne.
Hate, Discord, War, and each foul ill would cease,
And laurel'd Conquest only lead to Peace.
' Ah ! vain Idea ! ' cries the servile Bard,
Who lies for hire, and flatters for reward ;
'Such I have sung of — such have never seen —
My Kings were visions and a dream my Queen.
Point out the charming Phantom.' One there is
Un-nam'd — the world will own the Garland His:
Truth so exactly wove the wreath for one,
It must become his honest brow — or none.
Strawberry Hill, July 20, 1761.
I BLUSH, dear Madam, on observing that half my letters
to your Ladyship are prefaced with thanks for presents : —
1761] To the Countess of Ailesbury 81
don't mistake ; I am not ashamed of thanking you, but of
having so many occasions for it. Monsieur Hop has sent
me the piece of china : I admire it as much as possible, and
intend to like him as much as ever I can ; but hitherto I have
not seen him, not having been in town since he arrived.
Could I have believed that the Hague would so easily
compensate for England ? nay, for Park Place ! Adieu, all
our agreeable suppers ! Instead of Lady Cecilia's J French
songs, we shall have Madame Welderen 2 quavering a con-
fusion of d's and t's, b's and p's — Bourquoi sqais du llaire 3 ?
— Worse than that, I expect to meet all my mad relations
at your house, and Sir Samson Gideon instead of Charles
Townshend. You will laugh like Mrs. Tipkin4 when a Dutch
Jew tells you that he bought at two and a half per cent, and
sold at four. Come back, if you have any taste left : you
had better be here talking robes, ermine, and tissue, jewels
and tresses, as all the world does, than own you are so
corrupted. Did you receive my notification of the new
Queen? Her mother is dead, and she will not be here
before the end of August.
My mind is much more at peace about Mr. Conway than
it was. Nobody thinks there will be a battle, as the French
did not attack them when both armies shifted camps ; and
since that, Soubise has entrenched himself up to the
whiskers : — whiskers I think he has, I have been so afraid
of him ! Yet our hopes of meeting are still very distant :
the Peace does not advance ; and if Europe has a stiver left in
its pockets, the war will continue ; though happily all parties
LETTER 762. — l Lady Cecilia West, Baron Griffin, and wife of Count
daughter of John, Earl of Delawar, Welderen,Envoy Extraordinary from
afterwards married to General James the States General.
Johnston. Walpole. 3 The first words of a favourite
2 Anne (d. 1796), second daughter French air. Walpole.
of William Whitwell, of Oundle, * A character in the Tender Hus-
Northamptonshire, by Hon. Anne band, or the Accomplished Foolt.
Griffin, second daughter of second Walpole.
82 To the Countess of Ailesbury [1761
have been so scratched, that they only sit and look anger at
one another, like a dog and cat that don't care to begin again.
We are in danger of losing our sociable box at the Opera.
The new Queen is very musical, and if Mr. Deputy Hodges
and the City don't exert their veto, will probably go to the
Haymarket. . . . George Pitt, in imitation of the Adonises
in Tanzal's5 retinue, has asked to be her Majesty's grand
harper. Dieu s$ait quelle raclerie il y aura 6 .' All the guitars
are untuned ; and if Miss Conway 7 has a mind to be in
fashion at her return, she must take some David or other
to teach her the new twing twang, twing twing twang. As
I am still desirous of being in fashion with your Ladyship,
and am, over and above, very grateful, I keep no company
but my Lady Denbigh and Lady Blandford 8, and learn every
evening, for two hours, to mash my English. Already
I am tolerably fluent in saying she for he '.
Good night, Madam ! I have no news to send you : one
cannot announce a royal wedding and a coronation every
post. Your most faithful and obliged servant,
P.S. Pray, Madam, do the gnats bite your legs? Mine
are swelled as big as one, which is saying a deal for me.
July 22.
I had writ this, and was not time enough for the mail,
when I received your charming note, and this magnificent
6 Tanzai et N6adarm6, a novel by 8 Maria Catherina, daughter of
the younger Cre'billon. Peter de Jonge, of Utrecht ; in. 1.
6 'Ce Francisqne venait de faire (1729) William Godolphin, Marquis
une sarabande qui charmait ou deso- of Blandford ; 2. (1734), as his second
lait tout le monde ; . . . toute la gui- wife, Sir William Wyndham, third
tareriede la course mit&l'apprendre, Baronet. She was the sister of Lady
et Dieu salt la r&clerie universelle Denbigh. She died in 1779.
que c'e'tait.' (Grammont, H6moirea, ' A mistake which these ladies,
ch. ix.) who were both Dutch women, con-
7 The Honourable Anne Darner, stantly made. Berry,
1761] To the Earl of Strafford 83
victory 10 ! Oh ! my dear Madam, how I thank you, how
I congratulate you, how I feel for you, how I have felt for
you and for myself! But I bought it by two terrible
hours to-day — I heard of the battle two hours before I could
learn a word of Mr. Conway — I sent all round the world,
and went half round it myself. I have cried and laughed,
trembled and danced, as you bid me. If you had sent me
as much old china as King Augustus gave two regiments
for11, I should not be half so much obliged to you as for
your note. How could you think of me, when you had
so much reason to think of nothing but yourself? — And
then they say virtue is not rewarded in this world. I will
preach at Paul's Cross, and quote you and Mr. Conway ; no
two persons were ever so good and so happy. In short,
I am serious in the height of all my joy. God is very good
to you, my dear Madam ; I thank him for you ; I thank him
for myself: it is very unalloyed pleasure we taste at this
moment! — Good night! My heart is so expanded, I could
write to the last scrap of my paper ; but I won't.
Yours most entirely,
MY DEAK LORD, Strawberry Hill, July 22, 1761.
I love to be able to contribute to your satisfaction, and
I think few things would make you happier than to hear
10 Of Zirckdenkirck. Walpole. — Monday, 22nd September, 1777.
Kirch-Denkern, in Westphalia, where, China-ware. " Saw the collection of
on July 16, 1761, Prince Ferdinand Dresden and Indian China, curious
of Brunswick defeated the French enough to Conoisseurs, of which I am
under Broglie. Conway commanded not, it contained, however, the pro-
the centre of the allied forces. gress of the Dresden or Meissen
II The following extract from the Manufactory and 22 jars of Indian
unpublished Journal of Captain John china which the late Kin g of Prussia
Floyd, of the Fifteenth Light Dra- gave the King of Poland for eight
goons (afterwards General Sir John hundred Dragoons mounted and
Floyd, first Baronet), explains Horace equipped," '
Walpole's allusion : — ' Dresden —
a 2
84: To the Earl of Strafford [i76i
that we have totally defeated the French combined armies,
and that Mr. Conway is safe. The account came this
morning: I had a short note from poor Lady Ailesbury,
who was waked with the good news before she had heard
there had been a battle. I don't pretend to send you
circumstances, no more than I do of the wedding and
Coronation, because you have relations and friends in town
nearer and better informed. Indeed, only the blossom of
victory is come yet. Fitzroy is expected, and another fuller
courier after him. Lord Granby, to the mob's heart's
content, has the chief honour of the day — rather, of the
two days1. The French behaved to the mob's content too,
that is, shamefully : and all this glory cheaply bought on
our side. Lieutenant-Colonel Keith2 killed, and Colonel
Marlay and Harry Townshend wounded. If it produces
a peace, I shall be happy for mankind — if not, shall content
myself with the single but pure joy of Mr. Conway's being
Well ! my Lord, when do you come ? You don't like the
question, but kings will be married and must be crowned —
and if people will be earls, they must now and then give up
castles and new fronts for processions and ermine. By the
way, the number of peeresses that propose to excuse them-
selves makes great noise ; especially as so many are breed-
ing, or trying to breed, by commoners, that they cannot
walk. I hear that my Lord Delawar, concluding all women
would not dislike the ceremony, is negotiating his peerage
in the City, and trying if any great fortune will give fifty
thousand pounds for one day, as they often do for one night.
I saw Miss this evening at my Lady Suffolk's, and
fancy she does not think my Lord quite so ugly as she
LETTER 763. — 1 Broglie attacked retired after a few hours' cannonade,
the English troops on July 15, bat 2 Keith was not killed.
I76i] To George Montagu 85
did two months ago. Adieu, my Lord ! This is a splendid
Yours ever,
Strawberry Hill, July 22, 1761.
FOB my part, I believe Mademoiselle Scuderi drew the
plan of this year — it is all royal marriages, coronations, and
victories ; they come tumbling so over one another from
distant parts of the globe, that it looks just like the handi-
work of a lady romance writer, whom it costs nothing but
a little false geography to make the Great Mogul in love
with a Princess of Mecklemburg, and defeat two marshals
of France as he rides post on an elephant to his nuptials.
I don't know where I am ! I had scarce found Meeklemburg-
Strelitz with a magnifying-glass before I am whisked to
Pondicherri * — well, I take it, and raze it — I begin to grow
acquainted with Colonel Coote 2, and to figure him packing
up chests of diamonds, and sending them to his wife against
the King's wedding — thunder go the Tower guns, and behold,
Broglio and Soubise are totally defeated — if the mob have
not a much stronger head and quicker conceptions than
I have, they will conclude my Lord Granby is become
nabob. How the deuce in two days can one digest all
this? Why, is not Pondicherri in Westphalia? I don't
know how the Eomans did, but I cannot support two
victories every week. Well, but you will want to know
the particulars. Broglio and Soubise being united, attacked
our army on the 15th, but were repulsed — the next day,
LETTEB 764. — 1 Pondicherry sur- a Lieutenant-Colonel Eyre Coote
rendered to. the Kngliah, under (1726-1783) ; K.B., 1771 ; Commander-
Admiral Stevens and Colonel Coote, in-Chief in India, 1777; Lieutenant-
on January 15, 1761, General, 1777.
86 To George Montagu [i?6i
the Prince Mahomet Alii Cawn3 — no, no, I mean Prince
Ferdinand, returned the attack, and the French threw down
their arms and fled, run over my Lord Harcourt, who was
going to fetch the new Queen — in short, I don't know how
it was, but Mr. Con way is safe, and I am as happy as
Mr. Pitt himself. We have only lost a Lieutenant-
Colonel Keith — a Colonel Marlay and Harry Townshend
are wounded.
I could beat myself for not having a flag ready to display
on my round tower, and guns mounted on all my battle-
ments. Instead of that, I have been foolishly trying on
my pictures upon my gallery — However, the oratory of our
Lady of Strawberries shall be dedicated next year on the
anniversary of Mr. Conway's safety — think with his intre-
pidity, and delicacy of honour wounded, what I had to
apprehend ! You shall absolutely be here on the sixteenth
of next July. Mr. Hamilton tells me your King4 does
not set out for his new dominions till the day after the
Coronation — if you will come to it, I can give you a very
good place for the procession — where 5, is a profound secret,
because, if known, I should be teased to death, and none
but my first friends shall be admitted. I dined with your
secretary 6 yesterday ; there were Garrick and a young
Mr. Burk 7, who wrote a book in the style of Lord Bolin-
broke, that was much admired. He is a sensible man, but
has not worn off his authorism yet — and thinks there is
nothing so charming as writers, and to be one — he will
know better one of these days. I like Hamilton's little
3 Mahomed Ali, Nawab of the Grosvenor Bedford.
Carnatic. 6 William Gerard Hamilton.
4 The Earl of Halifax, Viceroy of 7 Edmund Burke (1729-1797), at
Ireland. this time private secretary to Gerard
6 At Horace Walpole's official Hamilton, Chief Secretary for Ire-
residence (as Usher of the Exchequer) land. The book ' in the style of Lord
in New Palace Yard, Westminster. Bolinbroke ' was the Vindication of
It was occupied by his deputy, Natural Society, published in 1756.
I76i] To Sir Horace Mann 87
Marly — we walked in the great attee, and drank tea in the
arbour of treillage ; they talked of Shakespear and Booth 8,
of Swift and my Lord Bath, and I was thinking of Madame
Sevigne. Good night — I have a dozen other letters to write ;
I must tell my friends how happy I am — not as an English-
man, but as a cousin.
Yours ever,
Strawberry Hill, July 23, 1761.
ONE cannot take the trouble of sending every victory by
itself; I stay till I have enough to make a packet, and
then write to you. On Monday last we learned the con-
quest of Pondicherry, and away went a courier to Mr.
Stanley to raise our terms. Before the man could get half-
way, comes an account of the entire defeat of Broglio and
Soubise. I don't know what Mr. Stanley will be to ask
now. We have been pretty well accustomed to victories of
late, and yet this last is as much as we know how to bear
decently ; it is heightened by the extreme distress our army
had suffered, and by the little hopes we had of even keeping
our ground against such superior force. It seals all our
other conquests ; we have nothing to restore for Germany.
The King may be crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle, like Charle-
magne, if he pleases, and receive the diadems of half the
world. Of all our glories, none ever gave me such joy as
this last. Mr. Conway, you know, is with Prince Ferdinand,
and is safe — indeed everybody is ; we lost but one officer of
rank, a Lieutenant-Colonel Keith ; and two are wounded,
a Lieutenant-Colonel Marlay and Captain Harry Townshend1.
8 *Barton Booth, tragedian (1681- LKTMB 765. — * Third son of
1733). Thomas Townshend, Teller of the
To Sir Horace Mann
No particulars are come yet ; if I hear any before this goes
away, you shall.
You will see the history of Pondicherry in the Gazette.
Pray like Monsieur Lally's2 spirited insolence in the crisis
of his misfortune. His intercepted letter 8 shows it was not
mere impertinence, but that he had tried and attempted every-
thing upon earth to save his charge. We have got another
little windfall in the West Indies, the Isle of Dominique 4 ;
but one does not stoop to pick up such diminutive countries,
unless they are absolutely of no use, like Belleisle, and then
it is heroic obstinacy to insist on having them.
How all this must sound to the Princess of Mecklenburg !
Exchequer, who was second son of
Charles, Viscount Townshend, Sec-
retary of State. Walpole.
* Thomas Arthur (1703-1766),
Baron de Tollendal, Comte de Lally,
appointed in 1756 Commander-in-
Chief of the French forces in India.
After a chequered career, he sur-
rendered Pondicherry to the English
(Jan. 15, 1761), and was brought to
England a prisoner of war. In Oct.
1761 he returned to France on parole
to reply to accusations brought
against his administration. After
a protracted trial, conducted by the
Parliament of Paris with closed
doors, he was declared guilty of be-
traying the king's interests in India,
and was executed three days later,
under peculiarly odious circum-
stances. His son, Lally Tollendal,
ably seconded by Voltaire, devoted
half his life to the rehabilitation of
his father's memory.
Lally's ' spirited insolence ' led
him to decline to offer any terms of
surrender. 'He sent out a paper
full of invectives against the Eng-
lish, for the breach of treaties relative
to India ; he alleged that those
breaches disqualified him from pro-
posing any terms ; and, in conse-
quence, he rather suffered our troops
to take possession of the place, than
formally surrendered it.' (Ann- Reg.
1761, p. 56.)
8 'Translation of an intercepted
letter from General Lally to Mr.
Raymond, French resident at Pulli-
cat, dated Pondicherry, the 2nd of
January, 1761 : —
' The English squadron is no more,
Sir ; out of the twelve ships they
had in our road, seven are lost, crews
and all ; the four others dismasted ;
and it appears there is no more than
one frigate that hath escaped, there-
fore don't lose an instant to send us
chelingoes upon chelingoes loaded
with rice : the Dutch have nothing
to fear now ; besides (according to
the law of nations) they are only to
send us no provisions themselves,
and we are no more blocked up by
sea. The saving of Pondicherry
hath been in your power once
already ; if you miss the present
opportunity, it will be entirely your
fault : do not forget also some small
chelingoes ; offer great rewards ; I
expect seventeen thousand Morattoes
within these four days. In short,
risque all, attempt all, force all, and
send us some rice, should it be but
half a garse at a time.
' Signed, LALLT.'
(Ann. Reg. 1761, p. 56.)
* Dominica was surrendered by
the French to Lord Hollo and Com-
modore Sir James Douglas on
June 6, 1761.
I76l] To Sir Horace Mann 89
To be sure, she thinks herself coming to marry Alexander
the Great. There is a Lady Statira Lenox 5 that had like to
have stood a little in her way, or, rather, I believe, helped
her a little on her way. The Mother-Duchess is dead, and
retards the nuptials, but the Princess is expected, however,
by the end of August.
Is Sir Richard Lyttelton with you, and Mr. Pitt? — the
latter's father 6 was just married again ; but to make his son
some amends for giving away a jointure of 600?. a year, is
just dead — very happily for his family.
The new Queen's family7 consists of Lord Harcourt,
Master of the Horse ; Duke of Manchester, Chamberlain ;
Mr. Stone, Treasurer ; the Duchess of Ancaster, Mistress of
the Robes, and First Lady of the Bedchamber; the others
are, the Duchess of Hamilton, Lady Effingham, Lady North-
umberland, Lady Weymouth, and Lady Bolingbroke. Bed-
chamber Women and Maids of Honour, I could tell you
some too ; but what can you care about the names of girls
whose parents were not married when you was in England ?
This is not the only circumstance in which you would not
know your own country again. You left it a private little
island, living upon its means. You would find it the
capital of the world ; and, to talk with the arrogance of
a Roman, St. James's Street crowded with nabobs and
American chiefs, and Mr. Pitt attended in his Sabine farm
by Eastern monarchs and Borealian electors, waiting, till
the gout is gone out of his foot, for an audience. The City
5 Lady Sarah Lenox, sister of Chester ; Andrew Stone ; Mary Pan-
the Duke of Richmond, with whom ton, Duchess of Ancaster ; Eliz.
the King was thought to be in love. Gunning, Duchess of Hamilton ;
Walpole. — Statira and Roxana are Eliz. Beckford, Countess of Effing-
the rival queens in Lee's play Alex- ham ; Eliz. Seymour, Countess of
ander the Great. Northumberland ; Eliz. Bentinck,
8 Thomas Pitt, elder brother of Viscountess Weymouth ; Diana
the famous William Pitt. Walpole. Spencer, Viscountess Bolingbroke ;
7 Simon, first Earl of Harcourt ; and Alicia Carpenter, Countess of
Robert Montagu, Duke of Man- Egremont, omitted above. Walpole.
90 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Gonway [i?6i
of London is so elated, that I think it very lucky some
alderman did not insist on —
Matching his daughter with the King8.
Adieu ! I shall be in town to-morrow ; and, perhaps,
able to wrap up and send you half a dozen French standards
in my postscript.
Arlington Street, Friday, 24th.
Alack ! I do not find our total victory so total as it was.
It is true we have taken three thousand prisoners ; but we
have lost two thousand, and the French army is still so
superior as to be able to afford it. The Broglians thought
themselves betrayed by the Soubisians, whose centre did
not attack. Some say it was impossible — that is not your
business or mine ; there are certainly great jarrings in their
army — but the worst is (I mean to me) there is likely to be
another battle. I wish they would be beaten once for all,
and have done!
Strawberry Hill, July 23, 1761.
WELL, mon biau cousin! you may be as cross as you
please now : when you beat two marshals of France and cut
their armies to pieces \ I don't mind your pouting ; but in
good truth, it was a little vexatious to have you quarrelling
with me, when I was in greater pain about you than I can
express. I will say no more ; make a peace, under the
walls of Paris if you please, and I will forgive you all — but
no more battles : consider, as Dr. Hay said, it is cowardly
to beat the French now.
8 ' A senator of Eome, while Eomo LBTTHE 766. — * The victory ob-
surviv'd, tained by Prince Ferdinand of
Would not have match'd his Brunswick over the Mar6chal de
daughter with a king.' Broglio and the Prince de Soubise
Addison, Goto, v. 4. at Kirk Denckirk. Walpole,
I76i] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 91
Don't look upon yourselves as the only conquerors in the
world. Pondicherry is ours, as well as the field of Kirk
Denckirk. The Park guns never have time to cool ; we
ruin ourselves in gunpowder and sky-rockets. If you have
a mind to do the gallantest thing in the world after the
greatest, you must escort the Princess of Mecklenburg2
through France. You see what a bully I am ; the moment
the French run away, I am sending you on expeditions.
I forgot to tell you that the King has got the isle of
Dominique and the chicken-pox, two trifles that don't count
in the midst of all these festivities. No more does your
letter of the 8th, which I received yesterday : it is the one
that is to come after the 1 6th, that I shall receive graciously.
Friday, 24th.
Not satisfied with the rays of glory that reached Twicken-
ham, I came to town to bask in your success ; but am most
disagreeably disappointed to find you must beat the French
once more, who seem to love to treat the English mob with
subjects for bonfires. I had got over such an alarm, that
I foolishly ran into the other extreme, and concluded there
was not a French battalion left entire upon the face of
Germany. Do write to me ; don't be out of humour, but
tell me every motion you make: I assure you I have
deserved you should. Would you were out of the question,
if it were only that I might feel a little humanity ! There
is not a blacksmith or link-boy in London that exults more
than I do, upon any good news, since you went abroad.
What have I to do to hate people I never saw, and to
rejoice in their calamities ? Heaven send us peace, and you
home ! Adieu !
Yours ever,
2 Her present Majesty. Walpole,
92 To George Montagu [i?6i
Arlington Street, July 28, 1761.
No, I shall never cease being a dupe, till I have been
undeceived round by everything that calls itself a virtue.
I came to town yesterday, through clouds of dust, to see
The Wishes l, and went actually feeling for Mr. Bentley, and
full of the emotions he must be suffering. What do [you]
think, in a house crowded, was the first thing I saw?
Mr. and Madam Bentley, perked up in the front boxes, and
acting audience at his own play — no, all the impudence of
false patriotism never came up to it! Did one ever hear
of an author that had courage to see his own first night in
public ? I don't believe Fielding or Foote himself ever did —
and this was the modest, bashful Mr. Bentley, that died at
the thought of being known for an author even by his own
acquaintance ! In the stage-box was Lady Bute, Lord
Halifax, and Lord Melcomb — I must say the two last enter-
tained the house as much as the play — your King8 was
prompter, and called out to the actors every minute to
speak louder — the other went backwards and forwards
behind the scenes, fetched the actors into the box. and was
busier than Harlequin. The curious prologue was not
spoken, the whole very ill acted. It turned out just what
I remembered it, the good parts extremely good, the rest
very flat and vulgar — the genteel dialogue, I believe, might
be written by Mrs. Hannah3. The audience were extremely
fair. The first act they bore with patience, though it
promised very ill — the second is admirable, and was much
applauded — so was the third — the fourth woful — the
beginning of the fifth it seemed expiring, but was revived
LETTER 767. — J Produced at Drnry Lane.
2 The Earl of Halifax, Viceroy of Ireland
3 Mrs. Bentley. See p. 70.
I76i] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 93
by a delightful burlesque of the ancient chorus — which was
followed by two dismal scenes, at which people yawned —
but were awakened on a sudden by Harlequin's being
drawn up to a gibbet, nobody knew why or wherefore —
this raised a prodigious and continued hiss, Harlequin all
the while suspended in the air — at last they were suffered
to finish the play, but nobody attended to the conclusion —
Modesty and his lady all the while sat with the utmost
indifference — I suppose Lord Melcomb had fallen asleep
before he came to this scene, and had never read it. The
epilogue was about the King and new Queen, and ended
with a personal satire on Garrick — not very kind on his
own stage — to add to the judgement of this conduct,
Cumberland two days ago published a pamphlet to abuse
him. It was given out for to-night with more claps than
hisses, but I think will not do unless they reduce it to
three acts.
I. am sorry you will not come to the Coronation — the
place I offered you I am not sure I can get for anybody
else — I cannot explain it to you, because I am engaged to
secrecy— if I can get it for your brother John I will, but
don't tell him of it, because it is not sure. Adieu !
Yours ever,
H. W.
Strawberry Hill.
THIS is the 5th of August, and I just receive your letter
of the 1 7th of last month by Fitzroy l. I heard he had lost
his pocket-book with all his dispatches, but had found it
again. He was a long time finding the letter for me.
LETTER 768. — 1 George Fitzroy, afterwards created Lord Southampton.
94 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [i?6r
You do nothing but reproach me ; I declare I will bear it
no longer, though you should beat forty more marshals
of France. I have already writ you two letters that would
fully justify me if you receive them ; if you do not, it is
not I that am in fault for not writing, but the post offices
for reading my letters, content if they would forward them
when they have done with them. They seem to think,
like you, that I know more news than anybody. What is
to be known in the dead of summer, when all the world is
dispersed ? Would you know who won the sweepstakes at
Huntingdon? what parties are at Woburn? what officers
upon guard in Betty's fruit-shop ? whether the peeresses
are to wear long or short tresses at the Coronation ? how
many jewels Lady Harrington borrows of actresses ? All
this is your light summer wear for conversation ; and if my
memory were as much stuffed with it as my ears, I might
have sent you volumes last week. My nieces, Lady Walde-
grave and Mrs. Keppel, were here five days, and discussed
the claim or disappointment of every miss in the kingdom
for Maid of Honour. Unfortunately this new generation
is not at all my affair. I cannot attend to what concerns
them — not that their trifles are less important than those
of one's own time, but my mould has taken all its im-
pressions, and can receive no more. I must grow old upon
the stock I have. I, that was so impatient at all their chat,
the moment they were gone, flew to my Lady Suffolk, and
heard her talk with great satisfaction of the late Queen's
coronation-petticoat. The preceding age always appears
respectable to us (I mean as one advances in years), one's
own age interesting, the coming age neither one nor t'other.
You may judge by this account that I have writ all my
letters, or ought to have written them ; and yet, for occasion
to blame me, you draw a very pretty picture of my situation :
all which tends to prove that I ought to write to you every
I76i] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 95
day, whether I have anything to say or not. I am writing,
I am building — both works that will outlast the memory of
battles and heroes! Truly, I believe, the one will as much
as t'other. My buildings are paper, like my writings, and
both will be blown away in ten years after I am dead ; if
they had not the substantial use of amusing me while I live,
they would be worth little indeed. I will give you one
instance that will sum up the vanity of great men, learned
men, and buildings altogether. I heard lately, that Dr.
Pearce8, a very learned personage, had consented to let
the tomb of Aylmer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, a very
great personage, be removed for Wolfe's monument s ; that
at first he had objected, but was wrought upon by being
told that hight Aylmer was a Knight Templar, a very wicked
set of people, as his Lordship had heard, though he knew
nothing of them, as they are not mentioned by Longinus.
I own I thought this a made story, and wrote to his Lord-
ship, expressing my concern that one of the finest and most
ancient monuments in the Abbey should be removed, and
begging, if it was removed, that he would bestow it on me,
who would erect and preserve it here. After a fortnight's
deliberation, the bishop sent me an answer, civil indeed,
and commending my zeal for antiquity! but avowing the
story under his own hand. He said that at first they had
taken Pembroke's tomb for a Knight Templar's. Observe,
that not only the man who shows the tombs names it every
day, but that there is a draught of it at large in Dart's
Westminst er ; that upon discovering whose it was, he had
been very unwilling to consent to the removal, and at last
had obliged Wilton to engage to set it up within ten feet
of where it stands at present. His Lordship concluded with
congratulating me on publishing learned authors at my
2 Zachary Pearce, Dean of Westminster and Bishop of Rochester ; editor
of Longinus. 8 This was not done.
96 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Gonway [i?6i
press. I don't wonder that a man who thinks Lucan a
learned author should mistake a tomb in his own cathedral.
If I had a mind to be angry, I could complain with reason ;
as, having paid forty pounds for ground for my mother's
tomb, that the Chapter of Westminster sell their church
over and over again ; the ancient monuments tumble upon
one's head through their neglect, as one of them did, and
killed a man at Lady Elizabeth Percy's 4 funeral ; and they
erect new waxen dolls of Queen Elizabeth, &c., to draw
visits and money from the mob. I hope all this history is
applicable to some part or other of my letter ; but letters you
will have, and so I send you one, very like your own stories
that you tell your daughter : There was a King, and he had
three daughters, and they all went to see the tombs ; and
the youngest, who was in love with Aylmer de Valence, &c.
Thank you for your account of the battle ; thank Prince
Ferdinand for giving you a very honourable post, which, in
spite of his teeth and yours, proved a very safe one ; and
above all, thank Prince Soubise, whom I love better than
all the German princes in the universe. Peace, I think,
we must have at last, if you beat the French, or at least
hinder them from beating you, and afterwards starve them.
Bussy's last last courier is expected ; but as he may have
a last last last courier, I trust no more to this than to all
the others. He was complaining t'other day to Mr. Pitt of
our haughtiness, and said it would drive the French to some
desperate effort ; ' Thirty thousand men,' continued he,
'would embarrass you a little, I believe!' 'Yes, truly/
replied Pitt, ' for I am so embarrassed with those we have
already, I don't know what to do with them.'
Adieu ! Don't fancy that the more you scold, the more
I will write : it has answered three times, but the next cross
4 Daughter of the Earl of North- Abbey on June 6, 1761, in her
umberland. She was buried in the eighteenth year.
1761] To Sir Horace Mann 97
word you give me shall put an end to our correspondence.
Sir Horace Mann's father used to say, ' Talk, Horace, you
have been abroad : ' — You cry, ' Write, Horace, you are at
home.' No, Sir, you can beat an hundred and twenty
thousand French, but you cannot get the better of me.
I will not write such foolish letters as this every day, when
I have nothing to say.
Yours as you behave,
Arlington Street, Aug. 17, 1761.
You must now quit Mr. Dalton; you are saved from
dunning him, and I from doing an awkward thing. The
last time I was in town, I found a big picture, which
I saw clearly was by Castiglione : the maid told me it came
from Mr. Dalton. As you had not explained the nature of
your transaction, I concluded it was a debt, and that money
was what he was to send me for you. This was so fixed in
my head, that supposing he wanted to pay you with a
picture, I was at first going to send it back to him. How-
ever, I thought it best to wait a little, and see if he did not
come or send me some message ; and having just writ to
you, I determined to stay till I wrote to you again. Your
letter has explained the affair, and I certainly shall not
deliver yours to him. Do but observe ; when I sent to him
by your order, he was at Mecklenburg — not thinking of
detaining your picture, but drawing queens — pray respect
your brother minister ! the picture is undoubtedly the true
one and safe — but now, my dear child, here ends my com-
mission— don't imagine I will rob you of your picture — you
are very kind, and I equally obliged to you, but you shall
not make me a bailiff to seize your goods, and then have
98 To Sir Horace Mann [1761
the sole benefit of the seizure. Tell me what you would
have done with it. The altar pleases me extremely, and
I hope will arrive safe. Draw upon your brother James
for all expenses relating to it — and say no more. He and
I have so many money transactions, that there is no trouble
that way, and then I shall never scruple teasing you with
commissions, when they cost you nothing but kind services.
I am come to town to-day to prepare my wedding
garments. The new Queen may be here by this day
se'nnight, but scarce will before the 28th, and if the winds
are not in hymeneal humour, it may be the Lord knows
how long. There will be as great magnificence as people
can put upon their backs — nothing more ; no shows, no
ceremonies. Six Drawing-rooms and one ball — that is all ;
and then the honeymoon in private till the Coronation.
They told me the painting of the Charlotte yatch1 would
certainly turn the Queen's stomach. I said if her head is
not turned, she may compound for anything else. Think
of the crown of England and a handsome young King
dropping out of the clouds into Strelitz ! The crowds, the
multitudes, the millions, that are to stare at her; the
swarms to kiss her hand, the pomp of the Coronation. She
need be but seventeen to bear it.
In the meantime, adieu peace ! France has refused to
submit to our terms. They own themselves undone, but
depend on the continuation of the war for revenging them
— not by arms, but by exhausting us. I can tell you our
terms pretty exactly. All Canada, but letting them fish on
Newfoundland ; Goree and Senegal, but with a promise of
helping them somehow or other in their black trade ; the
LETTER 769. — 1 Gent. Mag. 1761, ornament on board being finely gilt,
Friday, July 81. ' The Charlotte even the blocks and carriages for
yacht is the most superbly and the guns are not excepted ; and
elegantly decorated as can be con- there is the finest bed on board that
ceived, the pillars and every other ever was seen.'
I76i] To George Montagu 99
neutral islands to be divided ; Hesse and Hanover restored,
and Minorca: Guadaloupe and Belleisle to return to them.
The East Indies postponed to the Congress ; Dunkirk to be
demolished, a la Utrecht; at least, a Z'Aix-la-Chapellea.
The last article is particularly offered to glory. If they
have no fleet, Dunkirk will not hurt us ; when they have,
twenty other places will do the business, especially if they
have Nieuport and Ostend, on which, notwithstanding all
reports, I hear we have been silent. Our terms are lofty ;
yet, could they expect that we would undo them and our-
selves for nothing? We shall be like the late Duke of
Marlborough, have a vast landed estate, and warit a guinea.
The great prince of the coalpits, Sir James Lowther,
marries the eldest infanta of the adjoining coalpits, Lord
Bute's daughter s. You will allow this Earl is a fortunate
man ; the late King, old Wortley, and the Duke of Argyle 4,
all dying in a year, and his daughter married to such an
immense fortune ! He certainly behaves with great modera-
tion, and nobody has had reason to complain of him.
1 return you your letter to Stosch ; he writ to me a fort-
night ago that he was embarking for Italy ; I sent yesterday
to his lodgings; the answer, he was sailed for Spain —
I suppose the ship touches there — but you will see him
soon. Adieu !
Strawberry Hill, Aug. 20, 1761.
A FEW lines before you go. Your resolutions are good,
and give me great pleasure; bring them back unbroken.
I have no mind to lose you — we have been acquainted these
2 Viz. in the manner stipulated in Baronet, afterwards Earl of Lons-
those treaties. dale ; d. 1824.
3 Lady Mary Stuart, eldest daugh- * By whose death Lord Bute ob-
ter of third Earl of Bute ; m. (Sept. 7, taincd the chief power in Scotland.
1761) Sir James Lowther, fifth Walpole.
H 2
100 To George Montagu [i76i
thirty years, and to give the devil his due, in all that time
I never knew a bad, a false, a mean or ill-natured thing in
the devil — but don't tell him I say so — especially as I
cannot say the same of myself. I am now doing a dirty
thing, nattering you to preface a commission. Dicky Bate-
man1 has picked up a whole cloister full of old chairs in
Herefordshire — he bought them one by one, here and there
in farm-houses, for three-and-sixpence and a crown apiece.
They are of wood, the seats triangular, the backs, arms, and
legs loaded with turnery. A thousand to one but there are
plenty up and down Cheshire too — if Mr. or Mrs. Wetenhall,
as they ridet or drive out, would now and then put up such
a chair, it would oblige me greatly. Take notice, no two
need be of the same pattern.
Keep it as the secret of your life, but if your brother
John addresses himself to me a day or two before the
Coronation, I can place him well to see the procession —
when it is over, I will give you a particular reason why
this must be such a mystery. I was extremely diverted
t'other day with my mother's and my old milliner. She
said she had a petition to me — ' What is it, Mrs. Burton ? ' —
' It is in behalf of two poor orphans.' — I began to feel for
my purse. — 'What can I do for them, Mrs. Burton?' —
' Only, if your honour would be so compassionate as to get
them tickets for the Coronation.' — I could not keep my
countenance — and these distressed orphans are two and
three-and -twenty ! — Did you ever hear a more melancholy
The Queen is expected on Monday, I go to town on
Sunday — would these shows and your Irish journey were
over, and neither of us a day the poorer!
I am expecting Mr. Chute to hold a chapter on the
LETTER 770. — l Richard (d. 1773), sou of Sir James Bateman, Knight, and
brother of first Viscount Bateman.
1761] To the Earl of Strafford 101
cabinet — a barge-load of niches, window-frames, and ribs, is
arrived. The cloister is paving, the privy-garden making,
painted glass adjusting to the windows on the back stairs —
with so many irons in the fire, you may imagine I have
not much time to write, I wish you a safe and pleasant
Yours faithfully,
H. W.
MY DEAB LORD, Arlington Street, Tuesday morning.
Nothing was ever equal to the bustle and uncertainty of
the town for these three days. The Queen was seen off the
coast of Sussex on Saturday last, and is not arrived yet —
nay, last night at ten o'clock it was neither certain when
she landed, nor when she would be in town. I forgive
history for knowing nothing when so public an event as
the arrival of a new Queen is a mystery even at the very
moment in St. James's Street. The messenger that brought
the letter yesterday morning said she arrived at half an
hour after four at Harwich. This was immediately trans-
lated into landing, and notified in those words to the
ministers. Six hours afterwards it proved no such thing,
and that she was only in the Harwich Eoad : and they
recollected that half an hour after four happens twice in
twenty-four hours, and the letter did not specify which of
the tunces it was. Well ! the bridemaids whipped on their
virginity ; the new road and the parks were thronged ; the
guns were choking with impatience to go off; and Sir
James Lowther, who was to pledge his Majesty, was
actually married to Lady Mary Stuart. Five, six, seven,
eight o'clock came, and no Queen — she lay at Witham *, at
Lord Abercorn's, who was most tranquilly in town : and it
LETTER 771. — * In Essex, eight miles from ChslmsforcL
102 To the Earl of Stra/ord [i76l
is not certain even whether she will be composed enough to
be in town to-night. She has been sick but half an hour :
sung and played on the harpsichord all the voyage, and
been cheerful the whole time. The Coronation will now
certainly not be put off — so I shall have the pleasure of
seeing you on the 1 5th. The weather is close and sultry ;
and if the wedding is to-night, we shall all die.
They have made an admirable speech for the Tripoline
ambassador — that he said he heard the King had sent his
first eunuch to fetch the Princess. I should think he
meaned Lord Anson.
You will find the town over head and ears in disputes
about rank, precedence, processions, entrees, &c. One point,
that of the Irish peers, has been excellently liquidated:
Lord Halifax has stuck up a paper in the coffee-room at
Arthur's, importing, 'That his Majesty, not having leisure
to determine a point of such great consequence, permits for
this time such Irish peers as shall be at the marriage to
walk in the procession.' Everybody concludes those per-
sonages will understand this order, as it is drawn up in
their own language ; otherwise it is not very clear how they
are to walk to the marriage, if they are at it before they
come to it.
Strawberry returns its duty and thanks for all your Lord-
ship's goodness to it, and though it has not got its wedding-
clothes yet, will be happy to see you. Lady Betty Mackenzie
is the individual woman she was — she seems to have been
gone three years, like the Sultan in the Persian tales,
who popped his head into a tub of water, pulled it up
again, and fancied he had been a dozen years in bondage
in the interim. She is not altered in a tittle. Adieu, my
dear Lord !
Your most faithful servant,
I76i] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 103
Twenty minutes past three in the afternoon,
not in the middle of the night.
Madame Charlotte is this instant arrived. The noise of
coaches, chaises, horsemen, mob, that have been to see her
pass through the parks, is so prodigious that I cannot
distinguish the guns. I am going to be dressed, and before
seven shall launch into the crowd. Pray for me !
Arlington Street, Sept. 9, 1761.
THE date of my promise is now arrived, and I fulfil it —
fulfil it with great satisfaction, for the Queen is come;
I have seen her, have been presented to her — and may go
back to Strawberry. For this fortnight I have lived upon
the road between Twickenham and London : I came, grew
impatient, returned ; came again, still to no purpose. The
yachts made the coast of Suffolk last Saturday, on Sunday
entered the road of Harwich, and on Monday morning the
King's chief eunuch, as the Tripoline ambassador calls Lord
Anson, landed the Princess. She lay that night at Lord
Abercorn's at Witham, the palace of silence ; and yesterday
at a quarter after three arrived at St. James's. In half an
hour one heard of nothing but proclamations of her beauty :
everybody was content, everybody pleased. At seven one
went to court. The night was sultry. About ten the pro-
cession began to move towards the chapel, and at eleven
they all came up into the drawing-room. She looks very
sensible, cheerful, and is remarkably genteel. Her tiara of
diamonds was very pretty, her stomacher sumptuous ; her
violet velvet mantle and ermine so heavy, that the spectators
knew as much of her upper half as the King himself. You
will have no doubts of her sense by what I shall tell you.
On the road they wanted her to curl her toupet: she said
104 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [i?6i
she thought it looked as well as that of any of the ladies
sent to fetch her; if the King bid her, she would wear
a periwig, otherwise she would remain as she was. When
she caught the first glimpse of the palace, she grew
frightened and turned pale ; the Duchess of Hamilton
smiled — the Princess said, 'My dear Duchess, you may
laugh, you have been married twice, but it is no joke to me.'
Her lips trembled as the coach stopped, but she jumped out
with spirit, and has done nothing but with good-humour
and cheerfulness. She talks a great deal — is easy, civil, and
not disconcerted. At first, when the bridemaids and the
court were introduced to her, she said, ' Mon Dieu, il y en a
tant, il y en a tant ! ' She was pleased when she was to kiss
the peeresses ; but Lady Augusta was forced to take her
hand and give it to those that were to kiss it, which was
prettily humble and good-natured. While they waited for
supper, she sat down, sung, and played. Her French is
tolerable, she exchanged much both of that and German
with the King, the Duke, and the Duke of York. They did
not get to bed till two. To-day was a Drawing-room : every-
body was presented to her ; but she spoke to nobody, as she
could not know a soul. The crowd was much less than at
a Birthday, the magnificence very little more. The King
looked veiy handsome, and talked to her continually with
great good-humour. It does not promise as if they two
would be the two most unhappy persons in England, from
this event. The bridemaids, especially Lady Caroline Kussel,
Lady Sarah Lenox, and Lady Elizabeth Keppel, were beauti-
ful figures. With neither features nor air, Lady Sarah was
by far the chief angel. The Duchess of Hamilton was
almost in possession of her former beauty to-day ; and your
other Duchess1, your daughter, was much better dressed
than ever I saw her. Except a pretty Lady Suther-
LETTEB 772.— l The Duchess of Richmond. Walpole,
I76i] To Sir Horace Mann 105
land8, and a most perfect beauty, an Irish Miss Smith8, I
don't think the Queen saw much else to discourage her : my
niece, Lady Kildare, Mrs. Fitzroy, were none of them there.
There is a ball to-night, and two more Drawing-rooms ; but
I have done with them. The Duchess of Queensbury and
Lady Westmoreland 4 were in the procession, and did credit
to the ancient nobility.
You don't presume to suppose, I hope, that we are
thinking of you, and wars, and misfortunes, and distresses,
in these festival times. Mr. Pitt himself would be mobbed
if he talked of anything but clothes, and diamonds, and
bridemaids. Oh yes, we have wars, civil wars; there is
a campaign opened in the Bedchamber. Everybody is
excluded but the ministers; even the Lords of the Bed-
chamber, cabinet counsellors, and foreign ministers: but it
has given such offence that I don't know whether Lord
Huntingdon 6 must not be the scapegoat. Adieu ! I am
going to transcribe most of this letter to your Countess.
Yours ever,
Arlington Street, Sept. 10, 1761.
WHEN we least expected the Queen, she came, after being
ten days at sea, but without sickness for above half an hour.
She was gay the whole voyage, sung to her harpsichord, and
left the door of her cabin open. They made the coast of
s Mary, eldest daughter and co- Smyth, of Tinney Park, Wicklow ;
heir of William Maxwell, of Preston, d. 1781.
Kirkcudbright ; m. (1761) William * Mary, daughter and heiress of
Sutherland, eighteenth Earl of Lord Henry Cavendish, second son
Sutherland; d. 1766. of first Duke of Devonshire ; m. John
8 Afterwards married to Mr. Fane, seventh Earl of Westmor-
Matthew, now Lord Landaff. Wai- land ; d. 1778.
pole. — Ellis, daughter of James D As Groom of the Stole.
106 To Sir Horace Mann [i?6i
Suffolk last Saturday, and on Monday morning she landed
at Harwich ; so prosperously has his Majesty's chief eunuch,
as they have made the Tripoline ambassador call Lord
Anson, executed his commission. She lay that night at
your old friend Lord Abercorn's, at Witham ; and, if she
judged by her host, must have thought she was coming to
reign in the realm of taciturnity. She arrived at St. James's
a quarter after three on Tuesday the 8th. When she first
saw the palace she turned pale : the Duchess of Hamilton
smiled. 'My dear Duchess,' said the Princess, lyou may
laugh ; you have been married twice ; but it is no joke to
me.' Is this a bad proof of her sense? On the journey
they wanted her to curl her toupet. ' No, indeed,' said she,
'I think it looks as well as those of the ladies that have
been sent for me : if the King would have me wear a peri-
wig, I will ; otherwise I shall let myself alone.' The Duke
of York gave her his hand at the garden-gate : her lips
trembled, but she jumped out with spirit. In the garden
the King met her ; she would have fallen at his feet ; he
prevented and embraced her, and led her into the apart-
ments, where she was received by the Princess of Wales
and Lady Augusta : these three Princesses only dined with
the King. At ten the procession went to chapel, preceded
by unmarried daughters of peers, peers, and peeresses in
plenty. The new Princess was led by the Duke of York
and Prince William * ; the Archbishop married them ; the
King talked to her the whole time with great good-humour,
and the Duke of Cumberland gave her away. She is not
tall, nor a beauty ; pale, and very thin ; but looks sensible,
and is genteel. Her hair is darkish and fine ; her forehead
low, her nose very well, except the nostrils spreading too
wide ; her mouth has the same fault, but her teeth are good.
She talks a good deal, and French tolerably ; possesses her-
LITTIB 773. — * Afterwards Duke of Gloucester. Walpole.
I76i] To Sir Horace Mann 107
self, is frank, but with great respect to the King. After the
ceremony, the whole company came into the drawing-room
for about ten minutes, but nobody was presented that night.
The Queen was in white and silver ; an endless mantle of
violet-coloured velvet, lined with ermine, and attempted to
be fastened on her shoulder by a bunch of large pearls,
dragged itself and almost the rest of her clothes halfway
down her waist. On her head was a beautiful little tiara of
diamonds ; a diamond necklace, and a stomacher of dia-
monds, worth threescore thousand pounds, which she is to
wear at the Coronation too. Her train was borne by the
ten bridemaids, Lady Sarah Lenox, Lady Caroline Kussell,
Lady Caroline Montagu2, Lady Harriot Bentinck3, Lady
Anne Hamilton *, Lady Essex Kerr 5 (daughters of Dukes of
Richmond, Bedford, Manchester, Portland, Hamilton, and
Koxburgh) ; and four daughters of the Earls of Albemarle,
Brook, Harcourt, and Hchester, — Lady Elizabeth Keppel,
Louisa Greville8, Elizabeth Harcourt7, and Susan Fox
Strangways: their heads crowned with diamonds, and in
robes of white and silver. Lady Caroline Kussell8 is ex-
tremely handsome ; Lady Elizabeth Keppel 9 very pretty ;
but with neither features nor air, nothing ever looked so
charming as Lady Sarah Lenox 10 ; she has all the glow of
beauty peculiar to her family. As supper was not ready,
2 Eldest daughter of third Duke d. unmarried, 1819.
of Manchester; m. (1776) Captain 6 Eldest daughter of first Earl
Charles Herbert, son of Major- of Warwick; m. (1770) William
General Hon. William Herbert, and Churchill, of Henbury, Dorsetshire,
brother of first Earl of Carnarvon. 7 Eldest daughter of first Earl
8 Lady Henrietta Cavendish-Ben- Harcourt ; m. (1763) Sir William
tinck, second daughter of second Lee, fourth Baronet, of Hartwell,
Duke of Portland ; m. (1763) George Buckinghamshire.
Harry Grey, fifth Earl of Stamford ; 8 Afterwards Duchess of Marl-
<L 1827. borough. WcHpole.
* Fifth daughter of fifth Duke of 9 Afterwards Marchioness of Tavis-
Hamilton ; m. (1761) Arthur Chi- tock. WcUpole.
Chester, fifth Earl (afterwards first 10 Lady Sarah Lenox was mar-
Marquis) of Donegal. ried to Sir Charles Bunbury, and,
5 Eldest daughter of Robert Kerr being divorced from him, to Captain
(d. 1755), second Duke of Roxburgh ; Napier. Walpole.
108 To Sir Horace Mann [i76i
the Queen sat down, sung, and played on the harpsichord
to the royal family, who all supped with her in private.
They talked of the different German dialects; the King
asked if the Hanoverian was not pure — ' Oh no, sir,' said
the Queen ; ' it is the worst of all.' — She will not be
The Duke of Cumberland told the King that himself and
Lady Augusta were sleepy. The Queen was very averse to
going to bed, and at last articled that nobody should retire
with her but the Princess of Wales and her own two German
women, and that nobody should be admitted afterwards but
the King — they did not get to bed till between two and
three. The Princess Dowager wanted to sit a little at table,
and pressed the Duke of Cumberland to stay ; he pleaded
being tired — 'and besides, Madam,' said he, 'what should
I stay for? if she cries out, I cannot help her.'
The next morning the King had a levee. He said to
Lord Hardwicke, ' It is a very fine day : ' that old gossip
replied, ' Yes, Sir, and it was a veiy fine night.' Lord Bute
had told the King that Lord Orford had betted his having
a child before Sir James Lowther, who had been married
the night before to Lord Bute's eldest daughter ; the King
told Lord Orford he should be glad to go his halves. The
bet was made with Mr. Kigby11. Somebody asked the
latter how he could be so bad a courtier as to bet against
the King? He replied, 'Not at all a bad courtier; I betted
Lord Bute's daughter against him.'
After the King's levee there was a Drawing-room ; the
Queen stood under the throne : the women were presented
to her by the Duchess of Hamilton, and then the men by
the Duke of Manchester ; but as she knew nobody, she was
not to speak. At night there was a ball, Drawing-rooms
yesterday and to-day, and then a cessation of ceremony till
11 Richard Bighy, afterwards Paymaster of the Forces. Walpole.
I76i] To Grosvenor Bedford 109
the Coronation, except next Monday, when she is to receive
the address of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, sitting on the
throne attended by the bridemaids. There was a ridiculous
circumstance happened yesterday ; Lord Westmoreland, not
very young nor clear-sighted, mistook Lady Sarah Lenox
for the Queen, kneeled to her, and would have kissed her
hand if she had not prevented him. People think that a
Chancellor of Oxford was naturally attracted by the blood
of Stuart. It is as comical to see Kitty Dashwood12, the
famous old beauty of the Oxfordshire Jacobites, living in the
palace as duenna to the Queen. She and Mrs. Boughton 1S,
Lord Lyttelton's ancient Delia, are revived again in a young
court that never heard of them. There, I think you could
not have had a more circumstantial account of a royal
wedding from the Heralds' Office. Adieu !
Yours to serve you,
Mecklenburgh King-at-Arms.
MY DEAR SIR, Sept. 23, 1761.
Ten thousand thanks to you for all your goodness and
all your trouble; I can never say enough to you for the
obliging kindness you have shown me, I fear you will
suffer by it ; tell me how you do to-day and if you have
got a good night's rest. Compose yourself till you are
perfectly recovered. Pray make my thanks too to Miss
14 Mrs. Catherine Dashwood, on was sister of Fulke Greville, author
whom Mr. Hammond wrote many of Maxims and Characters.
poems. Walpole. ** An allusion to Francis Sand-
18 Mary (d. 1786), eldest daughter ford (1630-1694), Lancaster Herald,
of Hon. Algernon Greville, second and author (amongst other works)
son of fifth Baron Brooke ; m. of The History of the Coronation of
Shuckburgh, third son of Sir Wil- James II.
liam Boughton, fourth Baronet. She
110 To George Montagu [i76i
Bedford and your sons, who have had nothing but plague
with me. Adieu ! Your much obliged
And sincere friend,
Don't wonder I was so impatient to get away ; I was
fatigued to death ; but got home perfectly well and am
quite so1.
Arlington Street, Sept. 24, 1761.
I AM glad you arrived safe in Dublin, and hitherto like it
so well ; but your trial is not begun yet ; when your King
comes, the ploughshares will be put into the fire. Bless
your stars that your King is not to be married or crowned :
all the vines of Bourdeaux and all the fumes of Irish
brains cannot make a town so drunk as a royal wedding
and coronation. I am going to let London cool, and will
not venture myself into it again this fortnight. Oh ! the
buzz, the prattle, the crowds, the noise, the hurry! Nay,
people are so little come to their senses, that though the
Coronation was but the day before yesterday, the Duke
of Devonshire had forty messages yesterday, desiring tickets
for a ball that they fancied was to be at court last night —
people had sat up a night and a day — and yet wanted to
see a dance. If I was to entitle ages, I would call this the
century of crowds. For the Coronation, if a puppet-show
could be worth a million, that is. The multitudes, balconies,
guards, and processions, made Palace Yard the liveliest
spectacle in the world ; the Hall was the most glorious.
LETTER 774. — l Note by Mr. Bed- Hertford, Lady Anne Conway, Mr.
ford. — ' Mr. Walpole's friends invited Chute, Mrs. Clive, Mr. Raftor, Lady
by Mr. Grosvr. Bedford to bis Townshend and Master, Miss Hotham
house in Palace Yard to see the Coro- and her maid.'
nation in 1761 : — Lady Hervey, Lady
I76i] To George Montagu 111
The blaze of lights, the richness and variety of habits, the
ceremonial, the benches of peers and peeresses, frequent and
full, was as awful as a pageant can be — and yet for the
King's sake — and my own, I never wish to see another ;
nor am impatient to have my Lord Effingham's promise
fulfilled — the King complained that so few precedents were
kept for their proceedings ; Lord Effingham owned the
Earl Marshal's office had been strangely neglected ; but he
had taken such care for the future, that the next Coronation
would be regulated in the most exact manner imaginable.
The number of peers and peeresses present was not very
great — some of the latter, with no excuse in the world,
appeared in Lord Lincoln's gallery, and even walked about
the Hall indecently in the intervals of the procession. My
Lady Harrington, covered with all the diamonds she could
borrow, hire, or seize, and with the air of Koxana, was the
finest figure at a distance ; she complained to George Selwyn
that she was to walk with Lady Portsmouth1, who would
have a wig and a stick — 'Pho,' said he, 'you will only look
as if you was taken up by the constable' — she told this
everywhere, thinking the reflection was on my Lady Ports-
mouth. Lady Pembroke, alone at the head of the coun-
tesses, was the picture of majestic modesty ; the Duchess of
Bichmond, as pretty as nature and dress, with no pains of
her own, could make her ; Lady Spencer 2, Lady Sutherland,
and Lady Northampton, very pretty figures — Lady Kildare,
still beauty itself, if not a little too large. The ancient
peeresses were by no means the worst party — Lady West-
morland, still handsome, and with more dignity than all ; the
Duchess of Queensberry looked well, though her locks milk-
LETTER 775. — l Hon. Elizabeth 2 Margaret Georgiana (d. 1814),
Griffin, daughter of second Baron eldest daughter of Stephen Poyntz ;
Griffin ; m. (1741) John Wallop, m. (1755) John Spencer, created
ViscountLymington,whowascreated Viscount Spencer in 1761, and Earl
Earl of Portsmouth in 1743 ; d. 1762. Spencer in 1765.
112 To George Montagu [i?6i
white ; Lady Albemarle very genteel ; nay, the middle-aged
had some good representatives in Lady Holderness, Lady
Eochford, and Lady Strafford, the perfectest little figure of
all. My Lady Suffolk ordered her robes, and I dressed part
of her head, as I made some of my Lord Hertford's dress ;
for you know, no profession comes amiss to me, from a
tribune of the people to a habit-maker. Don't imagine that
there were not figures as excellent on the other side : old
Exeter, who told the King he was the handsomest young
man she ever saw, old Effingham3, and a Lady Say and
Seal4, with her hair powdered and her tresses black, were
an excellent contrast to the handsome. Lord Bolinbroke
put on rouge upon his wife and the Duchess of Bedford in
the Painted Chamber ; the Duchess of Queensberry told me
of the latter, that she looked like an orange-peach, half red
and half yellow. The coronets of the peers and their robes
disguised them strangely ; it required all the beauty of the
Dukes of Kichmond and Marlborough to make them noticed.
One there was, though of another species, the noblest figure
I ever saw, the High-Constable of Scotland, Lord Errol5 — as
one saw him in a space capable of containing him, one
admired him. At the wedding, dressed in tissue, he looked
like one of the Giants in Guildhall, new gilt. It added to
the energy of his person, that one considered him acting so
considerable a part in that very Hall, where so few years
ago one saw his father, Lord Kilmarnock, condemned to
the block. The Champion acted his part admirably, and
dashed down his gauntlet with proud defiance. His
associates, Lord Effingham, Lord Talbot, and the Duke
3 Anne(d. 1774), daughterof Eobert Thomas Tyrel, second Baronet; m.
Bristow ; m. (1728) Hon. Francis (1763), as her third husband, Bichard
Howard, who succeeded his brother Piennes, sixth Viscount Saye and
as eighth Baron Howard of Effing- Sele; d. 1789.
ham in 1726, and was created Earl 6 James Hay (1726-1778), fifteenth
of Effingham in 1731. Earl of Enroll.
* ChriBtobeUa, daughter of Sir
To George Montagu 113
of Bedford8, were woful, yet the last the least ridiculous
of the three. Lord Talbot piqued himself on backing his
horse down the Hall, and not turning its rump towards the
King, but he had taken such pains to dress it to that duty,
that it entered backwards j and at his retreat the spectators
clapped, a terrible indecorum, but suitable to such Bar-
tholomew Fair doings. He put me in mind of some King's
fool, that would not give his right hand to the King of
Spain, because he wiped his backside with it. He had
twenty demelts, and came out of none creditably. He had
taken away the table of the Knights of the Bath, and was
forced to admit two in their old place, and dine the others
in the Court of Requests. Sir William Stanhope said, ' We
are ill-treated, for some of us are gentlemen.' Beckford
told the Earl, it was hard to refuse a table to the City of
London, whom it would cost ten thousand pounds to
banquet the King, and that his Lordship would repent it,
if they had not a table in the Hall — they had. To the
Barons of the Cinque Ports, who made the same complaint,
he said, ' If you come to me as Lord Steward, I tell you it
is impossible ; if as Lord Talbot, I am a match for any of
you ' ; and then he said to Lord Bute, ' If I was a minister,
thus I would talk to France, to Spain, to the Dutch — none
of your half-measures.' This has brought me to a melan-
choly topic — Bussy goes to-morrow, a Spanish war is hang-
ing 7 in the air, destruction is taking a new lease of mankind
— of the remnant of mankind — I have no prospect of seeing
8 As Deputy Earl Marshal, Lord nantly refused by Pitt. Shortly after-
High Steward, and Lord High Con- wards Pitt became aware of the exist-
stable of England respectively. ence of the ' FamilyCompact ' between
7 The Spanish court, at the instiga- France and Spain (signed Aug. 15,
tion of Choiseul, the French Minister 1761). He was thus assured of Spain's
for War, demanded that certain hostile intentions, and wished to de-
Spanish grievances against the Eng- clare war immediately, but was op-
lish should be considered in the posed by all his colleagues except
negotiations between England and Temple ; he consequently resigned
France. This demand was indig- in Oct. 1761.
114 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [1761
Mr. Conway ! Adieu ! I will not disturb you with my
forebodings. You I shall see again in spite of war, and,
I trust, in spite of Ireland. Yours ever,
H. W.
I was much disappointed at not seeing your brother John :
I kept a place for him to the last minute, but have heard
nothing of him.
Arlington Street, Sept. 25, 1761.
THIS is the most unhappy day I have known of years :
Bussy goes away ! Mankind is again given up to the
sword ! Peace and you are far from England !
Strawberry Hill.
I was interrupted this morning, just as I had begun my
letter, by Lord Waldegrave ; and then the Duke of Devon-
shire sent for me to Burlington House to meet the Duchess
of Bedford, and see the old pictures from Hardwicke. If
my letter reaches you three days later, at least you are
saved from a lamentation. Bussy has put off his journey
to Monday (to be sure, you know this is Friday) : he says
this is a strange country, he can get no waggoner to carry
his goods on a Sunday. I am glad a Spanish war waits
for a conveyance, and that a waggoner's veto is as good
as a tribune's of Rome, and can stop Mr. Pitt on his career
to Mexico. He was going post to conquer it — and Beckford,
I suppose, would have had a contract for remitting all the
gold, of which Mr. Pitt never thinks, unless to serve a City
friend. It is serious that we have discussions with Spain,
who says France is humbled enough, but must not be
ruined : Spanish gold is actually coining in frontier towns
I76i] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 115
of France ; and the privilege which Biscay and two other
provinces have of fishing on the coast of Newfoundland, has
been demanded for all Spain. It was refused peremptorily;
and Mr. Secretary Cortez1 insisted yesterday se'nnight on
recalling Lord Bristol 2. The rest of the council, who are
content with the world they have to govern, without con-
quering others, prevailed to defer this impetuosity. How-
ever, if France or Spain are the least untractable, a war
is inevitable: nay, if they don't submit by the first day
of the session, I have no doubt but Mr. Pitt will declare
it himself on the Address. I have no opinion of Spain
intending it: they give France money to protract a war,
from which they reap such advantages in their peaceful
capacity ; and I should think would not give their money
if they were on the point of having occasion for it them-
selves. In spite of you, and all the old barons our ancestors,
I pray that we may have done with glory, and would
willingly burn every Roman and Greek historian who have
done nothing but transmit precedents for cutting throats.
The Coronation is over : 'tis even a more gorgeous sight
than I imagined. I saw the procession and the Hall ; but
the return was in the dark. In the morning they had
forgot the Sword of State, the chairs for King and Queen,
and their canopies. They used the Lord Mayor's for the
first, and made the last in the Hall: so they did not set
forth till noon ; and then, by a childish compliment to the
King, reserved the illumination of the Hall till his entry ;
by which means they arrived like a funeral, nothing being
discernible but the plumes of the Knights of the Bath,
which seemed the hearse. Lady Kildare, the Duchess of
Richmond, and Lady Pembroke were the capital beauties.
Lady Harrington, the finest figure at a distance ; old West-
LKTTKB776. — t Mr. Pitt, then Score- 2 The English Embassador at the
tary of State. Walpole. court of Madrid. Walpole,
I 2
116 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [1761
moreland, the most majestic. Lady Hertford could not
walk, and indeed I think is in a way to give us great
anxiety. She is going to Kagley to ride. Lord Beauchamp
was one of the King's train-bearers. Of all the incidents
of the day, the most diverting was what happened to the
Queen. She had a retiring-chamber, with all conveniences,
prepared behind the altar. She went thither — in the most
convenient what found she but— the Duke of Newcastle !
Lady Hardwicke died three days before the ceremony, which
kept away the whole house of Yorke. Some of the peeresses
were dressed overnight, slept in armchairs, and were waked
if they tumbled their heads. Your sister Harris's maid,
Lady Peterborough3, was a comely figure. My Lady
Cowper refused, but was forced to walk with Lady Maccles-
field. Lady Falmouth was not there; on which George
Selwyn said, ' that those peeresses who were most used to
walk, did not.' I carried my Lady Townshend, Lady Hert-
ford, Lady Anne Connolly, my Lady Hervey, and Mrs.
Olive, to my deputy's house at the gate of Westminster Hall.
My Lady Townshend said she should be very glad to see
a Coronation, as she never had seen one. ' Why,' said I,
'Madam, you walked at the last?' 'Yes, child,' said she,
' but I saw nothing of it : I only looked to see who looked
at me.' The Duchess of Queensbury walked ! her affecta-
tion that day was to do nothing preposterous. The Queen
has been at the Opera, and says she will go once a week.
This is a fresh disaster to our box, where we have lived
so harmoniously for three years. We can get no alternative
but that over Miss Chudleigh's ; and Lord Strafford and
Lady Mary Coke will not subscribe, unless we can. The
Duke of Devonshire and I are negotiating with all our art
to keep our party together. The crowds at the Opera and
8 Bobiniana, daughter of Colonel Browne; m. (1756) Charles Mordaunt,
fourth Earl of Peterborough ; d. 1794.
176i] To the Countess of Ailesbury 117
play when the King and Queen go, are a little greater than
what I remember. The late Royalties went to the Hay-
market, when it was the fashion to frequent the other Opera
in Lincoln's Inn Fields. Lord Chesterfield one night came
into the latter, and was asked, if he had been at the other
house? 'Yes,' said he, 'but there was nobody but the
King and Queen ; and as I thought they might be talking
business, I came away.'
Thank you for your journals: the best route you can
send me would be of your journey homewards. Adieu !
Yours most sincerely,
P.S. If you ever hear from, or write to, such a person
as Lady Ailesbury, pray tell her she is worse to me in point
of correspondence than ever you said I was to you, and that
she sends me everything but letters !
Strawberry Hill, Sept. 27, 1761.
You are a mean, mercenary woman. If you did not want
histories of weddings and coronations, and had not jobs
to be executed about muslins, and a bit of china, and
counterband goods, one should never hear of you. When
you don't want a body, you can frisk about with greffiers
and burgomasters, and be as merry in a dyke as my lady
frog herself. The moment y our t curiosity is agog, or your
cambric seized, you recollect a good cousin in England, and,
as folks said two hundred years ago, begin to write upon
the knees of your heart. Well ! I am a sweet-tempered
creature, I forgive you. I have already writ to a little
friend in the Custom House, and will try what can be
done; though, by Mr. Amyand's report to the Duchess of
118 To the Countess of Ailesbury [irei
Richmond, I fear your case is desperate. For the genea-
logies, I have turned over all my books to no purpose ;
I can meet with no Lady Howard that married a Carey,
nor a Lady Seymour that married a Caufield. Lettice
Caufield, who married Francis Staunton, was daughter of
Dr. James (not George) Caufield, younger brother of the
first Lord Charlemont. This is all that I can ascertain.
For the other pedigree ; I can inform your friend that there
was a Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, who married an Anne
Carew, daughter of Sir Nicholas Carew, Knight of the
Garter, not Carey. — But this Sir Nicholas Carew married
Joan Courtney — not a Howard: and besides, the Careys
and Throckmortons you wot of were just the reverse : your
Carey was the cock, and Throckmorton the hen — mine are
vice versa :— otherwise, let me tell your friend, Carews and
Courtneys are worth Howards any day of the week, and
of ancienter blood ; — so, if descent is all he wants, I advise
him to take up with the pedigree as I have refitted it.
However, I will cast a figure once more, and try if I
can conjure up the dames Howard and Seymour that he
My heraldry was much more offended at the Coronation
with the ladies that did walk, than with those that walked
out of their place; yet I was not so perilously angry as
my Lady Cowper, who refused to set a foot with my Lady
Macelesfield ; and when she was at last obliged to associate
with her, set out on a round trot, as if she designed to
prove the antiquity of h«r family by marching as lustily
as a Maid of Honour of Queen Gwiniver. It was in truth
a brave sight. The sea of heads in Palace Yard, the guards,
horse and foot, the scaffolds, balconies, and procession,
exceeded imagination. The Hall, when once illuminated,
was noble ; but they suffered the whole parade to return
into it in the dark, that his Majesty might be surprised
1761] To the Countess of Ailesbury 119
with the quickness with which the sconces catched fire.
The Champion acted well ; the other paladins had neither
the grace nor alertness of Rinaldo. Lord Effingham and
the Duke of Bedford were but untoward knights errant ;
and Lord Talbot had not much more dignity than the
figure of General Monk in the Abbey. The habit of the
peers is unbecoming to the last degree ; but the peeresses
made amends for all defects. Your daughter Kichmond,
Lady Kildare, and Lady Pembroke were as handsome as
the Graces. Lady Kochford, Lady Holdernesse, and Lady
Lyttelton looked exceedingly well in that their day j and
for those of the day before, the Duchess of Queensbury,
Lady Westmoreland, and Lady Albemarle were surprising.
Lady Harrington was noble at a distance, and so covered
with diamonds, that you would have thought she had bid
somebody or other, like Falstaff, rob me the Exchequer1.
Lady Northampton was very magnificent too, and looked
prettier than I have seen her of late. Lady Spencer and
Lady Bolingbroke were not the worst figures there. The
Duchess of Ancaster marched alone after the Queen with
much majesty ; and there were two new Scotch peeresses
that pleased everybody, Lady Sutherland and Lady Dun-
more a. Per contra, were Lady P , who had put a wig
on, and old E , who had scratched hers off ; Lady S ,
the Dowager E , and a Lady Say and Sele, with her
tresses coal-black, and her hair coal-white. Well! it was
all delightful, but not half so charming as its being over.
The gabble one heard about it for six weeks before, and
the fatigue of the day, could not well be compensated by
a mere puppet-show ; for puppet-show it was, though it cost
a million. The Queen is so gay that we shall not want
LETTER 777. — 1 See p. 89, note 1. loway ; m. (1759) John Murray, fourth
2 Lady Charlotte Stewart (d. 1818), Earl of Dunmore.
sixth daughter of sixth Earl of Gal-
120 To the Countess of Ailesbury [i?6i
sights ; she has been at the Opera, the Beggar's Opera and
the Rehearsal, and two nights ago carried the King to
Eanelagh. In short, I am so miserable with losing my
Duchess 3, and you and Mr. Conway, that I believe, if you
should be another six weeks without writing to me, I should
come to the Hague and scold you in person — for, alas ! my
dear lady, I have no hopes of seeing you here. Stanley
is recalled, is expected every hour. Bussy goes to-morrow ;
and Mr. Pitt is so impatient to conquer Mexico, that I don't
believe he will stay till my Lord Bristol can be ordered
to leave Madrid. I tremble lest Mr. Conway should not
get leave to come — nay, are we sure he would like to ask
it ? He was so impatient to get to the army, that I should
not be surprised if he stayed there till every suttler and
woman that follows the camp was come away. You ask
me if we are not in admiration of Prince Ferdinand. In
truth, we have thought very little of him. He may outwit
Broglio ten times, and not be half so much talked of as
Lord Talbot's backing his horse down Westminster Hall.
The generality are not struck with anything under a com-
plete victory. If you have a mind to be well with the mob
of England, you must be knocked on the head like Wolfe,
or bring home as many diamonds as Clive. We live in
a country where so many follies or novelties start forth
every day, that we have not time to try a general's capacity
by the rules of Polybius.
I have hardly left room for my obligations — to your
Ladyship, for my commissions at Amsterdam ; to Mrs. Sally*,
for her teapots, which are likely to stay so long at the
Hague, that I fear they will have begot a whole set of
china ; and to Miss Conway and Lady George8, for thinking
3 The Duchess of Grafton, who was abroad. Walpcle.
* Lady Ailesbury's woman. WaLpole.
8 Lady George Lennox, whose husband was with the army.
I76i] To Sir Horace Mann 121
of me. Pray assure them of my re-thinking. Adieu, dear
Madam ! Don't you think we had better write oftener and
Yours most faithfully,
Strawberry Hill, Sept 28, 1761.
WHAT is the finest sight in the world ? A Coronation.
What do people talk most about? A Coronation. What
is delightful to have passed ? A Coronation. Indeed, one
had need be a handsome young peeress not to be fatigued
to death with it. After being exceeded with hearing of
nothing else for six weeks, and having every cranny of my
ideas stuffed with velvet and ermine, and tresses, and
jewels, I thought I was very cunning in going to lie in
Palace Yard, that I might not sit up all night in order to
seize a place. The consequence of this wise scheme was,
that I did not get a wink of sleep all night ; hammering
of scaffolds, shouting of people, relieving guards, and jangling
of bells, was the concert I heard from twelve to six, when
I rose ; and it was noon before the procession was ready
to set forth, and night before it returned from the Abbey.
I then saw the Hall, the dinner, and the Champion, a
gloriously illuminated chamber, a wretched banquet, and
a foolish puppet-show. A trial of a peer, though by no
means so sumptuous, is a preferable sight, for the latter
is interesting. At a Coronation one sees the peerage as
exalted as they like to be, and at a trial as much humbled
as a plebeian wishes them. I tell you nothing of who
looked well ; you know them no more than if I told you
of the next Coronation. Yes, two ancient dames that you
remember were still ornaments of the show, — the Duchess
122 To Sir Horace Mann [1761
of Queensbury * and Lady Westmoreland J. There was one
very entertaining circumstance ; in the Abbey behind the
altar the Queen had a retiring chamber. She had occasion
to go thither — in the privatest spot, where she certainly
did not want company, she found the Duke of Newcastle.
Some of the peeresses were so fond of their robes, that they
graciously exhibited themselves for a whole day before to
all the company their servants could invite to see them.
A maid from Richmond begged leave to stay in town
because the Duchess of Montrose s was only to be seen from
two to four. The Heralds were so ignorant of their busi-
ness, that, though pensioned for nothing but to register
lords and ladies, and what belongs to them, they advertised
in the newspaper for the Christian names and places of
abode of the peeresses. The King complained of such
omissions and of the want of precedents ; Lord Effingham *,
the Earl Marshal, told him, it was true there had been
great neglect in that office, but he had now taken such care
of registering directions, that next Coronation would be con-
ducted with the greatest order imaginable. The King was
so diverted with this flattering speech that he made the Earl
repeat it several times.
On this occasion one saw to how high-watermark extra-
vagance is risen in England. At the Coronation of George II
my mother gave forty guineas for a dining-room, scaffold,
and bedchamber. An exactly parallel apartment, only with
rather a worse view, was this time set at three hundred and
fifty guineas — a tolerable rise in thirty-three years! The
platform from St. Margaret's Eoundhouse to the church-
door, which formerly let for forty pounds, went this time
LETTER 778. — * Catherine Hyde, trose. Walpole.
Dnchess of Queensberry. Walpole. * Thomas Howard, second Earl of
2 Mary Cavendish, Countess of Effingham, Deputy Earl Marshal.
Westmoreland. Walpole. Walpole.
3 Lucy Manners, Duchess of Mon-
I76i] To Sir Horace Mann 123
for two thousand four hundred pounds. Still more was
given for the inside of the Abbey. The prebends would
like a Coronation every year. The King paid nine thousand
pounds for the hire of jewels ; indeed, last time, it cost
my father fourteen hundred to be jewel my Lady Orford 5.
A single shop now sold six hundred pounds' sterling worth
of nails — but nails are risen — so is everything, and every-
thing adulterated. If we conquer Spain, as we have done
France, I expect to be poisoned. Alas ! we are going to
conquer Spain. They have taken France by the hand, and
bully for her. Mr. Pitt, who desires nothing better than to
bid upon anybody's haughtiness, has recalled Mr. Stanley,
and would willingly have recalled my Lord Bristol too.
If the Turks don't know what to do with their arma-
ment, Mr. Pitt will be obliged to them if they will be
a little impertinent too. If all this did but starve us
I should not much mind it : I should look as well as other
people in haughty rags, and while one's dunghill is the first
dunghill in Europe, one is content. But the lives ! the
lives it will cost ! to wade through blood to dignity ! I
had rather be a worm than a vulture. Besides, I am no
gamester ; I do not love doubling the bet, but would realize
The Duchess of Grafton is drawing nearer to you ; you
will see her by the end of the winter ; they leave Geneva
the 1 Oth of next month, and go to Turin. I believe I liked
the Coronation the less for wanting the principal figure.
Good night!
6 Margaret Eolle, wife of Robert, Walpole, and afterwards Earl of
Lord Walpole, eldest son of Sir Bobert Orford. Walpole.
124 To Sir Horace Mann [1761
Arlington Street, Oct. 6, 1761.
I WROTE to you but last week. You will conclude I have
a victory to tell you, by following that letter with another
BO soon. Oh no! you may bid adieu to victories. It is
not that Spain or we have declared war, but Mr. Pitt has
resigned. The Cabinet Council were for temporizing. This
is not his style.
Without entering into discussions of which side is in
the right, you will easily see how fatal this event must
be, even from its creating two sides. What saved us,
and then what lifted us so high, but union ? What could
France, what could your old friend the Empress Queen,
desire so ardently as divisions amongst us ? They will have
their wish to satiety. I foresee nothing but confusion.
Nor shall we have a war the less : if Spain bullied while
Mr. Pitt was minister, I don't believe she will tremble
more at his successors. Who they will be I cannot imagine.
It required all his daring to retrieve our affairs. Who
will dare for him, nay, and against him ? Next to pitying
our country and ourselves, I feel for the young King. It
is hard to have so bright a dawn so soon overcast ! I fear
he is going to taste as bitter a cup as ever his grandfather
swallowed! This happened but yesterday. It is not an
event to lie dormant long without consequences.
In answer to your letter of September 12, which I have
received since I wrote, I must thank you again about the
Castiglione, and reprove you too : you speak of it as if
I thought it not worth accepting — my difficulty was because
it is too fine to accept. I don't like your giving me any-
thing but your affection. At the same time you shall
not think I don't value whatever you persist in giving me.
I76i] To George Montagu 125
With regard to a picture of Lord Koyston *, you will excuse
me from troubling myself about it. I have no connection
with that family.
The bills of lading came safe, and I have given them
to your brother, and thank you for the prints. Adieu !
my dear child ; this is an unpleasant letter, and I don't
care how soon I finish it. Squabbles of ministers are
entertaining in time of peace ; they are a little too serious
now. Adieu !
Arlington Street, Oct. 8, 1761.
I CANNOT swear I wrote to you again to offer your brother
the place for the Coronation; but I was confident I did,
nay, I think so still — my proofe are, the place remained
empty, and I sent to old Richard to inquire if Mr. John
was not arrived. He had no great loss, as the procession
returned in the dark.
Tour King will have heard that Mr, Pitt resigned last
Monday. Greater pains have been taken to recover him
than were used to drive him out. He is inflexible, but
mighty peaceable. Lord Egremont is to have the Seals
to-morrow. It is a most unhappy event —France and Spain
will soon let us know we ought to think so. For your part,
you will be invaded ; a blacker Kod than you will be sent
to Ireland. Would you believe that the town is a desert ?
The wedding filled it, the Coronation crammed it ; Mr. Pitt's
resignation has not brought six people to London. As they
could not hire a window and crowd one another to death
to see him give up the Seals, it seems a matter of perfect
indifference. If he will accuse a single man of checking
our career of glory, all the world will come to see him
LKTTEB 779.— ' Eldest son of the Earl of Hardwicke.
126 To Sir Horace Mann [1761
hanged — but what signifies the ruin of a nation, if no
particular man ruins it?
The Duchess of Marlborough ' died the night before last.
Thank you for your descriptions ; pray continue them.
Mrs. Delany8 I know a little. Lord Charlemont's 8 villa is
in Chambers's book.
I have nothing new to tell you ; but the grain of mustard -
seed sown on Monday will soon produce as large a tree as
you can find in any prophecy. Adieu !
Yours ever,
H. W.
P.S. Lady Mary Wortley is arrived. If you could meet
with ever a large print4 very cheap, you would make
your court to her by it.
Arlington Street, Oct. 8, 1761.
1 WHITE to you so often, you will think I have succeeded
Mr. Pitt as Secretary of State. The truth is, I want to
overtake my last letter. I fear I was peevish in it — my
answer about the picture for which you have a commission
was too squab. — I own I was out of humour, I was
So odd, my country's ruin made me grave.
And imagining the people1 you wot of might have con-
tributed a little to throw us into confusion, it made me
LETTER 780. — * The widow of the ' Marino,' near Dublin, was designed
third Duke. by Chambers. The latter's book was
2 Mary (1700-1788), daughter of presumably his Treatise ondvilArchi-
Bernard Granville ; m. 1. (1718) Alex- lecture.
ander Pendarves ; 2. (1743) Patrick * So apparently in MS. ; the word
Delany, Dean of Down. She was at is almost obliterated,
this time living near Dublin. LETTER 781. — a The Earl of Hard-
8 James CauHeld (1728-1799), wicke and the Duke of Newcastle
fourth Viscount (afterwards first had united with Lord Bute against
Earl of) Charlemont. His villa, Mr. Pitt. Walpole.
I76i] To Sir Horace Mann 127
eager even to you, with whom I certainly had no cause of
displeasure. Forgive me ; it was an air of departing
haughtiness. We have been used of late to triumph ; it
felt unpleasant to relinquish glory ; and I am exactly that
sort of philosopher to be angry if I am not prepared to keep
my temper.
Spain tells us to-day that she means us no harm. She
has only made a defensive and offensive league a with France
to keep the peace. When she hears Mr. Pitt is out, I
suppose she will make a neutrality, that she may invade
Ireland. If she does, pray hold your militia ready to
attack Naples.
Great attempts, great offers have been made to recover
Mr. Pitt. He waives them, goes to court, bows, and goes
to Bath. In the City it was proposed at first to go into
mourning on his resignation ; as yet they have come to no
resolution. It will perhaps depend on some trifle to set
fire to the train — should it not be lighted up now, that will
insure nothing. It cannot be indifferent whether he is in
place or out. Your new master is to be Lord Egremont *,
who was to have gone to Augsburgh * : he is to have the
Seals to-morrow. As Mr. Pitt declares against being hostile,
I conclude nobody will resign with him.
I began, intending to tell you about the commission for
the picture, and forgot it — not that I have anything to tell
you. I went this morning to your brother, and he knows
not a syllable more than the orders he delivered to you
from your brother Ned. I only mention this, to prove to
you that when my patriotism subsides, my friendship revives
as strong as ever.
Lady Mary Wortley is arrived. I have not seen her yet,
5 The Family Compact. * The negotiations for peace were
3 Sir Charles Windham, first Earl to have been carried on there,
of Egremont. Walpole.
128 To Sir Horace Mann [1761
though they have not made her perform quarantine for her
own dirt.
This short letter, and t'other short letter, make a long
one. Adieu !
Stop, I have told you a monstrous lie ; Lady Mary is not
arrived; it was a Dutch blunder of Lady Denbigh6, who
confounded Lady Mary Wrottesley8 and Lady Mary Wortley.
Lord Talbot, on Mr. Pitt's resignation, advised the Duke
of Newcastle not to die for joy on the Monday, nor for fear
on Tuesday.
Strawberry Hill, Oct. 10, 1761.
AM not I an old fool ? at my years to be a dupe to virtue
and patriotism ; I, who have seen all the virtue of England
sold six times over ! . . . Here have I fallen in love with
my father's enemies, and because they served my country,
believed they were the most virtuous men upon earth. I
adored Mr. Pitt, as if I was just come from school and
reading Livy's lies of Brutus and Camillus, and Fabius ;
and romance knows whom. Alack ! alack ! Mr. Pitt loves
an estate as well as my Lord Bath ! The Conqueror of
Canada, of Afric, of India, would, if he had been in the
latter, have brought my Lady Esther as many diamonds
as General Clive took. Spain assures us she is still very
pacific, and what if France would have been so too, if
Mr. Pitt would have suffered her ! one day or other we
shall know. In the meantime, as the mob have not pulled
the King out of St. James's, nor Mr. Pitt into it again, the
latter has contented himself with a barony for Lady Esther1,
5 Isabella de Jonghe, of Utrecht, ley, seventh Baronet, afterwards
wife of William Fielding, Earl of (1765) Dean of Worcester.
Denbigh. Walpole. LETTER 782. — * Lady Esther, wife
6 Lady Mary Leveson-Gower (d. of Mr. Pitt, and sister of Lord Temple.
1771), second daughter of first Earl Walpole.
Qower ; m. Rev. Sir Richard Wrottes-
I76i] To George Montagu 129
and three thousand pounds a year for three lives. Lord
Temple has resigned ; I don't understand that. Mr. George
Grenville is to be representing minister in the House of
Commons, and not Speaker; Lord Egremont is Secretary
of State; and Lord Hardwicke, I suppose, Privy Seal2.
You will like your new master the Secretary, who is
extremely well bred.
Don't be frightened at this torrent of letters ; I will send
you no more this age ; and when I do, I shall only talk to
you of assemblies, plays, operas, balls, &c., which are subjects
of dignity compared to politics.
Is Sir Kichard Lyttelton5 with you still, or in your
neighbourhood? You need not read my opinion to him
of this transaction. Confess, however, that I send you
quick intelligence, — three letters in a week.
Strawberry Hill, Oct. 10, 1761.
PRAY, Sir, how does virtue sell in Ireland now ? I think
for a province they have now and then given large prices.
Have you a mind to know what the biggest virtue in the
world is worth ? If Cicero had been a Drawcansir instead
of a coward, and had carried the glory of Kome to as lofty
a height as he did their eloquence, for how much do you
think he would have sold all that reputation ? — Oh ! sold
it ! you will cry, vanity was his predominant passion ; he
would have trampled on sesterces like dirt, and provided
the tribes did but erect statues enough for him, he was
content with a bit of Sabine mutton, and would have pre-
ferred his little Tusculan villa, or the flattery of Caius and
AUenius Atticus at Baiae, to the wealth of Crassus, or to
2 The Duke of Bedford succeeded ' Cousin of Lady Esther, and at-
Lord Temple as Privy SeaL tached to Mr. Pitt. Walpole.
130 To the Countess of Ailesbury [I?GI
the luxurious banquets of Lucullus — Take care, there is not
a Tory gentleman, if there is one left, who would not have
laid the same wager twenty years ago on the disinterested-
ness of my Lord Bath — Come, you tremble ; you are so
incorrupt yourself, you would give the world Mr. Pitt was
so too — You adore him for what he has done for us ; you
bless him for placing England at the head of Europe, and
you don't hate him for infusing as much spirit into us, as
if a Montagu, Earl of Salisbury1, was still at the head of
our armies — nothing could be more just. We owe the
recovery of our affairs to him, the splendour of our country,
the conquest of Canada, Louisbourg, Guardaloupe, Africa,
and the East — nothing is too much for such services —
accordingly, I hope you will not think the barony of
Chatham and three thousand pounds a year for three
lives too much for my Lady Esther. She has this pittance.
Good night !
Yours ever,
P.S. I told you falsely in my last that Lady Mary
Wortley was arrived — I cannot help it if my Lady Denbigh
cannot read English in all these years, but mistakes
Wrottesley for Wortley.
Strawberry Hill, Oct. 10, 1761.
I DON'T know what business I had, Madam, to be an
economist: it was out of character. I wished for a thou-
sand more drawings in that sale at Amsterdam, but con-
cluded they would be very dear ; and not having seen
LETTER 788. — l John Montacute bury, beheaded by the mob for con-
(circ. 1350-1400), third Earl of Salis- spiring against Henry IV.
I76i] To the Countess of Ailesbury 131
them, I thought it too rash to trouble your Ladyship with
a large commission.
I wish I could give you as good an account of your
commission; but it is absolutely impracticable. I em-
ployed one of the most sensible and experienced men in
the Custom House ; and all the result was, he could only
recommend me to Mr. Amyand as the newest, and con-
sequently the most polite of the commissioners — but the
Duchess of Kichmond had tried him before — to no purpose.
There is no way of recovering any of your goods, but pur-
chasing them again at the sale.
What am I doing, to be talking to you of drawings and
chintzes, when the world is all turned topsy-turvy ? Peace,
as the poets would say, is not only returned to heaven,
but has carried her sister Virtue along with her ! — Oh no !
Peace will keep no such company — Virtue is an errant
strumpet, and loves diamonds as well as my Lady Harring-
ton, and is as fond of a coronet as my Lord Melcombe.
Worse ! worse ! She will set men to cutting throats, and
pick their pockets at the same time. I am in such a
passion, I cannot tell you what I am angry about — why,
about Virtue and Mr. Pitt ; two errant cheats, gipsies !
I believe he was a comrade of Elizabeth Canning1, when
he lived at Enfield Wash. In short, the council were for
making peace;
But he, as loving his own pride and purposes,
Evades them with a bombast circumstance,
Horribly stuff d with epithets of war,
And in conclusion— nonsuits my mediators2.
He insisted on a war with Spain, was resisted, and last
Monday resigned. The City breathed vengeance on his
LETTER 784. — * See note on letter lived for some years at the South-
to Bentley of May 18, 1754. Eliza- bailey lodge in Enfield Chase,
beth Canning asserted that she had 3 Otlietto, i. 1.
been detained at Enfield Wash ; Pitt
K 2
132 To the Countess of Ailesbury
opposers, the Council quaked, and the Lord knows what
would have happened ; but yesterday, which was only
Friday, as this giant was stalking to seize the Tower of
London, he stumbled over a silver penny, picked it up,
carried it home to Lady Hester, and they are now as quiet,
good sort of people, as my Lord and Lady Bath who lived
in the vinegar-bottle8. In fact, Madam, this immaculate
man has accepted the barony of Chatham for his wife, with
a pension of three thousand pounds a year for three lives ;
and though he has not quitted the House of Commons,
I think my Lord Anson would now be as formidable there.
The pension he has left us, is a war for three thousand lives !
perhaps, for twenty times three thousand lives I—But —
Does this become a soldier? this become
Whom armies follow'd, and a people loved ?
What ! to sneak out of the scrape, prevent peace, and avoid
the war ! blast one's character, and all for the comfort of
a paltry annuity, a long-necked peeress, and a couple of
Grenvilles ! The City looks mighty foolish, I believe, and
possibly even Beckford may blush. Lord Temple resigned
yesterday: I suppose his virtue pants for a dukedom.
Lord Egremont has the Seals; Lord Hardwicke, I fancy,
the Privy Seal ; and George Grenville, no longer Speaker,
is to be the cabinet minister in the House of Commons.
Oh ! Madam, I am glad you are inconstant to Mr. Conway,
though it is only with a barbette 4 ! If you piqued yourself
on your virtue, I should expect you would sell it to the
master of a trechscoot.
I told you a lie about the King's going to Eanelagh — no
matter ; there is no such thing as truth. Garrick exhibits
the Coronation, and, opening the end of the stage, discovers
8 An allusion to the west-country * A barbet, a little dog with long
tale of Mr. and Mrs. Vinegar ' who curly hair,
lived in a vinegar-bottle.'
I76i] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 133
a real bonfire and real mob : the houses in Drury Lane let
their, windows at threepence a head. Kich is going to pro-
duce a finer Coronation, nay, than the real one ; for there
is to be a dinner for the Knights of the Bath and the
Barons of the Cinque Ports, which Lord Talbot refused them.
I put your Caufields and Stauntons into the hands of one
of the first heralds upon earth, and who has the entire
pedigree of the Careys; but he cannot find a drop of
Howard or Seymour blood in the least artery about them.
Good night, Madam !
Yours most faithfully,
Arlington Street, Oct. 12, 1761.
IT is very lucky that you did not succeed in the expe-
dition to Kochfort. Perhaps you might have been made
a peer ; and as Chatham is a naval title, it might have fallen
to your share. But it was reserved to crown greater glory :
and lest it should not be substantial pay enough, three
thousand pounds a year for three lives go along with it.
Not to Mr. Pitt — you can't suppose it. Why truly, not
the title, but the annuity does, and Lady Hester is the
baroness ; that, if he should please, he may earn an earldom
himself. Don't believe me, if you have not a mind. I know
I did not believe those who told me. But ask the Gazette
that swears it — ask the King, who has kissed Lady Hester
— ask the City of London, who are ready to tear Mr. Pitt
to pieces — ask forty people I can name, who are overjoyed
at it — and then ask me again, who am mortified, and who
have been the dupe of his disinterestedness. Oh, my dear
Harry ! I beg you on my knees, keep your virtue : do let
me think there is still one man upon earth who despises
134 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [i?6i
money. I wrote you an account last week of his resigna-
tion. Could you have believed that in four days he would
have tumbled from the conquest of Spain to receiving
a quarter's pension from Mr. West1? To-day he has adver-
tised his seven coach-horses to be sold — three thousand
a year for three lives, and fifty thousand pounds of his own,
will not keep a coach and six. I protest I believe he is
mad, and Lord Temple thinks so too ; for he resigned the
same morning that Pitt accepted the pension. George
Grenville is minister in the House of Commons. I don't
know who will be Speaker. They talk of Prowse, Hussey2,
Bacon3, and even of old Sir John Eushout. Delaval has
said an admirable thing: he blames Pitt — not as you and
I do ; but calls him fool ; and says, if he had gone into
the City, told them he had a poor wife and children
unprovided for, and had opened a subscription, he would
have got five hundred thousand pounds, instead of three
thousand pounds a year. In the meantime the good man
has saddled us with a war which we can neither carry on
nor carry off. 'Tis pitiful ! 'tis wondrous pitiful ! Is the
communication stopped, that we never hear from you?
I own 'tis an Irish question. I am out of humour: my
visions are dispelled, and you are still abroad. As I cannot
put Mr. Pitt to death, at least I have buried him : here is
his epitaph :
Admire his eloquence — it mounted higher
Than Attic purity or Eoman fire :
Adore his services — our lions view
Hanging, where Roman eagles never flew:
Copy his soul supreme o'er Lucre's sphere ;
— But oh ! beware three thousand pounds a year !
LETTER 785. — l Secretary to the s Edward Bacon (d. 1786), of Earl-
Treasury. Walpole. ham Hall, Norfolk ; M.P. for Nor-
2 Richard Hussey, M.P. for St. wich ; Lord of Trade, 1759-66.
Mawes ; d. 1770.
176l] To George Montagu 135
Oct. 13.
Jemmy Grenville resigned* yesterday. Lord Temple is
all hostility; and goes to the Drawing-room to tell every-
body how angry he is with the court — but what is Sir
Joseph Wittol, when Nol Bluff6 is pacific? They talk of
erecting a tavern in the City, called The Salutation : the
sign to represent Lord Bath and Mr. Pitt embracing. These
are shameful times. Adieu !
Yours ever,
Strawberry Hill, Oct. 24, 1761.
I HAVE got two letters from you, and am sensibly pleased
with your satisfaction. I love your cousin for his behaviour
to you ; he will never place his friendship better. His
parts and dignity, I did not doubt, would bear him out.
I fear nothing but your spirits, and the frank openness of
your heart ; keep them within bounds, and you will return
in health, and with the serenity I wish you long to enjoy.
You have heard our politics — they do not mend. Sick
of glory, without being tired of war, and surfeited with
unanimity before it had finished its work, we are running
into all kind of confusion. The City have bethought them-
selves, and have voted that they will still admire Mr. Pitt —
consequently, he, without the check of seeming virtue,
may do what he pleases. An address of thanks to him
has been carried by 109 against 15, and the City are
to instruct their members — that is, because we are dis-
appointed of a Spanish war, we must have one at home —
Merciful ! how old I am grown ! Here am I, not liking
4 He was Cofferer of the House- 5 Characters in Congreve's Old
hold. Bachelor.
136 To George Montagu [i?6i
a civil war ! Do you know me ? I am no longer that
Gracchus, who, when Mr. Bentley told him something or
other, I don't know what, would make a sect, answered
quick, 'Will it make a party?' in short, I think I am
always to be in contradiction ; now I am loving my
country !
Worksop is burnt down — I don't know the circum-
stances ; the Duke and Duchess * are at Bath : it has not
been finished a month ; the last furniture was brought
in for the Duke of York. I have some comfort that I had
seen it, and except the bare chambers, in which the Queen
of Scots was lodged, nothing remained of ancient time.
I am much obliged to Mr. Hamilton's civilities ; but
I don't take too much to myself ; yet it is no drawback to
think that he sees and compliments your friendship for me.
I shall use his permission of sending you anything that
I think will bear the sea ; but how must I send it ? by
what conveyance to the sea, and where deliver it?
Pamphlets swarm already; none very good, and chiefly
grave ; you would not have them. Mr. Glover has pub-
lished his long-hoarded Medea, as an introduction to the
House of Commons2 — it had been more proper to usher
him from school to the university. There are a few good
lines, not much conduct, and a quantity of English iambics,
and trochaics, that scarce speak English, and yet have
no rhyme to keep one another in countenance. If his
chariot is stopped at Temple Bar, I suppose he will take it
for the Straits of Thermopylae, and be delivered of his first
speech before its time.
The catalogue of the Duke of Devonshire's collection
is only in the six volumes of the Description of London.
I did print about a dozen, and gave them all away so
LETTER 786.— * Of Norfolk. mouth at the recent general elec-
8 He had been elected for Wey- tion.
I76i] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 137
totally, that on searching, I find I had not reserved one
for myself. When we are at leisure, I will reprint a few
more, and you shall have one for your Speaker. I don't
know who is to be ours: Prowse, they say, has refused ;
Sir J. Oust 8 was the last I heard named — but I am here
and know nothing; sorry that I shall hear anything on
Tuesday se'nnight.
Pray pick me up any prints of lord-lieutenants, Irish
bishops, ladies — nay, or Patriots: but I will not trouble
you for a snuff-box or toothpick-case, made of a bit of the
Giant's Causey.
My Anecdotes of Painting will scarcely appear before
Christmas. My gallery and cabinet are at a full stop till
spring — but I shall be sorry to leave it all in ten days ;
October, that scarce ever deceived one before, has ex-
hibited a deluge ; but it has recovered, and promised to
behave well as long as it lives, like a dying sinner. Good
night ! Yours ever,
P.S. My niece lost the Coronation for only a daughter4.
It makes me smile, when I reflect that you are come
into the world again, and that I have above half left it.
Strawberry Hill, Oct 26, 1761.
How strange it seems! You are talking to me of the
King's wedding, while we are thinking of a civil war.
Why, the King's wedding was a century ago, almost two
months ; even the Coronation that happened half an age
ago, is quite forgot. The post to Germany cannot keep
3 Sir John Curt (1718-1770), third House of Commons, 1761-70.
Baronet, of Bel ton, Lincolnshire; 4 Lady Charlotte Maria Walde-
M.F. for Grantham ; Speaker of the grave, afterwards Countess of Euston.
138 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [i76i
pace with our revolutions. Who knows but you may
still be thinking that Mr. Pitt is the most disinterested man
in the world? Truly, as far as the votes of a Common
Council can make him so, he is. Like Cromwell, he has
always promoted the Self-Denying Ordinance, and has
contrived to be excused from it himself. The City could
no longer choose who should be their man of virtue ; there
was not one left : by all rules they ought next to have
pitched upon one who was the oldest offender : instead
of that, they have re-elected the most recent ; and, as if
virtue was a borough, Mr. Pitt is re-chosen for it, on
vacating his seat. Well, but all this is very serious :
I shall offer you a prophetic picture, and shall be very glad
if I am not a true soothsayer. The City have voted an
address of thanks to Mr. Pitt, and given instructions to
their members ; the chief articles of which are, to promote
an inquiry into the disposal of the money that has been
granted, and to consent to no peace, unless we are to retain
all, or very near all, our conquests. Thus the City of
London usurp the right of making peace and war. But
is the government to be dictated to by one town? By
no means. But suppose they are not — what is the con-
sequence ? How will the money be raised ? If it cannot
be raised without them, Mr. Pitt must again be minister :
that you think would easily be accommodated. Stay, stay ;
he and Lord Temple have declared against the whole
Cabinet Council. Why, that they have done before now,
and yet have acted with them again. It is very true ;
but a little word has escaped Mr. Pitt, which never entered
into his former declarations ; nay, nor into Cromwell's,
nor Hugh Capet's, nor Julius Caesar's, nor any reformer's
of ancient time. He has happened to say, he will guide l.
LETTER 787. — l Horace Walpole letter to Beckford of Oct. 15, 1761,
here misrepresented Pitt, who in his wrote : — ' I resigned the Seals on
I76i] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 139
Now, though the Cabinet Council are mighty willing to
be guided, when they cannot help it, yet they wish to have
appearances saved : they cannot be fond of being told they
are to be guided ; still less, that other people should be
told so. Here, then, is Mr. Pitt and the Common Council
on one hand, the great lords on the other. I protest, I do
not see but it will come to this. Will it allay the con-
fusion, if Mr. Fox is retained on the side of the court?
Here are no Whigs and Tories, harmless people, that are
content with worrying one another for a hundred and
fifty years together. The new parties are, I will, and
You shall not] and their principles do not admit delay.
However, this age is of suppler mould than some of its
predecessors; and this may come round again, by a coup
de bagttette, when one least expects it. If it should not,
the honestest part one can take is to look on, and try if one
can do any good if matters go too far.
I am charmed with the Castle of Hercules 2 ; it is the
boldest pile I have seen since I travelled in fairyland.
You ought to have delivered a princess imprisoned by
enchanters in his club : she, in gratitude, should have
fallen in love with you : your constancy should have
been immaculate. The devil knows how it would have
ended — I don't — and so I break off my romance.
You need not beat the French any more this year :
it cannot be ascribed to Mr. Pitt ; and the mob won't
thank you. If we are to have a warm campaign in
Parliament, I hope you will be sent for. Adieu! We
take the field to-morrow se'nnight.
Yours ever,
Monday, the 5th of this month, in 2 Alluding to a description of a
order not to remain responsible for building in Hesse-Cassel, given by
measures which I was no longer Mr. Conway in one of his letters,
allowed to guide.' WalpdU.
140 To Sir Horace Mann [1701
P.S. You will be sorry to hear that Worksop is burned.
My Lady Waldegrave has got a daughter, and your brother
an ague.
Arlington Street, Nov. 7, 1761.
You will rejoice to hear that your friend Mr. Amyand
is going to marry the dowager Lady Northampton l ; she
has two thousand pounds a year, and twenty thousand in
money. Old Dunch * is dead, and Mrs. Felton Hervey 3
was given over last night, but is still alive.
Sir John Gust is Speaker, and bating his nose, the chair
seems well filled. There are so many new faces in this
Parliament, that I am not at all acquainted with it.
The enclosed print4 will divert you, especially the
baroness in the right-hand corner — so ugly, and so satisfied !
The Athenian head was intended for Stewart5, but was
so like, that Hogarth was forced to cut off the nose.
Adieu !
Yours ever,
H. W.
Arlington Street, Nov. 14, 1761.
IF my share in our correspondence was all considered,
I could willingly break it off; it is wearisome to pursue
the thread of folly for so many years, and with the same
personages on the scene. Patriotism, prostitution, power,
LETTER 788. — 1 Frances (d. 1801), Hon. Felton Hervey, ninth son of
daughter of Rev. Thomas Payne ; m. first Earl of Bristol ; d. Nov. 8, 1761.
1. (1748) Hon. George Compton, after- 4 The Five Orders of Periwigs, by
wards sixth Earl of Northampton. Hogarth, published on Oct. 15, 1761.
8 Elizabeth, widow of Edmund 6 James Stuart (1718-1 788),painter
Dunch ; d. Nov. 4, 1761. and architect, known as ' Athenian
8 Dorothy, daughter of Solomon Stuart'
Ashley; m. 1. Charles Pitfield; 2.
I76i] To Sir Horace Mann 141
patriotism again — one ought to be new to it all, to see it
in an amusing light — but I recollect that you wish to hear
it, and I submit to run through a recapitulation of what
moves little more than my contempt !
The Common Council (calling themselves the City of
London) have given Mr. Pitt a dispensation for taking a
pension, on his writing them a letter, in which he acquainted
them, that as he could not be monarch for their sakes,
he would content himself, like them, with a private station,
and with giving all the disturbance he could. You have
seen his letters in the papers — my paraphrase is not stronger
than his own commentary on his behaviour. They thanked
him, and instructed their members to tread in his steps.
Hitherto this flame has had much ado to spread. Exeter,
and Stirling, and at last York, are the only towns that have
copied the example.
In the midst of this came over the negotiation for peace
published in France — a melancholy volume to any feeling
heart ! You may see what a beneficial, what a splendid
peace we might have had ; you will not so easily find the
reason why we rejected it. You will see nothing but facility
on their side, nothing but haughtiness on ours ; yet the eyes
that the pension and peerage could not open are not purged
by this memorial. There are men who wish for more than
the world we have conquered !
Well ! the Parliament opened ; and the first production
of the rebaptized Patriots, was a constitutional proposal from
Lord Temple for a First Minister. Patriots used to attack
such officers, though they intended to be in their place ;
this is the first time they ever demanded such a post for
the good of their country. This was on the Address, and
was answered by the Duke of Bedford.
A week afterwards the King, Queen, and royal family
dined with the Lord Mayor ; but a young King, and a new
142 To Sir Horace Mann [1761
Queen, were by no means the principal objects of attention.
A chariot and pair, containing Mr. Pitt and Lord Temple,
formed the chief part of the triumph. The reception,
acclamation, and distinction paid to Mr. Pitt through the
streets, and the observance of him in Guildhall, were equal
to anything you can imagine. You will call his appearance
there arrogant, — I do not think it was very well bred.
Since that — for pensions stop the mouths only of courtiers,
not of the virtuous — he has harangued in the House with
exceeding applause ; it was fine, guarded, artful — very in-
flammatory. Don't think I am paying court by censuring
a late minister. He is too near being minister again for
mine to be interested conduct. It never was my turn,
nor do the examples I see make me more in love with
the practice. Nor think me changed lightly about Mr. Pitt
— nobody admired him more — you saw it. When he pre-
ferred haughtiness to humanity, glory to peaceful glory, —
when his disinterestedness could not resist a pension, nor
a pension make him grateful — he changed, not I. When
he courts a mob, I certainly change ; and whoever does
court the mob, whether an orator or a mountebank, whether
Mr. Pitt or Dr. Rock, are equally contemptible in my eyes.
Could I now decide by a wish, he should have remained
in place, or have been ruined by his pension. When he
would not do all the good in his power, I would leave him
no power to do harm, — would that were always the case !
Alas ! I am a speculatist and he is a statesman ; but I
have that advantage, or disadvantage, over others of my
profession, I have seen too much to flatter myself with
visions !
George Pitt, whom you must well remember, is coming
to you to Turin1, with his lovely wife2, all loveliness
LETTER 789. — 1 As English Envoy. Atkins, wife of George Pitt, after-
2 Penelope, sister of Sir Richard wards Lord Rivera She ia cele-
I76i] To Sir Horace Mann 143
within and without. If you see my Duchess3 soon, tell
her I trust my letter of thanks for the decoupure4 she
sent me of herself did not miscarry. We hear your neigh-
bour Sir Kichard5 thinks of resigning the Jewel Office.
Adieu !
Nov. 16th.
I have just received yours of the 31st of last month,
but can tell you no more than I have already said. We
don't know the particulars of the treaty between Spain
and France : Lord Bristol 6 is certainly coming home ; Lord
Temple says, has demanded to come, and insinuates, from
political reasons ; the court calls it asking to come for his
health ; he certainly has wished to come before these broils.
You may expect new events every day in politics. I don't
see how we can make peace, or another war; even in
Germany it is not over for this campaign. Lord Granby
and Mr. Conway have been successful in some fresh
skirmishes, when I thought the latter gone to Pyrmont
for his amusement, and the rest of our generals coming
home. As he went abroad last, he does not return this
winter. When the officers do come I expect a new scene ;
we hear of nothing but hardships and abuses ; the German
war was already become unpopular, and had Mr. Pitt sunk
entirely, would not have supported itself. It will require
all the compromising spirit of the age to bring things back
into a settled channel. I am not shining in prophecy, so
I shall foretell nothing ; while we have a shilling left, it
will quiet somebody or other. Good night.
P.S. I have forgot to answer one of your questions, that
brated in Mr. Walpole's poem on was famous in that art. Walpole.
The Beauties. Walpole. 5 Sir E. Lyttelton. Walpole.
* The Duchess of Grafton. TTaZ- ' George William Hervey, Earl of
pole. Bristol, Ambassador at Madrid. Wdl-
* Her figure cut out in card by pole.
Monsieur Hubert, of Geneva, who
144 To George Montagu [1761
I can answer : you ask if the City had not rather part with
Mr. Pitt than have a Spanish war? How tramontane you
are ! I believe the chief reason of their forgiving his
pension, was his holding out Spanish plunder to them.
Though they say they have ceased to be Jacobites, they
have not relinquished the principles of privateering, broker-
age, insurance, contracts, and twenty other tenets, not to
be found in the Crusca7. Perhaps, you do not know that
merchants thrive by taxes, which ruin everybody else.
Your own country is delightful, but you are not acquainted
with half its virtues.
Arlington Street, Nov. 28, 1761.
I AM much obliged for the notice of Sir Compton's1
illness ; if you could send me word of peace too, I should
be completely satisfied on Mr. Conway's account. He has
been in the late action, and escaped, at a time that I flattered
myself the campaign was at an end. However, I trust it
is now. You will have been concerned for young Courtney.
The war, we hear, is to be transferred to these islands ;
most probably to yours — the Black Rod I hope, like a
herald, is a sacred personage.
There has been no authentic account of the Coronation
published ; if there should be, I will send it. When I am
at Strawberry, I believe I can make you out a list of those
that walked ; but I have no memorandums in town. If
Mr. Bentley's play is printed in Ireland, I depend on your
sending me two copies.
There has been a very private ball at court, consisting
7 Alluding to the celebrated Die- ville, Baronet (d. 1768). He was
tionary of ihsAcademici della Crusca. Clerk of the Hanaper in Ireland, of
Walpole. which place General Con way had the
LETTER 790. — J Sir Compton Dom- reversion.
I76i] To the Countess of Ailesbury 145
of not above twelve or thirteen couple ; some of the Lords of
the Bedchamber, most of the Ladies, the Maids of Honour,
and six strangers, Lady Caroline Kussel, Lady Jane Stewart2,
Lord Suffolk8, Lord Northampton, Lord Mandeville, and
Lord Grey *. Nobody sat by, but the Princess, the Duchess
of Bedford, and Lady Bute. They began before seven,
danced till one, and parted without a supper.
Lady Sarah Lenox has refused Lord Errol. The Duke
of Bedford is Privy Seal ; Lord Thomond Cofferer ; Lord
George Cavendish Comptroller; George Pitt goes minister
to Turin ; and Mrs. Speed must go thither 5, as she is
marrying the Baron de Perrier, Count Virry's son. Adieu !
Commend me to your brother.
Yours ever,
H. W.
DEAR MADAM, Arlington Street, Nov. 28, 1761.
You are so bad and so good, that I don't know how
to treat you. You give me every mark of kindness but
letting me hear from you. You send me charming drawings
the moment I trouble you with a commission, and you give
Lady Cecilia * commissions for trifles of my writing, in the
most obliging manner. I have taken the latter off her
hands. The Fugitive Pieces and the Catalogue of Royal and
Noble Authors shall be conveyed to you directly. Lady
Cecilia and I agree how we lament the charming suppers
8 Lady Jane Stuart, second dangh- 1771 ; K.G., 1778.
ter of third Earl of Bnte ; m. (1768) « George Harry Grey (1787-1819),
George Macartney, of Lissanoure, Lord Grey ; eldest son of fourth Earl
Antrim, afterwards K.B. and Earl of Stamford, whom he succeeded in
Macartney; d. 1828. 1768.
3 Henry Howard (1739-1779), 6 Count Viry was Minister to the
twelfth Earl of Suffolk ; Lord Privy King of Sardinia.
Seal, Jan. -June, 1771; Secretary of LETTER 791. — ' Lady Cecilia John-
State for the Northern Province, ston. Walpole.
146 To the Countess of Ailesbury [i76i
there, every time we pass the corner of Warwick Street * !
We have a little comfort for your sake and our own, in
believing that the campaign is at an end, at least for this
year — but they tell us, it is to recommence here or in
Ireland. You have nothing to do with that. Our politics,
I think, will soon be as warm as our war. Charles Town-
shend is to be lieutenant-general to Mr. Pitt. The Duke of
Bedford is Privy Seal ; Lord Thomond Cofferer ; Lord
George Cavendish Comptroller.
Diversions, you know, Madam, are never at high-water
mark before Christmas : yet operas flourish pretty well :
those on Tuesdays are removed to Mondays, because the
Queen likes the burlettas, and the King cannot go on
Tuesdays, his post-days. On those nights we have the
middle front box, railed in, where Lady Mary8 and I sit
in triste state like a Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress. The
night before last there was a private ball at court, which
began at half an hour after six, lasted till one, and finished
without a supper. The King danced the whole time with
the Queen, — Lady Augusta with her four younger brothers.
The other performers were : the two Duchesses of Ancaster
and Hamilton, who danced little; Lady Effingham and
Lady Egremont, who danced much ; the six Maids of
Honour ; Lady Susan Stewart, as attending Lady Augusta ;
and Lady Caroline Eussel, and Lady Jane Stuart, the only
women not of the family. Lady Northumberland is at
Bath ; Lady Weymouth lies in ; Lady Bolingbroke was there
in waiting, but in black gloves, so did not dance. The
men, besides the royals, were Lords March and Eglintoun,
of the Bedchamber ; Lord Cantelupe, Vice-Chamberlain ;
Lord Huntingdon ; and four strangers, Lord Mandeville,
Lord Northampton, Lord Suffolk, and Lord Grey. No
8 General Conway'a London house was 4 Little Warwick Street.
8 Lady Mary Coke. Walpole,
I76i] To the Countess of Ailesbury 147
sitters-by, but the Princess, the Duchess of Bedford, and
Lady Bute.
If it had not been for this ball, I don't know how I should
have furnished a decent letter. Pamphlets on Mr. Pitt
are the whole conversation, and none of them worth sending
'cross the water: at least I, who am said to write some
of them, think so ; by which you may perceive I am not
much flattered with the imputation. There must be new
personages, at least, before I write on any side. — Mr. Pitt
and the Duke of Newcastle! I should as soon think of
informing the world that Miss Chudleigh is no vestal.
You will like better to see some words which Mr. Gray has
writ, at Miss Speed's request, to an old air of Geminiani :
the thought is from the French.
Thyrsis, when we parted, swore
Ere the spring he would return.
Ah ! what means yon violet flow'r,
And the bud that decks the thorn !
'Twas the lark that upward sprung,
'Twas the nightingale that sung.
Idle notes ! untimely green !
Why this unavailing haste!
Western gales and skies serene
Speak not always winter past.
Cease my doubts, my fears to move;
Spare the honour of my love.
Adieu, Madam !
Your most faithful servant,
L 2
148 To Sir David Dalrymple [1761
Nov. 80, 1761.
I AM much obliged to you, Sir, for the specimen of letters1
you have been so good as to send me. The composition
is touching, and the printing very beautiful. I am still
more pleased with the design of the work ; nothing gives
so just an idea of an age as genuine letters ; nay, history
waits for its last seal from them. I have an immense
collection 2 in my hands, chiefly of the very time on which
you are engaged ; but they are not my own.
If I had received your commands in summer when I was
at Strawberry Hill, and at leisure, I might have picked
you out something to your purpose ; at present I have not
time, from Parliament and business, to examine them : yet
to show you, Sir, that I have great desire to oblige you
and contribute to your work, I send you the following
singular paper, which I have obtained from Dr. Charles
Lyttelton, Dean of Exeter, whose name I will beg you to
mention in testimony of his kindness, and as evidence for
the authenticity of the letter, which he copied from the
original in the hands of Bishop Tanner3, in the year 1733.
It is from Anne of Denmark, to the Marquis of Buck-
My kind dogge, if I have any power or credit with you,
let me have a trial of it at this time, in dealing sincerely
and earnestly with the King, that Sir Walter Kaleigh's life
may not be called in question. If you do it, so that the
success answer my expectation, assure yourself that I will
take it extraordinarily kindly at your hands, and rest one
LETTER 792. — J Memorials and Let- 2 The Conway Papers.
ters relating to the History of Britain 3 Thomas Tanner, Bishop of St.
in the reign of James 7, published from Asaph ,1731-1 736.
the originals (in 1762).
I76i] To George Montagu 149
that wisheth you well, and desires you to continue still as
you have been, a true servant to your master.
I have begun Mr. Hume's History*, and got almost through
the first volume. It is amusing to one who knows a little
of his own country, but I fear would not teach much to
a beginner ; details are so much avoided by him, and the
whole rather skimmed than elucidated. I cannot say I
think it very carefully performed. Dr. Robertson's work
I should expect would be more accurate.
P.S. There has lately appeared, in four little volumes,
a Chinese tale, called Hau Kiou Choaun*, not very enter-
taining from the incidents, but I think extremely so from
the novelty of the manner and the genuine representation
of their customs.
Arlington Street, Dec. 8, 1761.
I RETURN you the list of prints, and shall be glad you will
bring me all to which I have affixed this mark x . The rest
I have ; yet the expense of the whole list would not ruin
me. Lord Farnham, who, I believe, departed this morning,
brings you the list of the Duke of Devonshire's pictures.
I had been told that Mr. Bourk's history was of England,
not of Ireland — I am glad it is the latter, for I am now in
Mr. Hume's England, and would fain read no more — I not
only know what has been written, but what would be
written. Our story is so exhausted, that to make it new,
they really make it new. Mr. Hume has exalted Edward
the Second, and depressed Edward the Third. The next
* Two volumes of his History of MS. by Thomas Percy (1729-1811),
England ' containing the period from afterwards Bishop of Dromore, and
Julius Caesar to Henry VII '(D.N.B.). editor of the Beliquet of Ancient
5 Translated from a Portuguese English Poetry.
150 To George Montagu [1761
historian, I suppose, will make James the First a hero, and
geld Charles the Second.
Fingal is come out — I have not yet got through it — not but
it is very fine — yet I cannot at once compass an epic poem
now. It tires me to death to read how many ways a warrior
is like the moon, or the sun, or a rock, or a lion, or the
ocean. Fingal is a brave collection of similes, and will
serve all the boys at Eton and Westminster for these
twenty years. I will trust you with a secret, but you must
not disclose it, I should be ruined with my Scotch friends —
in short, I cannot believe it genuine — I cannot believe
a regular poem of six books has been preserved, uncorrupted,
by oral tradition, from times before Christianity was intro-
duced into the island. What! preserved unadulterated by
savages dispersed among mountains, and so often driven
from their dens, so wasted by wars civil and foreign ! Has
one man ever got all by heart? I doubt it. Were parts
preserved by some, other parts by others? Mighty lucky,
that the tradition was never interrupted, nor any part lost —
not a verse, not a measure, not the sense ! luckier and
luckier — I have been extremely qualified myself lately for
this Scotch memory ; we have had nothing but a coagulation
of rains, fogs, and frosts, and though they have clouded all
understanding, I suppose, if I had tried, I should have
found that they thickened, and gave great consistence to my
You want news — I must make it, if I send it. To change
the dullness of the scene I went to the play, where I had
not been this winter. They are so crowded, that though
I went before six, I got no better place than a fifth row,
where I heard very ill, and was pent for five hours without
a soul near me that I knew. It was Gynibdine, and appeared
to me as long as if everybody in it went really to Italy in
every act, and came back again. With a few pretty passages
I76i] To Sir Horace Mann 151
and a scene or two, it is so absurd and tiresome, that I am
persuaded Garrick * . . .
Strawberry Hill, Dec. 12, 1761.
You may conclude, my dear Sir, that when my letters do
not arrive so frequently as you expect, there have been no
great events. I never fail you at a new epoch ; nay, nor let
you lose any considerable links of the political chain. My
details, indeed, must be more barren than they were twenty
years ago, when I came fresh from talking with you of the
dramatis personae, and when your own acquaintance with
them was recent. When I mention them now, I talk to
you of Sevarambians *, of unknown nations ; or must enter
into more explanations than could be packed up in a letter.
The new opposition have not proceeded very briskly, con-
sidering the alertness of their leader : yet they have marked
out a camp at the St. Alban's Tavern, and in a council of
war determined that the chief effort of the campaign should
be exerted in behalf of a perpetital militia : a measure most
unwelcome to many of the great lords, and not peculiarly
agreeable to all concerned in that service ; yet difficult to be
denied now, lest the officers should disband, in a moment
when we have so few regulars at home, and are threatened
with an invasion, if such a thing can be put in practice.
This plan has waited for the arrival from Germany of
General George Townshend 2, the restorer of militia, who is
not yet landed ; but Lord Strange s is to present the bill
LETTER 793. — * The rest of the a Eldest son of Charles, Viscount
letter is missing in the Kimbolton Townshend, whom he succeeded in
MS. the title. Walpole.
LETTER 794. — 1 There was a political 3 James Stanley, Lord Strange, only
French romance, called L'Hutoire des son of the Earl of Derby. Walpole.
Sevarambet. Walpole.
152 To Sir Horace Mann [i76i
two days hence. In the meantime, there have passed
scenes, which make this attempt more necessary to Mr. Pitt,
and which yet may relax the ardour of his half-ally, Charles
Townshend4, the Secretary at War, who is discontented
with the precedence given to George Grenville, and has
attended the assemblies at the St. Alban's. Last Wednes-
day the question of the war in Germany was agitated. The
court support it, for they don't know how to desert it, nor
care to be taxed with abatement of vigour ; yet the temper
of the House of Commons, and the tone even of the advo-
cates for that war, were evidently repugnant to the measure ;
yet, as it was accorded unanimously, Mr. Pitt had rather
matter of triumph. On Friday, his superiority declined
strangely, his friends proposed calling for the memorials
that have intervened between us and Spain on their late
demands. He supported this proposition with great ability,
but even his friends the Tories, who had been falling back
to him, abandoned him on this motion, which was rejected
with great spirit by the administration ; and on putting
the question, his numbers were so trifling, that he could
not venture a division. If the militia produces no con-
fusion, he must wait for some calamitous moment. The
Spanish war is still ambiguous. We do not think they
intend it openly ; but as any repugnance to it on our side
will encourage their flippancies, it is scarce probable but it
will arrive, even without the direct intention of either
court. This is the situation of the present minute: your
own sagacity will tell you how soon it may be altered.
What an assembly of English dames at Naples! The
Duchess of Grafton is at Turin ; but, I should think, would
soon be at Florence, on her way to Kome. Don't forget to
ask her if she received my answer and thanks for her
present ; I should be vexed if they had not reached her.
4 Brother of the foregoing George Townshend. Walpole.
1761] To Sir David Dalrymple 153
The politics occasioned by Mr. Pitt are our only news.
The court, the town, the theatres, produce no novelty.
Mr. Conway will get a little into Gazettes, though not in
a light worthy his name, as it will not be for action : Lord
Granby is returning, and leaves the command to him.
Lady Ailesbury passes the winter with him in quarters —
I believe at Osnaburg.
I have told your brother to let me know when a ship
sails. I shall send you the fashionable pamphlets, and
prints of the King and Queen. His is like, but not so
handsome; the Queen's, rather improved in the features,
but with less agreeableness in the countenance than she
deserves : yet both are sufficient resemblances. Adieu !
P.S. Pray, in the first person's pocket that is returning,
send me a little box of pastils, such as they burn in churches ;
the very best you can get. I have a few left, black and in
a pyramidal form, that are delicious. It is long, too, since
you sent home any parcel of my letters.
Tuesday, 15th. I was surprised this morning with an
article in the papers containing the death of your eldest
brother — I immediately sent to your brother James, but it
proves your uncle Edward at Chelsea, whom I believe you
knew so little, that I need not even condole with you.
Dec. 21, 1761.
YOUB specimen pleases me, and I give you many thanks
for promising me the continuation. You will, I hope, find
less trouble with printers than I have done. Just when my
book was, I thought, ready to appear, my printer ran away,
and has left it very imperfect. This is the fourth I have
tried, and I own it discourages me. Our low people are so
154 To George Montagu [i76i
corrupt and such knaves, that being cheated and dis-
appointed are all the fruits of attempting to amuse oneself
or others. Literature must struggle with many difficulties.
They who print for profit print only for profit ; we, who
print to entertain or instruct others, are the bubbles of our
designs. Defrauded, abused, pirated— don't you think, Sir,
one need have resolution ? Mine is very nearly exhausted.
Arlington Street, past midnight, Dec. 23, 1761.
I AM this minute come home, and find such a delightful
letter from you, that I cannot help answering it, and telling
you so before I sleep. You need not affirm, that your
ancient wit and pleasantry are revived ; your letter is but
five and twenty, and I will forgive any vanity, that is so
honest, and so well founded. Ireland I see produces
wonders of more sorts than one — if my Lord Anson was
to go lord-lieutenant, I suppose he would return a ravisher.
How different am I from this state of revivification ! Even
such talents as I had are far from blooming again, and while
my friends, or cotemporaries, or predecessors, are rising to
preside over the fame of this age, I seem a mere antedi-
luvian, must live upon what little stock of reputation I had
acquired, and indeed grow so indifferent, that I can only
wonder how those, whom I thought as old as myself, can
interest themselves so much about a world, whose faces
I hardly know. You recover your spirits and wit, Rigby is
grown a speaker, Mr. Bentley a poet, while I am nursing
one or two gouty friends, and sometimes lamenting that
I am likely to survive the few I have left. Nothing tempts
me to launch out again; every day teaches me how much
I was mistaken in my own parts, and I am in no danger
LETTER 796.— Wrongly dated by C. Dec. 3.
I76i] To George Montagu 155
now but of thinking I am grown too wise ; for every period
of life has its mistake.
Mr. Bentley's relation to Lord Rochester by the St. Johns
is not new to me, and you had more reason to doubt of
their affinity by the former marrying his whore, than to
ascribe their consanguinity to it. I shall be glad to see the
epistle: are not The Wishes to be acted? remember me, if
they are printed ; and I shall thank you for this new list of
I have mentioned names enough in this letter to lead
me naturally to new ill usage I have received. Just when
I thought my book finished, my printer ran away, and had
left eighteen sheets in the middle of the book untouched,
having amused me with sending proofs. He had got into
debt, and two girls with child — being two, he could not
marry both Hannahs. You see my luck ; I had been kind
to this fellow — in short, if the faults of my life had been
punished as severely as my merits have been, I should be
the most unhappy of beings ! — but let us talk of something
I have picked up at Mrs. Dunch's auction the sweetest
Petitot l in the world — the very picture of James the Second,
that he gave Mrs. Godfrey — and I paid but six guineas and
a half for it — I will not tell you how vast a commission
I had given ; but I will own, that about the hour of sale,
I drove about the door to find what likely bidders there
were — the first coach I saw was the Chudleighs'; could
I help concluding that a Maid of Honour kept by a Duke
would purchase the portrait of a Duke that kept a Maid of
Honour? — but I was mistaken. The Oxendens 2 reserved the
best pictures ; the fine china, and even the diamonds, sold
1 Jean Petitot (1607-1691), painter 2 Mrs. Dunch's daughter married
in enamel. Horace Walpole acquired Sir George Oxenden.
a considerable number of his works.
156 To George Montagu [i76i
for nothing — for nobody has a shilling — we shall be beggars
if we don't conquer Peru within this half-year.
If you are acquainted with my Lady Barrimore3, pray
tell her that in less than two hours t'other night the Duke
of Cumberland lost 450 pounds at loo ; Miss Pelhani won
three hundred, and I the rest. However, in general, loo is
extremely gone to decay ; I am to play at Princess Emily's
to-morrow for the first time this winter, and it is with
difficulty she has made a party.
My Lady Pomfret4 is dead on the road to Bath — and
unless the deluge stops, and the fogs disperse, I think we
shall all die. A few days ago, on the cannon firing for the
King going to the House somebody asked what it was for ?
Monsieur de Choiseul B replied, ' Apparemment, c'est qu'on
voit le soleil.'
Shall I fill up the rest of my paper with some extempore
lines, that I wrote t'other night on Lady Mary Coke having
St. Antony's fire in her cheek ? You will find nothing in
them to contradict what I have said in the former part of
my letter — they rather confirm it.
No rouge you wear, nor can a dart
From Love's bright quiver wound your heart.
And thought you, Cupid and his mother
Would unrevenged their anger smother?
No, no — from heaven they sent the fire
That boasts St. Antony its sire ;
They pour'd it on one peccant part,
Inflamed your cheek, if not your heart.
In vain — for see the crimson rise,
And dart fresh lustre through your eyes ;
3 Hon. Margaret Davys, daughter B fitienne Francois de Choiseul
of first Viscount Mountcashell ; m. Stainville (1719-1785), Duo de Choi-
(1738) James Barry, fifth Earl of seul, Minister for War. He became
Barrymore. She was an inveterate Minister for Foreign Affairs in 1766,
card-player. but was disgraced and exiled in 1770
4 Henrietta Louisa, Countess of in consequence of the intrigues of
Pomfret, often mentioned in the Madame du Barri.
former part of these letters. Walpole.
176i] To Sir Horace Mann 157
While ruddier drops and baffled pain
Enhance the white they meant to stain.
Ah! nymph, on that unfading face
With fruitless pencil Time shall trace
His lines malignant, since disease
But gives you mightier power to please.
Willes 6 is dead, and Pratt is to be Chief Justice ; Mr.
Yorke Attorney-General — Solicitor, I don't know who. Good
night ! the watchman cries, past one ! Yours ever,
H. W.
P.S. When you bring over the prints, pray roll them on
a round stick, for the least crease is never to be effaced.
Arlington Street, Dec. 28, 1761.
OTJB correspondence is a register of events and aeras, a
chronicle of wars and revolutions in ministries: stay!
Mr. Pitt is not restored, but the foundation is laid. The
last courier is arrived from Spain ; we demanded a sight of
their treaty with France, or threatened war. They have
refused the one, and defied us to the other. Lord Bristol
is on the road home: Fuentes departs immediately. We
did not dare to turn out war, as well as Mr. Pitt ; and so,
I conclude, we shall have both. Three weeks ago he was
sunk to nothing ; the first calamity will make the nation
clamour for him. This will sound very well in his future
Plutarch ; but, if he had stooped to peace, and had con-
firmed his conquests, would not his character have been at
least as amiable? A single life spared were worth Peru
and Mexico, which to be sure he will subdue, the moment
we are undone and he becomes necessary.
6 Sir John Willee, Knight, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas.
158 To Sir Horace Mann [i?6i
I know nothing more ; but a Spanish war * will make my
letter as heavy as if it contained eight pages. Young
Mr. Pitt * is arrived ; we have exchanged visits, but have
not met yet, as I have been the last four days at Straw-
berry. The Parliament is adjourned to the nineteenth of
January. My gallery advances, and I push on the works
there, for pictures, and baubles, and buildings look to me
as if I realized something. I had rather have a bronze
than a thousand pounds in the stocks; for, if Ireland or
Jamaica are invaded, I shall still have my bronze : I
would not answer so much for the funds, nor will I buy
into the new loan of glory. If the Eomans or the Greeks
were beat, they were beat ; they repaired their walls,
and did as well as they could ; but they did not lose
every sesterce, every talent they had, by the defeat affect-
ing their Change Alley. Crassus, the richest man on
t'other side Temple Bar, lost his army and his life, and
yet East India bonds did not fall an obolus under par.
I like that system better than ours. If people would be
heroes, they only suffered themselves by a miscarriage;
they had a triumph, or a funeral oration, just as it hap-
pened ; and private folk were entertained with the one
or the other, and nobody was a farthing the richer or
poorer ; but it makes a strange confusion now that brokers
are so much concerned in the events of war. How Scipio
would have stared if he had been told that he must not
demolish Carthage, as it would ruin several aldermen who
had money in the Punic actions I Apropos, do you know
what a Bull, and a Sear, and a Lame Duck, are ? Nay, nor
I neither ; I only am certain that they are neither animals
nor fowl, but are extremely interested in the new sub-
scription. I don't believe I apply it right ; but I feel as if
LETTER 797. — 1 War with Spain was declared on Jan. 4, 1762.
2 Mr. Thomas Pitt. Walpole.
1761] To Sir Horace Mann 159
I should be a lame duck if the Spaniards take the vessel
that has my altar on board.
Monday, at night.
I have been abroad, and have heard some particulars
that are well worth adjoining to my letter. Fuentes last
night delivered copies to the foreign ministers of his
master's declaration. It is, properly, the declaration of the
King of Spain against Mr. Pitt (a circumstance that will
not lessen the dignity of the latter). It intimates that, if
we had asked to see the treaty in a civil manner, we might
have obtained it; and it pretends still to have no hostile
intentions. Fuentes comments on this latter passage at
large. You may judge of their pacific sentiments, by hearing
that they have threatened the court of Portugal to march
an army into that kingdom if they do not declare offen-
sively against us. War was the only calamity left for the
Portuguese to experience. When they have dethroned
the royal family at Lisbon, I suppose, according to the
tenderness of royal brotherhood, Don Carlos will afford his
sister3, her husband, and their race, an asylum in his own
court. How much better he behaved when he was under
your tuition at Naples ! The same courier brought Fuentes
the Toison d'Or, and carried another to the Due de Choi-
seul ; in return, the Cordon Bleu was given to Grimaldi 4
at Paris. Well, we must make our fortune now we have
a monopoly of all the war in Europe !
My Lady Pomfret is dead, of a complication of dis-
tempers, on the road to Bath. Lady Mary Wortley is not
yet arrived. Good night !
3 Maria Anne, wife of Joseph, King with whom Choiscul negotiated the
of Portugal. ' Family Compact. '
4 The Spanish Ambassador at Paris,
160 To George Montagu [i?6i
Arlington Street, Dec. 30, 1761.
I HAVE received two more letters from you since I wrote
last week, and I like to find by them that you are so well
and so happy. As nothing has happened of change in my
situation but a few more months passed, I have nothing to
tell you new of myself. Time does not sharpen my passions
or pursuits, and the experience I have had by no means
prompts me to make new connections. 'Tis a busy world,
and well adapted to those who love to bustle in it — I loved
it once, loved its very tempests — now I barely open my
window, to view what course the storm takes. The town,
who, like the devil, when one has once sold oneself to him,
never permits one to have done playing the fool, believe
I have a great hand in their amusements ; but to write
pamphlets, I mean as a volunteer, one must love or hate,
and I have the satisfaction of doing neither. I would not
be at the trouble of composing a distich to achieve a revolu-
tion. 'Tis equal to me what names are on the scene. In
the general view, the prospect is very dark ; the Spanish
war, added to the load, almost oversets our most sanguine
heroism ; and now we have an opportunity of conquering
all the world, by being at war with all the world, we seem
to doubt a little of our abilities. On a survey of our situation,
I comfort myself with saying, Well, what is it to me ?
A selfishness that is far from anxious, when it is the first
thought in one's constitution — not so agreeable when it is
the last, and adopted by necessity alone.
You drive your expectations much too fast, in thinking
my Anecdotes of Painting are ready to appear, and in de-
manding three volumes. You will see but two, and it will
be February first. True, I have written three, but I ques-
I76i] To George Montagu 161
tion whether the third will be published at all ; certainly
not soon ; it is not a work of merit enough to cloy the
town with a great deal at once. My printer ran away, and
left a third part of the two first volumes unfinished — I sup-
pose he is writing a tragedy himself, or an epistle to my
Lord Melcomb, or a panegyric on my Lord Bute.
Jemmy Pelham1 is dead, and has left to his servants
what little his servants had left him. Lord Legonier was
killed by the newspapers, and wanted to prosecute them :
his lawyer told him it was impossible — a tradesman indeed
might prosecute, as such a report might affect his credit.
' Well, then,' said the old man, ' I may prosecute too, for
I can prove I have been hurt by this report : I was going
to marry a great fortune, who thought I was but seventy-
four ; the newspapers have said I am eighty, and she will
not have me.'
Lord Charlemont's Queen Elizabeth I know perfectly ; he
outbid me for it. Is his villa finished ? I am well
pleased with the design in Chambers. I have been my out-
of-town with Lord Waldgrave, Selwyn, and Williams; it
was melancholy the missing poor Edgecumbe, who was
constantly of the Christmas and Easter parties. Did you
see the charming picture Eeynolds painted for me of him,
Selwyn, and Williams ? It is by far one of the best things
he has executed. He has just finished a pretty whole-
length of Lady Elizabeth Keppel, in the bridemaid's habit,
sacrificing to Hymen.
If the Spaniards land in Ireland, shall you make the
campaign? No, no, come back to England; you and I
will not be Patriots, till the Gauls are in the City, and we
must take our great chairs and our fasces, and be knocked
LETTEE 798. — * James Pelham, of Sussex, by his third wife ; sometime
Cr cm-hurst, Sussex, son of Sir Thomas secretary to the Duke of Grafbon as
Pelham, second Baronet, of Laughton, Lord Chamberlain.
162 To Sir Horace Mann [1762
on the head with decorum in St. James's Market. Good
night ! Yours ever,
H. W.
P.S. I am told that they bind in vellum better at Dublin
than anywhere ; pray bring me any one book of their binding
as well as it can be done, and I will not mind the price. If
Mr. Bourk's history appears before your return, let it be
Arlington Street, Jan. 4, 1762.
1 WROTE to you but last week, just before I heard from
you, so you must look on this only as a postscript. The
Spanish war that I announced to you is a full and melan-
choly answer to your idea, if Sir James Grey l had gone to
Spain — our sailors must go thither first, either as invaders
or prisoners ! The war was proclaimed this morning : the
proclamation itself shows how little foundation for it. This
war was conceived rashly, adopted timidly, carried into
practice foolishly, and, I fear, will be executed weakly. But
why prophesy, when one hopes to be mistaken ?
Besides your letter, I have received one cargo, the
burlettas and the residue of Medicean heads; I am much
obliged to you for both. The latter are ill executed, but
curious : by the Bianca Capello, one sees that the Electress a
is dead. The Uccellatorii3, it was, I think, that you told
me was so pretty. It shall be performed, if they will
take it.
LETTER 799. — l He had been Minis- of her hnsband had resided at Flo-
ter at Naples when Charles, King of rence, where she died very aged.
Spain, was King there, with whom Prom family pride, she would suffer
he had been a favourite. Walpole. no print of Bianca Capello, who hav-
2 The Electress Palatine Dowager, ing been mistress of Duke Francis I,
Anna Louisa, was the last of the became his wife. Walpole.
House of Medici, and from the death s A comic opera. Walpole.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 163
Mr. Bobinson *, whom I begin to know a little, tells me
that a great discovery has been lately made in Tuscany, of
quantities of Etrurian vases. If they are dispersed and sold,
and sold cheap (for till I have taken an Acapulca8 ship,
I shall be very penurious), I should be glad of a few, if the
forms are beautiful ; for what they call the erudition, I am
totally indifferent. A travelling college tutor may be struck
with an uncouth fable, and fancy he unravels some point of
mythology, that is not worth unravelling ; I hate guessing
at ugliness, and I know in general, that mysteries are built
on the unskilfulness of the artists ; the moment nations
grew polished, they were always intelligible. Mr. Robinson
tells me too, that the Duke of Marlborough has purchased
most of Zanetti's 8 gems at Venice. I remember one (you
will say there is no end of my memory) which he has not
bought. It was a couch ant tiger, in alto relievo, and had
been Prince Eugene's. I wish you would inquire about it,
and know what he would have for it. Mr. Murray7 was
a good deal an acquaintance of mine in England, and
I should think would oblige me about it, but I must know
the price first.
My Lady Pomfret has desired to be buried at Oxford8.
It is of a piece with her life. I dare say she had treasured
up some idea of the Countess Matilda 9, that gave St. Peter
his patrimony. How your ghost and mine will laugh at
hers, when posterity begins to consecrate her learning !
* Thomas, afterwards the second the Acaptdco ship in 1743.
Lord Grantham. Walpole. — He sue- 8 Antonio Maria Zanetti (1680-
ceeded his father in 1770 ; was Lord 1778).
of Trade, 1766 ; Vice-Chamberlain of 7 Resident at Venice ; he was of
the Household, 1770-71 ; Ambassador the Isle of Man. Walpole.
at Madrid, 1771-79 ; President of the 8 Lady Pomfret had given her hus-
Board of Trade, 1780-82 ; Secretary band's collection of statues to the
of State for Foreign Affairs, 1782-83 ; University of Oxford. Walpole.
d. 1786. » Matilda (1046-1115), Countess of
6 Acapulco, on the western coast Tuscany, who in 1077 made a gift
of Mexico, the port whence a galleon of all her possessions to Pope Gregory
sailed yearly for Manilla, returning VlL
laden with treasure. Anson captured
M 2
164 To George Montagu [1762
The Parliament does not meet till the nineteenth ; by
that time people will have formed some opinion — at present
there is much gloom. I don't know whither it will be
directed. I have abundance of conjectures, but events so
seldom correspond to foresight, that I believe it is as well
to act like other soothsayers, and not broach one's visions
till they have been fulfilled. Good night.
P.S. I should be glad Mr. Murray would not name me.
Zanetti cheated my father outrageously ; he will think we
forgive, and have no objection to being cheated 10.
Arlington Street, Jan. 26, 1762.
WE have had as many mails due from Ireland as you had
from us. I have at last received a line from you ; it tells
me you are well, which I am always glad to hear ; I cannot
say you tell me much more. My health is so little subject
to alteration, and so preserved by temperance, that it is not
worth repetition ; thank God you may conclude it good, if
I do not say the contrary.
Here is nothing new but preparations for conquest, and
approaches to bankruptcy ; and the worst is, the former will
advance the latter at least as much as impede it. You say
the Irish will live and die with your cousin : I am glad they
are so well disposed. I have lived long enough to doubt
whether all who like to live with one would be so ready to
die with one — I know it is not pleasant to have the time
arrived when one looks about to see whether they would or
not — but you are in a country of more sanguine complexion,
and where I believe the clergy do not deny the laity the cup.
10 Zanetti, a Venetian, had been wards by Sir Kobert Walpole. Wal-
employed by the Regent of France pule.
to buy pictures for him ; and after-
1762] To George Montagu 165
The Queen's brother arrived yesterday: your brother,
Prince John, has been here about a week ; I am to dine
with him to-day at Lord Dacre's with the Chute.
Our burlettas are gone out of fashion ; do the Amicis
come hither next year, or go to Guadaloupe, as is said ?
I have been told that a Lady Kingsland 1 at Dublin has
a picture of Madame Grammont by Petitot — I don't know
who Lady Kingsland is, whether rich or poor, but I know
there is nothing I would not give for such a picture. I wish
you would hunt it ; and if the dame is above temptation, do
try if you could obtain a copy in water-colours, if there is
anybody at Dublin could execute it.
The Duchess of Portland has lately enriched me exceed-
ingly— nine portraits of the court of Louis Quatorze ! Lord
Portland 2 brought them over ; they hung in the nursery at
Bulstrode, the children amused themselves with shooting
at them — I have got them — but I will tell you no more ;
you don't deserve it — you write to me as if I was your god-
father : ' Hond. Sir, I am brave and well, my cousin George
is well, we drink your health every night, and beg your
blessing.' This is the sum total of all your letters;
I thought in a new country, and with your spirits and
humour, you could have found something to tell me — I shall
only ask you now when you return ; but I declare I will not
correspond with you ; I don't write letters to divert myself,
but in expectation of returns — in short, you are extremely
in disgrace with me ; I have measured my letters for some
time, and for the future will answer you paragraph by para-
graph. You yourself don't seem to find letter-writing so
amusing as to pay itself. Adieu !
Yours ever,
H. W.
LETTER 800. — 1 Honors, daughter Kingsland.
ofPeterDaly; m. (1735) Henry Barne- 2 William Bentinok (d. 1709), first
wall, fourth Viscount Barnewall of Earl of Portland.
166 To Sir Horace Mann [i?62
Arlington Street, Jan. 29, 1762.
1 WISH you joy, sir minister ; the Czarina l is dead. As
we conquered America 'in Germany*, I hope we shall overrun
Spain by this burial at Petersburg. Yet, don't let us plume
ourselves too fast ; nothing is so like a queen as a king,
nothing so like a predecessor as a successor. The favourites
of the Prince Royal of Prussia, who had suffered so much
for him, were wofully disappointed, when he became the
present glorious monarch ; they found the English maxim
true, that the king never dies ; that is, the dignity and
passions of the crown never die. We were not much less
defeated of our hopes on the decease of Philip V. The
Grand Duke8 has been proclaimed Czar at the army in
Pomerania ; he may love conquest like that army, or not
know it is conquering, like his aunt. However, we cannot
suffer more by this event. I would part with the Empress-
Queen, on no better a prospect.
We have not yet taken the galleons, nor destroyed the
Spanish fleet. Nor have they enslaved Portugal, nor you
made a triumphant entry into Naples. My dear Sir, you see
how lucky you was not to go thither ; you don't envy
Sir James Grey *, do you ? Pray don't make any categorical
demands to Marshal Botta5, and be obliged to retire to
Leghorn, because they are not answered. We want allies ;
preserve us our friend the Great Duke of Tuscany. I like
your answer to Botta exceedingly, but I fear the court of
LETTER 801. — J The Czarina Eliza- July, 1762, after having been forced
beth. Walpole. to sign a renunciation of the throne.
2 This phrase was first used by Pitt * He had been appointed Minister
in the debate on the Address (Nov. 13, to Spain, but the war prevented his
1761). going. Walpole.
3 Peter III. Walpole. — He was 6 Commander in Tuscany. Wal-
strangled by Orloff and others in pole.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 167
Vienna is shame-proof. The Apostolic and Eeligious
Empress is not a whit a better Christian, not a jot less
a woman, than the late Russian Empress, who gave such
proofs of her being a woman.
We have a mighty expedition 6 on the point of sailing ;
the destination not disclosed. The German war loses
ground daily ; however, all is still in embryo. My subse-
quent letters are not likely to be so barren and indecisive.
I write more to prove there is nothing, than to tell you
You was mistaken, I believe, about the Graftons ; they do
not remove from Turin, till George Pitt 7 arrives to occupy
their house there. I am really anxious about the fate of
my letter to the Duchess; I should be hurt if it had
miscarried ; she would have reason to think me very
I have given your letter to Mr. T. Pitt ; he has been very
unfortunate since his arrival — has lost his favourite sister in
child-bed. Lord Tavistock8, I hear, has writ accounts of
you that give me much pleasure.
I am ashamed to tell you that we are again dipped into
an egregious scene of folly. The reigning fashion is a
ghost 9 — a ghost, that would not pass muster in the paltriest
convent in the Apennine. It only knocks and scratches ;
does not pretend to appear or to speak. The clergy give it
their benediction ; and all the world, whether believers or
infidels, go to hear it. I, in which number you may guess,
go to-morrow ; for it is as much the mode to visit the ghost
as the Prince of Mecklenburg 10, who is just arrived. I have
not seen him yet, though I have left my name for him. But
6 The expedition against Havana , 8 Francis Russell, eldest son of the
which sailed on March 6, 1762, com- Duke of Bedford. Walpole.
manded by the Earl of Albemarle 9 The Cock Lane Ghost.
and Admiral Pocock. 10 Prince Charles, brother of the
7 Appointed Minister to Turin ; Queen. Walpole.
afterwards Lord Elvers. Walpole.
168 To Sir Horace Mann [1762
I will tell you who is come too — Lady Mary Wortley. I went
last night to visit her ; I give you my honour, and you who
know her would credit me without it, the following is a
faithful description. I found her in a little miserable bed-
chamber of a ready-furnished house, with two tallow candles,
and a bureau covered with pots and pans. On her head, in
full of all accounts, she had an old black-laced hood, wrapped
entirely round, so as to conceal all hair or want of hair. No
handkerchief, but up to her chin a kind of horseman's riding-
coat, calling itself a pet-en-Vair, made of a dark green (green
I think it had been) brocade, with coloured and silver flowers,
and lined with furs ; boddice laced, a foul dimity petticoat
sprig'd, velvet muffeteens on her arms, grey stockings and
slippers. Her face less changed in twenty years than I could
have imagined ; I told her so, and she was not so tolerable
twenty years ago that she needed have taken it for flattery,
but she did, and literally gave me a box on the ear. She is
very lively, all her senses perfect, her languages as imperfect
as ever, her avarice greater. She entertained me at first with
nothing but the dearness of provisions at Helvoet. With
nothing but an Italian, a French, and a Prussian, all men
servants, and something she calls an old secretary, but whose
age till he appears will be doubtful, she receives all the
world, who go to homage her as Queen Mother u, and crams
them into this kennel. The Duchess of Hamilton, who came
in just after me, was so astonished and diverted, that she
could not speak to her for laughing. She says that she has
left all her clothes at Venice. I really pity Lady Bute ; what
will the progress be of such a commencement !
The King of France has avowed a natural son ia, and given
him the estate which came from Marshal Belleisle, with the
title of Comte de Gisors. The mother I think is called
11 She was mother of Lady Bute, 12 This was a false report. Wal-
wifo of the Prime Minister. Walpole. pole.
1762] To George Montagu 169
Matignon or Maquignon. Madame Pompadour was the
Bathsheba that introduced this Abishag. Adieu, my
dear Sir!
Arlington Street, Feb. 2, 1762.
I SCOLDED you in my last, but I shall forgive you, if you
return soon to England, as you talk of doing; for though
you are an abominable correspondent, and only write to beg
letters, you are good company, and I have a notion I shall
still be glad to see you.
Lady Mary Wortley is arrived ; I have seen her ; I think
her avarice, her dirt, and her vivacity, are all increased. Her
dress, like her languages, is a galimatias of several countries ;
the groundwork, rags ; and the embroidery, nastiness. She
wears no cap, no handkerchief, no gown, no petticoat, no
shoes. An old black-laced hood represents the first ; the
fur of a horseman's coat, which replaces the third, serves
for the second ; a dimity petticoat is deputy, and officiates
for the fourth ; and slippers act the part of the last. When
I was at Florence, and she was expected there, we were
drawing Sortes Virgttianas — for her ; we literally drew
Insanam vatem aspicies. —
It would have been a stronger prophecy now, even than it
was then.
You told me not a word of Mr. Mcnaghton *, and I have
a great mind to be as coolly indolent about our famous
ghost in Cock Lane — why should one steal half an hour
from one's amusements to tell a story to a friend in another
island? I could send you volumes on the ghost, and I
LETTER 802. — 1 John Macnaugh- murder of Miss Knoz on the pro-
ton, an Irishman of good position, ceding NOT. 10.
executed on Deo. 15, 1761, for the
170 To George Montagu [i?62
believe if I was to stay a little, I might send you its life,
dedicated to my Lord Dartmouth, by the Ordinaiy of New-
gate, its two great patrons. A drunken parish clerk 2 set it
on foot out of revenge, the Methodists have adopted it, and
the whole town of London think of nothing else. Elizabeth
Canning and the Babbit-woman were modest impostors in
comparison of this, which goes on without saving the least
appearances. The Archbishop, who would not suffer The
Minor to be acted in ridicule of the Methodists, permits this
farce to be played every night, and I shall not be surprised
if they perform in the great hall at Lambeth. I went to
hear it — for it is not an apparition, but an audition. — We set
out from the Opera, changed our clothes at Northumberland
House, the Duke of York, Lady Northumberland, Lady
Mary Coke, Lord Hertford, and I, all in one hackney coach,
and drove to the spot ; it rained torrents ; yet the lane was
full of mob, and the house so full we could not get in — at
last they discovered it was the Duke of York, and the
company squeezed themselves into one another's pockets to
make room for us. The house, which is borrowed, and to
which the ghost has adjourned, is wretchedly small and
miserable ; when we opened the chamber, in which were
fifty people, with no light but one tallow candle at the end,
we tumbled over the bed of the child to whom the ghost
comes, and whom they are murdering there by inches in
such insufferable heat and stench. At the top of the room
are ropes to dry clothes — I asked, if we were to have rope-
dancing between the acts? — we had nothing ; they told us,
as they would at a puppet-show, that it would not come
that night till seven in the morning — that is, when there
are only prentices and old women. We stayed, however, till
half an hour after one. The Methodists have promised them
contributions ; provisions are sent in like forage, and all the
2 William Parsons, parish clerk of St. Sepulchre's.
1762] To George Montagu 171
taverns and ale-houses in the neighbourhood make fortunes.
The most diverting part is to hear people wondering when it
will be found out — as if there was anything to find out — as if
the actors would make their noises where they can be dis-
covered. However, as this pantomime cannot last much
longer, I hope Lady Fanny Shirley will set up a ghost of
her own at Twickenham, and then you shall hear one. The
Methodists, as Lord Aylsford assured Mr. Chute two nights
ago at Lord Caere's, have attempted ghosts three times in
Warwickshire. There ! how good I am !
Yours ever,
H. W.
Arlington Street, Feb. 6, 1762.
You must have thought me very negligent of your com-
missions; not only in buying your ruffles, but in never
mentioning them — but my justification is most ample and
verifiable. Your letter of Jan. 2nd arrived but yesterday
with the papers of Dec. 29. These were the mails that
have so long been missing, and were shipwrecked or some-
thing on the Isle of Man. Now you see it was impos-
sible for me to buy you a pair of ruffles for the 18th of
January, when I did not receive the orders till the 5th
of February.
You don't tell me a word (but that is not new to you) of
Mr. Hamilton's wonderful eloquence, which converted a
whole House of Commons on the five regiments1. We
have no such miracles here ; five regiments might work
such prodigies, but I never knew mere rhetoric gain above
one or two proselytes at a time in all my practice.
We have a Prince Charles here, the Queen's brother ; he
is like her, but more like the Hows. Low, but well made,
LKTTEK 803. — 1 On a motion for an increase of troops.
172 To the Eev. William Cole [i?62
good eyes and teeth. Princess Emily is very ill, has been
blistered, and been blooded four times.
My books appear on Monday se'nnight : if I can find any
quick conveyance for them, you shall have them : if not, as
you are returning soon, I may as well keep them for you.
Adieu ! I grudge every word I write to you.
Yours ever,
H. W.
DEAR SlR, Tuesday, Feb. 7, 1762.
The little leisure I have to-day will, I trust, excuse my
saying very few words in answer to your obliging letter, of
which no part touches me more than what concerns your
health, which, however, I rejoice to hear is re-establishing
I am sorry I did not save your trouble of cataloguing
Ames's2 heads, by telling you, that another person has
actually done it, and designs to publish a new edition
ranged in a different method. I don't know the gentleman's
name, but he is a friend of Sir William Musgrave, from
whom I had this information some months ago.
You will oblige me much by the sight of the volume you
mention. Don't mind the epigrams you transcribe on my
father. I have been inured to abuse on him from my birth.
It is not a quarter of an hour ago since, cutting the leaves
of a new dab called Anecdotes of Polite Literature, I found
LETTER 804. — * William Cole (17 14- gence of opinion he was always on
1782), antiquary, at this time Rector good terms with Walpole. The latter
of Bletchley. He was a former school- found Cole's knowledge and industry
fellow at Eton of Horace Walpole, of great use, while Cole was not insen-
whose antiquarian tastes led him (in sible to the honour of being a cor-
1762) to open a correspondence with respondent of Walpole's. Walpole's
Cole, which was continued until Cole's letters to Cole are now, with Cole's
death. Cole was a Tory and a High MSS., in the British Museum.
Churchman, with leanings to Eoman 2 Joseph Ames (1689-1759), corn-
Catholicism, but in spite of diver- piler of a Catalogue of English Heads,
1762] To the Eev. Henry Zouch 173
myself abused for having defended my father. I don't know
the author, and suppose I never shall, for I find Glover's
Leonidas is one of the things he admires — and so I leave
them to be forgotten together, fortiwati ambo I
I sent your letter to Ducarel, who has promised me those
poems — I accepted the promise to get rid of him t'other
day, when he would have talked me to death. Adieu !
dear Sir.
Yours very sincerely,
Arlington Street, Feb. 13, 1762.
I should long ago have given myself the pleasure of
writing to you, if I had not been constantly in hope of
accompanying my letter with the Anecdotes of Painting, &c. ;
but the tediousness of engravers, and the roguery of a fourth
printer, have delayed the publication week after week for
months : truly I do not believe that there is such a being as
an honest printer in the world.
I sent the books to Mr. Whiston, who, I think you told
me, was employed by you : he answered, he knew nothing
of the matter. Mr. Dodsley has undertaken now to convey
them to you, and I beg your acceptance of them : it will be
a very kind acceptance if you will tell me of any faults,
blunders, omissions, &c., as you observe them. In a first
sketch of this nature, I cannot hope the work is anything
like complete. Excuse, Sir, the brevity of this. I am
much hurried at this instant of publication, and have barely
time to assure you how truly I am your humble servant.
174 To the Earl of Bute [i?62
MY LORD, Arlington Street, Feb. 15, 1762.
I am sensible how little time your Lordship can have to
throw away on reading idle letters or letters of compliment ;
yet as it would be too great want of respect to your Lordship,
not to make some sort of reply to the note * you have done
me the honour to send me, I thought I could couch what
I have to say in fewer words by writing, than in troubling
you with a visit, which might come unseasonably, and
a letter you may read at any moment when you are most
idle. I had already, my Lord, detained you too long by
sending you a book, which I could not flatter myself you
would turn over in such a season of business: by the
manner in which you have considered it, you have shown
me that your very minutes of amusement you try to turn to
the advantage of your country. It was this pleasing prospect
of patronage to the arts that tempted me to offer you my
pebble towards the new structure. I am flattered that you
have taken notice of the only ambition I have : I should be
more flattered if I could contribute to the least of your Lord-
ship's designs for illustrating Britain.
The hint that your Lordship is so good as to give me for
a work like Montfaucon's M onumens de la Monarchic Francoisc,
LETTER 806. — Collated with copy Such a general work would be not
supplied by Mr. Simon Gratz, of only very agreeable but instructive —
Philadelphia, U.SA., owner of the the French have attempted it; the
original letter. Russians are about it ; and Lord Bute
1 ' Lord Bute presents his compli- has been informed Mr. Walpole is
ments to Mr. Walpole, and returns well furnished with materials for
him a thousand thanks for the very such a noble work,
agreeable present he has made him. ' Saturday.'
In looking over it, Lord Bute observes (Works of Lord Orford, ed. 1798,
Mr. Walpole has mixed several curious vol. ii. p. 878.)
remarks on the customs, &c. of the Notes or Heads of Chapters compiled
times he treats of ; a thing much by Horace Walpole in view of a work
wanted, and that has never yet been of this kind are printed in his Works
executed, except in parts by Peck, &c. (ed. 1798, vol. v. pp. 400-2).
1762] To the Earl of Bute 175
has long been a subject that I have wished to see executed,
nor, in point of materials, do I think it would be a very
difficult one. The chief impediment was the expense, too
great for a private fortune. The extravagant prices extorted
by English artists is a discouragement to all public under-
takings. Drawings from paintings, tombs, &c., would be
very dear. To have them engraved as they ought to be,
would exceed the compass of a much ampler income than
mine; which, though equal to my largest wish, cannot
measure itself with the rapacity of our performers.
But, my Lord, if his Majesty was pleased to command
such a work, on so laudable an idea as your Lordship's,
nobody would be more ready than myself to give his
assistance. I own I think I could be of use in it, in
collecting or pointing out materials, and I would readily
take any trouble in aiding, supervising, or directing such
a plan. Pardon me, my Lord, if I offer no more ; I mean,
that I do not undertake the part of composition. I have
already trespassed too much upon the indulgence of the
public ; I wish not to disgust them with hearing of me, and
reading me. It is time for me to have done ; and when
I shall have completed, as I almost have, the History of the
Arts on which I am now engaged, I did not purpose to
tempt again the patience of mankind. But the case is very
different with regard to my trouble. My whole fortune is
from the bounty of the crown, and from the public : it
would ill become me to spare any pains for the King's
glory, or for the honour and satisfaction of my country ;
and give me leave to add, my Lord, it would be an un-
grateful return for the distinction with which your Lordship
has condescended to honour me, if I withheld such trifling
aid as mine, when it might in the least tend to adorn your
Lordship's administration. From me, my Lord, permit me
to say, these are not words of course or of compliment, this
176 To George Montagu [i762
is not the language of flattery ; your Lordship knows I have
no views, perhaps knows that, insignificant as it is, my
praise is never detached from my esteem : and when you
have raised, as I trust you will, real monuments of glory,
the most contemptible characters in the inscription dedi-
cated by your country, may not be the testimony of,
My Lord,
Your Lordship's
Most obedient
Humble servant,
Arlington Street, Feb. 22, 1762.
MY scolding does you so much good, that I will for the
future lecture you for the most trifling peccadilla '. You
have writ me a very entertaining letter, and wiped out
several debts — not that I will forget one of them if you
As we have never had a rainbow to assure us that the
world shall not be snowed to death, I thought last night
was the general connixation. We had a tempest of wind
and snow for two hours beyond anything I remember:
chairs were blown to pieces, the streets covered with tassels
and glasses and tiles, and coaches and chariots were filled
like reservoirs. Lady Eaymond's a house in Berkeley Square
is totally unroofed ; and Lord Robert Bertie, who is going
to marry her, may descend into it like a Jupiter Pluvius.
It is a week of wonders, and worthy the note of an almanac
maker. Miss Draycott, within two days of matrimony, has
LETTER 807.— * So in MS. Baron Raymond ; 2. (1762) Lord
2 Mary, daughter of John diet- Robert Bertie, third son of first
wynd, of Grendon, Warwickshire ; Duke of Ancaster.
m. 1. (1741) Robert Raymond, second
1762] To George Montagu 177
dismissed Mr. Beauclerc — but this is entirely forgot already
in the amazement of a new elopement. In all your reading,
true or false, have you ever heard of a young Earl, married
to the most beautiful woman in the world, a Lord of the
Bedchamber, a general officer, and with a great estate,
quitting everything, resigning wife and world, and em-
barking for life in a packet-boat with a miss ? I fear your
connections will but too readily lead you to the name of the
peer; it is Henry Earl of Pembroke — the nymph Kitty
Hunter*. The town and Lady Pembroke were but too
much witnesses to this intrigue, last Wednesday, at a great
ball at Lord Middleton's — on Thursday they decamped.
However, that the writer of their romance, or I, as he is
a noble author, might not want materials, the Earl has left
a bushel of letters behind him ; to his mother, to Lord
Bute, to Lord Legonier (the two last to resign his employ-
ments), and to Mr. Stopford, whom he acquits of all privity
to his design. In none he justifies himself, unless this is
a justification ! that having long tried in vain to make his
wife hate and dislike him, he had no way left but this — and
it is to be hoped it will succeed ; and then it may not be the
worst event that could have happened to her. You may
easily conceive the hubbub such an exploit must occasion.
With ghosts, elopements, abortive motions4, &c., we can
amuse ourselves tolerably well, till the season arrives for
taking the field, and conquering the Spanish West Indies.
I have sent you my books by a messenger ; Lord Barring-
ton was so good as to charge himself with them. They
barely saved their distance ; a week later, and no soul could
have read a line in them, unless I had changed the title-
page, and called them ' The Loves of the Earl of and
Miss H .'
8 Catherine, daughter of Thomas * Against the war in Germany ;
Orby Hunter, Lord of the Admiralty. see p. 180.
178 To Dr. Ducarel [1762
I am sorry Lady Kingsland is so rich. However, if the
Papists should be likely to rise, pray disarm her of the
enamel, and commit it to safe custody in the round tower
at Strawberry. Good night ! mine is a life of letter- writing ;
I pray for a peace, that I may sheathe my pen.
Yours ever,
808. To DR. DUCAEEL.
SIR, Feb. 24, 1762.
I am glad my books have at all amused you, and am
much obliged to you for your notes and communications.
Your thought of an English Montfaucon accords perfectly
with a design I have long had of attempting something of
that kind, in which too I have been lately encouraged ; and
therefore I will beg you at your leisure, as they shall occur,
to make little notes of customs, fashions, and portraits,
relating to our history and manners. Your work on
Vicarages, I am persuaded, will be very useful, as everything
you undertake is, and curious. — After the medals I lent
Mr. Perry *, I have a little reason to take it ill, that he has
entirely neglected me ; he has published a number, and sent
it to several persons, and never to me. I wanted to see him
too, because I know of two very curious medals, which
I could borrow for him. He does not deserve it at my
hands, but I will not defraud the public of anything
valuable ; and therefore, if he will call on me any morning,
but a Sunday or Monday, between eleven and twelve, I will
speak to him of them. — With regard to one or two of your
remarks, I have not said that real lions were originally
leopards. I have said that lions in arms, that is, painted
lions, were leopards ; and it is fact, and no inaccuracy.
Paint a leopard yellow, and it becomes a lion. — You say,
LKTTICE 808. — * Francis Perry (d. 1766) ; he engraved a series of gold and
silver British medals.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 179
colours rightly prepared do not grow black. The art would
be much obliged for such a preparation. I have not said
that oil-colours would not endure with a glass ; on the
contrary, I believe they would last the longer.
I am much amazed at Vertue's blunder about my Marriage
of Henry VII; and afterwards he said, 'Sykes, knowing
how to give names to pictures to make them sell,' called
this the Marriage of Henry VII ; and afterwards, he said,
Sykes had the figures inserted in an old picture of a church.
He must have known little indeed, Sir, if he had not known
how to name a picture that he had painted on purpose that
he might call it so ! That Vertue, on the strictest examina-
tion, could not be convinced that the man was Henry VII,
not being like any of his pictures. Unluckily, he is
extremely like the shilling, which is much more authentic
than any picture of Henry VIL But here Sykes seems to
have been extremely deficient in his tricks. Did he order
the figure to be painted like Henry VII, and yet could not
get it painted like him, which was the easiest part of the
task? Yet how came he to get the Queen painted like,
whose representations are much scarcer than those of her
husband? and how came Sykes to have pomegranates
painted on her robe, only to puzzle the cause? It is not
worth adding, that I should much sooner believe the
church was painted to the figures, than the figures to
the church. They are hard and antique: the church in
a better style, and at least more fresh. If Vertue had
made no better criticisms than these, I would never have
taken so much trouble with his MS. Adieu !
Arlington Street, Feb. 25, 1762.
WE have not writ to one another a great while : nothing
has happened here very particular of a public nature. Our
N 2
180 To Sir Horace Mann [1762
great expedition under Lord Albemarle is not yet sailed,
but waits, I believe, for a card from Martinico1, to know
how it will be received there. We have another preparing
for Lisbon ; Lord Tyrawley is to command it, but goes first
to see whether he shall want it. Dunn, a Jacobite Irishman,
who married the daughter of Humphrey Parsons2, the
brewer, and much in favour at Versailles, is named to
counterwork Lord Tyrawley at Lisbon. Just at present
we have a distant vision of peace ; every account speaks
the new Czar disposed to Prussia, — I hope no farther than
to help him to a treaty, not to more glory and blood.
We have had an odd kind of Parliamentary opposition,
composed only of the King's own servants. In short, in the
House of Lords the Duke of Bedford made a motion against
the German war; but the previous question was put and
carried by 105 to 16. Seven of the minority protested.
Yet this stifled motion attempted to take root in our
House. Young Bunbury *, whom I sent to you, and whom
you have lately sent us back, and who is enrolled in a club
of chicken orators, notified a day on which he intended to
move such a question as had appeared in the Lords. When
the day came, no Mr. Bunbury came — till it was too late.
However, he pretended to have designed it, and on the 1 5th
appointed himself to make it on the 17th, but was again
persuaded off, or repented, and told us he would reserve
himself and his objections for the day of the subsidy to
Prussia. Nothing was ever more childish than these scenes.
To show himself more a man, he is going to marry Lady
Sarah Lenox, who is very pretty, from exceeding bloom of
youth : but, as she has no features, and her beauty is not
LETTER 809. — l An expedition Mayor of London. Mr. Dunn, who
under General Monckton and Ad- married his eldest daughter, took
miral Rodney captured Martinique the title of Count O'Dunn. Walpole.
on Feh. 12, 1762. * He was afterwards Sir Thomas
* A well-known Jacobite Lord Charles Bunbury. Walpole.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 181
likely to last so long as her betrothed's, he will probably
repent this step, like his motions.
We have one of the Queen's brothers here, Prince Charles ;
and she herself, I believe, is breeding— a secret that, during
the life of old Cosimo Kiccardi 4, would have given you great
weight with him.
Our foolish ghost, though at last detected, lasted longer
than it was in fashion: the girl made the noises herself;
and the Methodists were glad to have such a key to the
credulity of the mob. Our bishops, who do not dis-
countenance an imposture, even in the subdivisions of their
religion, looked mighty wise, and only took care not to say
anything silly about it, which, I assure you, considering the
capacities of most of them, was a good deal.
You have not sent word to your brother or me what
the altar cost. I should much oftener plague you with
commissions, if you would draw for them. If you will
not, I must totally stop, concluding you had rather bestow
your money than your trouble. I have at this moment
a job, with which I will make the trial. I have been
informed that at Leghorn, the palace (I suppose the Great
Duke's) and the front of a church5 (I don't know which)
were designed by Inigo Jones. If you can discover them
and ascertain the fact, or great probability of it, I should be
glad to have drawings of them ; but subject to the conclusion
I have stated above. You know I never was at Leghorn, so
know nothing of this myself.
I almost wish to stop here, and not relate the cruel story
I am going to tell you ; for though you are noways
interested for any of the persons concerned, your tender
nature will feel for some of them, and be shocked for all.
* An old Marquis Riccardi, at Walpole.
Florence, that was very inquisitive B The facade of the cathedral of
about pregnancies, christenings, &c. Leghorn is attributed to Inigo Jones.
182 To George Montagu [i?62
Lord Pembroke — Earl, Lord of the Bedchamber, Major-
General, possessed of ten thousand pounds a year, master
of Wilton, husband of one of the most beautiful creatures 6
in England, father of an only son \ and himself but eight-
and-twenty to enjoy this assemblage of good fortune — is
gone off with Miss Hunter, daughter to one of the Lords
of the Admiralty8, a handsome girl with a fine person, but
silly and in no degree lovely as his own wife, who has the
face of a Madonna, and, with all the modesty of that idea,
is dotingly fond of him. He left letters resigning all his
employments, and one to witness to the virtue of Lady
Pembroke, whom he says he has long tried in vain to make
hate and dislike him. It is not yet known whither this
foolish guilty couple have bent their course ; but you may
imagine the distress of the Earl's family, and the resentment
of the house of Marlborough, who dote on their sister : Miss
Helen's family too takes it for no honour. Her story is not
so uncommon ; but did ever one hear of an Earl running
away from himself?
I have just published a new book, a sort of History of the
Arts in England 9 ; I will send it you on the first oppor-
tunity. Adieu !
Arlington Street, Feb. 25, 1762.
I SENT you my gazette but two days ago ; I now write to
answer a kind long letter I have received from you since.
I have heard of my brother's play several years ago ; but
I never understood that it was completed, or more than
• Lady Elizabeth Spencer, younger 1794.
sister of George, Duke of Marl- 8 Thomas Orby Hunter. Miss
borough. Walpole. Hunter was afterwards married to
7 George Augustus Herbert (1769- a Captain Clarke. Walpole.
1827), Lord Herbert; succeeded his 9 Anecdotes of Painting in England.
father as eleventh Earl of Pembroke, Walpole.
1762] To George Montagu 183
a few detached scenes. What is become of Mr. Bentley's
play and Mr. Bentley's epistle ?
When I go to Strawberry, I will look for where Lord
Cutts was buried ; I think I can find it.
I am disposed to prefer the younger picture of Madame
Grammont by Lely — but I stumble at the price ; twelve
guineas for a copy in enamel is very dear. Mrs. Veezy1
tells me his originals cost sixteen, and are not so good as his
copies. I will certainly have none of his originals. His;
what is his name ? I would fain resist this copy ; I would
more fain excuse myself for having it. I say to myself, it
would be rude not to have it, now Lady Kingsland and
Mr. Montagu have had so much trouble— well— 7 think
I must have it, as my Lady Wishfort2 says, why does not
the fellow take me? Do try if he will not take ten.
Kemember it is the younger picture — and, oh ! now you
are remembering, don't forget all my prints and a book
bound in vellum. There is a thin folio too I want, called
Hibernica s : it is a collection of curious papers, one a transla-
tion by Carew Earl of Totness — I had forgot that you have no
books in Ireland — however, I must have this; and your
pardon for all the trouble I give you.
No news yet of the runaways4, but all that comes out
antecedent to the escape is more and more extraordinary
and absurd. The day of the elopement he had invited his
wife's family and other folk to dinner with her, but said he
must himself dine at a tavern — but he dined privately in his
own dressing-room, put on a sailor's habit, and black wig,
that he had brought home with him in a bundle, and
LKTTIB 810.— * Elizabeth (d. 1791), of the World.
daughter of Sir Thomas Vesey, Baro- 8 Hibernica, or some Ancient Pieces
net (Bishop of Ossory; m. I.William relating to the History bf Ireland, by
Handcock ; 2. Agmondesham Vesey. Walter Harris.
Her London parties were almost as 4 The Earl of Pembroke and Miss
famous as Mrs. Montagu's. Hunter.
2 A character in Congreve's Way
184 To the Countess of Ailesbury [i?62
threatened the servants he would murder them if they
mentioned it to his wife. He left a letter for her, which
the Duke of Marlborough was afraid to deliver to her, and
opened. It desired she would not write to him, as it would
make him completely mad. The poor soul, after the first
transport, seemed to bear it tolerably, but has been writing
to him ever since. He desires the King would preserve his
rank of Major-General, as some time or other he may serve
again. Here is an indifferent epigram made on the occasion ;
I send it to you, though I wonder anybody could think it
a subject to joke upon :
As Pembroke a horseman by most is accounted,
'Tis not strange that his Lordship a Hunter has mounted.
Adieu ! yours ever, H. W.
MADAM, Strawberry Hill, March 5, 1762.
One of your slaves, a fine young officer, brought me two
days ago a very pretty medal from your Ladyship. Amidst
all your triumphs you do not, I see, forget your English
friends, and it makes me extremely happy. He pleased me
still more, by assuring me that you return to England when
the campaign opens. I can pay this news by none so good
as by telling you that we talk of nothing but peace. We
are equally ready to give law to the world, or peace.
Martinico has not made us intractable. We and the new
Czar are the best sort of people upon earth: I am sure,
Madam, you must adore him ; he is willing to resign all his
conquests, that you and Mr. Conway may be settled again
at Park Place. My Lord Chesterfield, with the despondence
of an old man and the wit of a young one, thinks the French
and Spaniards must make some attempt upon these islands,
arid is frightened lest we should not be so well prepared to
1762] To the Countess of Ailesbury 185
repel invasions as to make them: he says, 'What will it
avail us if we gain the whole world, and lose our own soul ? '
I am here alone, Madam, and know nothing to tell you.
I came from town on Saturday for the worst cold I ever
had in my life, and, what I care less to own even to myself,
a cough. I hope Lord Chesterfield will not speak more
truth in what I have quoted, than in his assertion, that
one need not cough if one did not please. It has pulled me
extremely, and you may believe I do not look very plump,
when I am more emaciated than usual. However, I have
taken James's powder for four nights, and have found
great benefit from it ; and if Miss Conway does not come
back with sotoante el douze quartiers, and the hauteur of
a landgravine, I think I shall still be able to run down
the precipices at Park Place with her — this is to be under-
stood, supposing that we have any summer. Yesterday
was the first moment that did not feel like Thule : not a
glimpse of spring or green, except a miserable almond-tree,
half opening one bud, like my Lord Powerscourt's * eye.
It will be warmer, I hope, by the King's Birthday, or
the old ladies will catch their deaths. There is a court
dress to be instituted — (to thin the Drawing-rooms) — stiff-
bodied gowns and bare shoulders. What dreadful dis-
coveries will be made both on fat and lean ! I recommend
to you the idea of Mrs. Cavendish, when half-stark ; and
I might fill the rest of my paper with such images, but
your imagination will supply them ; and you shall excuse
me, though I leave this a short letter : but I wrote merely
to thank your Ladyship for the medal, and, as you perceive,
have very little to say, besides that known and lasting
truth, how much I am Mr. Conway's and your Ladyship's
faithful humble servant, HOB. WALPOLE.
LETTER 811.— * Edward Wingfield (1729-1764), second Viscount Powers-
186 To George Montagu [1762
Arlington Street, March 9, 1762.
I AM glad you have received my books safe, and are con-
tent with them. I have little idea of Mr. Bentley's Odes ;
though his imagination is sufficiently Pindaric, nay, obscure,
his numbers are not apt to be so tuneful as to excuse his
flights. He should always give his wit, both in verse and
prose, to somebody else to make up. If any of his things
are printed at Dublin, let me have them — I have no quarrel
to his talents.
Your cousin's * behaviour has been handsome, and so was
his speech ; which is printed in our papers.
Advice is arrived to-day, that our troops have made good
their landing at Martinico. I don't know any of the inci-
dents yet.
You ask me for an epitaph for Lord Cutts ; I scratched out
the following lines last night as I was going to bed ; if they
are not good enough, pray don't take them ; they were written
in a minute, and you are under no obligation to like them :
Late does the Muse approach to Cutts's grave,
But ne'er the grateful Muse forgets the brave ;
He gave her subjects for th' immortal lyre,
And sought in idle hours the tuneful choir;
Skilful to mount by either path to fame,
And dear to mem'ry by a double name.
Yet if ill-known amid th' Aonian groves,
His shade a stranger and unnoticed roves,
The dauntless chief a nobler band may join:
They never die, who conquer'd at the Boyn.
The last line intends to be popular in Ireland ; but you
must take care to be certain that he was at the battle of the
Boyn ; I conclude so ; and it should be specified the year,
LETTER 812. — l Lord Halifax re- Viceroy, although he accepted it for
fused an addition to his salary as his successors.
1762] To the Eev. Henry Zouch 187
when you erect the monument. The latter lines mean to
own his having been but a moderate poet, and to cover that
mediocrity under his valour ; all which is true. Make the
sculptor observe the stops.
I have not been at Strawberry above a month, nor ever
was so long absent ; but the weather has been cruelly cold
and disagreeable. We have not had a single dry week since
the beginning of September ; a great variety of weather, all
bad. Adieu ! Yours ever,
Arlington Street, March 20, 1762.
I AM glad you are pleased, Sir, with my Anecdotes of
Painting ; but I doubt you praise me too much : it was an
easy task when I had the materials collected, and I would
not have the labours of forty years, which was Vertue's
case, depreciated in compliment to the work of four months,
which is almost my whole merit. Style is become, in a
manner, a mechanical affair, and if to much ancient lore our
antiquaries would add a little modern reading, to polish their
language and correct their prejudices, I do not see why books
of antiquities should not be made as amusing as writings on
any other subject. If Tom Hearne had lived in the world,
he might have writ an agreeable history of dancing; at
least, I am sure that many modern volumes are read for no
reason but for their being penned in the dialect of the age.
I am much beholden to you, dear Sir, for your remarks ;
they shall have their due place whenever the work pro-
ceeds to a second edition, for that the nature of it as a
record will ensure to it. A few of your notes demand
a present answer: the Bishop of Imola1 pronounced the
LETTER 813. — 1 The ecclesiastic re- Walpole, in his Anecdotes, with that
presented in Mabuse's 'Marriage of Bishop.
Henry VII1 was identified by Horace
188 To the Rev. Henry Zouch [1752
nuptial benediction at the marriage of Henry VII, which
made me suppose him the person represented.
Burnet, who was more a judge of character than statues,
mentions the resemblance between Tiberius and Charles II ;
but, as far as countenances went, there could not be a more
ridiculous prepossession ; Charles had a long face, with very
strong lines, and a narrowish brow ; Tiberius a very square
face, and flat forehead, with features rather delicate in pro-
portion. I have examined this imaginary likeness, and see
no kind of foundation for it2. It is like Mr. Addison's
Travels, of which it was so truly said, he might have com-
posed them without stirring out of England. There are a
kind of naturalists who have sorted out the qualities of the
mind, and allotted particular turns of features and com--
plexions to them. It would be much easier to prove that
every form has been endowed with every vice. One has
heard much of the vigour of Burnet himself; yet I dare
to say, he did not think himself like Charles II.
I am grieved, Sir, to hear that your eyes suffer ; take
care of them ; nothing can replace the satisfaction they
afford : one should hoard them, as the only friend that will
not be tired of one when one grows old, and when one
should least choose to depend on others for entertainment.
I most sincerely wish you happiness and health in that and
every other instance.
2 King Charles II's 'person and an appearance of softness, brings
temper, his vices as well as his for- them so near a likeness, that I did
tunes, did resemble the character not wonder much to observe the
that we have given as of Tiberius so resemblance of their face and person,
much, that it were easy to draw the At Borne I saw one of the last statues
parallel between them. Tiberius his made for Tiberius, after he had lost
banishment, and his coming after- his teeth ; but bating the alteration
wards to reign, makes the comparison which that made, it was so like King
in that respect come pretty near. His Charles, that Prince Borghese, and
hating of business, and his love of Signior Dominico to whom it be-
pleasures, his raising of favourites longed, did agree with me in think-
and trusting them entirely, and his ing that it looked like a statue made
pulling them down and hating them for him.' (Burnet, History of My Own
excessively, his art of covering deep Time, ed. Airy, vol. ii. p. 470.)
designs, particularly of revenge, with
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 189
Arlington Street, March 22, 1762.
You have nothing to do but to send for a conquest, and
I send it you : Martinico is yours. Victory, it seems, did
not expire with George II, nor resign with Mr. Pitt. The
whole island was not subdued when the express came away,
but little remained to be mastered. In short, General
Monckton *, by the first dispatch, promised it all, and when
he has so well kept the greatest part of his word, it would
be abominable to doubt the residue. He is a hero in all the
forms, eager to engage, and bold to perform. This con-
quest is entirely owing to his bravery, to his grenadiers,
and his sailors, and I don't question but he will achieve
the whole, though George Townshend is not there to take
the capitulation and the glory out of his mouth2. The
great fear was the climate: of that I own I shall be as
much afraid when we have got the island, for it cannot be
an article of the surrender that the climate should only
kill its enemies, not its masters. This is a vast event, and
must be signally so to Lord Albemarle, who will find a
victorious army ready to sail with him on new exploits ;
and the Spaniards, I should think, are not more trained
than the French, not to be surprised at our hardiness.
Well ! I wish we had conquered the world, and had
done ! I think we were full as happy when we were a
peaceable quiet set of tradesfolks, as now we are heirs-
apparent to the Romans, and overrunning East and West
Indies. The new Czar seems to admire heroes more than
I do ; he is quite an enthusiast to the King of Prussia ;
LITTER 814. — l Robert, Monckton, severely wounded,
brother of the Earl of Galway. Wai- 2 George, Lord Townshend, on the
pole. — Second in command under death of General Wolfe, received the
Wolfe at Quebec, where he was capitulation of Quebec. Walpole.
190 To Sir Horace Mann [i?62
it may save the latter, but woe to the world when such
a portion of the globe is in the hands of a man who admires
a great general ! I can tell you no more of Martinico than
you will see in the Gazette, nor little else that is new. Lord
Pembroke is quite forgotten. He and his nymph were
brought back by a privateer, who had obligations to her
father, but the father desired no such recovery, and they
are again gone in quest of adventures. The Earl was so
kind as to invite his wife to accompany them ; and she,
who is all gentleness and tenderness, was with difficulty
withheld from acting as mad a part from goodness, as he
had done from guilt and folly.
Your master, Lord Egremont, is dying of an apoplectic
lethargy ; and your friend, Lord Melcombe, will, I believe,
succeed him. Your old acquaintance, Mrs. Goldsworthy 3,
was t'other night at Bedford House ; I never saw her, and
wanted to see her, but missed her. Lady Mary Wortley
too was there, dressed in yellow velvet and sables, with
a decent laced head and a black hood, almost like a veil,
over her face. She is much more discreet than I expected,
and meddles with nothing— but she is wofully tedious in
her narrations.
By this time you have seen my charming Duchess 4.
I shall build an altar to Pam, for having engaged her,
when the house fell at Kome, where she was invited to
a concert.
You scold me for going to see the ghost, and I don't
excuse myself ; but in such a town as this, if a ghost is in
fashion, one must as much visit it, as leave one's name with
a new Secretary of State. I expect soon that I shall keep
Good Friday, for enthusiasm is growing into fashion too ;
and while they are cancelling holidays at Rome, the Metho-
3 Her husband had been Consul at * Anne, Duchess of Grafton. Wal-
Leghorn. Walpole. pole.
1762] To George Montagu , 191
dists are reviving them here. We have never recovered
masquerades since the earthquake at Lisbon. Your country
is very victorious, but by no means a jot wiser than it was.
I hope, and I think I did not forget to tell you how much
I like the altar ; you are not apt to neglect a commission,
or to execute it ill. My gallery and tribune will be
finished this summer, and then I shall trouble you about
the brocadella. Mr. T. Pitt has taken a sweet little house
just by me at Twickenham, which will be a comfortable
addition to my viUeggiatura. Adieu !
P.S. I am sorry for my Florentine friends, that they are
losing their good governor, Marshal Botta — there are not
many of the species in an Austrian court.
Arlington Street, March 22, 1762.
You may fancy what you will, but the eyes of all the
world are not fixed upon Ireland. Because you have a little
virtue, and a Lord Lieutenant that refuses four thousand
pounds a year, and a Chaplain 1 of a Lord Lieutenant that
declines a huge bishopric, and a Secretary whose eloquence
can convince a nation of blunderers, you imagine that
nothing is talked of but the Castle of Dublin. — In the first
place, virtue may sound its own praises, but it never is
praised ; and in the next place there are other feats besides
self-denials ; and for eloquence, we overflow with it. Why,
the single eloquence of Mr. Pitt, like an annihilated star,
can shine many months after it has set. I tell you, it has
conquered Martinico. If you will not believe me, read the
Gazette ; read Monckton's letter ; there is more martial
LITTER 815. — 1 Dr. Crane, Chaplain the bishopric of Elphin. (Note in 4to
to the Earl of Halifax, had refused (1819) ed. of Letters to Montagu.)
192 To George Montagu [i762
spirit in it than in half Thucydides, and in all the Grand
Cyrus. Do you think Demosthenes or Themistocles ever
raised the Grecian stocks two per cent, in four-and-twenty
hours ? I shall burn all my Greek and Latin books ; they
are histories of little people. The Eomans never conquered
the world, till they had conquered three parts of it, and
were three hundred years about it ; we subdue the globe in
three campaigns ; and a globe, let me tell you, as big again
as it was in their days. Perhaps you may think me proud ;
but you don't know that I had some share in the reduction
of Martinico ; the express was brought by my godson, Mr.
Horatio Gates 2 ; and I have a very good precedent for attri-
buting some of the glory to myself ; I have by me a love-
letter, written during my father's administration, by a
journeyman tailor to my mother's second chambermaid ; his
offers were honourable ; he proposed matrimony, and to better
his terms, informed her of his pretensions to a place : they
were founded on what he called, some services to the govern-
ment. As the nymph could not read, she carried the epistle
to the housekeeper to be deciphered, by which means it
came into my hands. I inquired what were the merits of
Mr. Vice-Crispin, was informed that he had made the suit
of clothes for a figure of Lord Marr, that was burned after
the Kebellion. I hope now you don't hold me too pre-
sumptuous for pluming myself on the reduction of Martinico.
2 'Gates was the son of a house- old myself. This godson, Horatio
keeper of the second Duke of Leeds, Gates, was protected by General Corn -
who, marrying a young husband wallis when Governor of Halifax ;
when very old, had this son by him. but, being afterwards disappointed of
That Duke of Leeds had been saved, preferment in the army, he joined the
when guilty of a Jacobite plot, by my Americans.' (Horace Walpole, Last
father, Sir Robert Walpole, and the Journals, vol. ii. p. 200.) On the out-
Duke was very grateful, and took break of the War of Independence
great notice of me when I was quite Gates received a command in the
a boy. My mother's woman was inti- American army. He defeated Bur-
mate with that housekeeper, and goyne at Saratoga (1777), and was
thence I was godfather to her son, himself defeated by Cornwallis at
though I believe not then ten years Camden (1780). He died in 1806.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 193
— However, I shall not aspire to a post, nor to marry my
Lady Bute's abigail. I only trust my services to you as
a friend, and do not mean, under your temperate adminis-
tration, to get the list of Irish pensions loaded with my
name, though I am godfather to Mr. Horatio Gates.
The Duchess of Grafton and the English have been
miraculously preserved at Home by being at loo, instead
of going to a great concert, where the palace fell in, and
killed ten persons and wounded several others. I shall
send orders to have an altar dedicated in the Capitol :
Pammio 0. M.
Ob Annam Ducissam de Grafton
Merito Incolwnem.
I tell you of it now, because I don't know whether it will
be worth while to write another letter on purpose. Lord
Albemarle takes up the victorious grenadiers at Martinico,
and in six weeks will conquer the Havannah. Adieu !
Yours ever,
Arlington Street, April 13, 1762.
I AM two letters in your debt, without much capital to
pay them. This twilight between Parliament and the
campaign is not favourable for news. The Houses are not
prorogued indeed, but the end of a session always languishes,
and we actually are adjourned for the holidays ; and what
is more, for Newmarket. All that was reported of the Czar
proves true, but is of consequence only to the King of
Prussia ; even the conquest of Martinico has not advanced
the Peace. The other Empress must die too, I believe,
before her rage will subside. Portugal cries out for help,
and our troops are going thither ; but I don't think that
194 To Sir Horace Mann [1762
every Spanish soldier in the world will march to Lisbon.
There are some grumblings in Ireland, which look as if
that kingdom would not be quite inactive this summer.
A set of levellers1 there have been committing great dis-
orders for some time, and we think there is a leaven of
French officers and Spanish gold among them. Two regi-
ments of dragoons have been ordered against them, and are
to be followed by some foot. In short, our enemies must
try something, and cannot sit entirely tranquil, while the
Havannah is probably following the fate of Martinico.
Well! we may make a bad peace at last, and yet keep
a good deal !
I don't know how to execute the request made to
Palombo8 for my father's history, for the Nouvelles Litte-
raires. I have very slender opinion of the capacity of such
panegyrists. Anecdotes, which they could not comprehend,
and would mangle, are not fit to be dispensed to such shops.
All I can do, I think, is to transcribe the principal dates of
his life from Collins's Peerage, for there is no good life of
him : this, I suppose, would content both Italian writers
and readers. If I have time before the post goes out, I will
subjoin the extract to this letter, or send it by next mail.
It was very true that Miss Hunter was brought back by
a privateer, but her father desired she might be released ;
so they sailed again. Don't compassionate Lord Pembroke ;
he is a worthless young fellow. He does nothing but write
tender and mournful letters to his charming wife, which
distress her, and are intended to draw money from her. He
is forgotten here, which is the best thing can happen to him.
LETTER 816. — * The name ' levellers ' of the Whiteboys were high rents and
applies to their practice of leTelling low wages, those of the Oakboys the
walls and ditches, with a view to exorbitant tithes ; and all com-
' restoring the ancient commons.' plained of the heavy rates levied for
The rioters were known as White- road-making.
boys in the south of Ireland, and as 2 Secretary to Sir Horace Mann.
Oakboye in the north. The grievances Walpole.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 195
How could I not commend the altar? It was just the
thing I wished, and, if anything, prettier than I wished.
I would by no means come into the tariff you propose to
me between us, if I did not think it would be convenient
to you. I wish so much to contribute to your satisfaction
in any shape, that if it will facilitate it I will even consent
to your paying for your commissions ; but then you must
take care they are numerous. Your brother James is really
a good creature, but he is not your brother Gal ; there was
but one he! James has no notion of the delicacies and
attentions of friendship,— I hope I have ; therefore let me
be your factotum. Write to me and employ me without
reserve, and you shall prescribe your own terms, — that is,
if they are not too much in my favour. To open the inter-
course, I desire you will send me the new volume of
Herculaneum ; it is the third, but only the second of prints.
Don't let us baulk our wishes, but without ceremony draw
bills regularly for the commissions we execute ; and paying
them shall be all your brother James shall do.
Mr. T. Pitt has taken a small house at Twickenham,
within a stone's-throw of me. This will add to the comfort
of my Strawberry-tide. He draws Gothic with taste, and
is already engaged on the ornaments of my cabinet and
gallery. Adieu !
P.S. Here are the notes for my father's eulogium. I fear
you will be plagued in translating the terms into Italian.
Let them look to the Latin.
EGBERT WALPOLE was born at Houghton in Norfolk,
August 26th, 1675. He was third son of Kobert Walpole of
the same place, but his two elder brothers dying before
their father, he succeeded the latter, in 1700, in an estate of
above 2,OOOZ. a year : and was chosen member of Parliament
for Lynn in every Parliament, except in the year 1711, from
o 2
196 To Sir Horace Mann [i?62
his father's death till his own admission into the peerage in
He was extremely in the confidence of the Lord Treasurer
Godolphin, and particularly employed by him in drawing
Queen Anne's speeches. On the change of the ministry
great offers were made to him by Lord Treasurer Oxford,
but he adhered steadily to the Whig party, and was so
formidable to the Tory administration that they sent him
to the Tower; after he had been one of the council to
Prince George in the Admiralty in 1705, Secretary at War
in 1707, and Treasurer of the Navy in 1709. In that year
he was one of the managers of the House of Commons
against Dr. Sacheverel.
On the accession of George I, he was made Paymaster of
the Forces; and in October 1715 was appointed First Lord
of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer ; and the
same year was elected Chairman of the Secret Committee
appointed to inquire into the conduct of Queen Anne's last
On the differences between the King and Prince of Wales,
he followed the latter, and resigned his employments ; but,
in June 1720, he was again made Paymaster of the Forces,
and in April 1721 became once more First Lord of the
Treasury, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Prime Minister,
as he continued during the whole remainder of that reign,
and under the successor ; and was several times one of the
Lords Justices during the absences of those kings.
May 27th, 1725, he was made Knight of the Bath, on the
revival of that Order ; and in the same month of the
ensuing year was created Knight of the Garter — the only
commoner who had received such an honour since the
restoration of Charles II.
He enjoyed his post of Prime Minister till February 9th,
1742, when the opposition prevailing in Parliament, he
resigned his employments, and was created Earl of Orford.
His enemies obtained a secret committee to inquire into the
last ten years of his administration ; but being able to prove
no more crimes against him, though he had lost his power,
than they could while he held it, he enjoyed to his death
that tranquillity and honour that were due to his virtues,
services, and age.
1762] To the Earl of Egremont 197
He died of the stone, in Arlington Street, March 25th,
1745, aged near seventy. His first wife was Catherine
Shorter, by whom he had Robert, his successor, created
a baron by George I, and Knight of the Bath ; Sir Edward,
Knight of the Bath ; and Horatio ; Catherine, who died
unmarried ; and Mary, married to George Earl of Chol-
mondeley, Lord Privy Seal in the reign of George II. Sir
Robert married, secondly, Maria Skerret, by whom he had
one daughter, Lady Maria, married to Charles Churchill,
MY LORD Arlington Street, April 20, 1762.
I must entreat your Lordship to be assured that in what
I am going to say I have neither positive nor negative
view; and only lay the following information before you,
as I think it mine and every man's duty to contribute their
mite to the service of his Majesty and his country.
I happened lately to have in my hands the journal of the
Admiral Earl of Sandwich, when he was Embassador at
Madrid, negotiating a truce between Spain and Portugal.
He sets down a very exact relation of the then force of each
country, as he received it from Don Gulielmo Cascar,
a Scotch Sergeant-Major of Battalia, in the Spanish army in
Badajoz; and adds this particular passage from the same
intelligence :
The climate (he is speaking of the war on the frontiers
of Portugal) too is very unfit for war, there being only two
months, viz. April and May, fit for a campania, and then
begins drowth and heat, that it is impossible for an army
to be kept together in ; and at the latter end of the year the
season is temperate enough again, but then the rains are so
uncertain, sometimes coming earlier (in September) some-
LETTER 817. — Not in C. ; now first dressed ; it may have been written
published from original in possession to the Earl of Egremont, as Sec-
of Mr. F. Sabin, 118 Shaftesbury rotary of State for the Southern
Avenue, W. The letter is not ad- Province.
198 To George Montagu [i?62
times later, and when they come, they make the country so
soft, that the artillery cannot stir, but must stay where the
rain finds them, what design soever they are upon.
He says (adds Lord Sandwich) the armies usually retire
to the quarters from the hot season about July 15th.
I will beg your Lordship not to mention this intelligence
as coming from me. If it is of any use to your Lordship,
or of any service in general, I am satisfied, and am,
My Lord,
Your Lordship's
Most obedient
Humble Servant,
Arlington Street, April 29, 1762.
I AM most assuredly glad to hear you are returned well
and safe, of which I have at this moment received your
account from Hankelow, where you talk of staying a week.
However, not knowing the exact day of your departure,
I direct this to Greatworth, that it may rather wait for you,
than you for it, if it should go into Cheshire and not find
you there.
As I should ever be sorry to give you any pain, I hope
I shall not be the first to tell you of the loss of poor Lady
Charlotte Johnston l, who, after a violent fever of less than
a week, was brought to bed yesterday morning of a dead
child, and died herself at four in the afternoon. I heartily
condole with you, as I know your tenderness for all your
family, and the regard you have for Colonel Johnston. The
time is wonderfully sickly ; nothing but sore throats, colds,
LETTEB 818. — * Sixth daughter of Colonel James Johnston. (See
of first Earl of Halifax, and wife Table H.)
1762] To George Montagu 199
and fevers. I got rid of one of the worst of these disorders,
attended with a violent cough, by only taking seven grains
of James's powder for six nights. It was the first cough
I ever had, and when coughs meet with so spare a body as
mine, they are not apt to be so easily conquered. Take
great care of yourself, and bring the fruits of your expedition
in perfection to Strawberry. I shall be happy to see you
there whenever you please. I have no immediate purpose
of settling there yet, as they are laying floors, which is very
noisy, and as it is uncertain when the Parliament will rise ;
but I would go there at any time to meet you. The town
will empty instantly after the King's birthday ; and con-
sequently I shall then be less broken in upon, which I know
you do not like. If, therefore, it suits you, any time you
will name after the 5th of June will be equally agreeable to
me ; but sooner, if you like it better.
We have little news at present (except a profusion of new
peerages), but are likely, I think, to have much greater
shortly. The ministers disagree, and quarrel with as much
alacrity as ever; and the world expects a total rupture
between Lord Bute and the late King's servants. This
comedy has been so often represented, it scarce interests
one, especially one who takes no part, and who is deter-
mined to have nothing to do with the world, but hearing
and seeing the scenes it furnishes.
The new peers (I don't know their rank, scarce their
titles) are Lord Wentworth2 and Sir William Courtney8,
Viscounts ; Lord Egmont, Lord Milton, Vernon of Sudbury *,
old Fox Lane 6, Sir Edward Montagu 6, Barons, and Lady
* Edward Noel (1715-1774), eighth 1780), of Sndbnry, Derbyshire ; cr.
Baron Wentworth ; cr. Viscount (May 12, 1762) Baron Vernon of Kin-
Wentworth. derton, Cheshire,
* Sir William Courtenay, Baronet 6 George Fox Lane, or. (May 4,
(1710-1762), of Powderham Castle, 1762) Baron Bingley of Bingley,
Devonshire ; cr. Viscount Courtenay. Yorkshire.
* George Venables Vernon (1708- 6 Sir Edward Hussey - Montagu,
200 To Sir Horace Mann [i?62
Caroline Fox, a Baroness ; the Duke of Newcastle is created
Lord Pelham, with an entail to Tommy Pelham ; and Lord
Brudenel7 is called to the House of Lords, as Lord
Montagu. The Duchess of Manchester was to have had
the peerage alone, and wanted the latter title: her sister
(very impertinently, I think, as being the younger) objected,
and wished her husband Marquis of Monthermer. This
difference has been adjusted, by making Sir Edward
Montagu Lord Bewley, and giving the title of the family
to Lord Brudenel. With pardon of your Cw-blood, I hold
that Lord Cardigan makes a very trumpery figure by so
meanly relinquishing all Brudenelhood.
Adieu ! let me know soon when you will keep your
Yours ever,
H. W.
P.S. Lord Anson is in a very bad way ; and Mr. Fox,
I think, in not a much better.
Arlington Street, April 30, 1762.
SOME people think we are going to have peace — whatever
we have abroad, it does not increase at home. The
ministers are divided ; the old for continuing the German
war (take care you don't look back to my letters of last
October), the new for supporting Portugal ; neither point
is resolved, consequently either will not be over timely.
With much affection for Portugal, and seriously with
K.B., husband of the Dowager Brudenell, eldest son of fourth Earl
Duchess of Manchester ; or. (May 11, of Cardigan (afterwards Duke of
1762) Baron Beaulicu of Beaulieu, Montagu), whom he predeceased ; cr.
Hampshire. Baron Montagu of Boughton.
7 John Montagu (1735-1770), Lord
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 201
much commiseration, I cannot entirely lament that Spain
is occupied there. If we quarrel on great chapters, you
may be sure we do not agree more on little ones. A new
cargo of peers has set much ill-humour afloat, for when
large pains are taken to content many, they are sure to
offend more. As I neither wished to be a peer, nor to
hinder anybody else from being one, I can repeat the list
without any gall.
Lord Wentworth and Sir William Courtney Viscounts,
same names.
Lord Milton, "V / Milton.
Sir Edward Montagu, ( r> J Beaulieu, or Beirley.
Fox Lane, f ±5aroJ } Bingley.
Vernon of Sudbury, / ' Vernon.
Lady Caroline Fox, a Baroness, Lady Holland. Lord
Brudenel called up to the House of Lords as Lord Montagu.
Duke of Newcastle, created Lord Pelham, with reversion
to your friend Mr. Pelham ; and Lord Egmont l made
Lord Lou vain and Holland, and Baron of Enmore.
The Flemish titles of Lord Egmont are very diverting, —
I suppose he is descended from one of the three hundred
and sixty-five brats of the Countess of Holland. People
recollect a pamphlet, published in the reign of James I,
called A Help to Weak Memories, for the use of those
who would know all the new peers ; and they tell a story
of a Neapolitan, who being offered a dukedom by the
Germans, when they were so profuse of honours at Naples,
refused it, unless they would make his footman a duke too ;
but in this country ten new peerages will at least produce
twenty bons mots. Our war is more serious, and I wish
it well finished. It is uncertain whether we will give the
King of Prussia a subsidy, or whether he will accept it.
LETTER 819. — l John Pcrcival, He was created Baron Lovel and
second Earl of Egmont. Walpole. — Holland of Enmore.
202 To George Montagu [i?62
The disturbances in Ireland are at least checked ; the
insurgents are driven into bogs and woods. The French
squadron narrowly escaped their fate : sailing to Martinico,
they met their own prisoners conducted to France, and
steered away ; but Kodney soon followed them, with
thirteen ships to their eight, and we hope will overtake
them ; however, it is plain they had not joined the Spanish
fleet. The chief of our naval affairs, Lord Anson, is dying
at Bath. Indeed, many of our former actors seem to be
leaving the stage: Lord Granville is much broken, and
Mr. Fox in a very bad state of health ; but Lord Egremont
is recovered.
Poor Lady Pembroke has at last acted with spirit. Her
Lord being ordered to the German army, wrote that he
had a mind to come over first and ask her pardon. To
the surprise of her family and without their instigation,
she sent him word that she was surprised he could think
of showing himself in England ; and, for her part, she
never wished to see him, till he should have retrieved
his character.
I am very happy, as I told you, in my new neighbour
Mr. Pitt ; he calls his small house Palazzo Pitti 2 ; which
does not look as if he had forgotten you, and sounds
pleasantly in my ears. Adieu !
Arlington Street, May 14, 1762.
IT is very hard, when you can plunge over head and
ears in Irish claret, and not have even your heel vulnerable
by the gout, that such a Pythagorean as I am should yet
be subject to it I It is not two years since I had it last,
and here am I with my foot again upon cushions — but
8 Name of the Great Duke's palace at Florence. Walpole,
1762] To George Montagu 203
I will not complain ; the pain is trifling, and does little
more than prevent my frisking about. If I can bear the
motion of the chariot, I shall drive to Strawberry to-
morrow, for I had rather only look at verdure and hear my
nightingales from the bow-window, than receive visits and
listen to news. I can give you no certain satisfaction
relative to the Viceroy, your cousin. It is universally said
that he has no mind to return to his dominions, and pretty
much believed that he will succeed to Lord Egremont's
Seals, who will not detain them long from whoever is
to be his successor.
I am sorry you have lost another Montagu, the Duke of
Manchester. Your cousin Guilford is among the com-
petitors for Chamberlain to the Queen. The Duke of
Chandos1, Lord Northumberland, and even the Duke of
Kingston, are named as other candidates; but surely they
will not turn the latter loose into another chamber of
Maids of Honour ! Lord Cantelupe has asked too to rise
from Vice-Chamberlain, but met with little encouragement.
It is odd, that there are now seventeen English and Scotch
dukes unmarried, and but seven out of twenty-seven have
the Garter.
It is very comfortable to me to have a prospect of
seeing Mr. Conway soon ; the ruling part of the adminis-
tration are disposed to recall our troops from Germany.
In the meantime our officers and their wives are embarked
for Portugal — what must Europe think of us, when we
make wars and assemblies all over the world ?
I have been for a few days this week at Lord Thomond's 2 ;
by making a river-like piece of water, he has converted
a very ugly spot into a tolerable one. As I was so near,
I went to see Audley Inn once more — but it is only the
LKTTEB 820. — * Henry Brydgea 2 Shortgrove, near Saffron Walden,
(1708-1 771\ second Duke of Chandos. in Essex.
204 To the Rev. William Cole [i762
monument now of its former grandeur. The gallery is
pulled down, and nothing remains but the great hall, and
an apartment like a tower at each end. In the church *
I found, still existing and quite fresh, the escutcheon of
the famous Countess of Essex and Somerset 4.
Adieu! I shall expect you with great pleasure the
beginning of next month.
Yours ever,
H. W.
DEAR SlB, Strawberry Hill, May 20, 1762.
You have sent me the most kind and obliging letter in
the world, and I cannot sufficiently thank you for it ; but
I shall be very glad to have an opportunity of acknowledging
it in person, by accepting the agreeable visit you are so
good as to offer me, and for which I have long been
impatient. I should name the earliest day possible ; but,
besides having some visits to make, I think it will be more
pleasant to you a few weeks hence (I mean any time in
July) when the works with which I am finishing my
house will be more advanced, and the noisy part, as laying
floors and fixing wainscots, at an end, and which now
make me in a deplorable litter. As you give me leave,
I will send you notice.
I am glad my books amused you — yet you, who are
so much deeper an antiquarian, must have found more
faults and omissions, I fear, than your politeness suffers
you to reprehend. Yet you will, I trust, be a little more
severe. We both labour, I will not say for the public,
for the public troubles its head very little about our
labours, but for the few of posterity that shall be curious,
» Saffron Walden Church. Howards, Earls of Suffolk, former
4 She was of the family of the owners of the Walden estates.
1762] To the Eev. William Cole 205
and therefore, for their sakes, you must assist me in
making my work as complete as possible. This sounds
ungrateful, after all the trouble you have given yourself:
but I say it to prove my gratitude, and to show you how
fond I am of being corrected.
For the faults of impression, they were owing to the
knavery of a printer, who, when I had corrected the sheets,
amused me with revised proofs, and never printed off the
whole number, and then ran away — this accounts, too, for
the difference of the ink in various sheets, and for some
other blemishes ; though there are still enough of my own
which I must not charge on others.
Ubaldini's l book I have not, and shall be pleased to see
it ; but I cannot think of robbing your collection, and am
amply obliged by the offer.
The anecdotes of Horatio Palavacini2 are extremely
entertaining. In an Itinerary of the late Mr. Smart
Lethuillier, I met the very tomb of Gainsborough3 this
winter that you mention, and, to be secure, sent to Lincoln
for an exact draft of it. But what vexed me then, and
does still, is, that by the defect at the end of the in-
scription, one cannot be certain whether he lived in CCC
or CCCC ; as another C might have been there. Have you
any corroborating circumstance, Sir, to affix his existence
to 1300, more than to 1400? Besides, I don't know any
proof of his having been architect of the church, his
LETTER 821. — 1 Petruccio Ubal- who executed the carved work of the
dini, a Florentine illuminator and Angel Choir in Lincoln Cathedral, as
scholar, who flourished in the six- well as that on the crosses in memory
teenth century. He resided for some of Queen Eleanor. He is buried in
time in England, and is noticed in the cloister at Lincoln. The inscrip-
the Anecdotes of Painting. tion on his monument is as follows : —
3 Sir Horatio Pallavicini, Knight ' Hio jacet Hicardus de Gaynisburgh
(d. 1600), collector of the Pope's taxes olym cementarius istius ecclesie qui
in England during the reign of Queen obiit duodecim kalendarum junii
Mary. Anno Domini MCCC.' (Kendrick, Lin-
3 Bichard of Gainsborough, or of coin Cathedral, p. 142.)
Stow (a village dear Gainsborough),
206 To George Montagu [i?62
epitaph only calls him Caementarius, which, I suppose,
means Mason.
I have observed, since my book was published, what
you mention of the tapestry in Laud's trial 4 ; yet as the
Journals were my authority, and certainly cannot be
mistaken, I have concluded that Hollar engraved his
print after the Eestoration. Mr. Wight, clerk of the
House of Lords, says that Oliver placed them in the House
of Commons. — I don't know on what grounds he says so.
I am, Sir, with great gratitude,
Your most obliged humble servant,
Strawberry Hill, May 25, 1762.
I AM diverted with your anger at old Kichard ; can you
really suppose that I think it any trouble to frank a few
covers for you? Had I been with you, I should have
cured you and your whole family in two nights with
James's powder. If you have any remains of the disorder,
let me beg you to take seven or eight grains when you go
to bed. If you have none, shall I send you some? For
my own part, I am released again, though I have been
tolerably bad, and one day had the gout for several hours in
my head. I do not like such speedy returns. I have been
so much confined that I could not wait on Mrs. Osborn, and
I do not take it unkindly that she will not let me have the
prints without fetching them. I met her, that is, passed
her, t'other day as she was going to Bushy, and was sorry
to see her look much older.
4 Cole stated that the tapestry in graved in Hollar's print of Laud's
the House of Lords, representing the trial,
destruction of the Armada, was en-
1762] To George Montagu 207
Well ! to-morrow is fixed for that phenomenon, the
Duke of Newcastle's resignation1. He has had a parting
levee, and as I suppose all bishops are prophets, they foresee
that he will never come into place again, for there was but
one that had the decency to take leave of him, after crowding
his rooms for forty years together ; it was Cornwallis a.
I hear not even Lord Lincoln resigns. Lord Bute succeeds
to the Treasury, and is to have the Garter too on Thursday,
with Prince William. Of your cousin I hear no more
mention, but that he returns to his island. I cannot tell
you exactly even the few changes that are to be made ;
but I can divert you with a Ion mot, which they give to
my Lord Chesterfield. The new peerages being mentioned,
somebody said, ' I suppose there will be no duke made ' ;
he replied, ' Oh yes, there is to be one.' — ' Is ? who ? ' —
' Lord Talbot — he is to be created Duke Humphrey, and
there is to be no table kept at court but his8.' If you
don't like this, what do you think of George Selwyn, who
asked Charles Boone if it is true that he is going to be
married to the fat rich Crawley4? Boone denied it —
' Lord ! ' said Selwyn, ' I thought you was to be Patrick
Fleming on the mountain, and that gold and silver you
were counting ! '. . .B
P.S. I cannot help telling you how comfortable the new
disposition of the court is to me ; the King and his wife
are settled for good and all at Buckingham House6, and
are stripping the other palaces to furnish it. In short, they
LKTTEU 822. — I The Duke's resigna- 3 Alluding to the extreme economy
tion was announced on May 26. The introduced by him (as Lord Steward)
reason given was Lord Bute's refusal into the royal household,
to grant farther subsidies to the King 4 Boone married Miss Crawley on
of Prussia. Oct. 22, 1762.
1 Hon. Frederick Cornwallis (17 13- c Passage omitted.
1783), seventh son of fourth Baron 6 Eecently purchased for the
Cornwallis ; Bishop of Lichfield, 1750; Queen.
Archbishop of Canterbury, 1768.
208 To Sir Horace Mann [1762
have already fetched pictures from Hampton Court, which
indicates their never living there ; consequently Strawberry
Hill will remain in possession of its own tranquillity, and
not become a cheese-cake-house to the palace. All I ask
of Princes is, not to live within five miles of me.
Arlington Street, May 26, 1762.
WHENEVER I am a little remiss in writing to you, I am
sure to make you amends by a revolution. Anybody would
wait five weeks for a letter, if it was to tell them that the
government was turned topsy-turvy. Not that it is set
upon its head now ; it has only lost an old tooth that had
bit all the world. The Duke of Newcastle resigned this
morning ! Finding, at last, to his great surprise that he had
not as much power under this King as under his great-
grandfather and grandfather, he is retired, meditating,
I suppose, a plan for being Prime Minister again under
this King's son. Of four-and-twenty bishops that he had
made, but one expects this restoration ; all the rest, hoping
to arrive at Canterbury before that aera, took care not to
be at his Grace's last levee. People think that a little
more than want of power had been necessary to make
him take this resolution, and that all kind of disgusts
had been given to convince him how unwelcome his
company was. This is the second revolution in a year
and a half — I wish the next struggle be not a little more
serious. Lord Bute plays a dangerous game ; he is now
First Lord of the Treasury, and is to have the Garter to-
morrow, with Prince William. The other changes are few,
for the Duke of Newcastle's friends episcopfee, that is, abandon
him, or are ordered to remain as they are. Mr. George
Grenville is Secretary of State ; and Sir Francis Dash-
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 209
wood Chancellor of the Exchequer; Mr. Elliot1, Treasurer
of the Chambers. The Navy Board and one or two com-
missions of the Treasury will be all the other vacancies.
But there is a bigger event to come ; the stocks believe
the Peace is made, and lift up their heads. It is certain
that a very courteous answer is arrived from France ; and
the moneyd philosophers, who do not look on dangers as
wise measures, conclude that unless Lord Bute was sure
of peace, he would not have ventured on dismissing the
Duke. If you should not hear from me soon, you will be
persuaded that we are up in arms. I have some fear that
Spain is not very pacific : they have begun the siege of
Miranda2. I used to expect the King of Prussia at
Somerset House ; perhaps now Queen Catherine's 3 apart-
ment will be inhabited by her great nephews and nieces.
I shall have curiosity enough to go and see Infantas, though
I have little else left : I have none of that vigour of ambition
that has carried on the Duke of Newcastle for five-and-forty
years. Three slight fits of the gout have taught me what
I believe all the ingratitude of the clergy of Cambridge * has
not been able to instil into him. I am just recovered of an
attack, far from painful, except one day that it was in my
head ; but even the harbinger of age is sufficient to convince
me that retirement is a blessing.
It would look like vanity in me to thank you for
attentions, where so much attention is due ; and yet I am
apt to think you did pay a little homage extraordinary on
my account to the Duchess of Grafton. I am pleased you
admire her so much, and she tells me how charmed she is
with your reception of her. I warned you to expect no great
LETTER 823. — * Afterwards Sir s Catherine of Braganza, after the
Gilbert Elliot. Walpole. death of Charles II, lived at Somerset
* In the province of Traz os Montes ; House. Walpole.
taken by the Spaniards on May 9, * The Duke was Chancellor of that
1762. University.
210 To George Montagu [1762
beauty, and yet the more you saw her, did not you like her
the more? Her air, and manner, and majesty are quite
her own. I must not forget my thanks too for Mr. Morrice
— you must have had some satisfaction in talking over the
Chute and me with him.
You may imagine that I am anxious to have the Peace,
and to see Mr. Conway safe in England. I wish it privately
and publicly — I pray for an end to the woes of mankind ;
in one word, I have no public spirit, and don't care a farthing
for the interests of the merchants. Soldiers and sailors who
are knocked on the head, and peasants plundered or
butchered, are to my eyes as valuable as a lazy luxurious
set of men, who hire others to acquire riches for them ;
who would embroil all the earth, that they may heap or
squander; and I dare to say this, for I am no minister.
Beckford is a patriot5, because he will clamour if Guadaloupe
or Martinico is given up, and the price of sugars falls. I am
a bad Englishman, because I think the advantages of com-
merce are dearly bought for some by the lives of many
more. This wise age counts its merchants, and reckons
its armies ciphers. But why do I talk of this age ? — every
age has some ostentatious system to excuse the havoc it
commits. Conquest, honour, chivalry, religion, balance of
power, commerce, no matter what, mankind must bleed, and
take a term for a reason. 'Tis shocking ! Good night.
Strawberry Hill, June 8, 1762.
WELL! you have had Mr. Chute. I did not dare to
announce him to you, for he insisted on enjoying all your
ejaculations. He gives me a good account of your health
and spirits, but does not say when you come hither.
6 William Beckford, of Jamaica, man of London ; and friend of Mr.
and Fonthill in Dorsetshire, Alder- Pitt. Walpole.
1762] To George Montagu 211
I hope the General, as well as your brother John, know
how welcome they would be, if they would accompany you.
I trust it will be before the end of this month, for the very
beginning of July I am to make a little visit to Lord
Dchester, in Somersetshire1, and I should not like not to
see you before the middle or end of next month.
Mrs. Osborn has sent me the prints ; they are woful ; but
that is my fault and the engraver's, not yours, to whom I am
equally obliged ; you don't tell me whether Mr. Bentley's
play was acted or not, printed or not.
There is another of the Queen's brothers come over.
Lady Northumberland made a pompous festino for him
t'other night ; not only the whole house, but the garden,
was illuminated, and was quite a fairy scene. Arches and
pyramids of lights alternately surrounded the enclosure ;
a diamond necklace of lamps edged the rails and descent,
with a spiral obelisk of candles on each hand ; and dispersed
over the lawn were little bands of kettle-drums, clarionets,
fifes, &c., and the lovely moon, who came without a card.
The Birthday was far from being such a show ; empty and
unfine as possible. In truth, popularity does not make
great promises to the new administration, and for fear it
should hereafter be taxed with changing sides, it lets
Lord Bute be abused every day, though he has not had
time to do the least wrong thing. His first levee was
crowded. Bothmar, the Danish minister, said, 'La chaleur
est excessive!' George Selwyn replied, 'Pour se mettre
au froid, il faut aller chez Monsieur le Due de Newcastle.'
There was another George, not quite so tender: George
Brudenel was passing by ; somebody in the mob said,
'What is the matter here?' Brudenel answered, 'Why,
there is a Scotchman got into the Treasury, and they can't
LETTER 824. — l At Redlynch House, near Bruton.
P 2
212 To Sir Horace Mann [i?62
get him out.' The Archbishop8, conscious of not having
been at Newcastle's last levee, and ashamed of appearing at
Lord Bute's first, pretended he had been going by in his
way from Lambeth, and, upon inquiry, had found it was
Lord Bute's levee, and so had thought he might as well go
in — I am glad he thought he might as well tell it.
The mob call Buckingham House, Holyrood House — in
short, everything promises to be like times I can remember.
Lord Anson is dead — poor Mrs. Osborn will not break her
heart. I should think Lord Melcomb would succeed to the
Admiralty. Adieu !
Yours ever,
H. W.
Strawberry Hill, June 20, 1762.
I SHALL certainly execute your commissions cheerfully,
punctually, and on the terms you desire: the Annual
Registers, I mean the historic parts, are incomparable. The
oratorios, as Mr. Morrice rightly advises, I will choose by
proxy ; for, as he and you know, I have not only very little
music in me, but the company I keep are far from
Handelians. But what shall I say about your brother
James? I should have lectured him severely, if you had
not enjoined me not — nay, I wish you would permit me ;
he is a good creature in general, and I think would mind
me ; but attentions are not his excellence — I need not repeat
the name of our dear Gal, when I talk of attentions and
excellence] he was perfect from the least offices to the
Have you not felt a pang in your royal capacity? Seriously,
it has been dreadful, but the danger is over. The King had
one of the last of these strange and universally epidemic
> Thomas Seeker.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 213
colds, which, however, have seldom been fatal: he had a
violent cough, and oppression on his breast, which he con-
cealed, just as I had ; but my life was of no consequence,
and having no physicians in ordinary, I was cured in four
nights by James's powders, without bleeding. The King
was blooded seven times, and had three blisters. Thank
God, he is safe, and we have escaped a confusion beyond
what was ever known, but on the accession of the Queen of
Scots — nay, we have not even the successor born. Faza-
kerley1, who has lived long enough to remember nothing
but the nonsense of the law, maintained, according to their
wise tenets, that as the King never dies, the Duke of York
must have been proclaimed King, and then been unpro-
claimed again on the Queen's delivery. We have not even
any standing law for the regency ; but I need not paint to
you all the difficulties there would have been in our
The new administration begins tempestuously. My
father was not more abused after twenty years than Lord
Bute is in twenty days. Weekly papers swarm, and like
other swarms of insects, sting. The cry you may be sure is
on his Scot-hood. Lord Halifax * is made First Lord of the
Admiralty, but will keep Ireland for some time, as it will
not be necessary to appoint a new Lord-Lieutenant this
twelvemonth. He is popular with the merchants, so that
at least this promotion does not offend.
Our great expedition were all well at Martinico, and had
lost but sixteen men. Lord Albemarle carried thence nine
thousand men. We are very sanguine, and reckon the
Havannah ours ; but we shall not know it at least before
the end of next month.
LKTTKB 825. — 1 Nicholas Fazacker- - George Montagu, third and last
ley, Esq., an eminent Tory lawyer. Earl of Halifax. Wai pole. — He was
Walpole. the second Earl of that creation.
214 To Lady Mary Coke [i?62
I smiled at your idea of our war with Spain lying in
Portugal, as our war with France does in Germany. The latter
is dormant, and yet I do not think the Peace advances. Our
allies, the Portuguese, behave wofully. I don't know what
spirit Count La Lippe s, who is still here, will transport to
them from Westphalia : he is to command the Portuguese,
and Lord Tyrawley the English.
This is a diminutive letter, but you excuse duodecimos in
Strawberry Hill, June 80th, 1762.
WHEN Britons are victorious1, it is impossible not to
congratulate the first heroine of Britain. Pray, Madam,
did your Ladyship command Prince Ferdinand to attack the
French camp in revenge for the Governor of Calais presum-
ing to attempt making you a prisoner ? Or did the spirit
of John, Duke of Argyle, inspire his countrymen with this
ardour, and vindicate his daughter from such an insult?
I have told my Lord Hertford that I expect to hear your
Ladyship has made a triumphant entry into our headquarters,
and that with becoming dignity you have obtained from
our general the liberty of the two hundred French officers,
a proper way of resenting your confinement. Go to the
army you certainly will. Steel waters you cannot want, you
who want nothing but a helmet to be taken for Britannia.
Pray, let me know in time ; it would be most shameful
in me to be languishing under an acacia, while my sovereign
8 Comte de la Lippe had been born during the Seven Years' War.
in England, his father and mother LETTER 826. — Not in C. ; reprinted
being here in the reign of George L from Lettert and Journal* of Lady
Walpole. — William, Count of Lippe- Mary Coke, vol. iii. pp. xv-xvi.
Buckeburg (1724-1777). His mother * At Wilhelmsthal in Hesse-Casael,
was a daughter of George I by the where on June 24, 1762, Prince Fer-
Duchess of Kendal. He acted as Ord- dinand defeated the French under
nance Master to Prince Ferdinand Soubise and D'Estrees.
1762] To Lady Mary Coke 215
lady is at the head of a squadron. All our other militant
dames have followed their husbands; your Ladyship will
follow victory, and influence more. It is grievous that one
female Campbell 8 should have quitted Germany at the open-
ing of a campaign — no, I will go fetch my Lady Ailesbury
from Park Place, and my Lady Cecilia, who is not big
enough yet to hurt Master Johnson's head by wearing a coat
of mail, though I fear she and I shall look a little like
starved vultures that follow the army for prey. As to peace,
it is now undoubtedly removed to a great distance ; there
can be no end of war while another Mary has Calais written
on her heart, and a Mary whose heart will not easily break.
I know to my sorrow how invulnerable it is ! Well ! I can
but go and be killed. I shall die in your sight, and you
will revenge my death, though you would not save my life.
I did not think this would be my end, but the Kong of
Prussia and other great men have been made heroes, whom
nature never intended for the profession, yet I cannot help
laughing to think what a figure I shall make ! for I am too
much a Goth, and not so much a hero, but I will be com-
pletely armed — and from my own armoury here. A rusty
helmet with rotten wadding ; a coat of mail that came from
Coombe, and belonged to a trooper of the Earl of Warwick 3 ;
it will be full heavy for my strength, but there is a mark of
its being bullet-proof — alas ! I had forgot I am to be shot —
one gauntlet ; I have no more ; a Persian shield enamelled,
a Chinese bow, quiver, and arrows, an Indian sabre and
dagger, and a spear made of wood with fifty points. Dear
1 The Cotmtess of Ailesbury had to the great Richard Neville Earl of
recently returned to England. Warwick. These arms therefore prob-
8 ' Two suits of armour, on one of ably were part of those which served
which is the mark of a bullet ; two his troops when he marched to West-
helmets ; a gauntlet ; a round leathern minster to awe the Parliament in the
quiver ; and two pair of stirrups ; reign of Henry the Sixth.' (Detcrip-
from Coombe, near Kingston in tion of Strawberry Hill.)
Surry, which seat formerly belonged
216 To George Montagu [1762
Lady, don't set out without me, stay for Sir Scudamore.
Cannot you find any little episode to amuse you in the
meantime ? How has the Bishop of Liege 4 behared to you ?
has he neglected to kiss the hem of your garment ? dispossess
him ; order the Chapter to elect another. I flatter myself
you cannot want warfare. ' Confined to an inn ! Sir, I never
was a prisoner yet ; I will not stay a moment in your town.'
Dear Lady Mary, how I honour your spirit ! I can give
you a very good account of part of your family. I was at
Sudbroke this evening and saw the Duchess and Lady Betty
in perfect health. Mr. McKinsy told me of the battle.
If you had not had my heart before, you would have won
it by your kind attention to Lady Hertford ; but I fear all
is in vain. She will not hear of Spa, and is gone to-day to
Kagley, and I doubt will go to Ireland. Nothing touches
her about herself ; she is as indifferent to that, as active and
anxious about her family. Adieu, Madam. Whether we
meet on the banks of the Elbe or the Thames, you know
I am
Most devotedly yours,
Strawberry Hill, Wednesday night
SINCE you left Strawberry, the town (not the King of
Prussia) has beaten Count Daun, and made the Peace, but
the benefits of either have not been felt beyond Change Alley.
Lord Melcomb is dying of a dropsy in his stomach, and
Lady Mary Wortley of a cancer in her breast.
Mr. Hamilton was here last night, and complained of
* John Theodore of Bavaria, Bishop C. Jane 1, 1762. (See Notet and
of Liege, 1744-63. Queries, Feb. 17, 1900.)
LETTER 827. — Wrongly dated by
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 217
your not visiting him. He pumped me to know if Lord
Hertford has not thoughts of the crown of Ireland, and was
more than persuaded that I should go with him. I told
him what was true, that I knew nothing of the former, and
for the latter, that I would as soon return with the King of
the Cherokees1. — When England has nothing that can tempt
me, it would be strange if Ireland had. The Cherokee
Majesty dined here yesterday at Lord Macclesfield's, where
the Olive sang to them and the mob — don't imagine I was
there, but I heard so at my Lady Suffolk's.
We have tapped a little butt of rain to-night, but my
lawn is far from being drunk yet. Did not you find the
Vine in great beauty? My compliments to it, and to your
society — I only write to enclose the enclosed. I have
consigned your button to old Kichard. Adieu !
Yours ever,
H. W.
I hope Mr. John has had no return.
Strawberry Hill, July 1, 1762.
I NEVER attempt to tell you the first news of a battle in
Germany, which must always reach you before it can arrive
here and be sent to Florence. I scarcely ought to call it a
battle, though it is a victory for us ; but the French (to
speak in Gibber's style) have outrun their usual outrunnings l.
Their camp was ill-guarded, and Prince Ferdinand surprised
it. At first their cavalry made a decent show of advancing,
but soon turned and fled. Stainville 2 flung three thousand
1 Three Cherokee chiefs from South 'Mrs. Gibber had outdone her usual
Carolina arrived in London on June outdoings.' Walpole.
21 ; they set ont on their return in * Jacques de Choiseul, Marquis de
the following August. Stainville, brother of the Duo de
LETTER 828. — 1 Gibber, in the Pro- Choiseul.
face to his Provoked Husband, said,
218 To Sir Horace Mann [1762
men into a wood to cover their retreat ; they were all taken,
with above one hundred and forty officers ; he himself is
believed slain. Our loss was trifling ; two hundred and fifty
men, a Captain Middleton s killed ; and Colonel Henry
Townshend, a brave spirited young fellow of parts, youngest
son of Mr. Thomas Townshend. The French grenadiers
raved against their commanders, who, it is to be hoped, will
shift off the blame on each other, quarrel, and pass the
campaign in altercation. D'Estr6es will not make Broglio 4
appear a worse general than Soubize. Lord Granby is much
commended. My chief joy arises from knowing Mr. Conway
is safe.
Poor Lady Ailesbury is just arrived, and this is the first
taste of the peace she promised herself. Unless the French
now despair of Germany, where their fairest prospect lay,
I should think this action likely to continue the war ; and
I don't doubt but Prince Ferdinand hoped it would. He
had much ground to regain here, and has now revived the
passions of the people, who will not be eager for peace on
the morrow of a victory, nor be very reasonable after re-
peated successes. Lord Bute's situation is unpleasant : mis-
fortunes would remind us of Mr. Pitt's glory ; advantages
will stiffen us against accepting even such a peace as he
rejected ; and, I think, two Havannahs lost will not weigh
with the Spaniards against their rapid progress in Portugal :
the recovery of that diadem will soothe their pride more
than any province taken from them will mollify it. The
Portuguese behave shamefully; Lord Tyrawley is coming
home disgusted with the nomination of Count La Lippe ;
and in truth I cannot see the wisdom or honour of that
measure. If we protect Portugal, is not it more creditable
to give them an English commander? And that general
3 This was not the case.
* He had been recalled before the battle.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 219
was almost a Portuguese, almost naturalized amongst them,
trusted, and beloved there. What do they know of this
German ? Or can the English soldiery prefer him to their
countryman? For though La Lippe was born here, he is
a German prince.
I trust very soon to be able to send you a brick, like
Harlequin, as a sample of the Havannah we shall have taken.
In return, you must make Saunders 6 beat the French and
Spanish squadrons.
Poor Hamburgh has tasted of the royal injustice of this
age ; they have compounded with the King of Denmark for
a million 6. But his is trifling usurpation ; commend me to
the King of Spain, for violating more ties than were ever
burst by one stroke of a sceptre. We have not had a
masquerade here these eight or nine years, because there
was an earthquake at Lisbon ; while that earthquake which
fell about the ears of his own sister and her children could
not stop the King of Spain from marching to drive her and
them out of the ruins ! Montezuma's ghost cannot complain
I have ordered all your books, and your brother James
has undertaken for the oratorios. There is a ship going, so
I would not wait for more consultation in the choice of
them. Handel's best pieces are settled among his sect, and
your brother knows more of his followers than I do. I was
impatient to have your commission executed, and I knew
no better way than this. I did not say a syllable to James,
as he has repaired his omissions.
I am in distress about my gallery and cabinet : the latter
was on the point of being completed, and is really striking
6 Coinmander-in-Chief in the Modi- possession of Schleswig. The King,
terranean. ill-provided with money, suddenly
• Frederick V was threatened with appeared before Hamburg, and forced
war by the Czar, who, in his capacity that city, under threat of a siege, to
of Duke of Holstein , wished to regain raise the necessary funds.
220 To the Eev. William Cole [i?62
beyond description. Last Saturday night my workmen took
their leave, made their bow, and left me up to the knees in
shavings. In short, the journeymen carpenters, like the
cabinet-makers, have entered into an association not to work
unless their wages are raised ; and how can one complain ?
The poor fellows, whose all the labour is, see their masters
advance their prices every day, and think it reasonable to
touch their share. You would be frightened at the dearness
of everything ; I build out of economy, for unless I do now,
in two years I shall not be able to afford it. I expect that
a pint of milk will not be sold under a diamond, and
then nobody can keep a cow but my Lord Clive. Indeed
your country's fever is almost at the height every way.
Adieu !
P.S. You have asked for the last volumes of the Monthly
Review ; I have ordered you the five last volumes ; if that is
not all you want, let me know. In this parcel you will
receive my two first volumes of the Anecdotes of Painting.
SIR) Strawberry Hill, July 29, 1762.
I fear you will have thought me neglectful of the visit you
was so good as to offer me for a day or two at this place :
the truth is, I have been in Somersetshire on a visit, which
was protracted much longer than I intended. I am now
returned, and shall be glad to see you as soon as you please,
Sunday or Monday next if you like either, or any other day
you will name. I cannot defer the pleasure of seeing you
any longer, though to my mortification you will find Straw-
berry Hill with its worst looks — not a blade of grass. My
workmen too have disappointed me : they have been in the
association for forcing their masters to raise their wages, and
1762] To the Countess of Ailesbury 221
but two are yet returned — so you must excuse litter and
shavings. I am, Sir,
Your obedient servant,
MADAM, Strawberry Hill, July 31, 1762.
Magnanimous as the fair soul of your Ladyship is, and
plaited with superabundance of Spartan fortitude, I felicitate
my own good fortune who can circle this epistle with
branches of the gentle olive, as well as crown it with
victorious laurel. This pompous paragraph, Madam, which
in compliment to my Lady Lyttelton I have penned in the
style of her Lord, means no more, than that I wish you joy
of the castle of Waldeck *, and more joy on the Peace, which
I find everybody thinks is concluded. In truth, I have still
my doubts ; and yesterday came news, which, if my Lord
Bute does not make haste, may throw a little rub in the
way. In short, the Czar is dethroned2. Some give the
honour to his wife s ; others, who add the little circumstance
of his being murdered too, ascribe the revolution to the
Archbishop of Novogorod, who, like other priests, thinks
assassination a less affront to Heaven than three Lutheran
churches *. I hope the latter is the truth ; because, in the
honey-moonhood of Lady Cecilia's tenderness, I don't know
but she might miscarry at the thought of a wife preferring
a crown, and scandal says a regiment of grenadiers, to her
LETTKE 830. — * Taken by General She was proclaimed Empress on her
Con way. husband's deposition, and reigned as
* He was deposed on June 28, 1762, Catherine II till her death in 1796.
by a decree of the senate and clergy, * The clergy apprehended that
and murdered on July 6 following. Peter intended to disestablish the
* Catherine, a princess of Anhalt- Greek Church in favour of Luther-
Zorbst, married to the Czar in 1745. anism.
222 To Sir Horace Mann [i?62
I have a little meaning in naming Lady Lyttelton and
Lady Cecilia, who I think are at Park Place. Was not
there a promise that you all three would meet Mr. Churchill
and Lady Mary here in the beginning of August? Yes,
indeed was there, and I put in my claim. — Not confining
your heroic and musical Ladyships to a day or a week ; my
time is at your command : and I wish the rain was at mine ;
for, if you or it do not come soon, I shall not have a leaf
left. Strawberry is browner than Lady Bell Finch.
I was grieved, Madam, to miss seeing you in town on
Monday, particularly as I wished to settle this party. If
you will let me know when it will be your pleasure, I will
write to my sister.
I am your Ladyship's
Most faithful servant,
Strawberry Hill, July 31, 1762.
I BEGIN this letter to-night, though I don't know when it
will set out, for I have a mind it should be a little more
complete than I can make it at present. We are at the eve
of big events, or in the obscurity of them ; a Prince of
Wales, a Peace, the Havannah, a revolution in Kussia, all
to come to light this week!
We know nothing certain, but that we have lost New-
foundland1, and that the new opposition have got a real
topic, for hitherto they have only been skirmishing with
names ; however, as all oppositions must improve on the
foregoing, the present gives us names at length, which at
least is new. Parallels, you know, are the food of all party
LETTBB 831. — l Taken in June by tember by Colonel Amherst, brother
De Ternay, and retaken in Sep- of the general of that name.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 223
writings : we have Queen Isabel and Mortimer, Queen
Margaret and the Duke of Suffolk, every week. You will
allow that abuse does not set out tamely, when it even
begins with the King's mother. Last week they were so
brutal as to call the Queen a beggarly duke's daughter ; it is
shocking, for she has offended nobody, and is far from being
suspected of power ; but it was to load the Duke of Suffolk 2,
for making the match. But what say you to a real Queen
Isabel*} We hear from Holland, but the account is very
imperfect, that the Czarina has dethroned her husband.
That he should be dethroned does not surprise me. He
struck extraordinary strokes so fast, that I suppose his head
had not much ballast. Her reign, probably, will not be of
much longer duration ; but I do not believe that, like her
husband, she will fall in love with the King of Prussia.
The Czar, in his aunt's time, was reckoned weak ; his wife,
very sensible and very handsome. Russia puts one in mind
of the Seleucidae and the Constantinopolitan History, the
Cleopatras and Irenes ; if vast crimes are not in fashion,
you see it is only because despotism is generally exploded.
Give human nature scope, it can still be sublimely abomin-
able. My prophetic spirit says, that the young Emperor
John 8 will come upon the scene again ; in the meantime
my Lord Buckingham *, who is going ambassador to Peters-
burg, may try the remainder of his charms upon the heart
of an Empress.
Of all the important events we are expecting, the Peace
is nearest my heart. We had refused Kussians 5 ; and this
catastrophe, if it is true, will silence the clamour there
would have been on that chapter. It delivers the King of
* Lord Bute. 6 Prince Ferdinand ' told Mr. Con-
* John VI, deposed in 1741. On way that we might be joined by a
an attempt to reinstate him in 1764, body of Russians for a trait deplume.''
he was put to death. (Memoirs of George III, ed. 1894, voL i,
4 John Hobart, second Earl of p. 146.)
Buckinghamshire. Walpole.
224 To Sir Horace Mann [i762
Denmark, too, from a storm ; for the hero of Prussia, you
know, he never was in my litany. In short, we have heard
for this week that our peace with France was in a manner
made, and that the Dukes of Bedford and Nivernois were
ready to be exchanged at Dover. If France has dabbled in
this revolution, adieu the olive-branch ! Nay, we are told
that your Italian King 6 is rather disposed to put on his old
cuirass again, and thinking the Austrians have their hands
full, has an eye upon a little more of the Milanese. Nothing
will be cleared up, till there is another courier from Muscovy.
Their poor ambassador7, who is just arrived, has had no
letters. He is not only nephew to the Chancellor, but
brother to the Czar's mistress. What a region, where
Siberia is next door to the drawing-room !
Mr. Conway has had a little success, which shows, at
least, what he is fit for. He was ordered to besiege the
castle of Waldeck, for which Prince Ferdinand was in
a hurry ; it was impregnable without cannon ; he had none,
and his powder was spent. He made them believe he was
preparing to storm it, and they instantly surrendered. You
may be sure this makes me happy, and yet I am impatient
to have the Peace nip his laurels.
Your friend Lord Melcombe is dead of a dropsy in his
stomach, just when the views of his life were nearest being
realized. Lady Mary Wortley, too, is departing. She brought
over a cancer in her breast, which she concealed till about
six weeks ago. It burst, and there are no hopes of her.
She behaves with great fortitude, and says she has lived
long enough.
Two days ago I saw your nephew Horace ; it always gives
me pleasure, though a melancholy one ; it was increased
now, as he is grown much more like to his father. He
• Charles Emmanuel, second King of Sardinia. Walpole.
7 Count Woroneow. Walpole,
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 225
thinks he shall go to you in about a year ; I am eager for it,
as I know the tender satisfaction it will give you.
August 4th.
I must send away my letter to-night, or it will not be in
town time enough for the foreign post to-morrow. The
Kussian revolution is confirmed ; the papers have even
produced a declaration of the new Czarina, in which she
deposes her husband with the utmost sang-froid. I should
easily believe it genuine ; it is in the style of the age ; there
is an honest impudence in modern majesty that is delightful.
They scorn plausibility ; however, there is one comfort —
they level their crimes chiefly against one another. This
Muscovite history, as I hear from very good authority,
happened thus : The Czar, who was originally supposed
impotent, and who, notwithstanding his mistress, seems to
have had the modesty of thinking himself so, intended to
return his two children upon his wife's hands, and had
declared his rival John, his successor. The late Czarina
had had the curiosity to see young John, though unknown
to him : this had given Peter uneasiness ; yet one of his
first proceedings was to take the same step. The anecdotes
of that court, however, say that John has had so many
drugs given to him as to shatter his understanding ex-
tremely. Probably, as our Charles II said of a foolish
popular parson, 'John's nonsense suited Peter's nonsense.'
Peter, intoxicated with brandy and the King of Prussia, had
thoughts of divorcing his Empress. She was at Peterhoff,
two miles from Petersburgh ; the Czar at another villa. An
officer arrived post with a led horse, told the Czarina there
was a design against her life ; that she had no time to lose ;
she must fly, or present herself to the army in the city.
Pray, Sir Horace, what do ladies in a panic do? To be
sure, run into the danger, not from it. Just so acted the
226 To Sir Horace Mann [1762
Czarina. She trotted away to the capital, threw herself
upon the gallantry of the Preobazinsky (or Praetorian)
guards, who in Russia are the most polite and compassionate
cavaliers in the world, and begged they would — not protect
her — but give her the crown. One troop, who have been
a little Prussianized, hesitated ; the rest thought her request
as reasonable as possible, and immediately proclaimed her.
The rest of the people, who abhor innovations, and who,
consequently, could not pardon the Czar for giving them
their liberty, concurred unanimously. Not a word was said
in favour of Master Fitz-Catherine 8, who certainly has no
right to the diadem, till his mother's no-right devolves to
him by her death. The Czar, informed of the change of
scene, fled to Cronstad, and embarked. All the royal galleys
were sent after him, and he was overtaken. An act of
abdication was presented to him. He signed it, and then
made three requests, — for his own life, and for those of his
mistress and of a Prussian adjutant who had accompanied
him in his flight. Whether the first and last boons were
granted, story is hitherto silent ; but the next morning,
Mademoiselle Woronzow flung herself on her knees before
the Czarina, and begged to resign the order of St. Catherine,
which she said the Czar had bestowed on her two months
ago, and of which she owned herself unworthy, — so, probably,
knows the Czarina, who returned the cross and dismissed
her. Bestuchef 9 is recalled ; somebody, I forgot who,
and Schualow10, the late Empress's minion, are the chief
A civil message has been sent to Mr. Keith11 — to the
King of Prussia, that he, having thirty thousand Russians
8 The Grand-Duke Paul the Empress Elizabeth ; but this did
9 Count Bestuchew-Eiumin (1693- not prove true — he was not employed
1768), Chancellor of the Empire in by Catherine II. Walpole.
1744 ; exiled, 1767. u The English Minister. Walpole.
10 Count Schoualow, favourite of
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 227
in his army, which her Majesty wants, she should be glad
to have them return ; however, as she knows his Majesty's
occasions, she permits them to obey his orders till he can
spare them. He replied that by their assistance he had
extricated himself from his greatest difficulty, and would
send them back immediately. Here ends my first tome.
One wants to know the fate of the Czar, of his predecessor
and successor John ; of Munich, Biron, and all those heroes
of former dramas, who had been recalled from Siberia.
One does not want to know what the Empress-Queen feels.
She, who devoutly hates every monarch who cannot or will
not get children, must be transported. But what seeds are
here for more revolutions ! If John and Peter never come
to light again, the blood-royal of Russia will be extinct, at
least be extremely equivocal ; and the title of a Princess of
Anhalt-Zerbst to the crown cannot fascinate the eyes of
every good Muscovite. As they are compendious in their
proceedings, I should think the malcontents would not
waste a summer in writing Monitors and North-Russians K.
The King of Prussia has certainly driven back Daun, and
got between him and Schweidnitz. Prince Ferdinand, too,
has obtained another advantage18. The accounts came
yesterday ; no English were engaged ; the affair lay between
Hessians and Saxons, and Stainville is dislodged from his
post. The advantage is reckoned considerable. The King
of France is impatient to stop the effusion of blood.
Choiseul is eager for peace, and the more so, as all his
schemes are baffled. That we wish it all Europe knows,
but that is not the best secret for obtaining it. Many
people think it agreed. I dread this northern tempest.
What a volume is here ! and, perhaps, not a syllable of
it new to you ! You will, at least, excuse the intention.
11 In allusion to North Britons, the Wilkes against Lord Bute. Walpole.
famous weekly papers written by ls On July 23, 1762, near Munden.
9, 2
228 To the Earl of Strafford [1762
I wish you and I had any common acquaintance left, that
we might chat of something else than kings and queens !
Adieu !
P.S. The Bussian minister here, I am told, has received
credentials from the new government.
MY DEAR LORD, Strawberry Hill, August 5, 1762.
As you have correspondents of better authority in town,
I don't pretend to send you great events, and I know no
small ones. Nobody talks of anything under a revolution.
That in Kussia alarms me, lest Lady Mary should fall in
love with the Czarina, who has deposed her Lord Coke, and
set out for Petersburgh. We throw away a whole summer
in writing Britons and North Britons ; the Kussians change
sovereigns faster than Mr. Wilkes1 can choose a motto for
a paper. What years were spent here in controversy on the
abdication of King James, and the legitimacy of the Pre-
tender ! Commend me to the Czarina. They doubted, that
is, her husband did, whether her children were of genuine
blood-royal. She appealed to the Preobazinski guards, ex-
cellent casuists ; and, to prove Duke Paul heir to the
crown, assumed it herself. The proof was compendious and
I trust you know that Mr. Conway has made a figure by
taking the castle of Waldeck. There has been another
action to Prince Ferdinand's advantage, but no English
were engaged.
You tantalize me by talking of the verdure of Yorkshire ;
we have not had a teacupful of rain till to-day for these six
LETTER 832. — * John Wilkea (1727- to publish the North Briton in
1797), M.P. for Aylesbury. He began January, 1762.
1762] To the Rev. William Cole 229
weeks. Corn has been reaped that never wet its lips ; not
a blade of grass ; the leaves yellow and falling as in the end
of October. In short, Twickenham is rueful ; I don't believe
Westphalia looks more barren. Nay, we are forced to fortify
ourselves too. Hanworth was broken open last night, though
the family was all there. Lord Vere lost a silver standish,
an old watch, and his writing-box with fifty pounds in it.
They broke it open in the park, but missed a diamond ring,
which was found, and the telescope, which by the weight
of the case they had fancied full of money. Another house
in the middle of Sunbury has had the same fate. I am
mounting cannon on my battlements.
Your chateau, I hope, proceeds faster than mine. The
carpenters are all associated for increase of wages ; I have
had but two men at work these five weeks. You know, to
be sure, that Lady Mary Wortley cannot live. Adieu, my
dear Lord!
Your most faithful servant,
SlB, Strawberry Hill, August 5, 1762.
As I had been dilatory in accepting your kind offer of
coming hither, I proposed it as soon as I returned. As we
are so burnt, and as my workmen have disappointed me,
I am not quite sorry that I had not the pleasure of seeing
you this week. Next week I am obliged to be in town on
business. If you please, therefore, we will postpone our
meeting till the first of September ; by which time I flatter
myself we shall be green, and I shall be able to show you
my additional apartment to more advantage. Unless you
forbid me, I will expect you, Sir, the very beginning of next
month. In the meantime, I will only thank you for the
230 To George Montagu [i?62
obliging and curious notes you have sent me, which will
make a great figure in my second edition.
I am, Sir, your much obliged humble servant,
Strawberry Hill, August 10, 1762.
I HAVE received your letter from Greatworth since your
return, but I do not find that you have got one, which I sent
you to the Vine, enclosing one directed for you : Mr. Chute
says you did not mention hearing from me there. I left
your button too in town with old Kichard to be trans-
mitted to you.
Our drought continues, though we have had one hand-
some storm. I have been reading the story of Phaeton in
the Metamorphosis', it is a picture of Twickenham. Ardet
Athos, taurusque Cilix, &c. : Mount Kichmond burns, parched
is Petersham ; Parnassusque biceps, dry is Pope's grot, the
nymphs of Clivden are turning to blackmores, their faces
are already as glowing as a cinder ; Cycnus is changed into
a swan ; quodque swo Tagus amne vehit, fluit ignibus aurum,
my gold-fishes are almost molten. Yet this conflagration
is nothing to that in Kussia ; what do you say to a Czarina
mounting her horse, and marching at the head of fourteen
thousand men, with a large train of artillery, to dethrone
her husband ? Yet she is not the only virago in that
country ; the conspiracy was conducted by the sister l of the
Czar's mistress, a heroine under twenty ! They have no
fewer than two Czars now in coops — that is, supposing these
gentle damsels have murdered neither of them. Turkey
will become a moderate government ; one must travel to
LETTER 834. — * Ekaterina Eomanova (1744-1810), Princess Daskkov,
Catherine's confidante.
1762] To George Montagu 231
frozen climates if one chooses to see revolutions in per-
fection. ' Here's room for meditation ev'n to madness ; ' the
deposed Emperor possessed Muscovy, was heir to Sweden,
and the true heir of Denmark ; all the northern crowns
centred in his person — one hopes he is in a dungeon — that
is, one hopes he is not assassinated — you cannot crowd more
matter into a lecture of morality than is comprehended in
those few words. This is the fourth Czarina that you and
I have seen — to be sure, as historians, we have not passed
our time ill. Mrs. Anne Pitt, who, I suspect, envies the
heroine of twenty a little, says, 'The Czarina has only
robbed Peter to pay Paul ' — and I do not believe that her
brother, Mr. William Pitt, feels very happy, that he cannot
immediately dispatch a squadron to the Baltic to reinstate
the friend of the King of Prussia. I cannot afford to live
less than fifty years more, for so long, at least, I suppose,
it will be before the court of Petersburgh will cease to pro-
duce amusing scenes. Think of old Count Biron, formerly
master of that empire, returning to Siberia, and bowing to
Bestucheff, whom he may meet on the road from thence.
I interest myself now about nothing but Eussia ; Lord
Bute must be sent to the Orcades before I shall ask a
question in English politics : at least I shall expect that
Mr. Pitt, at the head of the Preobazinski guards, will seize
the person of the prime minister for giving up our conquests
to the chief enemy of this nation.
My pen is in such a sublime humour, that it can scarce
condescend to tell you that Sir Edward Peering 2 is going
to marry Polly Hart, Draper's old mistress ; and three more
baronets, whose names nobody knows but Collins3, are
treading in the same steps. My compliments to the house
2 Sir Edward Bering, sixth Baronet, of the well-known Peerage, published
of Surrenden Bering, Kent, d. 1798. a Baronetage of England in 1720.
3 Arthur Collins (d. 1760), author
232 To Sir Horace Mann [i?62
of Montagu — upon my word I congratulate the General and
you, and your Viceroy, that you escaped being deposed by
the primate of Novogorod.
Yours ever,
I this minute receive yours of Sunday — you frighten me
about your bill — was it a bank-bill ? Whatever it was, it
came in a little dab of a letter ; I enclosed it in one I wrote
to you on the 29th of last month, and directed mine to the
Vine, so that you ought to have had it the Friday before
you set out. Louis put it into the post here, with three or
four other letters, to one of which I have had an answer.
Write immediately to Mr. Hampden4; tell him it went
from hence on the 29th for the Vine — and you may enclose
the following bit of a direction to him, to show how careless
his people are: it is my maid's handwriting in Arlington
Street and the postmark is Portsmouth. But I must scold
you a little ; how can you be so careless, not to give me
notice that I was to receive a bill of consequence for you ;
and why not tell Eichard when you was to leave this place ?
— you see how many idle journeys his letter necessarily
took. I shall be very anxious till I hear you have found it.
Arlington Street, Aug. 12, 1762.
A PRINCE of Wales l was born this morning ; the pros-
pect of your old neighbour 2 at Kome does not improve ; the
House of Hanover will have numbers in its own family
sufficient to defend their crown — unless they marry a Prin-
cess of Anhalt-Zerbst s. What a shocking tragedy that has
4 As Joint Postmaster-General. 2 The Pretender. Walpole.
LETTER 835. — x Afterwards George 8 The Czarina Catherine II was
IV. Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst. Walpole.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 233
proved already ! There is a manifesto * arrived to-day that
makes one shudder ! This northern Athaliah, who has the
modesty not to name her murdered husband in that light,
calls him her neighbour ; and, as if all the world were savages,
like Eussians, pretends that he died suddenly of a distemper
that never was expeditious ; mocks Heaven with pretensions
to charity and piety ; and heaps the additional inhumanity
on the man she has dethroned and assassinated, of im-
puting his death to a judgement from Providence. In short,
it is the language of usurpation and blood, counselled and
apologized for by clergymen! It is Brunehault and an
archbishop !
I have seen Mr. Keith's first dispatch; in general, my
account was tolerably correct ; but he does not mention
Ivan 8. The conspiracy advanced by one of the gang being
seized, thougk for another crime ; they thought themselves
discovered. Orloff8, one of them, hurried to the Czarina,
and told her she had no time to lose. She was ready for
anything; nay, marched herself at the head of fourteen
thousand men and a train of artillery against her husband,
but not being the only Alecto in Muscovy, she had been
aided by a Princess Daschkaw, a nymph under twenty,
and sister to the Czar's mistress. It was not the latter,
as I told you, but the Chancellor's wife7, who oifered up
the order of St. Catherine. I do not know how my Lord
Buckingham feels, but unless to conjure up a tempest
against this fury of the north, nothing could bribe me to
set my foot in her dominions. Had she been priestess of
the Scythian Diana, she would have sacrificed her brother
by choice. It seems she does not degenerate ; her mother
4 The manifesto, with other papers « Alexis Orloff (1737-1808), brother
relating to the deposition of Peter IH, of the Empress's favourite. He was
is printed in Ann. Beg., 1762, supposed to be the actual murderer
pp. 222-8. of Peter in.
5 Ivan or John, the former de- 7 Countess Woronzow.
throned young Czar. Walpole.
234 To Sir Horace Mann [i762
was ambitious and passionate for intrigues; she went to
Paris, and dabbled in politics with all her might.
The world had been civilizing itself till one began to
doubt whether ancient histories were not ancient legends.
Voltaire had unpoisoned half the victims to the Church and
to ambition. Oh ! there never was such a man as Borgia ;
the league seemed a romance. For the honour of poor
historians, the assassinations of the Kings of France and
Portugal, majesties still living in spite of Damien and the
Jesuits, and the dethronement and murder of the Czar,
have restored some credibility to the annals of former ages.
Tacitus recovers his character by the edition of Petersburgh.
We expect the definitive courier from Paris every day.
Now it is said that they ask time to send to Spain. What ?
to ask leave to desert them? The Spaniards, not so ex-
peditious in usurpation as the Muscovites, have made no
progress in Portugal. Their absurd manifestoes appeared
too soon. The Czarina and Princess Daschkaw stay till the
stroke is struck. Eeally, my dear Sir, your Italy is grow-
ing unfashionably innocent, — if you don't take care, the
Archbishop of Novogorod will deserve, by his crimes, to be
at the head of the Christian Church. I fear my friend,
good Benedict 8, infected you all with his virtues.
You see how this Russian revolution has seized every cell
in my head — a Prince of Wales is passed over in a line, the
Peace in another line. I have not even told you that the
treasure of the Hermione 9, reckoned eight hundred thousand
pounds, passed the end of my street this morning in one-
8 Pope Benedict XIV. Walpole. English frigates, and carried into
9 Gent. Mag. 1762, July 6 : ' In the Gibraltar. Her cargo is said to con-
Ckteette of this day, is the following sist of near twelve millions of money
intelligence from the Hague : " The registered, and unregistered to be
Hermione, a Spanish register ship, likewise very considerable, besides
•which left Lima the 6th of January, 2000 serons of cocoa, and a great deal
bound for Cadiz, was taken the 21st of other valuable merchandize." '
of May off Gape St. Vincent, by three
1762] To the Rev. William Cole 235
and-twenty waggons. Of the Havannah I could tell you
nothing if I would ; people grow impatient at not hearing
from thence. Adieu !
You see I am a punctual correspondent when Empresses
commit murders.
SIR, Strawberry Hill, August 19, 1762.
I am very sensible of the obligations I have to you
and Mr. Masters *, and ought to make separate acknowledge-
ments to both ; but, not knowing how to direct to him,
I must hope that you will kindly be once more the channel
of our correspondence ; and that you will be so good as to
convey to him an answer to what you communicated from
him to me, and in particular my thanks for the most
obliging offer he has made me of a picture of Henry VII ;
of which I will by no means rob him. My view in publish-
ing the Anecdotes was, to assist gentlemen in discovering
the hands of pictures they possess ; and I am sufficiently
rewarded when that purpose is answered. If there is
another edition, the mistake in the calculation of the tapes-
try shall be rectified, and any others, which any gentleman
will be so good as to point out. With regard to the monu-
ment of Sir Nathaniel Bacon 2, Vertue certainly describes it
as at Culford ; and in looking to the place to which I am
referred, in Mr. Masters's History of C.C.C.C. 3, 1 think he
himself allows in the note, that there is such a monument
LETTER 836. — Incomplete in C. ; Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary
now first printed entire after colla- (commonly called Bene't) in the Univer-
tion with original in possession of sity of Cambridge.
Mrs. Alfred Morrison. 2 Sir Nathaniel Bacon, K.B., an
1 Robert Masters (1713-1798), Bee- artist mentioned in the Anecdotes of
tor of Landbea c h and Vicar of Water- Painting.
beach, in Cambridgeshire ; author of 3 Corpus Christi College, Cam-
The History of the Cottege of Corpus bridge.
236 To the Rev. Thomas Warton [i?62
at Culford. Of Sir Balthazar Gerbier4 there are several
different prints. Nich. Laniere B purchasing pictures at the
King's sale, is undoubtedly a mistake for one of his brothers
— I cannot tell now whether Vertue's mistake or my own.
At Longleat is a whole-length of Frances, Duchess of
Richmond, exactly such as Mr. Masters describes, but in
oil, and I have another whole-length of the same Duchess,
I believe by Mytens8, but younger than that at Longleat.
But the best picture of her is in Wilson's7 Life of King
James, and very diverting indeed. I will not trouble you,
Sir, or Mr. Masters, with any more at present ; but, repeat-
ing my thanks to both, will assure you that I am, Sir, your
obliged humble servant,
Petitot never painted but in enamel. The miniature
might, notwithstanding, be copied from him.
SlB^ Strawberry Hill, Aug. 21, 1762.
I was last week surprised with a very unexpected pre-
sent a in your name ; and still more, when, upon examining
it, I found myself so much and so undeservedly distin-
guished by your approbation. I certainly ought to have
thanked you immediately, but I chose to defer my acknow-
ledgements till I had read your volumes very attentively.
4 Sir Balthazar Gerbier, Knight Hill Horace Walpole attributes this
(d. 1667), ' painter, architect, and portrait to Mark Garrard, or Gheer-
courtier.' (D. N. B.) aerts.
6 Nicholas Lanier or Laniere (d. 7 Arthur Wilson (1595-1652).
1666), Master of the Music to Charles I LETTER 837.— * Thomas Warton
and Charles II, and purchaser of (1728-1790), Professor of Poetry at
many pictures for the collection of Oxford.
Charles I. He repurchased several a Observations en the Faery Qtfeene
of these at the sale, as Walpole of Spenser. Warton's mentions of
stated in the Anecdotes of Painting. Horace Walpole occur in the eighth,
8 In hig Description of Strawberry tenth, and eleventh sections.
1762] To the Rev. Thomas Warton 237
The praise you have bestowed on me debars me, Sir, from
doing all the justice I ought to your work: the pleasure
I received from it would seem to have grown out of the
satisfaction I felt in what, if it would not be ungrateful,
I should be humble enough to call flattery ; for how can
you, Sir, approve such hasty, superficial writings as mine,
you, who in the same pursuits are so much more correct,
and have gone so much deeper ? for instance, compare your
account of Gothic architecture with mine; I have scarce
skimmed the subject ; you have ascertained all its periods.
If my Anecdotes should ever want another edition, I shall
take the liberty of referring the readers to your chronicle of
our buildings.
With regard to the Dance of Death, I must confess you
have not convinced me. Vertue (for it was he, not I, that
first doubted of that painting at Basil) persuaded me by the
arguments I found in his MSS., and which I have given,
that Holbein was not the author. The latter's prints,
as executed by Hollar, confirmed me in that opinion : and
you must forgive me if I still think the taste of them
superior to Albert Durer. This is mere matter of opinion,
and of no consequence, and the only point in your book,
Sir, in which I do not submit to you and agree with you.
You will not be sorry to be informed, Sir, that in the
library of the Antiquarian Society there is a large and very
good print of Nonsuch s, giving a tolerable idea of that pile,
which was not the case of Speed's confused scrap. I have
myself drawings of the two old palaces of Kichmond and
Greenwich ; and should be glad to show them to you, if at
any time of your leisure you would favour me with a visit
here. You would see some attempts at Gothic, some minia-
tures of scenes which I am pleased to find you love. —
Cloisters, screens, round towers, and a printing-house, all
8 In Surrey, built by Henry VIII, pulled down about 1670.
238 To Sir Horace Mann [1762
indeed of baby dimensions, would put you a little in mind
of the age of Caxton and Wynken. You might play at
fancying yourself in a castle described by Spenser.
You see, Sir, by the persuasions I employ, how much
I wish to tempt you hither !
I am, Sir,
Your most obliged and obedient servant,
P.S. You know, to be sure, that in Ames's Typographical
Antiquities are specified all the works of Stephen Hawes *.
Strawberry Hill, Sunday, August 29, 1762.
WE cannot afford to stay any longer for the Havannah,
and must make peace without it. The Duke of Bedford,
on Wednesday next, is to be named in form Ambassador
Extraordinary, as the Due de Nivernois 1 will be the same
day at Paris ; on the 7th of next month they are to meet
at Dover, cross over and figure-in. Our duke carries good
dispositions, but as there is a grain of wrong-headed warmth
in his temper, I hope it will not leaven the whole pacific
cake. Still I fear that obstinate diadem in Spain ! who will
not be bullied as when he was plain Don Carlos Bang of
Naples, and which perhaps he has not forgot. Lord
Tyrawley is returned, and as they were not pleased to see
him and English troops in Portugal, when they feared it
would draw down the war upon them, he now will not
allow there is any war there, calls it a combination to get
* Stephen Hawes (d. 1523 ?), to Borne and Berlin. He was a littera-
\vlaose writings, apparently, Spenser teur and a member of the French
was to some extent indebted. Academy. He translated into French
LETTER 838. — 1 Louis Jules Barbon Horace Walpole's Essay on Modern
Mancini Mazarin (1716-1798), Due de Gardening, printed in both languages
Nivernais, sometime Ambassador at at Strawberry Hill in 1785.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 239
our money, and says he will eat every man that is killed,
if the Portuguese will engage to roast him. Absurd as this
proposition is, it is the only tolerable excuse I have heard
for the King of Spain. En attendant the signing of
preliminaries, we have a victory2 of the King of Prussia
over Laudohn, and a new squabble with the Dutch. They
were sending a convoy of naval stores to Gales — to sell
underhand ; our good allies do not injure us for nothing ;
Commodore More sent some men-of-war to visit them ;
their guardian would not be examined, which he intimated
by a cannon ; a fight ensued, he has lost his nose and his
first-lieutenant, and is brought into Portsmouth. This is
our story as arrived to-day. The Dutch minister Borel
is very temperate about it, though the lost nose belonged
to his nephew.
1 rejoice that you agree with me in abhorring that good
woman the Czarina. Semiramis and her models never
thought of palliating murders by manifestoes. One would
think that Peter the Great had not yet taught the Kussians
to read ! or she could not have the confidence to write such
horrid and such gross falsehoods. They are as ill-drawn as
if penned in Spain or Portugal. But what do you think of
her recollecting herself, crying for her husband, and
wanting to attend his funeral? This, and her backward
and forward dealing with the King of Prussia, show what
confusion subsists in her councils. I do not grieve to hear
that as much reigns in her empire. I am impatient to learn
that she is in a covered waggon on the road to Siberia.
I condole with you for the misfortune of the Gallery*,
and the loss of the Laocoon ; yet, if a fine statue was to be
demolished, it was one that could most easily be spared, as
2 At Beichenbach, where, on Schweidnitz.
August 16, 1762, the Prince of 8 The fire took place on August 18,
Brunswick-Bevern defeated Lacy in 1762. Except for the loss of the
an attempt to interrupt the siege of Laocoon, no great damage was done.
240 To Sir Horace Mann [1752
there is a duplicate at Eome, and, as I remember, not only
a finer, but a more authentic. But how came the Florentines
to see their gallery burn with so much indifference ? It was
collected by the Medici. If formed by the Lorrainers I
should not wonder.
Lady Mary Wortley is dead, as I prepared you to expect.
Except some trifling legacies, she has given everything to
Lady Bute, so we shall never know the sum — perhaps that
was intended. It is given out for inconsiderable, besides
some rich baubles. Another of our old acquaintance at
Florence is greatly advanced ; Lady Charlotte Finch 4 is
made governess to the Prince ; a choice so universally
approved that I do not think she will be abused even in
the North Briton.
Mrs. Foote's5 friend, Lord Westmoreland8, is just dead,
from a stroke of the palsy. His countess 7 is gone to your
sister at Linton. His Chancellorship of Oxford will be an
object of contention. Lord Litchfield8 will have the interest
of the court, which now has some influence there ; yet,
perhaps, those9 who would have voted for him formerly
may not now be his heartiest friends.
Oh, when I was talking of the royal child, I should have
told you of a delightful card which was sent by Mrs. Salvador
and Mrs. Mendez, two rich Jewesses, to knmv how the Queen
did. Lady Northumberland, who was in waiting, told the
servant that that was not the manner — that they should
have come in person to inquire. ' That's good,' replied the
fellow ; ' why, my mistress lies in herself ' : if she had not,
4 Second daughter of Thomas Far- ' John Fane, seventh Earl of
mor, Earl of Pomfret, and widow of Westmorland.
William Finch, Vice-Chamberlain, 7 Mary Cavendish, Countess of
next brother to the Earl of Win- Westmoreland. Walpole.
chelsea, who was succeeded in the 8 George Henry Lee, Earl of Lich-
title by her only son. Walpole. field. Walpole.
6 Mary, sister of Sir Horace Mann. 9 The Jacobites. Walpole.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 241
I suppose she would have expected the Queen to send
to her.
The embassy to Paris is not the single glory of the
Bedfords. After long hopes and trials on their side, and
vast repugnance on his, the Duke of Marlborough has at
last married their daughter 10.
I will make your compliments to Palazzo Pitti11 when
I see it ; but he has scarce been here ; he is not well, and
drinking waters at Sunning Hill.
Have you received your commissions, particularly the
music? Your brother James promised to be expeditious,
but I have been so much out of town I have not seen him.
Did not you tell me you had sent a parcel of my letters by
somebody ? I have not received them, and have forgot who
the messenger was.
Thank you for Cocchi's ia Spectator, I like it better than
you shall own to him. With his father's freedom of think-
ing, he has a great deal of humour; but don't let him
pursue it. Wit will be but slender comfort in the prisons
of the Inquisition, or in a fortress ; more uncomfortable, if
his opening the eyes of others leads them into the same
situation. If curing old errors would prevent the world
from falling into new ones, a la bonne heure', but one
nonsense is as good as another; better, if the change is
to be made by blood. A Gustavus Vasa may strike a stroke
for liberty, but few men are born to overturn a tyranny
with their pen. When established liberty is in danger,
then write for it ; one may prevent people perhaps from
shutting their eyes ; 'tis more difficult to unclose them if
shut. Nor can it be done when the world is in cold blood ;
10 Lady Caroline Bussell, only the Duchess of Bedford. Walpole.
daughter of the Duke of Bedford, n Mr. T. Pitt. Walpole.
wife of George Spencer, Duke of 12 Son of Dr. Cocchi, a Florentine
Marlborough, who, though in love physician and author ; the son wrote
with her, was unwilling to marry some Spectators on the model of
her, as he did not like her mother, Addison's. Walpole.
242 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [1762
you may snatch a fortunate fermenting minute, but you
cannot prepare it. If Cocchi must write, let him come
hither ; here he may make reeds say what he will ls ; but
let his own barber remind him that in some countries it is
not safe even to trust reeds with one's thoughts. Adieu !
P.S. When I was mentioning acquaintance you have
lost, I forgot to name Lady Fane " ; you see nervous
disorders are not very mortal ; I think she must have been
above seventy.
Strawberry Hill, Sept 9, 1762.
Nondum laurus erat, longoque decentia crine
Tempora cingebat de gualibct arbore Phoebus.
THIS is a hint to you, that as Phoebus, who was certainly
your superior, could take up with a chestnut garland, or any
crown he found, you must have the humility to be content
without laurels, when none are to be had : you have hunted
far and near for them, and taken true pains to the last in
that old nursery-garden Germany, and by the way have
made me shudder with your last journal: but you must
be easy with qualibet other arbore ; you must come home
to your own plantations. The Duke of Bedford is gone in
a fury to make peace, for he cannot be even pacific with
temper ; and by this time I suppose the Duke de Nivernois
is unpacking his portion of olive dans la rue de Suffolk Street.
I say, I suppose — for I do not, like my friends at Arthur's,
whip into my postchaise to see eveiy novelty. My two
« Alluding to Midas's barber. Charles, the last Viscount Fane,
Walpole. friend of Sir Horace Mann, and hia
14 Charlotte, sister of James, first predecessor at Florence. Walpole.
Earl Stnnhope, and mother of
1762] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 243
sovereigns, the Duchess of Grafton and Lady Mary Coke,
are arrived, and yet I have seen neither Polly nor Lucy.
The former, I hear, is entirely French ; the latter as abso-
lutely English.
Well ! but if you insist on not doffing your cuirass, you
may find an opportunity of wearing it. The storm thickens.
The City of London are ready to hoist their standard ;
treason is the bon ton at that end of the town ; seditious
papers pasted up at every corner : nay, my neighbourhood
is not unfashionable; we have had them at Brentford and
Kingston. The Peace is the cry ; but to make weight, they
throw in all the abusive ingredients they can collect. They
talk of your friend the Duke of Devonshire's resigning ; and,
for the Duke of Newcastle, it puts him so much in mind of
the end of Queen Anne's time, that I believe he hopes to be
minister again for another forty years.
In the meantime, there are but dark news from the
Havannah ; the Gazette, who would not fib for the world,
says we have lost but four officers ; the world, who is not
quite so scrupulous, says our loss is heavy. — But what
shocking notice to those who have Harry Conways there !
The Gazette breaks off with saying that they were to storm
the next day ! Upon the whole, it is regarded as a prepara-
tive to worse news.
Our next monarch was christened last night, George
Augustus Frederick ; the Princess, the Duke of Cumber-
land, and Duke of Mecklenburgh, sponsors ; the ceremony
performed by the Bishop of London. The Queen's bed,
magnificent, and they say in taste, was placed in the great
drawing-room : though she is not to see company in form,
yet it looks as if they had intended people should have been
there, as all who presented themselves were admitted, which
were very few, for it had not been notified ; I suppose to
prevent too great a crowd : all I have heard named, besides
R 2
244 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [1702
those in waiting, were the Duchess of Queensbury, Lady
Dalkeith, Mrs. Grenville, and about four more ladies.
My Lady Ailesbury is abominable : she settled a party to
come hither, and put it off a month ; and now she has been
here and seen my cabinet, she ought to tell you what good
reason I had not to stir. If she has not told you that it is
the finest, the prettiest, the newest, and the oldest thing in
the world, I will not go to Park Place on the 20th, as I have
promised. Oh ! but tremble you may for me, though you
will not for yourself — all my glories were on the point of
vanishing last night in a flame ! The chimney of the new
gallery, which chimney is full of deal-boards, and which
gallery is full of shavings, was on fire at eight o'clock.
Harry had quarrelled with the other servants, and would
not sit in the kitchen ; and to keep up his anger, had
lighted a vast fire in the servants' hall, which is under the
gallery. The chimney took fire ; and if Margaret had not
smelt it with the first nose that ever a servant had, a quarter
of an hour had set us in a blaze. I hope you are frightened
out of your senses for me : if you are not, I will never live
in a panic for three or four years for you again.
1 have had Lord March and the Rena 1 here for one night,
which does not raise my reputation in the neighbourhood,
and may usher me again for a Scotchman into the North
Briton*. I have had too a letter from a German that
LETTER 839. — 1 A fashionable cour- with a superior partition of sense (and
tosan. Walpole. he ought to have added, of humour
2 The favourable opinion given by and taste, in both which we excel),
Mr. Walpole of the abilities of the / should be inclined to give the pre-
Scotch in the Royal and Noble ference in that particular. How faith-
Authora, first drew upon him the ful is this masterly pen of Mr. Wai-
notice of the North Briton. The pole ! How unlike the odious sharp
passage alluded to is the following, and strong incision pen of Swift !
in the second number of that paper : He has called us only a poor FIKRCE
1 Mr. Horace Walpole, in that deep northern people ; and has asserted,
book called the Royal and Noble that the pensions and employments
Authors, says, We are the most ac- possessed by the natives of Scotland in
complished nation in Europe ; the nation England, amounted to more than the
to which, if any one country is endowed whole body of their nobility ever spent
1762] To Grosvenor Bedford 245
I never saw, who tells me that, hearing by chance how
well I am with my Lord Bute, he desires me to get him
a place. The North Briton first recommended me for an
employment, and has now given me interest at the back-
stairs. It is a notion, that whatever is said of one, has
generally some kind of foundation : surely I am a contra-
diction to this maxim ! yet, was I of consequence enough to
be remembered, perhaps posterity would believe that I was
a flatterer ! Good night !
Yours ever,
DEAR SiB, Strawberry Hill, Sept. 9, 1762.
I must trouble you in an affair in which it is not easy,
I fear, to assist me. My servant, Henry Jones, is grown
old and wants to retire. If you could find a very good
servant for me, it would be of great use. I will tell you
exactly what sort of man I want. He is to be steward and
butler, not my gentleman, nor have anything to do with
dressing me, or with my clothes, but is to wait at table and
at tea. His chief business will be to look after my family,
in which he must be strict ; and he must understand buying
and selling, for what I shall chiefly expect will be, that he
shall bring me every Saturday night the house-bills for the
week, and every month those of the other tradesmen and
servants. For these reasons which I cannot dispense with,
' I choose to have a grave servant of forty, or near it, with
at home ; and that all the money they very particular a compliment (which
raised, upon the public was hardly suffi- I hope flowed from his heart still
dent to defray their civil and military more than from his head), and I en-
lists. This was at the latter end of treat his Lordship to put him on the
Queen Anne's reign. How very list immediately after my country-
different is the case now ! I heg to men and the Cocoa." Walpole.
recommend Mr. Walpole, too, for so
246 To George Montagu [1762
a very good character, and I should wish, not married.
When you inquire, be so good as not to let it be known
that it is for me ; as I do not like to have servants present
themselves, whom I should probably not care to take. The
wages I shall make little difficulty about, if it is one that
I can depend upon for being careful in my family, and
letting there be no waste. I shall be in town on Monday
night, and if you will call on me on Tuesday or Wednesday
mornings, I will talk to you farther, for though I should be
glad to have this servant soon, I am in no particular haste.
Adieu, dear Sir ! Yours ever,
H. W.
P.S. One material condition will be, that he is not to
have friends coming to my house after him.
DEAR SiB, Strawberry Hill, Sept. 24, 1762.
I would not trouble you with the enclosed commissions,
but as I think you pass by both doors almost every day.
Be so good as to inquire if the persons mentioned in these
advertisements are really objects of charity, and if they are,
I will beg you to leave a guinea for each, and put it to my
account. Yours ever,
H. W.
Strawberry Hill, Sept. 24, 1762.
I WAS disappointed at not seeing you, as you had given
me hopes, but shall be glad to meet the General, as I think
I shall, for I go to town on Monday to restore the furniture
of my house, which has been painted ; and to stop the gaps
as well as I can, which I have made by bringing everything
1762] To George Montagu 247
hither ; but as long as there are auctions, and I have any
money or hoards, those wounds soon close.
I can tell you nothing of your Dame Montagu and her
arms ; but I dare to swear Mr. Chute can. I did not doubt
but you would approve Mr. Bateman's, since it has changed
its religion ; I converted it from Chinese to Gothic. His
cloister of founders, which by the way is Mr. Bentley's, is
delightful; I envy him his old chairs, and the tomb of
Bishop Caducanus 1 ; but I do not agree with you in pre-
ferring the Duke's 2 to Stowe. The first is in a greater style,
I grant, but one always perceives the mesalliance ; the blood
of Bagshot Heath will never let it be green. If Stowe had
but half so many buildings as it has, there would be too
many ; but that profusion, that glut, enriches, and makes it
look like a fine landscape of Albano ; one figures oneself
in Tempe or Daphne. I never saw St. Leonard's Hill ;
would you spoke seriously of buying it ! one could stretch
out the arm of one's postchaise, and reach you when one
1 am here all in ignorance and rain, and have seen nobody
these two days since I returned from Park Place. I do not
know whether the mob hissed my Lord Bute at his installa-
tion 3, as they intended, or whether my Lord Talbot drubbed
them for it. I know nothing of the Peace, nor of the
Havannah, but I could tell you much of old English en-
gravers4, whose lives occupy me at present. On Sunday
I am to dine with your prime minister Hamilton, for though
I do not seek the world, and am best pleased when quiet
here, I do not refuse its invitations, when it does not press
one to pass above a few hours with it. I have no quarrel to
it, when it comes not to me, nor asks me to lie from home.
LETTXR 842. — * Caducanus or Ca- s Afl Knight of the Garter, on
dwgan, Bishop of Bangor, 1215-41. Sept. 22, 1762.
2 The Banger's Lodge, in Windsor * A Catalogue of Engravers, printed
Great Park. at Strawberry Hill in 1763.
248 To Sir Horace Mann [i?62
That favour is only granted to the elect, to Greatworth, and
a very few more spots. Adieu !
Yours most sincerely,
H. W.
Strawberry Hill, Sept. 26, 1762.
WELL, my dear Sir, we write and write, but we do not
take the Havannah or make the Peace ; I wish the latter
may not depend on the former ! Lord Albemarle's last
letters have not been made public ; we do not doubt but
there is great sickness among our troops, nor do the Spaniards
seem so terrified at the name of an Englishman as the
French are. The former proceed in conquering Portugal
before our faces ; yet we have given them a little check \
and I hope a little spirit to the Portuguese. The Duchess
of Bedford is certainly going to Paris, but we do not expect
the definitive treaty before the Parliament meets. The
clamour does not increase, though I do not tell you it abates.
One knows not what to believe about the chiefs. Pitt is
said to declare firmly against opposition; others make a
salvo for him, unless in case of a lad peace. But neither
they nor he know what he will do till he is in the middle
of his first speech. In the meantime Lord Temple is all
flax, tow, pitch, and combustibles. What I do believe is,
that Pitt has refused all junction with the Duke of Newcastle,
who has certainly contributed most to raise the flame, who
is for ever at court, and yet ruining himself with more
alacrity than ever in entertainments to keep up a party ; yet
I dare to say he will neither have courage to head an oppo-
sition, nor art enough to get to the top again, but will be
just troublesome enough to obtain some insignificant post in
LETTER 848. — 1 The capture of Va- by British troops under Brigadier
lencia de Alcantara on Aug. 27, 1762, Burgoyne.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 249
the Cabinet Council. Somebody said t'other day, ' Yet sure
the Duke of Newcastle does not want parts ' ; — ' No,' replied
Lord Talbot, 'for he has done without them for forty years.'
His Grace, Lord Temple, and Lord Bute, met last Wednesday
at the installation of the last. The first, when he performed
the ceremony, embraced Lord Bute ; Lord Temple sat next
to him at dinner, but they did not exchange a syllable, and
yet I do not esteem habitual virulence more than habitual
dissimulation. The pomp was great ; the King, Queen, and
all the family, but Princess Amelia (who excused herself
from seeing her father's trophies buried), were there : Prince
William 2 was installed too, and it was the King's first ap-
pearance to take his stall. The Queen was charmed with
Windsor, and they stay there till Tuesday. Pains had been
taken to breed a riot, but nothing happened. The Duke de
Nivernois was ill, and could not see the ceremony. He is
very battered, delicate, and anxious about his health ; very
plain and little in his person, but with the air of a gentleman,
so I hear. I have not seen him, nor have any curiosity ; he
translated Lord Lyttelton's Dialogues of the Dead, which has
not given me much opinion of him.
I did not doubt but such humanity as yours would agree
with me about the Czarina — but I grow a little cooled upon
that subject ; I have not named her with abhorrence above
seven times this week.
Well, I have seen my Duchess s — you have not returned
her as you received her. I was quite struck at seeing her
so much altered. She wears no rouge, and being leaner,
her features, which never were delicate, seem larger. Then,
she is not dressed French, but Italian, that is, over-French.
In one point, in which she cannot be improved, she seemed
» William Henry, third son of 3 The Duchess of Grafton. TPoZ-
Frederick, Prince of Wales, after- pole,
wards Duke of Gloucester. WalpoU.
250 To Sir Horace Mann [i?62
so ; being thinner, she looked taller. She spoke of you to
my perfect content ; and as if I did not know it, told me of
all your good-breeding, good-nature, and attentions. She
had said to a friend of mine that she had something for me
from you, but that I should not have it till she saw me.
That was but for half an hour, and not at her own house, so
she and I both forgot it ; was it my letters ? I hope not,
for she is gone to her father's4 in Northumberland, and
being doomed never to appear where she is formed to shine,
was not at the Installation ; nay, will not be in town till
December. If she who was so proper for it was not at
Windsor, pray do not imagine I was. I saw that show
above thirty years ago, and do not, like the Duke of New-
castle, tease every reign with my presence.
Lord Melcombe, except some trifling legacies, has left
everything in his power to a near relation, Mr. Windham ;
but Eastbury5 and the estate are Lord Temple's, who
having always threatened to pull down that pile of ugliness
when it should be his, is charmed since he has seen it
through the eyes of possession. I told you of Lady Mary
Wortley's death and will, but I did not then know that,
with her usual maternal tenderness, and usual generosity,
she has left her son one guinea.
Arlington Street, Monday night, 27th.
This codicil to my letter will not rejoice you. I find here
great doubts of the Peace : in the City they disbelieve it, and
prove their disbelief substantially : the stocks fall fast.
What a scene will follow, if this negotiation breaks off too !
What acrimony, if we think ourselves again deluded by
France ! And does war want new edge ? Wretched mortals !
more wretched Kings and ministers, who look on lives as on
gunpowder, and care not how many barrels they waste of
* Lord Bavensworth. Walpole. 5 Near Blandford, in Dorsetshire.
1762] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 251
either ! Negotiations indeed will fluctuate before they settle.
I wish this may be only one of their qualms. Prince
Ferdinand, too, will not be sparing of the human gunpowder
committed to his charge : he will have a match ready in his
hand to the last moment to blow up the treaty ; — such a
blessing is a foreign general, who has a different interest
and cannot be called to account ! Sure these monarchs and
heroes would shudder, if they saw a bill drawn upon them
thus : —
Queen of Hungary, debtor to the human species Millions.
King of Prussia, ditto .... do.
King of France, by his stewards ... do.
King of Spain Many thousands.
Prince Ferdinand, a private gentleman . Some thousands.
Czarina Only her own husband.
Total . . Half Europe.
Strawberry Hill, Sept. 28, 1762.
To my sorrow and your wicked joy, it is a doubt whether
Monsieur de Nivernois will shut the temple of Janus. We
do not believe him quite so much in earnest as the dove '
we have sent, who has summoned his turtle to Paris. She
sets out the day after to-morrow, escorted, to add gravity to
the embassy, by George Selwyn. The stocks don't mind
this journey of a rush, but draw in their horns every day.
We can learn nothing of the Havannah, though the axis on
which the whole treaty turns. We believe, for we have
never seen them, that the last letters thence brought accounts
of great loss, especially by the sickness. Colonel Burgoyne 2
LETTER 844. — l The Duke of Bed- goyne, with the Comto de Lippe,
ford, then Embassador at Paris. commanded the British troops sent
WcUpole. to the relief of Portugal. Walpole.—
8 Colonel, afterwards General Bur- John Burgoyne (1722-1792), soldier
252 To tJie Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [i?62
has given a little fillip to the Spaniards, and shown them,
that though they can take Portugal from the Portuguese, it
will not be entirely so easy to wrest it from the English.
Lord Pulteney3, and my nephew4, Lady Waldegrave's
brother, distinguished themselves. I hope your Hereditary
Prince is recovering of the wounds in his loins ; for they say
he is to marry Princess Augusta.
Lady Ailesbury has told you, to be sure, that I have been
at Park Place. Everything there is in beauty ; and, I should
think, pleasanter than a campaign in Germany. Your
Countess is handsomer than fame ; your daughter improv-
ing every day; your plantations more thriving than the
poor woods about Marburg and Cassel. Chinese pheasants
swarm there. — For Lady Cecilia Johnston, I assure you, she
sits close upon her egg, and it will not be her fault if she
does not hatch a hero. We missed all the glories of the
Installation 5, and all the faults, and all the frowning faces
there. Not a Knight was absent, but the lame and the
Your brother, Lady Hertford, and Lord Beauchamp, are
gone from Windsor into Suffolk. Henry8, who has the
genuine indifference of a Harry Conway, would not stir from
Oxford for those pageants. Lord Beauchamp showed me
a couple of his letters, which have more natural humour and
cleverness than is conceivable. They have the ease and
drollery of a man of parts who has lived long in the world —
and he is scarce seventeen !
I am going to Lord Waldegrave's 7 for a few days, and,
and dramatist, afterwards well Garter. Walpole.
known for his surrender to Gates at 6 Henry Seymour Conway, second
Saratoga in 1777. son of Francis, Earl and afterwards
3 Only son of William Pulteney, Marquis of Hertford. Walpole. He
Earl of Bath. He died before his died unmarried in 1830.
father. Walpole. 7 James, second Earl of Walde-
4 Edward, only son of Sir Edward grave, Knight of the Garter, had
Walpole. He died in 1771. Walpole. married Maria, second daughter of
6 An installation of Knights of the Sir Edward Walpole. Walpole.
1762] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 253
when your Countess returns from Goodwood, am to meet
her at Churchill's. Lord Strafford, who has been terribly
alarmed about my Lady, mentions, with great pleasure, the
letters he receives from you. His neighbour and cousin,
Lord Kockingham, I hear, is one of the warmest declaimers
at Arthur's against the present system 8. Abuse continues
in much plenty, but I have seen none that I thought had
wit enough to bear the sea. Good night. There are satiric
prints enough to tapestry Westminster Hall.
Yours ever,
Stay a moment : I recollect telling you a He in my last,
which, though of no consequence, I must correct. The right
reverend midwife, Thomas Seeker, Archbishop, did christen
the babe, and not the Bishop of London 9, as I had been told
by matron authority. Apropos to babes : have you read
Kousseau on Education10? I almost got through a volume
at Park Place, though impatiently; it has more tautology
than any of his works, and less eloquence. Sure he has
writ more sense and more nonsense than ever any man did
of both ! All I have yet learned from this work is, that one
should have a tutor for one's son to teach him to have no
ideas, in order that he may begin to learn his alphabet as he
loses his maidenhead.
Thursday, noon, 30th.
lo Havannah ! lo Albemarle ! I had sealed my letter,
and given it to Harry for the post, when my Lady Suffolk
sent me a short note from Charles Townshend, to say the
Havannah surrendered on the 12th of August, and that we
have taken twelve ships of the line in the harbour. The
8 Rockingham resigned his place 9 Bichard Osbaldeston ; d. 1764.
in the Bedchamber in the following 10 Emile, ou de V Education, pub-
November, in consequence of his lished in April, 1761.
disapproval of the Peace.
254 To the Eev. William Cole [1702
news came late last night. I do not know a particular more.
God grant no more blood be shed ! I have hopes again of
the Peace. My dearest Harry, now we have preserved you
to the last moment, do take care of yourself. When one has
a whole war to wade through, it is not worth while to be
careful in any one battle ; but it is silly to fling one's self
away in the last. Your character is established ; Prince
Ferdinand's letters are full of encomiums on you ; but what
will weigh more with you, save yourself for another war,
which I doubt you will live to see, and in which you may
be superior commander, and have space to display your
talents. A second in service is never remembered, whether
the honour of the victory be owing to him, or he killed.
Turenne would have a very short paragraph, if the Prince
of Conde had been general when he fell. Adieu !
Strawberry Hill, Sept. 30, 1762.
IT gives me great satisfaction that Strawberry Hill
pleased you enough to make it a second visit. I could
name the time instantly, but you threaten me with coming
so loaded with presents, that it will look mercenary, not
friendly, to accept your visit. If your chaise is empty, to
be sure I shall rejoice to hear it at my gate about the 22nd
of this next month : if it is crammed, though I have built
a convent, I have not so much of the monk in me as not to
blush — nor can content myself with praying to Our Lady of
Strawberries to reward you.
I am greatly obliged to you for the accounts from
Gothurst 1. What treasures there are still in private seats,
if one knew where to hunt them ! The emblematic picture
LETTER 845. — j Gothurst or Qayhurst, near Newport Pagnell in Buck-
1762] To Lady Hervey 255
of Lady Digby 2 is like that at Windsor, and the fine small
one at Mr. Skinner's. I should be curious to see the
portrait of Sir Kenelm's father ; was not he the remarkable
Everard Digby s ? How singular too is the picture of young
Joseph and Madam Potiphar ! His Majora—one has heard
of Josephs that did not find the lady's purse any hindrance
to Majora.
You are exceedingly obliging in offering to make an
index to my prints, Sir; but that would be a sad way of
entertaining you. I am antiquary and virtuoso enough
myself not to dislike such employment, but could never
think it charming enough to trouble anybody else with it.
Whenever you do me the favour of coming hither, you will
find yourself entirely at liberty to choose your own amuse-
ments— if you choose a bad one, and in truth there is not
very good, you must blame yourself; while you know, I
hope, that it would be my wish that you did not repent your
favours to, Sir,
Yr. most obliged
Humble Servant,
MADAM, Strawberry Hill, Oct. 1, 1762.
I hope you are as free from any complaint, as I am sure
you are full of joy. Nobody partakes more of your satis-
faction for Mr. Hervey's l safe return * ; and now he is safe,
I trust you enjoy his glory : for this is a wicked age ; you
are one of those un-Lacedaemonian mothers, that are not
* Venetia, daughter of Sir Edward LETTER 846. — l General William
Stanley, of Tonge Castle, Shropshire, Hervey, youngest son of Lady Her-
and wife of Sir Kenelm Digby, Knight, vey. Walpole. — Probably a mistake
3 Sir Everard Digby, Knight (1578- for Captain Augustus Hervey. See
1606), executed for participation in the following letter,
the Gunpowder Plot. 2 From the Havannah. Walpole.
256 To Sir Horace Mann [i?G2
content unless your children come off with all their limbs.
A Spartan countess would not have had the confidence of
my Lady Albemarle to appear in the Drawing-room without
at least one of her sons being knocked on the head 3. How-
ever, pray, Madam, make my compliments to her; one
must conform to the times, and congratulate people for
being happy, if they like it. I know one matron, however,
with whom I may condole ; who, I dare swear, is miserable
that she has not one of her acquaintance in affliction, and to
whose door she might drive with all her sympathizing grey-
hounds to inquire after her, and then to Hawkins's, and
then to Graham's, and then cry over a ball of rags that she
is picking, and be so sorry for poor Mrs. Such-an-one, who
has lost an only son !
When your Ladyship has hung up all your trophies, I will
come and make you a visit. There is another ingredient
I hope not quite disagreeable that Mr. Hervey has brought
with him, un-Lacedaemonian too, but admitted among the
other vices of our system. If besides glory and riches they
have brought us peace, I will make a bonfire myself, though
it should be in the mayoralty of that virtuous citizen
Mr. Beckford. Adieu, Madam !
Your Ladyship's most faithful humble servant,
Strawberry Hill, Oct. 3, 1762.
I AM now only the Peace in your debt, for here is the
Havannah. Here it is, following despair and accompanied
by glory, riches, and twelve ships of the line l ; not all in
person, for four are destroyed. The booty — that is an un-
3 See note on the following letter.
LKTTER 847. — ' Taken in harbour of Havana.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 257
dignified term — I should say, the plunder, or the spoils,
which is a more classic word for such heroes as we are,
amounts to at least a million and a half. Lord Albemarle'a
share will be about 140,OOOZ. I wish I knew how much
that makes in talents, or great sesterces. What to me is
better than all, we have lost but sixteen hundred men ; but,
alas ! Most of the sick recovered ! What an affecting
object my Lady Albemarle2 would make in a triumph,
surrounded by her three victorious sons ; for she had three
at stake ! My friend Lady Hervey 3, too, is greatly happy ;
her son Augustus distinguished himself particularly4, brought
home the news, and on his way took a rich French ship
going to Newfoundland with military stores. I do not
surely mean to detract from him, who set all this spirit on
float, but you see we can conquer, though Mr. Pitt is at his
The express arrived while the Due de Nivernois was at
dinner with Lord Bute. The world says that the joy of
the company showed itself with too- little politeness — I hope
not ; I would not exult to a single man, and a minister of
peace ; it should be in the face of Europe, if I assumed that
dominion which the French used to arrogate; nor do I
believe it happened ; all the company are not so charmed
with the event. They are not quite convinced that it will
facilitate the pacification, nor am I clear it will The City
of London will not lower their hopes, and views, and
expectations, on this acquisition. Well, if we can steer
' Lady Anne Lenox, youngest William, Augustus, and Frederic, all
daughter of the first Duke of Bich- successively Earls of Bristol. Wai-
mond. George, third Earl of Albe- pole.
marie ; Augustus Keppel, afterwards 4 In command of the Dragon he
admiral ; and General William Kep- took part in the cannonade of the
pel, her three eldest sons, all com- Moro Castle at the entrance to the
manded at the taking of the Ha- harbour of Havana. His ship went
vannah. Walpole. aground, but he continued to fire till
1 Mary Lepelle, widow of John, ordered to desist.
Lord Hervey, and mother of George
258 To Sir Horace Mann [1762
wisely between insolence from success and impatience for
peace, we may secure our safety and tranquillity for many
years. But they are not yet arrived, nor hear I anything
that tells me the Peace will certainly be made. France
wants peace ; I question if she wishes it. How his Catholic
royalty will take this, one cannot guess. My good friend,
we are not at table with Monsieur de Nivernois, so we may
smile at this consequence of the family-compact. Twelve
ships of the line and the Havannah ! — it becomes people
who cannot keep their own, to divide the world between
Your nephew Foote has made a charming figure ; the
King and Queen went from Windsor to see Eton ; he is
captain of the Oppidans, and made a speech to them with
great applause. It was in English, which was right ; why
should we talk Latin to our Kings rather than Euss or
Iroquois? Is this a season for being ashamed of our
country ? Dr. Barnard s, the master, is the Pitt of masters,
and has raised the school to the most flourishing state it
ever knew.
Lady Mary Wortley has left twenty-one large volumes in
prose and verse, in manuscript ; nineteen are fallen to Lady
Bute, and will not see the light in haste. The other two
Lady Mary in her passage gave to somebody in Holland,
and at her death expressed great anxiety to have them
published. Her family are in terrors lest they should be,
and have tried to get them : hitherto the man is inflexible.
Though I do not doubt but they are an olio of lies and
scandal, I should like to see them. She had parts, and had
seen much. Truth is often at bottom of such compositions,
and places itself here and there without the intention of the
5 Edward Barnard (1717-1781), the numbers of the school from three
Head Master of Eton, 1754-64 ; to five hundred.
Provost of Eton, 1764, He raised
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 259
mother. I dare say in general, these works are like Madame
del Pozzo's ' M&moires. Lady Mary had more wit, and some-
thing more delicacy ; their manners and morals were a good
deal more alike.
There is a lad, a waiter at St. James's Coffee House, of
thirteen years old, who says he does not wonder we beat
the French, for he himself could thrash Monsieur de Niver-
nois. This duke is so thin and small, that when minister
at Berlin, at a time that France was not in favour there,
the King of Prussia said, if his eyes were a little older, he
should want a glass to see the ambassador. I do not admire
this bon mot. Voltaire is continuing his Universal History ;
he showed the Duke of Grafton a chapter, to which the title
is, Les Anglois vainqueurs dans les Quatre Parties du Monde.
There have been minutes in the course of our correspondence
when you and I did not expect to see this chapter. It is
bigger by a quarter than our predecessors the Eomans had
any pretensions to, and larger than I hope our descendants
will see written of them, for conquest, unless by necessity,
as ours has been, is an odious glory ; witness my hand,
P.S. I recollect that my last letter was a little melancholy ;
this, to be sure, has a grain or two of national vanity ; why,
I must own I am a miserable philosopher ; the weather of
the hour does affect me. I cannot here, at a distance from
the world and unconcerned in it, help feeling a little satis-
faction when my country is successful ; yet, tasting its
honours and elated with them, I heartily, seriously wish
8 Madame del Pozzo, an Italian wrote M&moires of her life, in which
lady, who, for a short time, had been she had spoken so scandalously of
mistress of the Itegent of France, Elizabeth Farnese, Queen Dowager
was celebrated for her wit, which of Spain, that the latter employed
was extremely coarse and indelicate, persons to seize her and force them
and was infamous for her debauch- from her. Mr. Walpole knew her at
cries and abusive language. She Florence. Walpole.
S 2
260 To Sir Horace Mann [1762
they had their quietus. What is the fame of men compared
to their happiness ? Who gives a nation peace, gives tran-
quillity to all. How many must be wretched, before one
can be renowned ! A hero bets the lives and fortunes of
thousands, whom he has no right to game with : but, alas !
Caesars have little regard to their fish and counters !
Arlington Street, Oct. 4th.
I find I have told you an enormous lie7, but luckily
I have time to retract it. Lady Mary Wortley has left
nothing like the number of volumes I have said. At the
Installation I hear Charles Townshend said they were four
— last Thursday he told me twenty-one. I seldom do
believe or repeat what he says — for the future I will think
of these twenty-one volumes.
There has been a disagreeable bloody affair 8 in Germany.
Soubize sent Lord Granby word that he hoped soon to
embrace him — in two days they cannonaded us. It was
entirely a cannonading affair, but it lasted fourteen hours,
and cost them between two and three thousand men. We
have lost between seven and eight hundred, with fourteen
officers of the Guards killed and wounded. Prince Ferdi-
nand, who either suspected the Danaos, or had a mind his
army should, gave it out in orders that the whole army
should be upon their guard. If our amity begins thus, how
will it end ?
7 It was true that Lady Mary to publish them too ; but, in two
Wortley did leave seventeen volumes days, the man had a crown living
of her works and memoires. She from Lord Bute, and Lady Bute had
gave her letters from Constantinople the seventeen volumes. Walpole.
to an English clergyman in Holland, 8 The cannonade of Brucken-
who published them ; and, the day Muhle or Amoneburg, in Hesse-
before she died, she gave him those Nassau, carried on throughout Sept.
seventeen volumes, with injunctions 21, 1762, without any decisive result.
1762] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 261
Arlington Street, Oct. 4, 1762.
I AM concerned to hear you have been so much out of
order, but should rejoice your sole command * disappointed
you, if this late cannonading business2 did not destroy all
my little prospects. Can one believe the French negotiators
are sincere, when their marshals are so false ? What vexes
me more is to hear you seriously tell your brother that you
are always unlucky, and lose all opportunities of fighting.
How can you be such a child ? You cannot, like a German,
love fighting for its own sake. No : you think of the mob
of London, who, if you had taken Peru, would forget you
the first Lord Mayor's Day, or for the first hyaena that comes
to town. How can one build on virtue and on fame too ?
When do they ever go together ? In my passion, I could
almost wish you were as worthless and as great as the King
of Prussia ! If conscience is a punishment, is not it a reward
too? Go to that silent tribunal, and be satisfied with its
I have nothing new to tell you. The Havannah is more
likely to break off the Peace than to advance it. We are
not in a humour to give up the world ; anei, are much more
disposed to conquer the rest of it. We shall have some
cannonading here, I believe, if we sign the Peace. Mr. Pitt,
from the bosom of his retreat, has made Beckford mayor.
The Duke of Newcastle, if not taken in again, will probably
end his life as he began it — at the head of a mob. Person-
alities and abuse, public and private, increase to the most
outrageous degree, and yet the town is at the emptiest.
LITTER 848. — 1 During Lord Gran- 8 The affair of Bucker-MuhL See
by's absence from the army in Flan- Annual Register for the year 1762,
ders the command in chief had p. 49. Walpole.
devolved on Mr. Conway. Walpole.
262 To George Montagu [1762
You may guess what will be the case in a month. I do not
see at all into the storm : I do not mean that there will not
be a great majority to vote anything ; but there are times
when even majorities cannot do all they are ready to do.
Lord Bute has certainly great luck, which is something
in politics, whatever it is in logic : but whether peace or
war, I would not give him much for the place he will
have this day twelvemonth. Adieu ! The watchman goes
past one in the morning ; and as I have nothing better
than reflections and conjectures to send you, I may as well
go to bed.
Strawberry Hill, Oct. 14, 1762.
You will not make your fortune in the Admiralty at
least ; your King and cousin is to cross over and figure
in with George Grenville ; the latter takes the Admiralty,
Lord Halifax the Seals 1 — still, I believe, reserving Ireland
for pocket-money — at least no new viceroy is named.
Mr. Fox undertakes the House of Commons* — and the
Peace — and the war — for if we have the first, we may be
pretty sure of the second.
You see Lord Bute totters ; reduced to shift hands so
often, it does not look like much stability. The campaign
at Westminster will be warm. When Mr. Pitt can have
such a mouthful as Lord Bute, Mr. Fox, and the Peace,
I do not think three thousand pounds a year will stop it.
Well, I shall go into my old corner under the window, and
laugh ; I had rather sit by my fire here ; but if there are
to be bull-feasts, one would go and see them, when one has
LETTER 849. — ! As Secretary of King that Parliament should approve
State for the Northern Province. of the Peace by large majorities, and
a ' In October 1762, Fox, with con- by the employment of the grossest
siderable reluctance, once more ac- bribery and intimidation he kept his
cepted the leadership of the House of word.' (D. N. B.)
Commons. . . . Fox had assured the
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 263
a convenient box for nothing, and is very indifferent about
the cavalier-combatants. Adieu !
Yours ever,
Strawberry Hill, Oct. 20, 1762.
A NEW revolution has happened, which perhaps has
not struck you as such, from what little has appeared
in the papers. Mr. Grenville l, Secretary of State, and Lord
Halifax, First Lord of the Admiralty, have changed places.
' Well ! ' say you foreigners, ' and do you call that a revo-
lution? Sure, you English are not accustomed to great
events, violent catastrophes, when you look on two
ministers crossing over and figuring-in, as a revolution?
Why, in Russia, a wife murders her husband, seizes the
crown ' Stay, my good Sir ; we do not strangle the
ten commandments every time there is to be an alteration
in the state ; but, have a little patience, and you will
find these removes not quite so simple as you imagine.
Mr. Grenville, besides holding the Seals, was something
else, was not he ? Have you never heard of ' manager in
the House of Commons'? or, what defines it better, had
the management of the House of Commons. This, Lord
Halifax, being in the Lords, cannot execute — if he could,
Lord Bute would perform it himself. 'Well,' you cry,
' and who is to do it ?' I will tell you presently — let us
dispatch Mr. Grenville first. Three explanations are
given — the majority, of which number for once am I, say
he had qualms on the Peace, could not digest such good
terms as have been offered to France. Another set, no
LETTKK 850. — 1 George Grenville, next brother of Richard, Earl Temple.
264 To Sir Horace Mann [1762
friends of Mr. Grenville, suspect some underhand dealings
with his brother and Mr. Pitt. This I, who have a very
good opinion of Grenville, do not believe. At most, I will
allow him to have been afraid of signing the treaty. The
third opinion, held by some of Lord Bute's friends, at
least, given out by them, though not by himself, who
imputes only timidity to Mr. Grenville, whisper, that the
latter wanted the real power2 of the House of Commons,
and did not notify this ambition, till he thought the
nearness of the Parliament would oblige his demands to
be accorded. I have many reasons for disbelieving this.
In the first place, the service was forced upon him, not
sought; in the next, considering what steps have been
taken for sole power, he could not expect it. In the last,
the designation of his successor proves this was not fact,
as Lord Bute must still have thought Mr. Grenville a less
formidable substitute than the person he has been obliged
to embrace — in short, Mr. Fox is again manager of the
House of Commons, remaining Paymaster and waiving
the Seals ; that is, will defend the treaty, not sign it.
This wants no comment.
1 see your impatience again — what, is the treaty then
made ? No — shall I tell you more ? I mean my private
opinion ; it will not be made. Not for want of inclination
here, nor in the Ambassador at Paris — but I do not believe
we can get it. Does that horrid and treacherous carnage,
cannonading they call it, look like much sincerity on the
French side? But the Spaniards will not accede. Have
not I always told you, I was persuaded that the crown of
Portugal reannexed had more charms in the proud eye
of Spain than the Havannah in the eye of their interest ?
Mr. Stanley is indeed going directly after the Duke of
2 Grenville proved a very ambi- secretly, an enemy of Lord Bute, as
tious man, and grew early, though appeared afterwards. Walpole.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 265
Bedford— for what I know not. I do not expect much
from it.
This is the state of the day. If you ask what is to follow,
I answer, confusion ; and the end of the war removed to
the Lord knows when. When the administration totters
in four months, — when the first breach is made within
the walls, not from without, is such a citadel impregnable ?
But if new armies, unexpected armies, join the enemy ?
nay, I do not tell you the Duke of Newcastle has joined
Mr. Pitt ; on the contrary, the world says the latter has
haughtily rejected all overtures. But, pray, did not the
Patriots and the Jacobites concur in every measure against
my father, whatever were their different ends? That
an opposition, much more formidable than is yet known,
will appear, is very probable; and that Mr. Fox, so far
from bringing any strength, except great abilities, to Lord
Bute's support, will add fuel to the flame is, I think, past
doubt. Unpopularity heaped on unpopularity does not
silence clamour. Even the silly Tories will not like to
fight under Mr. Fox's banner.
Upon the whole, I look on Lord Bute's history as drawing
fast to a conclusion. So far from being ready to meet the
Parliament, I shall not be surprised if they are not able
to meet it, but throw up the cards before they begin to
play them. My hopes of peace are vanished ! Few dis-
interested persons would be content with so moderate a one
as I should ; yet I can conceive a peace with which
I should not be satisfied. Yet if the time comes when you
hear me again lamenting a glorious war, do not think
me fickle and inconsistent. Had that happy stroke of
a pen been struck last year, when we might have had
a reasonable peace, we should not now be begging it, nor
be uncertain whether we are not to be at last magnificently
266 To Sir Horace Mann [i?62
I believe I have made a great blunder. I told you the
Duchess of Grafton said she had something for me from
you, but would not deliver it till she saw me. You,
I hooked into this, I do not know how. Lady Mary Coke
arrived from Paris at the same time, and brought me
a snuff-box, which she would not send, but give me herself.
I had been inquiring about both, and interpreted of the
Duchess what related to Lady Mary. So I have answered
your surprise before I receive it.
My nephew, Mr. Keppel 3, is made Bishop of Exeter.
How reverently ancient this makes me sound ! my nephew
the bishop ! Would not one think I was fourscore ? Lady
Albemarle ; there is a happy mother ! Honours military
and ecclesiastic raining upon her children ! She owns she
has felt intoxicated. The moment the King had com-
plimented the Duke of Cumberland on Lord Albemarle's
success4, the Duke stepped across the room to Lady
Albemarle, and said, 'If it was not in the Drawing-
room, I would kiss you.' He is full as transported as
she is.
Princess Augusta is certainly to marry the young hero
of Brunswick5. In Portugal it goes wofully. Count la
Lippe has been forced to cut the sash from the breast of
a Portuguese general officer for cowardice. I suppose,
however, that they will have honour enough left to stab
him privately for it I Carvalho's6 situation is beyond
description ; when our generals go to confer with him,
8 Frederick, the fourth son of afterwards Duke of Brunswick. Wai-
William Anne, second Earl of Al- pole.
bemarle, married Laura, eldest 6 The famous Prime Minister of
daughter of Sir Edward Walpole. Portugal. Walpole. — Sebastian Jo-
Walpole. seph Carvalho (1699-1782), Count of
4 George, Lord Albemarle, the con- Oeyras, Marquis of Ponabal. He re-
qneror of the Havannah, was the mained in power until the death of
chief favourite of William, Duke of Joseph I (1777), when he was dis-
Cumberland. Walpole. graced.
6 Charles, Hereditary Prince, and
1762] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 267
they find a guard at every door of every room in his
house ; bolts and bars are unlocked before they can arrive
at him ; he is forced to keep himself as he would secure
the head of the Jesuits. I expect very soon to see the
Portuguese royal family at Somerset House. Adieu !
Strawberry Hill, Oct. 29, 1762.
You take my philosophy very kindly, as it was meant ;
but I suppose you smile a little in your sleeve to hear
me turn moralist. Yet why should not I? Must every
absurd young man prove a foolish old one? Not that
I intend, when the hitter term is quite arrived, to profess
preaching ; nor should, I believe, have talked so gravely
to you, if your situation had not made me grave. Till the
campaign is ended, I shall be in no humour to smile.
For the war, when it will be over, I have no idea. The
Peace is a jack-o'-lanthorn that dances before one's eyes,
is never approached, and at best seems ready to lead some
folks into a woful quagmire.
As your brother was in town, and I had my intelligence
from him, I concluded you would have the same, and
therefore did not tell you of this last revolution, which has
brought Mr. Fox again upon the scene. I have been in
town but once since; yet learned enough to confirm the
opinion I had conceived, that the building totters, and
that this last buttress will but push on its fall. Besides
the clamorous opposition already encamped, the world
talks of another, composed of names not so often found
in a mutiny. What think you of the great Duke1, and
the little Duke8, and the old Duke8, and the Derbyshire
LKTTKB 851.— * Of Cumberland. Walpole. * Of Bedford. Walpole.
» Of Newcastle. Walpole.
268 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [i?62
Duke*, banded together ' against the favourite5? If so,
it proves the court, as the late Lord G ' wrote to the
Mayor of Litchfield, will have a majority in everything
but numbers. However, my letter is a week old before
I write it: things may have changed since last Tuesday.
Then the prospect was des plus gloomy. Portugal at the
eve of being conquered — Spain preferring a diadem to the
mural crown of the Havannah — a squadron taking horse
for Naples, to see whether King Carlos has any more
private bowels than public, whether he is a better father
than brother 7. If what I heard yesterday be true, that the
Parliament is to be put off till the 24th, it does not
look as if they were ready in the green-room, and despised
You bid me send you the flower of brimstone, the
best things published in this season of outrage. I should
not have waited for orders, if I had met with the least
tolerable morsel. But this opposition ran stark mad at
once, cursed, swore, called names, and has not been one
minute cool enough to have a grain of wit. Their prints
are gross, their papers scurrilous ; indeed the authors abuse
one another more than anybody else. I have not seen
a single ballad or epigram. They are as seriously dull
as if the controversy was religious. I do not take in a
paper of either side ; and being very indifferent, the only
way of being impartial, they shall not make me pay till
they make me laugh. I am here quite alone, and shall
stay a fortnight longer, unless the Parliament prorogued
lengthens my holidays. I do not pretend to be so in-
different, to have so little curiosity, as not to go and see
the Duke of Newcastle frightened for his country — the
4 Of Devonshire. WcUpole. • Probably Lord Gower.
5 John Stuart, Earl of Bute. Wai- 7 His son was King of Naples, his
pole. sister Queen of Portugal.
1762] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 269
only thing that never yet gave him a panic. Then I am
still such a schoolboy, that though I could guess half
their orations, and know all their meaning, I must go
and hear Caesar and Pompey scold in the Temple of
Concord. As this age is to make such a figure hereafter,
how the Gronoviuses and Warburtons would despise
a senator that deserted the forum when the masters of
the world harangued ! For, as this age is to be historic,
so of course it will be a standard of virtue too ; and we,
like our wicked predecessors the Komans, shall be quoted,
till our very ghosts blush, as models of patriotism and
magnanimity. What lectures will be read to poor children
on this sera ! Europe taught to tremble, the great King
humbled, the treasures of Peru diverted into the Thames,
Asia subdued by the gigantic Clive ! for in that age men
were near seven feet high ; France suing for peace at the
gates of Buckingham House, the steady wisdom of the
Duke of Bedford drawing a circle round the Gallic monarch,
and forbidding him to pass it till he had signed the cession
of America ; Pitt more eloquent than Demosthenes, and
trampling on proffered pensions like — I don't know who ;
Lord Temple sacrificing a brother to the love of his country ;
Wilkes as spotless as Sallust, and the Flamen Churchill 8
knocking down the foes of Britain with statues of the
gods ! — Oh ! I am out of breath with eloquence and
prophecy, and truth and lies : my narrow chest was not
formed to hold inspiration ! I must return to piddling
with my Painters: those lofty subjects are too much for
me. Good night !
Yours ever,
P.S. I forgot to tell you that Gideon, who is dead worth
8 Charles Churchill the poet. Walpole.
270 To Lady Hervey [i762
more than the whole land of Canaan, has left the reversion
of all his milk and honey, after his son and daughter and
their children, to the Duke of Devonshire, without in-
sisting on his taking the name, or even being circumcised.
Lord Albemarle is expected home in December. My
nephew Keppel is Bishop of Exeter, not of the Havannah,
as you may imagine, for his mitre was promised the day
before the news came.
MADAM, Strawberry Hill, Oct. 81, 1762.
It is too late, I fear, to attempt acknowledging the
honour Madame de Chabot * does me ; and yet, if she is not
gone, I would fain not appear ungrateful. I do not know
where she lives, or I would not take the liberty again of
making your Ladyship my penny-post. If she is gone, you
will throw my note into the fire.
Pray, Madam, blow your nose with a piece of flannel —
not that I believe it will do you the least good — but, as all
wise folks think it becomes them to recommend nursing
and flannelling the gout, imitate them ; and I don't know
any other way of lapping it up, when it appears in the
person of a running cold. I will make it a visit on Tuesday
next, and shall hope to find it tolerably vented.
I am, Madam,
Your Ladyship's most faithful humble servant,
P.S. You must tell me all the news when I arrive, for
I know nothing of what is passing. I have only seen in
the papers, that the cock and hen doves * that went to Paris
LETTER 852. — 1 Lady Mary Chabot, 2 The Duke and Duchess of Bed-
daughter of the Earl of Stafford. ford. Walpole.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 271
not having been able to make peace, there is a third dove s
just flown thither to help them.
Arlington Street, Thursday, Nov. 4.
THE events of these last eight days will make you stare.
This day se'nnight the Duke of Devonshire came to town,
was flatly refused an audience, and gave up his key1.
Yesterday Lord Kockingham resigned, and your cousin
Manchester was named to the Bedchamber. The King then
in Council called for the book, and dashed out the Duke of
Devonshire's name. If you like spirit, en voila !
Do you know, I am sorry for all this? You will not
suspect me of tenderness for his Grace of Devon, nor,
recollecting how the whole house of Cavendish treated me
on my breach with my uncle, will any affronts that happen
to them call forth my tears. But I think the act too
violent and too serious, and dipped in a deeper dye than
I like in politics.
Squabbles, and speeches, and virtue, and prostitution,
amuse one sometimes ; less and less indeed every day ; but
measures, from which you must advance and cannot retreat,
is a game too deep — one neither knows who may be in-
volved, nor where will be the end. It is not pleasant.
Adieu ! Yours ever,
Arlington Street, Nov. 9, 1762.
I NOW pay my last debt to you, for I send you the Peace \
It arrived at three o'clock yesterday morning, and was
* Mr. Hans Stanley. WalpoU. berlain.
LETTER 853. — 1 He was Lord Cham- LETTER 854. — l The Peace of Paris.
272 To Sir Horace Mann [i?62
signed on the third ; includes Spain, saves Portugal, and
leaves the hero and heroine 2 of Germany to scratch out one
another's last eye. I do not pretend to minute the par-
ticulars to you ; you will have heard them from France
before you can have received them from me. Nay, I do not
know them exactly. Florida for the Havannah is the chief
thing mentioned ; so Spain pays a little for the family-
compact, besides the loss of her ships, and disappointment
of the crown of Portugal. I believe she relinquished her
prospect of the latter to save that of Naples ; a bombarding
fleet was destined thither. The ministry affect to talk
highly of their peace, though I think they are not very
proud of it. The City condemns it already by wholesale,
and will by retail. Mr. Pitt says it is inadequate to our
successes, and inglorious for our allies ; the gentlest words
I suppose he will utter. For my part, who know nothing
of the detail, I can but rejoice that peace is made. The
miserable world will have some repose, and Mr. Conway is
safe. I own I have lived in terror about him.
Coupled with the consequences of the Peace will be two
great events that have lately happened to one considerable
person, and which have occasioned much surprise. The
Duke of Devonshire, who has been fluctuating between his
golden key and disgust, ever since the Duke of Newcastle's
fall, came from the Bath last Thursday se'nnight ; prepared
to resign, if ill received. He went directly to court, and
bid the page in waiting tell the King he was there. A flat
answer that the King would not see him was returned. He
sent in again to know what he must do with his key and
staff, — reply : he should receive the King's orders about
them. He went directly to Lord Egremont'ss and left
them there. On the following Wednesday the King in
2 The King of Prussia and the Empress Queen. Walpole.
3 Secretary of State. Walpole.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 273
Council called for the Council book, and ordered the Duke's
name to be struck out of it: — a proceeding almost novel,
having never happened but to Lord Bath * and Lord George
Sackville. There are but faint reasons given for so igno-
minious a treatment, as his not coming to Council when
summoned, &c., but the political cause assigned is, to
intimidate the great lords, and prevent more resignations,
which were expected. Hitherto in that light it has suc-
ceeded, for Lord Eockingham5 alone has quitted. It is
very amusing to me to see the House of Lords humbled.
I have long beheld their increasing power with concern, and
though not at all wishing to see the higher scale prepon-
derating, I am convinced nothing but the crown can reduce
the exorbitance of the peers, and perhaps it will be able ;
for I believe half those who are proud of twenty thousand
pounds a year, will bear anything for a thousand more.
I forgot when I named only Lord Eockingham: the
Duke's brother and brother-in-law, Lord George Cavendish
and Lord Besborough 6, resigned their places 7 immediately.
None of them but the Marquis in the Bedchamber are yet
filled up.
I am an honester prophet than most of my profession.
I record my blunders. I foretold that this ministry would
not be able to open the Parliament. See how fair I am ;
I do not pretend that I only meant on the eleventh — it is
put off to the twenty-fifth, and yet I do not brag of the
event verifying my prediction. As the Peace is come, they
must abide it ; and probably will be able to carry it through
— and yet they will have to fight their way. The Duke of
Newcastle certainly — by certainly I only mean to answer
4 W. Pulteney, Earl of Bath. Wai- of Besborongh. Walpole.
pole. 7 As Comptroller of the Honse-
6 Charles Wentworth, second Mar- hold and Joint Postmaster-General
quis of Rockingham. Walpole. respectively.
6 William Ponsonby, second Earl
274 To the Rev. William Cole [i?62
for his resolution at this instant — goes into opposition.
Lord Hardwicke, it is said, will accompany him — if he does,
I shall not think Lord Bute's game so sure ; that is, I have
no notion of Yorkes in opposition without a moral assurance
of success. If the man Hardwicke comes out of the weather-
house, it will certainly be a stormy season.
I write shortly, for I am in a hurry ; but my letter, rolled
out, would make a very large one. Your own comments
will make it last you some time. In short, more than one
die is cast. I am returning to Strawberry for some days,
rejoiced that my friends are secure ; and for events, let
them come as they may. I have nothing to do to be glad
or sorry, whatever happens ministerially, and do not know
why one may not see history with the same indifference
that one reads it. Adieu !
P.S. I wish you would trouble yourself to inquire at
Eome whether the mould of the Livia Mattei, made by
Valory for my mother's 8 statue, exists. My cast is broken
through and through, and the plaster too rotten to be
repaired or to last. If existing, will you inform yourself to
how much a cast in bronze would amount? If it would
pass my pocket, I must be glad of another cast.
DEAR SlR, Strawberry Hill, Nov. 13, 1762.
You will easily guess that my delay in answering your
obliging letter was solely owing to my not knowing whither
to direct to you. I waited till I thought you may be
returned home. Thank you for all the trouble you have
given, and do give yourself for me ; it is vastly more than
I deserve.
8 On her monument in Westminster Abbey. Walpole.
1762] To Henry Fox 275
Duke Bichard's portrait I willingly waive, at least for the
present, till one can find out who he is. I have more
curiosity about the figures of Henry VII at Christ's College ;
I shall be glad some time or other to visit them, to see how
far either of them agree with his portrait in my picture of
his marriage. St. Ethelreda was mighty welcome.
We have had variety of weather since I saw you, but
I fear none of the patterns made your journey more agree-
able. I am, Sir,
Your much obliged
Humble servant,
856. To H.ENBY Fox1.
DEAR SIR, Nov. 21, 1762.
After having done 2 what the world knows I have done,
to try to retrieve the affairs of my family, and to save my
nephew from ruin, I can have little hopes that any inter-
position of mine will tend to an end I wish so much.
I cannot even flatter myself with having the least weight
with my Lord Orford. In the present case I can still less
indulge myself in any such hopes. You remember in the
case of the St. Michael election, how hardly he used me on
your account. I know how much he resented last year his
LETTER 856. — l Fox had recently jected a match for Lord Orford with
been made leader of the House of Miss Nicholl, an heiress worth one
Commons in order to procure a hundred and fifty thousand pounds,
majority in favour of the Peace. whom Lord Orford would not marry ;
With the view of securing all possible and in the course of which negotia-
parliamentary support, he offered to tion I had a great quarrel with my
Lord Orford the Bangerships of St. uncle, old Horace Walpole, who en-
James's and Hyde Parks through deavoured, though trusted with her
Horace Walpole, hoping thus to by me, to marry her to one of his
secure both uncle and nephew. For own younger sons. This quarrel had
Fox's letter see Memoirs of George III, made a very great noise, and many
ed. 1894, voL L pp. 168-9, whence persons were engaged in it. The
Walpole's notes on his reply to Fox young lady afterwards married the
are also taken. Marquis of Caernarvon. Walpole.
8 This alludes to my having pro-
T 2
276 To Henry Fox [1762
thinking you concerned in the contest about the borough3
where he set up Mr. Thomas Walpole ; as he has not even
now deigned to answer Mr. Boone's letter4, I can little
expect that he will behave with more politeness to me.
Yet, I think it so much my duty to lay before him anything
for his advantage, and what is by no means incompatible
with his honour, that I certainly will acquaint him imme-
diately with the offer you are so good as to make him.
You see I write to you with my usual frankness and
sincerity ; and you will, I am sure, be so good as to keep to
yourself the freedom with which I mention very nice family
affairs. You must excuse me if I add one word more on
myself. My wish is, that Lord Orford should accept this
offer ; yet, I tell you truly, I shall state it to him plainly
and simply, without giving any advice, not only for the
reasons I have expressed above, but because I do not mean
to be involved in this affair any otherwise than as a
messenger. A man who is so scrupulous as not to accept
any obligation for himself, cannot be allowed to accept one
for another without thinking himself bound in gratitude as
much as if done to himself. The very little share I ever
mean to take more in public affairs shall and must be
dictated by disinterested motives. I have no one virtue to
support me but that disinterestedness, and, if I act with
you, no man living shall have it to say that it was not by
choice and by principle.
I am, dear Sir,
Your obedient humble servant,
s Mr. Fox had supported Mr. 4 Mr. Boone had acquainted me
Sullivan at a borough in the west with this, and Mr. Fox thought I
against Mr. T. Walpole. I forget did not know it, but I chose to let
whether it was Callington or Ash- him see I did. Walpole. — Fox had
burton. Lord Orford was heir to sounded Lord Orford through Mr.
estates in both by his mother. Wai- Boone on this matter of the Banger-
pole. — It was the borough of Ash- ships,
1762] To the Earl of Orford 277
MY DEAR LORD, Arlington Street, Nov. 22, 1762.
I must preface what I am going to say, with desiring you
to believe that I by no means take the liberty of giving
you any advice, and should the proposal I have to make to
you be disagreeable, I beg you to excuse it, as I thought it
my duty to lay before you anything that is for your advan-
tage, and as you would have reason to blame me if I de-
clined communicating to you a lucrative offer.
I last night received a letter from Mr. Fox, in which he
tells me, that, hearing the Parks, vacant by Lord Ash-
burnham's resignation, are worth 2,2001. a year, he will,
if you desire to succeed him, do his best to procure that
employment for you, if he can soon learn that it is your
If you will be so good as to send me your answer, I will
acquaint him with it, or if you think it more polite to
thank Mr. Fox himself for his obliging offer, I shall be very
well content to be, as I am in everything else, a cipher,
except where I can show myself,
My dear Lord,
Your very affectionate humble servant,
LETTER 857. — 1 ' To this letter, nor him with the offer. Without preface
to the offer, did Lord Orford give him- or apology, without recollecting his
self the trouble of malting the least long enmity to Fox (it is true, he did
reply ; but arriving in town on the not know why he was Fox's enemy),
very day the Parliament met, he came and without a hint of reconciliation ,
to me, and asked what he was to do ? to Fox he went, accepted the place,
I replied very coldly, I did not know and never gave that ministry one
what he intended to do ; but if his vote afterwards ; continuing in the
meaning was to accept, I supposed country, as he would have done if
he ought to go to Mr. Fox, and tell they had given him nothing.' (Me-
him so, I having nothing farther to moirs of George III, ed. 1894, voL i.
do with it than barely to acquaint p. 172.)
278 To Sir Horace Mann [i?62
Arlington Street, Nov. 30, 1762.
As the Parliament is met, you will naturally expect to
hear much news ; but, whatever disposition there may be
to create novelties, nothing has yet happened of any im-
portance. One perceives that the chiefs of the opposition
have not much young blood in their veins. The first day
of the session was remarkable for nothing but the absence
of the leaders ; Mr. Fox had vacated his seat, and Mr. Pitt
was laid up with the gout, as he still continues. But, if
the generals want fire, the troops do not : Lord Bute was in
great danger from the mob, was hissed and pelted, and, if
the guards had not been fetched, would probably have fared
still worse. The majority is certainly with the court ; the
nation against it. The Duke of Cumberland, who has en-
tirely broken with Mr. Fox, has had a conference of four
hours with Mr. Pitt. Hitherto it has produced nothing.
As wishing well to Mr. Fox, I can but be sorry he has
undertaken his new province, to which his health is by no
means equal. I should think the probability of his death
must alarm the court, who owe their present security
entirely to him, and would not meet with much quarter
from Mr. Pitt, the Duke of Devonshire, or the greater
Duke1. The resentment of the last I guess to be the
bitterest of all. For the Duke of Newcastle, he only makes
one smile as usual ; to see him frisking while his grave
is digging. Contests for power and struggles of faction
have long served only to divert me. I wish I thought the
present tempest would end like all others I have seen, in
gratifying the dirty views of particulars ; they would have
their pay, and we should be quiet for a season. I don't
take that to be entirely the case at present.
LKTTEE 858.— 1 The Duke of Cumberland. WalpoU.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 279
The Duke of Marlborough is Lord Chamberlain ; Lord
Northumberland, Chamberlain to the Queen and Cabinet
Counsellor. Other places vacated by resignations are not
yet filled up ; but it is known that Mr. Morice, whom you
have lately seen, is to be Comptroller of the Household.
Your old friend, Lord Sandwich, goes ambassador to
Spam8. Another of your friends is dead, Lord Corke3;
and another has desired me to say much to you from him —
Lord Stormont : he is a particular favourite with me.
Mr. Conway stays to conduct home the troops : as it will
be above six weeks before I see him, I should be sorry if
I did not envy anybody that is at a distance from these
bustles. I am particularly glad that he is so, for it is not
every man that has resolution enough to meddle so little
in them as I do. Lord Granby is impatiently expected:
it is not certain what part he will take, and, with his un-
bounded popularity, it cannot be indifferent. The most
tempting honours have been offered to him ; but, however
it is, even Lord Hardwicke has resisted temptations — very
lucrative temptations ! Yet I do not brag of the virtue of
the age ; for, if there are two Fabricii, there are two
hundred Esaus.
There is come forth a new state coach, which has cost
8,OOOZ. It is a beautiful object, though crowded with im-
proprieties. Its support are tritons, not very well adapted
to land-carriage ; and formed of palm-trees, which are as
little aquatic as tritons are terrestrial. The crowd to see
it on the opening of the Parliament was greater than at the
Coronation, and much more mischief done.
The Duchess of Grafton has given me the drawing of the
Casino at Leghorn by Inigo Jones. It is very pretty : was
not I to have a church by him too ?
a Lord Sandwich did not go to * John Boyle, fifth Earl of Cork
Spain ; he was appointed First Lord and Orrery,
of the Admiralty in April, 1763.
280 To George Montagu [1702
The Duchess of Bedford has sent to Lady Bolingbroke *
a remarkably fine enamelled watch, to be shown to the
Queen. The Queen desired her to put it on, that she might
see how it looked— and then said it looked so well, it ought
to remain by Lady Bolingbroke's side, and gave it her.
Was not this done in a charming manner ?
George Selwyn, of whom you have heard so much, but
don't know, is returned from Paris, whither he went with
the Duchess of Bedford. He says our passion for every-
thing French is nothing to theirs for everything English.
There is a book published called the Anglomanie. How
much worse they understand us, even than we do them,
you will see by this story. The old Marechale de Villars
gave a vast dinner to the Duchess of Bedford. In the
middle of the dessert, Madame de Villars called out, ' Oh,
Jesus ! they have forgot ! yet I bespoke them, and I am
sure they are ready ; you English love hot rolls — bring the
rolls.' There arrived a huge dish of hot rolls, and a sauce-
boat of melted butter. Adieu !
Arlington Street, Dec. 20, 1762.
As I am far from having been better since I wrote to you
last, my postchaise points more and more to Naples. Yet
Strawberry, like a mistress,
As oft as I ascend the hill of health,
Washes my hold away.
Your company would have made me decide much faster,
but I see I have little hopes of that, nor can I blame you ;
I don't use so rough a word with regard to myself, but to
4 Lady Diana Spencer, eldest Viscount Bolingbroke, and one of
daughter of Charles, Duke of Marl- the Ladies of the Bedchamber to the
borough, wife of Frederic St. John, Queen. Walpole,
1762] To George Montagu 281
your pursuing your amusement, which I am sure the
journey would be. I never doubted your constant kindness
to me one moment ; the affectionate manner in which you
offered, three weeks ago, to accompany me to Bath, will
never be forgotten. I do not think my complaint very
serious, for how can it be so, when it has never confined
me a whole day ? But my mornings are so bad, and I have
had so much more pain this last week, with restless nights,
that I am convinced it must not be trifled with. Yet
I think Italy would be the last thing I would try, if
it were not to avoid politics. Yet I hear nothing else.
The court and opposition both grow more violent every day
from the same cause, the victory of the former. Both sides
torment me with their affairs, though it is so plain I do
not care a straw about either. I wish I was great enough
to say, as a French officer on the stage at Paris said to the
pit, ' Accordez-vous, canaille!' Yet to a man without am-
bition or interestedness, politicians are canaille. Nothing
appears to me more ridiculous in my life than my having
ever loved their squabbles, and that at an age when I loved
better things too ! My poor neutrality, which thing I signed
with all the world, subjects me, like other insignificant
monarchs on parallel occasions, to affronts. On Thursday
I was summoned to Princess Emily's loo. Loo she called
it, politics it was. The second thing she said to me was,
'How was you the two long days?' 'Madam, I was only
there the first.' 'And how did you vote?' 'Madam,
I went away.' ' Upon my word, that was carving well.' —
Not a very pleasant apostrophe to one who certainly never
was a time-server ! — Well, we sat down. She said, ' I hear
Wilkinson1 is turned out, and that Sir Edward Winnington2
LETTKK859. — * Andrew Wilkinson, * Sir Edward Winnington, first
M.P. for Aldborough, Store-Keeper Baronet, of Stanford Court, Worces-
of the Ordnance. tershire, M.P. for Bewdley; d. 1791.
282 To George Montagu [i?62
is to have his place ; who is he ? ' addressing herself to me,
who sat over against her. ' He is the late Mr. Winnington's
heir, Madam.' ' Did you like that Winnington ? ' 'I can't
but say I did, Madam.' She shrugged up her shoulders,
and continued : ' Winnington originally was a great Tory ;
what do you think he was when he died?' 'Madam,
I believe what all people are in place.' — Pray, Mr. Montagu,
do you perceive anything rude or offensive in this ? Hear
then — she flew into the most outrageous passion, coloured
like scarlet, and said, ' None of your wit ; I don't under-
stand joking on those subjects ; what do you think your
father would have said if he had heard you say so ? He
would have murdered you, and you would have deserved
it.' — I was quite confounded and amazed — it was impossible
to explain myself 'cross a loo-table, as she is so deaf : there
is no making a reply to a woman and a Princess, and par-
ticularly for me, who have made it a rule, when I must
converse with royalties, to treat them with the greatest
respect, since it is all the court they will ever have from
me. I said to those on each side of me, ' What can I do ?
I cannot explain myself now.' Well, I held my peace —
and so did she for a quarter of an hour — then she began
with me again — examined me on the whole debate, and at
last asked me directly, which I thought the best speaker,
my father or Mr. Pitt ? If possible, this was more dis-
tressing than her anger. I replied, it was impossible to
compare two men so different — that I believed my father
was more a man of business than Mr. Pitt — 'Well, but
Mr. Pitt's language?' — 'Madam,' said I, 'I have always
been remarkable for admiring Mr. Pitt's language.' At
last, this unpleasant scene ended ; but as we were going
away, I went close to her, and said, ' Madam, I must beg
leave to explain myself ; your Eoyal Highness has seemed
to be very angry with me, and I am sure I did not mean
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 283
to offend you : all I intended to say was, that I supposed
Tories were Whigs when they got places!' 'Oh!' said
she, ' I am very much obliged to you ; indeed, I was
very angry.' Why she was angry, or what she thought
I meant, I do not know to this moment, unless she sup-
posed that I would have hinted that the Duke of Newcastle
and the opposition were not men of consummate virtue, and
had not lost their places out of principle. The very reverse
was at that time in my head ; for I meant that the Tories
would be just as loyal as the Whigs, when they got any-
thing by it.
You will laugh at my distresses, and in truth they are
little serious ; yet they almost put me out of humour. If
your cousin realizes his fair words to you, I shall be very
good-humoured again. I am not so morose as to dislike
my friends for being in place. Indeed, if they are in great
place, my friendship goes to sleep like a paroli at pharaoh,
and does not wake again till their deal is over. Good
night !
Yours ever,
H. W.
Arlington Street, Dec. 20, 1762.
I RECEIVED your letter for the Duchess of Grafton, and
gave it to her last night. She was so pleased with your
good-breeding and compliments, that she made me read it.
Her Duke is appearing in a new light, and by the figure he
•makes will probably soon be the head of the opposition,
if it continues; though the vast majority on the pre-
liminaries will probably damp it extremely. In the Lords
there was no division ; in the Commons, 319 to 65. Such
a triumphancy in the court will not be easily mastered.
To-day has been execution-day ; great havoc is made
284 To Sir Horace Mann [i?62
amongst the Duke of Newcastle's friends, who are turned
out down to the lowest offices.
This is a want of moderation after victory, which I, who
never loved the house of Pelham, cannot commend. He
cannot indemnify his friends ; and I am not apt to think
he would if he could. Some of them, who had the same
doubt, took care not to put this last ingratitude in his
power, but abandoned him. I did miss a scene that would
have pleased me. The Chancellor1 abused the Duke of New-
castle and Lord Hardwicke unmercifully, though the latter
moves mighty slowly towards opposition, and counts his
purse over at every step. So oft I have seen unbounded
subservience to those two men in the House of Lords, that
it would have pleased me to have been witness of their
defeat on the same spot, and, — there I have done with it.
It is an angry opposition, but very dull ; does not produce
a lively ballad or epigram. I have even heard but one
bon mot of its manufacture, and that was very delicate and
pretty. They were saying that everybody, without ex-
ception, was to be turned out that the Duke of Newcastle
had brought in ; somebody replied, ' Save the King.'
For twenty years I have been looking at parties, factions,
changes, and struggles ; do you wonder I am tired, when
I have seen them so often acted over, and pretty much by
the same dramatis personae ? Yet I wish I had no worse
reason for not enjoying the repetition. I am not only
grown old (though I find that is no reason with the
generality, for I think all the chiefs are very Struldbrugs
in politics), but my spirits are gone.
It is always against my will when I talk of my health,
and I have disguised its being out of order as long as I could ;
but since the fit of the gout that I had in the spring, and
whose departure I believe I precipitated too fast, I have had
LETTER 860. — l Lord Northington. Walpole.
1762] To Sir Horace Mann 285
a constant pain in my breast or stomach. It comes like a
fever at six in the morning, proceeds to a pain by the time
I rise, and lasts with a great lowness of spirits till after
dinner. In most evenings I am quite well. I am teased
about my management of myself. I abhor physicians, and
have scarce asked a question of one ; my regimen is still
more condemned ; but I act by what I find succeeds best
with me. You will be surprised when I tell you, that
though I think my complaint a flying gout, I treat it with
water and the coldest things I can find, except hartshorn ;
fifty drops of the latter and three pears are my constant
supper, and my best nights are when I adhere to this method.
I thought for three weeks I had cured myself, but for these
last ten days I have been rather worse than before. In
short, what I hope you will not dislike, though you will be
sorry for the cause, I am thinking seriously of a journey to
Italy in March. Much against my inclination, I own, except
for the pleasure of seeing you.
Strawberry, which I have almost finished to my mind,
and where I mean to pass the greatest part of the remainder
of my life, pulls hard. I shall decide in a few days whether
I shall set out, or first try Bath or Bristol. The two latter,
except for the shortness of the time, are much more against
my inclination than going abroad ; but I have talked too
much of myself ; let us come to you. I am heartily glad
Mr. Mackenzie is your friend ; he is a man of strict honour,
and will be so if he professes it. I do not know what to
advise about Naples. You know I always repeat my father's
maxim, Quieta non movere. Besides, should you like it?
After so many years, would you care to tap a new world,
a new set of acquaintance ? But I am a bad counsellor : my
aversion to embarking in new scenes, not early in one's life,
is, I find it, particular ; few think themselves so old as I do
at five-and-forty ; nor would I give myself for a rule to any
286 To the Eev. William Cole [1762
man else. My bidding adieu to the world already (I do not
mean by a formal retreat, of which one always grows tired,
and which one makes a silly figure by quitting again) is not
a part for everybody; for I never had any ambition, and
though much love for fame, I very near despise that as much
too now. Youth is the only real season for joy, but cannot,
nor surely should be pushed a moment beyond its term —
but this is moralizing! If Mr. Mackenzie could send you
to Naples, he can keep you at Florence. Continue to secure
him. Try to be useful to the King in his love of virtu.
I counselled this from the first minute of his reign.
If you choose to try for Naples, I cannot dissuade it ; nor
can the solicitation hurt you whether it succeed or not.
Whatever you wish I wish heartily. I have long made
myself of too little consequence to contribute anything to
my friends but wishes. Adieu! my dear Sir.
P.S. It is very true, I had the jesse of my mother's
statue, but, as I told you, it is so rotten and crumbling that
I want another.
DEAR SiB, Arlington Street, Dec. 23, 1762.
You are always abundantly kind to me, and pass my
power of thanking you. You do nothing but give yourself
trouble, and me presents. My cousin Calthorp is a great
rarity, and I think I ought, therefore, to return him to you,
but that would not be treating him like a relation, or you
like a friend. My ancestor's epitaph, too, was very agreeable
to me.
I have not been at Strawberry Hill these three weeks.
My maid is ill there, and I have not been well myself with
the same flying gout in my stomach and breast, of which
1763] To Sir Horace Mann 287
you heard me complain a little in the summer. I am much
persuaded to go to a warmer climate, which often disperses
these unsettled complaints. I do not care for it, nor can
determine till I see I grow worse : if I do go, I hope it will
not be for long ; and you shall certainly hear again before
I set out.
Yours most sincerely,
Arlington Street, Jan. 28, 1763.
I AH a slatternly correspondent when I have nothing to
say. When that is the case, I like you should understand it
by my silence, rather than give a description of a vacuum.
The Peace, which has hitched and hobbled, draws, they
say, to a conclusion. The opposition died in the birth. All
is quiet, but a little paper-war, which is pungent enough,
but no citadel was ever taken by popguns.
Shall you be glad or sorry that my postchaise is not at
the door bound for Florence ? For me you will rejoice, as
I trust you will be a little disappointed on your own account,
though I have been so often bound for Italy, that perhaps
you did not expect me even now. For this month we have
had a most severe frost, which kills everybody else, and
cures me. In short, I am so much better since the cold
weather set in, that it has almost persuaded me that my
complaint was nervous and not gouty ; and, consequently,
if Greenland suits me, Naples would not: however, I am
come to no decision. I await the thaw before I shall know
what to think ; still extremely disposed to an Italian voyage,
if Strawberry would give its consent.
This winter has produced no ghost, no new madness.
I fear Monsieur de Nivernois will think we have been
288 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [i?63
scandalized, and that we are quite a reasonable people ; but
he, too, must wait for the thaw !
I have nothing to send you more but the enclosed lines
on Lord Granville *, which I wrote last year. The picture
is allowed to be so like, that you, who could scarcely be
acquainted with him, will know it. Adieu ! I am sorry
tranquillity and the post agree so ill together!
Strawberry Hill, Feb. 28, 1763.
YOUR letter of the 19th seems to postpone your arrival
rather than advance it ; yet Lady Ailesbury tells me that to
her you talk of being here in ten days. I wish devoutly to
see you, though I am not departing myself; but I am im-
patient to have your disagreeable function l at an end, and
to know that you enjoy yourself after such fatigues, dangers,
and ill-requited services. For any public satisfaction you
will receive in being at home, you must not expect much.
Your mind was not formed to float on the surface of a
mercenary world. My prayer (and my belief) is, that you
may always prefer what you always have preferred, your
integrity, to success. You will then laugh, as I do, at the
attacks and malice of faction or ministers. I taste of both ;
but, as my health is recovered, and my mind does not
reproach me, they will perhaps only give me an opportunity,
which I should never have sought, of proving that I have
some virtue — and it will not be proved in the way they
probably expect. I have better evidence than by hanging
out the tattered ensigns of patriotism. But this and a
LETTER862. — J These lines on John, Jan. 2, 1763.
Earl Granville, got into print, and, LETTER 863. — l The re-embarka-
therefore, are not repeated here. tion of the British troops from
Wdlpole.— See Lord Orford's Works, Flanders after the Peace. Walpole.
vol. i. p. 81. Lord Granville died on
1763] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 289
thousand other things I shall reserve for our meeting. Your
brother * has pressed me much to go with him, if he goes,
to Paris s. I take it veiy kindly, but have excused myself,
though I have promised either to accompany him for a short
time at first, or to go to him if he should have any particular
occasion for me : but my resolution against ever appearing
in any public light is unalterable. When I wish to live less
and less in the world here, I cannot think of mounting a
new stage at Paris. At this moment I am alone here, while
everybody is balloting in the House of Commons. Sir John
Philips proposed a Commission of Accounts, which has been
converted into a select committee of twenty-one, eligible by
ballot. As the ministry is not predominant in the affections
of mankind, some of them may find a jury elected that will
not be quite so complaisant as the House is in general when
their votes are given openly. As many may be glad of this
opportunity, I shun it; for I should scorn to do anything
in secret, though I have some enemies that are not quite so
You say you have seen the North Briton, in which I make
a capital figure. Wilkes, the author, I hear, says, that if he
had thought I should have taken it so well, he would have
been damned before he would have written it — but I am not
sore where I am not sore.
The theatre at Covent Garden has suffered more by riots 4
than even Drury Lane. A footman of Lord Dacre has been
hanged for murdering the butler. George Selwyn had great
hand in bringing him to confess it. That Selwyn should be
a capital performer in a scene of that kind is not extra-
ordinary : I tell it you for the strange coolness which the
young fellow, who was but nineteen, expressed : as he was
1 The Earl of Hertford. the managers to admit spectators at
8 As Embassador. Walpole. half-price after the third act.
* In consequence of the refusal of
290 To Sir Horace Mann [1763
writing his confession, ' I murd — ' he stopped, and asked,
' How do you spell murdered ? '
Mr. Fox is much better than at the beginning of the winter ;
and both his health and power seem to promise a longer
duration than people expected. Indeed, I think the latter is
so established, that Lord Bute would find it more difficult
to remove him, than he did his predecessors, and may even
feel the effects of the weight he has made over to him ; for
it is already obvious that Lord Bute's levee is not the present
path to fortune. Permanence is not the complexion of these
times — a distressful circumstance to the votaries of a court,
but amusing to us spectators. Adieu !
Yours ever,
Arlington Street, March 4, 1763.
IT is an age since I wrote to you, but I told you that the
conclusion of the war would leave our correspondence a little
dry. The Peace is now general1, and the King of Prussia,
who has one life more than Rominagrobis the monarch of
the cats had, lights upon all his legs. He has escaped an
hundred battles, and what was more threatening, three angry
Empresses a, of whom one 3, at least, is not tender of sovereign
lives. If he does not write his own history, I shall not
rejoice much for him ; yet now he will have managements ;
he will not be quite so frank, as in the middle of his career
and anger. Besides, his objects will have shifted so often,
that his Memoires, like the Duchess of Marlborough's, will
vary continually from his first impressions. There is no
change in the scene at home. The opposition has proved
LETTER 864. — * The Peace of Hu- 2 Elizabeth and Catherine of
bertsburg (Feb. 16, 1763) had put an Russia, and Maria Theresa of Ger-
and to the war of the King of Prussia many. Walpole.
with Austria and Saxony. 3 The Czarina Catherine. Walpole,
1763] To Sir Horace Mann 291
the silliest that ever was, and has scarcely even pretensions
to the title. There have been more hostilities at the play-
houses, than between anything that calls itself party. Both
theatres have been demolished on the inside. The cause
was, the managers refusing to take half prices after the
second act ; and with good reason ; considering how every-
thing is advanced in dearness, it is hard on them to be
stinted to primitive tolls. The managers have submitted ;
but the King's Bench is not likely to be so acquiescent,
where some of the rioters are to be tried.
The Duchess of Hamilton, who was thought in a deep
consumption like her sister Coventry, has produced a son 4,
and, according to the marvellous fortune attending those
two beauties, will probably be mother of the two dukes5,
whose rival houses so long divided Scotland. Lord Bath's
history winds up in a more melancholy manner. After
preserving his only son Lord Pulteney through the course
of the war, he has just lost him by a putrid fever at Madrid,
as he was returning from Portugal. That enormous wealth,
heaped up with so little credit, is left without an heir !
I saw yesterday a magnificent service of Chelsea china,
which the King and Queen are sending to the Duke of
Mecklenburgh. There are dishes and plates without number,
an epergne, candlesticks, salt-cellars, sauce-boats, tea and
coffee equipages ; in short, it is complete ; and costs twelve
hundred pounds ! I cannot boast of our taste ; the forms
are neither new, beautiful, nor various. Yet Sprimont, the
manufacturer, is a Frenchman6. It seems their taste will
not bear transplanting. But I have done ; my letter has
tumbled from the King of Prussia to a set of china ; encore
passe, if I had begun with the King of Poland, ce Roy de
Fayence 7, as the other called him. Adieu !
4 George John Campbell; d. 1764. 7 From the manufacture of porce-
6 Hamilton and Argyll. lain at Dresden. Walpole.
6 He was a Fleming.
U 2
292 To the Earl of Bute [1763
As it is now near five months since your Lordship signed
my orders, I should be glad if your Lordship would please
to direct the payment of the money '.
I am, my Lord,
Your Lordship's obedient humble servant,
Arlington Street, March 14, 1763. HoR- WALPOLE.
I am very sensible of your Lordship's obliging civility in
immediately ordering my money on my application. It
was by no means from want of respect to your Lordship
that that application was not made sooner ; but for above
twenty years that I have held the office, it has been the
constant practice to write to the First Secretary to desire his
letter, when the Lords have signed the orders, and the
payment has seldom been delayed above a fortnight after.
If your Lordship should approve of it, I had much rather,
as my bills become due, apply to your Lordship, than to
anybody else, unless your Lordship please to give any other
I am, my Lord,
Your Lordship's most obedient humble Servant,
Arlington Street, March 16, 1763. HoR- WALPOLE.
LETTER 865. — Not in C. ; reprinted stopped for some months, nor made
from Lord Orford's Works (1798), but on my writing to Lord Bute
voL ii. p. 880. himself.' (Memoirs of George III,
i Money due to Horace Walpole as ed. 1894, voL L p. 171.)
Usher of the Exchequer. Walpole LETTER 866. — Not in C. ; reprinted
explains that he had disobliged Fox ; from Lord Orford's Works (1798),
1 the consequence to me was that by voL ii. p. 380, after collation with
his influence with Martin, Secretary original in possession of Maggs Bros.,
of the Treasury, my payments were Strand, W.C.
1763] To George Montagu 293
MY LORD, Arlington Street, March 16, 1763.
I wish all words had not been so prostituted in compli-
ments that some at least might be left to express real
admiration. Your Lordship's etchings * deserve such sincere
praises that I cannot bear you should think that mere civility
or gratitude dictate what I would say of them, though I assure
you the latter is what I feel to a great degree. I will even
trust your Lordship with my vanity ; I think I understand
your prints, and that mine is not random praise. If it has
any worth it will encourage you to proceed, and yet you
have already gone beyond what I have ever seen in etching.
I must beg for the white paper edition too, as I shall frame
the brown, and bind the rest of your Lordship's works
together. I am, my Lord,
Yr. Lordship's
Most obliged
Humble servant,
Arlington Street, March 25, 1763.
THOUGH you are a runaway, a fugitive, a thing without
friendship or feeling, though you grow tired of your acquaint-
ance in half the time you intended, I will not quite give you up.
I will write to you once a quarter, just to keep up a connection
that grace may catch at, if it ever proposes to visit you.
This is my plan, for I have little or nothing to tell you.
LETTER 867. — Not in C. ; reprinted superior in boldness and freedom of
from the Harccwrt Papers, edited by stroke to anything we have seen
E. W. Harcourt, voL viii. pp. 91-2. from established artists.' (Horace
1 Only son of first Earl Harcourt, Walpole, in Essay on Modern Gar-
whom he succeeded in 1777. dening.)
8 'Lord Nuneham'a etchings are
294: To George Montagu [1763
The ministers only cut one another's throats, instead of ours.
They growl over their prey like two curs over a bone, which
neither can determine to quit ; and the whelps in opposition
are not strong enough to beat either away, though, like the
species, they will probably hunt the one that shall be worsted.
The saddest dog of all, Wilkes, shows most spirit. The last
North Briton is a masterpiece of mischief. He has writ a
dedication too to an old play, The Fall of Mortimer1, that is
wormwood ; and he had the impudence t'other day to ask
Dyson9 if he was going to the Treasury, 'because,' said he,
' a friend of mine has dedicated a play to Lord Bute, and it
is usual to give dedicators something ; I wish you would put
his Lordship in mind of it.'
Lord and Lady Pembroke are reconciled, and live again
together. Mr. Hunter would have taken his daughter
too, but upon condition she should give back her settle-
ment to Lord Pembroke and her child. She replied nobly,
that she did not trouble herself about fortune, and would
willingly depend on her father, but for her child, she had
nothing right left to do but to take care of that, and
would not part with it — so she keeps both — and I suppose
will soon have her lover again too, for my Lady Pembroke's
beauty is not glutinous. T'other sister 3 has been sitting to
Reynolds, who by her husband's directions has made a
speaking picture. Lord Bolinbroke said to him, ' You must
give the eyes something of Nelly O'Brien, or it will not do.'
As he has given Nelly something of his wife's, it was but
fair to give her something of Nelly's — and my Lady will not
throw away the present !
LETTKK 868. — 1 A completion of an the Treasury, 1768-74 ; Cofferer of the
imperfect play by Ben Jonson, which r Household, 1774-76. He began life as
was acted in 1781. "'an advanced Whig, but changed his
2 JeremiahDyson(1722-1776), M.P. opinions on the accession of George
for Yarmouth in the Isle of Wight ; III, and became one of the small
Joint Secretary to the Treasury, 1762- body known as the ' King's friends."
64 ; Lord of Trade, 1764-68 ; Lord of 3 Viscountess Bolingbroke.
1763] To George Montagu 295
I am going to Strawberry for a few days pour faire mes
paques. The gallery advances rapidly. The ceiling is
Harry the Seventh's Chapel in propria persona : the canopies
are all placed. I think three months will quite complete it.
I have bought at Lord Granville's sale the original picture
of Charles Brandon4 and his queen ; and have to-day received
from France a copy of Madame Maintenon, which with my
La Valiere, and copies of Madame Grammont, and of the
charming portrait of the Mazarine at the Duke of St. Albans's,
is to accompany Bianca Capello and Ninon L'Enclos in the
round tower. I hope now there will never be another
auction, for I* have not an inch of space, or a farthing left.
As I have some remains of paper, I will fill it up with a song
that I made t'other day in the postchaise, after a particular
conversation that I had had with Miss Pelham the night
before at the Duke of Kichmond's.
The business of woman, dear Chloe, is pleasure,
And by love ev'ry fair one her minutes should measure.
'Oh! for love we're all ready,' you cry. — Very true;
Nor would I rob the gentle fond god of his due.
Unless in the sentiments Cupid has part,
And dips in the amorous transport his dart ;
'Tis tumult, disorder, 'tis loathing and hate ;
Caprice gives it birth, and contempt is its fate.
True passion insensibly leads to the joy,
And grateful esteem bids its pleasures ne'er cloy.
Yet here you should stop — but your whimsical sex
Such romantic ideas to passion annex,
* Charles Brandon (d. 1545), Duke wife, Mary Tudor, Queen Dowager of
of Suffolk ; m. (1515), as his third France, daughter of Henry VIL
296 To George Montagu [i?63
That poor men, by your visions and jealousy worried,
To nymphs less ecstatic, but kinder, are hurried.
In your heart, I consent, let your wishes be bred ;
Only take care your heart don't get into your head.
Adieu, till Midsummer Day !
Yours ever,
H. W.
Arlington Street, April 6, 1768.
You will pity my distress when I tell you that Lord
Waldegrave has got the small-pox, and a bad sort. This
day se'nnight, in the evening, I met him at Arthur's ; he
complained to me of the headache, and a sickness in his
stomach. I said, ' My dear Lord, why don't you go home,
and take James's powder ? you will be well in the morning.'
He thanked me, said he was glad I had put him in mind of
it, and he would take my advice. I sent in the morning ;
my niece said he had taken the powder, and that James
thought he had no fever, but that she found him very low.
As he had no fever, I had no apprehension. At eight o'clock
on Friday night, I was told abruptly at Arthur's that Lord
Waldegrave had the small-pox. I was excessively shocked,
not knowing if the powder was good or bad for it. I
instantly went to the house — at the door I was met by
a servant of Lady Ailesbury, sent to tell me that Mr. Conway
was arrived. These two opposite strokes of terror and joy
overcame me so much, that when I got to Mr. Conway's
I could not speak to him, but burst into a flood of tears.
The next morning, Lord Waldegrave hearing I was there,
desired to speak to me alone — I should tell you, that the
moment he knew it was the small-pox he signed his will.
This has been the unvaried tenor of his behaviour, doing
just what is wise and necessary, and nothing more. He
176s] To George Montagu 297
told me, he knew how great the chance was against his
living through that distemper at his age1. That, to be sure,
he should like to have lived a few years longer, but if he
did not, he should submit patiently. That all he had to
desire was, that if he should fail, we would do our utmost
to comfort his wife, who, he feared, was breeding, and who,
he added, was the best woman in the world. I told him
he could not doubt our attention to her, but that at present
all our attention was fixed on him. That the great difference
between having the small-pox young, or more advanced in
years, consisted in the fears of the latter ; but that as I had
so often heard him say, and now saw, that he had none of
those fears, the danger of age was considerably lessened.
Dr. Wilmot says, that if anything saves him, it will be this
tranquillity. To my comfort I am told, that James's powder
has probably been a material ingredient towards his recovery.
In the meantime, the universal anxiety about him is
incredible. Dr. Barnard, the master of Eton, who is in
town for the holidays, says, that, from his situation, he is
naturally invited to houses of all ranks and parties, and
that the concern is general in all. I cannot say so much
of my Lord, and not do a little justice to my niece too. Her
tenderness, fondness, attention, and courage are surprising.
She has no fears to become her, nor heroism for parade.
I could not help saying to her, ' My dear child, there never
was a nurse of your age had such attention' — she replied,
'There never was a nurse of my age had such an object.'
It is this astonishes one, to see so much beauty sincerely
devoted to a man so unlovely in his person ; but if Adonis
was sick, she could not stir seldomer out of his bedchamber.
The physicians seem to have little hopes, but, as their argu-
ments are not near so strong as their alarms, I own I do not
give it up— and yet I look on it in a very dangerous light.
LETTER 869. — * He was forty-eight.
298 To George Montagu [i?63
I know nothing of news and the world, for I go to
Albemarle Street early in the morning, and don't come
home till late at night. Young Mr. Pitt has been dying
of a fever in Bedfordshire. The Bishop of Carlisle 2, whom
I have appointed Visitor of Strawberry, is gone down to
him. You will be much disappointed if you expect to find
the gallery near finished. They threaten me with three
months before the gilding can be begun. Twenty points
are at a stand by my present confinement, and I have a
melancholy prospect of being forced to carry my niece
thither the next time I go. The Due de Nivernois, in
return for a set of the Strawberry editions, has sent me
four 'Seasons,' which, I conclude, he thought good, but they
shall pass their whole round in London, for they have not
even the merit of being badly old enough for Strawberry.
Mr. Bentley's epistle to Lord Melcomb has been published
in a magazine. It has less wit by far than I expected from
him, and to the full as bad English. The thoughts are old
Strawberry phrases — so are not the panegyrics. Here are
six lines written extempore by Lady Temple on Lady Mary
Coke, easy and genteel, and almost true :
She sometimes laughs, but never loud ;
She 'B handsome too, but somewhat proud ;
At court, she bears away the bell ;
She dresses fine, and figures well:
With decency she's gay and airy;
Who can this be but Lady Mary?
There have been tough doings in Parliament about the
tax on cider 3 ; and in the western counties the discontent is
so great, that if Mr. Wilkes will turn patriot-hero, or patriot-
incendiary in earnest, and put himself at their head, he may
obtain a rope of martyrdom before the summer is over.
2 Charles Lyttelton ; d. 1768.
3 A. bill for laying an additional duty on cider and perry.
To George Montagu 299
Adieu ! I tell you my sorrows, because, if I escape them,
I am sure nobody will rejoice more.
Yours ever,
H. W.
870. To — — .
The medical people certainly give us little hopes of poor
Lord Waldegrave, though they owned last night that all the
symptoms were less unfavourable than in the morning. If
I was not thoroughly persuaded of their ignorance, it would
be very impertinent in me to form any opinion, not founded
on theirs; yet till their arguments are clearer and more
satisfactory, I shall not despair. His head is so perfectly
unaffected by his disorder, that I cannot conceive how his
danger should be so imminent ; as they affirm that the
bodily symptoms are not of half the consequence in this
disorder as are those of the head. His tranquillity they
own is his best chance. It is unalterable ; his temper,
goodness, reason, and patience double what one feels on
the prospect of losing him. I am just going thither, and
if I should find any material alteration, will let you know.
Yours ever,
H. W.
Arlington Street, Friday night, late l.
AMIDST all my own grief, and all the distress which
I have this moment left, I cannot forget you, who have
so long been my steady and invariable friend. I cannot
leave it to newspapers and correspondents to tell you my
LETTER 870. — Not in C. ; now first Place, S.W. The name of the
printed from original in possession addressee is unknown,
of J. Pearson & Co., 5 Pall Mall LETTER 871.— l April 8, 1763.
300 To George Montagu [i?63
loss. Lord Waldegrave died to-day. Last night he had
some glimmerings of hope. The most desponding of the
faculty flattered us a little. He himself joked with the
physicians, and expressed himself in this engaging manner ;
asking what day of the week it was; they told him
Thursday: 'Sure,' said he, 'it is Friday' — 'No, my Lord,
indeed it is Thursday ' — ' Well ! ' said he, ' see what a rogue
this distemper makes one ; I want to steal nothing but
a day.' By the help of opiates, with which, for these two
or three days, they had numbed his sufferings, he rested
well. This morning he had no worse symptoms. I told
Lady Waldegrave, that as no material alteration was
expected before Sunday, I would go and dine at Strawberry,
and return in time to meet the physicians in the evening —
in truth, I was worn out with anxiety and attendance, and
wanted an hour or two of fresh air. I left her at twelve,
and had ordered dinner at three that I might be back early.
I had not risen from table when I received an express from
Lady Betty Waldegrave, to tell me that a sudden change
had happened, that they had given him James's powder,
but that they feared it was too late, and that he probably
would be dead before I could come to my niece, for whose
sake she begged I would return immediately. It was indeed
too late ! too late for everything — late as it was given, the
powder vomited him even in the agonies — had I had power
to direct, he should never have quitted James — but these
are vain regrets ! vain to recollect how particularly kind he,
who was kind to everybody, was to me ! I found Lady
Waldegrave at my brother's ; she weeps without ceasing,
and talks of his virtues and goodness to her in a manner
that distracts one. My brother bears this mortification
with more courage than I could have expected from his
warm passions: but nothing struck me more than to see
my rough savage Swiss, Louis, in tears, as he opened my
1763] To George Montagu 301
chaise. I have a bitter scene to come ; to-morrow morning
I carry poor Lady Waldegrave to Strawberry. Her fall is
great, from that adoration and attention that he paid her,
from that splendour of fortune, so much of which dies with
him, and from that consideration, which rebounded to her
from the great deference which the world had for his
character — visions perhaps — yet who could expect that they
would have passed away even before that fleeting thing, her
beauty !
If I had time or command enough of my thoughts, I could
give you as long a detail of as unexpected a revolution in the
political world. To-day has been as fatal to a whole nation,
I mean to the Scotch, as to our family. Lord Bute resigned
this morning. His intention was not even suspected till
Wednesday, nor at all known a very few days before. In
short, it is nothing, more or less, than a panic — a fortnight's
opposition has demolished that scandalous but vast majority,
which a fortnight had purchased — and in five months a plan
of absolute power has been demolished by a panic ! He
pleads to the world bad health ; to his friends, more truly,
that the nation was set at him. He pretends to intend
retiring absolutely, and giving no umbrage. In the mean-
time he is packing up a sort of ministerial legacy, which
cannot hold even till next session, and I should think
would scarce take place at all. George Grenville is to be
at the head of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Ex-
chequer ; Charles Townshend * to succeed him ; and Lord
Shelburn, Charles. Sir Francis Dashwood to have his
barony of Despencer3 and the Great Wardrobe, in the
room of Lord Gower, who takes the Privy Seal*, if the
2 Charles Townshend had no place was terminated in favour of Sir
in the ministry. Lord Shelburne Francis Dashwood, as son of the
became First Lord of Trade. eldest daughter of the fourth Earl of
* The barony of Despencer fell into Westmorland.
abeyance on the death of the Earl of * Earl Glower became Lord Cham-
Westmorland in 1762. The abeyance berlain.
302 To Sir Horace Mann [i?63
Duke of Bedford takes the Presidentship 5— but there are
many ifs in this arrangement; the principal if is, if they
dare stand a tempest which has so terrified the pilot. You
ask what becomes of Mr. Fox ? Not at all pleased with this
sudden determination, which has blown up many of his
projects, and left him time to heat no more furnaces, he
goes to France by the way of the House of Lords8 — but
keeps his place and his tools— till something else happens.
— The confusion I suppose will be enormous— and the next
act of the drama a quarrel among the opposition, who
would be all-powerful if they could do, what they cannot,
hold together and not squabble for the plunder. As I shall
be at a distance for some days, I shall be able to send you
no more particulars of this interlude, but you will like
a pun my brother made when he was told of this explosion
— ' Then, ' said he, ' they must turn the Jacks out of the
drawing-room again, and again take them into the kitchen.'
Adieu ! what a world to set one's heart on !
Yours ever,
H. W.
Strawberry Hill, April 10, 1763.
AT a time when the political world is in strange and
unexpected disorder, you would wonder that I should be
here, and be so for some days ; but I am come on a very
melancholy occasion. Lord Waldegrave1 is just dead of the
small-pox, and I have brought my poor unhappy niece
hither till he is buried. He was taken ill on the Wednes-
5 The Duke of Bedford became Governor of George III when Prince
President of the Council. of Wales, Teller of the Exchequer
6 Fox was created Baron Holland and Warden of the Stannaries, mar-
of Foxley, Wiltshire, on April 17, ried Maria, second daughter of Sir
1768. Edward Walpole, Knight of the
LETTER 872. — J James, second Earl Bath, Mr. Walpole's eldest brother,
of Waldegrave, Knight of the Garter, Walpole.
1763] To Sir Horace Mann 303
day, the distemper showed itself on the Friday, a very bad
sort, and carried him off that day se'nnight. His brother
and sister were inoculated, but it was early in the practice
of that great preservative, which was then devoutly opposed ;
he was the eldest son, and weakly. He never had any fear
of it, nor ever avoided it. We scarce feel this heavy loss
more than it is felt universally. He was one of those few
men whose good-nature silenced even ill-nature. His strict
honour and consummate sense made him reverenced as
much as beloved. He died as he lived, the physicians
declaring that if anything saved him, it would be his
tranquillity: I soon saw by their ignorance and contra-
dictions that they would not. Yet I believe James's powder
would have preserved him. He took it by my persuasion,
before I knew what his disorder was. But James was soon
chased away, to make room for regular assassins. In the
course of the illness nobody would venture to take on them
so important a hazard as giving the powder again ; yet in
his agonies it was given, and even then had efficacy enough
to vomit him ; but too late ! My niece has nothing left but
a moderate jointure of a thousand pounds a year, three little
girls, a pregnancy, her beauty, and the testimonial of the
best of men, who expressed no concern but for her, and who
has given her as much as he could, and ratified her character
by making her sole executrix. Her tenderness, which could
not be founded on any charms in his person, shows itself in
floods of tears, in veneration for his memory, and by acting
with just such reason and propriety as he would wish her
to exert ; yet it is a terrible scene ! She loses in him a father,
who formed her mind, and a lover whose profusion knew no
bounds. From his places his fortune was very great — that
is gone ! From his rank and consideration with all parties,
she was at the summit of worldly glory — that is gone too !
Four short years were all their happiness. Since the death
304 To Sir Horace Mann [1763
of Lady Coventry, she is allowed the handsomest woman in
England ; as she is so young, she may find as great a match
and a younger lover — but she never can find another Lord
Waldegrave !
Yesterday, when her brother-in-law, the Bishop of Exeter,
came hither to acquaint her with the will, and we were
endeavouring to stop the torrent of her tears, by observing
how satisfactory it must be to her to find what confidence
her Lord had placed in her sense and conduct, she said,
charmingly, ' Oh ! I wish he had ever done one thing
I could find fault with ! ' The trial is great and dismal.
She is not above three months gone with child, and is to
pass seven more in melancholy anxiety, to have a labour
without a father, perhaps another girl, or a son, whose
chance of life will be a constant anxiety to her.
The same day that put an end to Lord Waldegrave's life
gave a period too to the administration of Lord Bute, his
supplanter, whom he did not love, and yet whom he could
hardly hate, for aversion was not in his nature; nor did
ever any man who had undertaken such a post as governor
to a Prince with the utmost reluctance, and who could not
have been totally void of the ambition which must have
attended such a charge when once accepted, feel less resent-
ment at the disappointment ; but I will say no more on
Lord Waldegrave, for I forget that you never knew him,
and have kept you for above two pages in suspense. Ill
health, antecedent determination of retirement, and national
antipathy to him, are pleaded as the motives to Lord Bute's
sudden resignation, which was not known, nay, not sus-
pected, till two days before it happened. Leave out the two
first causes, which are undoubtedly false, and call the third
by its true name, panic, and you have the whole secret of
this extraordinary revolution. It is plain, that if Mr. Pitt
had headed the opposition sooner, or that the opposition
1763] To Sir Horace Mann 305
had had any brains without him, this event would have
happened earlier. A single fortnight of clamour and debate
on the cider tax, copied from the noise on the excise in
my father's time, and adopted into petitions from the City,
frightened this mighty favourite out of all his power and
plans, and has reduced Mr. Fox to take almost the same
steps, though he, too, has an intended project of retirement
to plead ; but he keeps his place, takes a peerage, and goes
to France. Lord Bute keeps nothing but the King's favour,
and that, too, he is not to use. He will be wise to adhere
to this measure, now he has taken the other, lest necessity
should prescribe instead of option.
I suppose you by this time conclude, that when Lord
Bute quitted the King, he sent the keys of St. James's and
Buckingham House to Mr. Pitt. Stay a little — we are to
have another episode of a summer administration first, for
you find we do not wear the same suits in both seasons.
Mr. Grenville is to be First Lord of the Treasury and
Chancellor of the Exchequer ; Charles Townshend at the
head of the Admiralty, and Lord Shelburne at the Board of
Trade. Sir Francis Dashwood, in recompense for the woful
incapacity he has shown, goes into the House of Lords, and
is to succeed in the Great Wardrobe to Lord Gower, who
again takes the Privy Seal, as the Duke of Bedford is to be
President of the Council. Lord Hertford is named for Paris,
and Lord Stormont for Vienna ; the Duke of Marlborough
gets what he wished, the Master of the Horse 3 ; I suppose
to leave the Chamberlain's office vacant for the last in-
cumbent3. The Duke of Rutland to be contented with
Lord Granby's being Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, where he
will finish his life and fortune 4.
* The Duke of Marlborough be- * Lord Granby drank very hard,
came Lord Privy Seal. and was profusely generous. Wal-
* The Duke of Devonshire. Wai- pole,
306 To George Montagu [1763
In this state I left history. All this arrangement may be
already overturned. No man, I suppose, is so unwise as to
expect any duration to it. It can only mean, time to deal
with the opposition, or to divide them ; and, considering
what numbers and what great names are to be satisfied, it
is a chaos into which one cannot foresee. I have seldom
been a lucky prophet, and therefore shall not exercise my
talent. The poor man who is gone 5 could have been of the
utmost consequence at this moment to accomplish some
establishment ; he had been offered, and had refused the
greatest things— no bad ingredient in reconciling others.
In that or any other qualification I know few equal to him.
Adieu !
Strawberry Hill, April 14, 1763.
I HAVE received your two letters together, and foresaw
that your friendly good heart would feel for us just as you
do. The loss is irreparable, and my poor niece is sensible
it is. She has such a veneration for her Lord's memory,
that if her sisters and I make her cheerful for a moment,
she accuses herself of it the next day to the Bishop of
Exeter, as if he was her confessor, and that she had com-
mitted a crime. She cried for two days to such a degree,
that if she had been a fountain it must have stopped. Till
yesterday she scarce eat enough to keep her alive, and looks
accordingly — but at her age she must be comforted : her
esteem will last, but her spirits will return in spite of her-
self. Her Lord has made her sole executrix, and added what
little douceurs he could to her jointure, which is but a
thousand pounds a year, the estate being but three-and-
twenty hundred. The little girls will have about 8,OOOZ.
apiece, for the Teller's J place was so great during the war,
8 Lord Waldegrave.
LETTER 873. — 1 Lord Woldegravo was a Teller of the Exchequer.
1763] To George Montagu 307
that notwithstanding his temper was a sluice of generosity,
he had saved 30,OOOZ. since his marriage.
Her sisters have been here with us the whole time ; Lady
Huntingtower is all mildness and tenderness ; and by dint
of attention I have not displeased the other 2. Lord Hunting-
tower has been here once ; the Bishop most of the time : he
is very reasonable and good-natured, and has been of great
assistance and comfort to me in this melancholy office,
which is to last here till Monday or Tuesday. We have got
the eldest little girl too, Lady Laura3, who is just old
enough to be amusing ; and last night my nephew arrived
here from Portugal. It was a terrible meeting at first ; but
as he is very soldierly and lively, he got into spirits, and
diverted us much with his relations of the war and the
country. He confirms all we have heard of the villainy,
poltroonery, and ignorance of the Portuguese, and of their
aversion to the English ; but I could perceive, even through
his relation, that our flippancies and contempt of them must
have given a good deal of play to their antipathy.
You are admirably kind, as you always are, in inviting
me to Greatworth, and proposing Bath ; but besides its
being impossible for me to take any journey just at present,
I am really very well in health, and the tranquillity and air
of Strawberry have done much good. The hurry of London,
where I shall be glad to be again just now, will dissipate
the gloom that this unhappy loss has occasioned, though
a deep loss I shall always think it. The time passes
tolerably here ; I have my painters and gilders and constant
packets of news from town, besides a thousand letters of
condolence to answer ; for both my niece and I have
received innumerable testimonies of the regard that was felt
2 Mrs. Keppel. eldest son of third Earl Waldegrave,
8 Lady Elizabeth Laura Walde- whom he succeeded in 1784. She
grave ; m. (1782) her cousin, George died in 1816.
Waldegrave, Viscount Chewton,
X 2
To George Montagu [ires
for Lord Waldegrave — I have heard of but one man * who
ought to have known his worth, that has shown no concern
— but I suppose his childish mind is too much occupied
with the loss of his last governor ! I have given up my
own room to my niece, and have betaken myself to the
Holbein chamber, where I am retired from the rest of the
family when I choose it, and nearer to overlook my work-
men. The chapel is quite finished, except the carpet. The
sable mass of the altar gives it a very sober air ; for, not-
withstanding the solemnity of the painted windows, it had
a gaudiness that was a little profane.
I can know no news here but by rebound, and yet, though
they are to rebound again to you, they will be as fresh as
any you can have at Greatworth. A kind of administration
is botched up for the present, and even gave itself an air of
that fierceness with which the winter set out. Lord Hard-
wicke was told that his sons must vote with the court, or be
turned out. He replied, as he meant to have them in place,
he chose they should be removed now. It looks ill for the
court when he is sturdy. They wished, too, to have Pitt,
if they could have had him without consequences ; but they
don't find any recruits repair to their standard. They brag
that they should have had Lord Waldegrave; a most
notorious falsehood, as he had refused every offer they could
invent the day before he was taken ill. The Duke of
Cumberland orders his servants to say, that so far from
joining them, he believes if Lord Waldegrave could have
been foretold of his death, he would have preferred it to an
union with Bute and Fox. The former's was a decisive
panic ; so sudden, that it is said Lord Egremont was sent to
break his resolution of retiring to the King. The other,
whose journey to France does not indicate much less appre-
hension, affects to walk in the streets at the most public
* George III.
1763] To the Contessa Rena 309
hours to mark his not trembling. In the meantime the
two chiefs have paid their bravoes magnificently — no less
than fifty-two thousand pounds a year are granted in rever-
sions! Young Martin5, who is older than I am, is named
my successor — but I intend he shall wait some years — if
they had a mind to serve me, they could not have selected
a fitter tool to set my character in a fair light by the com-
parison. Lord Bute's son 6 has the reversion of an Auditor
of the Imprest — this is all he has done ostensibly for his
family, but the great things bestowed on the most insig-
nificant objects make me suspect some private compacts —
yet I may wrong him, but I do not mean it. Lord Granby
has refused Ireland, and the Northumberlands are to trans-
port their jovial magnificence thither. I lament that you
made so little of that voyage, but is this the season of
rewarded merit ? One should blush to be preferred within
the same year. Do but think that Calcraft is to be an Irish
lord 7 ! Fox's millions, or Calcraft's tithes of millions, can-
not purchase a grain of your virtue or character. Adieu !
Yours most truly,
H. W.
MONSIEUR WALPOLE est tres sensible aux bontes de
Madame la Comtesse Rena, et la remercie infiniment de la
peine qu'elle s'est bien voulu donner pour scavoir de ses
nouvelles et de celles de Madame sa niece. La pauvre
Milady Waldegrave est aussi touchee qu'elle doit 1'etre d'une
perte si grander Elle pleure le meilleur mari, 1'amant le
6 Samuel Martin, sometime Secre- Madrid, March-Dec. 1783, and 1795-
tary to the Treasury. 96.
6 John Stuart (1744-1814), Lord 7 This did not happen.
Mountstuart ; succeeded his father LETTER 874. — Not in C. ; now first
as fourth Earl of Bute in 1792 ; cr. printed from, original in possession of
Marquis of Bute in 1796. Envoy Mr. W. V. Daniell, Mortimer Street,
to Turin, 1779-83 ; Ambassador at Cavendish Square, W.
310 To George Montagu [1763
plus tendre, et I'homme le plus respectable de son siecle.
Monsieur Walpole, qui ne quitte pas une niece si veritable-
ment afnigee, aura 1'honneur de remercier en personne
Madame Rena quand il retournera a la ville. En attendant,
il 1'assure de sa vive reconnoissance et de son respect.
Arlington Street, April 22, 1763.
I HAVE two letters from you, and shall take care to
execute the commission in the second. The first diverted
me much.
I brought my poor niece from Strawberry on Monday.
As executrix, her presence was quite necessary, and she has
never refused to do anything reasonable that has been
desired of her. But the house and the business have
shocked her terribly; she still eats nothing, sleeps worse
than she did, and looks dreadfully: I begin to think she
will miscarry. She said to me t'other day, 'They tell me
that if my Lord had lived, he might have done great service
to his countiy at this juncture, by the respect all parties
had for him — this is very fine ; but as he did not live to do
those services, it will never be mentioned in history!'
I thought this solicitude for his honour charming — but he
will be known by history : he has left a small volume of
Memoirs*, that are a chef-d'oeuvre. He twice showed them
to me, but I kept his secret faithfully; now it is for his
glory to divulge it.
I am glad you are going to Dr. Lewis. After an Irish
voyage I do not wonder you want careening. I have often
preached to you, nay, and lived to you too — but my sermons
were flung away and my example.
This ridiculous administration is patched up for the
LETTER 875. — ' Published by Murray in 1821.
1763] To George Montagu 311
present; the detail is delightful, but that I shall reserve
for Strawberry-tide.
Lord Bath has complained to Fanshaw 2 of Lord Pultney's
extravagance, and added, 'if he had lived he would have
spent my whole estate.' This almost comes up to Sir
Robert Brown, who, when his eldest daughter was given
over, but still alive, on that uncertainty sent for an under-
taker, and bargained for her funeral in hopes of having it
cheaper, as it was possible she might recover. Lord Bath
has purchased the Hatton vault in Westminster Abbey,
squeezed his wife, son, and daughter into it, reserved room
for himself, and has set the rest to sale 3 — come ; all this is
not far short of Sir Robert Brown.
To my great satisfaction, the new Lord Holland has not
taken the least friendly, or even formal notice of me, on
Lord Waldegrave's death. It dispenses me from the least
farther connection with him, and saves explanations, which
always entertain the world more than satisfy.
Dr. Cumberland * is an Irish bishop ; I hope before the
summer is over that some beam from your cousin's portion
of the triumvirate 6 may light on poor Bentley. If he misses
it till next winter, he will be forced to try still new sun-
I have taken Mrs. Pritchard's * house for Lady Waldegrave ;
1 offered her to live with me at Strawberry, but with her
usual good sense she declined it, as she thought the children
would be troublesome.
Charles Townshend's episode7 in this revolution passes
8 Probably Simon Fanshaw, M.P. George Grenville and the Earls of
for Grampotmd. Egremont and Halifax.
* This last was not the case. See ° The actress. Her cottage at
Gent. Mag. 1780, p. 231. Twickenham was called Bagman's
4 Denison Cumberland, Bishop of Castle.
Clonfert, 1763-72 ; Bishop of Kil- 7 Townshend ' accepted the post of
more, 1772-74 ; brother-in-law of First Lord of the Admiralty, and
Richard Bentley the younger. • actually went to St. James's to kiss
6 The triumvirate consisted of hands for it. Presuming that no-
312 To Sir Horace Mann [1763
belief, though he does not tell it himself. If I had a son
born, and an old fairy was to appear and offer to endow him
with her choicest gifts, I should cry out, ' Powerful Goody,
give him anything but parts ! ' Adieu !
Yours ever,
H. W.
Strawberry Hill, April 30, 1763.
I BEGIN with your own affairs, as what must naturally
interest you the most. This morning before I came out of
town I sent for your brother James, and made him sensible,
by stating his conduct and dear Gal's, how much he is to
blame towards you. However, I was not sorry to have out-
gone my commission : he has so often been negligent to you,
that I wished to reclaim him thoroughly ; and I trust I have,
for he frankly owned he was in fault and seemed sorry that
he had forced you to complain. I don't know whether I am
not innocently accessory to his idleness, as he trusts to my
constant writing — but that ought not to excuse him. If he
mends, you will easily forgive him.
The papers have told you all the formal changes ; the real
one consists solely in Lord Bute being out of office, for
having recovered his fright he is still as much minister as
ever, and consequently does not find his unpopularity de-
crease. On the contrary, I think his situation more dangerous
than ever : he has done enough to terrify his friends, and
encourage his enemies, and has acquired no new strength ;
thing would or could be refused to would not kiss the King's hand un-
him ... he carried to court with less Bnrrel was admitted too. It
him a Mr. Barrel, one of his fol- was flatly refused, and Townshend
lowers, intending the latter should was told that the King had no further
kiss hands along with himself as occasion for his service.' (Memoirs
another Lord of the Admiralty. of George III, ed. 1894, vol. i. pp.
Thinking his honour engaged to 209-10.)
carry through this absurdity, he
1763] To Sir Horace Mann 313
rather has lost strength, by the disappearance of Mr. Fox
from the scene. His deputies, too, will not long care to
stand all the risk for him, when they perceive, as they must
already, that they have neither credit nor confidence. Indeed
the new administration is a general joke, and will scarce
want a violent death to put an end to it. Lord Bute is very
blamable for embarking the King so deep in measures that
may have so serious a termination. The longer the court
can stand its ground, the more firmly will the opposition be
united, and the more inflamed. I have ever thought this
would be a turbulent reign, and nothing has happened to
make me alter my opinion.
Mr. Fox's exit has been very unpleasant. He would not
venture to accept the Treasury, which Lord Bute would have
bequeathed to him ; and could not obtain an earldom, for
which he thought he had stipulated ; but some of the
negotiators asserting that he had engaged to resign the Pay-
master's place, which he vehemently denies, he has been
forced to take up with a barony, and has broken with his
associates — I do not say friends, for with the chief l of them
he had quarrelled when he embarked in the new system.
He meets with little pity, and yet has found as much in-
gratitude as he had had power of doing service.
1 am glad you are going to have a Great Duke * ; it will
amuse you, and a new court will make Florence lively, the
only beauty it wants. You divert me with my friend the
Duke of Modena's conscientious match : if the Duchess 3 had
outlived him, she would not have been so scrupulous. But,
for Hymen's sake, who is that Madame Simonetti ? I trust,
LETTER 876. — 1 The Dukes of Cum- ceeded his father as Grand Duke in
berland and. Devonshire. Walpole. 1765, and his brother as Emperor in
2 Mann announced that the Em- 1790.
peror's second son, Peter Leopold, 3 She was a daughter of the Eegent
was to reside in Florence as his Duke of Orleans. Walpole.
father's lieutenant. Leopold sue-
314 To Sir Horace Mann [i?63
not that old painted, gaining, debauched Countess4 from
Milan, whom I saw at the fair of Keggio !
I surprise myself with being able to write two pages of
pure English ; I do nothing but deal in broken French.
The two nations are crossing over and figuring-in. We have
had a Count d'Usson 5 and his wife these six weeks ; and last
Saturday arrived a Madame de Boufflers 6, s$avante, galante,
a great friend of the Prince of Conti, and a passionate ad-
mirer de nous autres Anglois. I am forced to live much with
tout fa, as they are perpetually at my Lady Hervey's ; and
as my Lord Hertford goes Ambassador to Paris, where I
shall certainly make him a visit next year — don't you think
I shall be computing how far it is to Florence ? There is
coming, too, a Marquis de Fleury, who is to be consigned to
me, as a political relation, vu Vamitie entre le Cardinal son
oncle et feu monsieur mon pere. However, as my cousin
Fleury is not above six-and-twenty, I had much rather be
excused from such a commission as showing the tombs and
the lions, and the King and Queen, and my Lord Bute, and
the waxwork 7, to a boy. All this breaks in upon my plan
of withdrawing by little and little from the world, for I hate
to tire it with an old lean face, and which promises to be an
old lean face for thirty years longer, for I am as well again
as ever. The Due de Nivernois called here the other day in
his way from Hampton Court ; but, as the most sensible
French never have eyes to see anything, unless they see it
every day and see it in fashion, I cannot say he flattered me
much, or was much struck with Strawberry. When I carried
him into the cabinet, which I have told you is formed upon
the idea of a Catholic chapel, he pulled off his hat, but per-
* It was that Madame Simonetti. 6 Mademoiselle Sanjon, Marquise
Walpole. de Boofflers, mistress of the Prince
8 He was afterwards Envoy to de Conti, whom she hoped to marry.
Sweden, where he died in 1781-2. Walpole.
H e married a Dutchwoman. Walpole. 7 Rackstrow's waxworks ; see p. 31 7.
1763] To Sir Horace Mann 315
ceiving his error, he said, ' Ce n'est pas une chapelle pour-
tant,' and seemed a little displeased.
My poor niece does not forget her Lord, though by this
time I suppose the world has. She has taken a house here,
at Twickenham, to be near me. Madame de Boufflers has
heard so much of her beauty, that she told me she should
be glad to peep through a grate anywhere to get a glimpse
of her, — but at present it would not answer. I never saw
so great an alteration in so short a period ; but she is too
young not to recover her beauty, only dimmed by grief that
must be temporary. Adieu ! my dear Sir. I wish to hear
that you are content with your brother James : I think you
will be.
Monday, May 2nd, Arlington Street.
The plot thickens : Mr. Wilkes is sent to the Tower for
the last North Briton 8 ; a paper whose fame must have
reached you. It said Lord Bute had made the King utter
a gross falsehood in his last speech. This hero is as bad
a fellow as ever hero was, abominable in private life, dull in
Parliament, but, they say, very entertaining in a room, and
certainly no bad writer, besides having had the honour of
contributing a great deal to Lord Bute's fall. "Wilkes fought
Lord Talbot in the autumn, whom he had abused ; and lately
at Calais, when the Prince de Croy, the Governor, asked
him how far the liberty of the press extended in England,
replied, ' I cannot tell, but I am trying to know.' I don't
believe this will be the only paragraph I shall send you on
this affair.
8 No. 45. ' This famous paper gave peace for the King of Prussia.'
a fiat lie to the King himself, for (Memoirs of George III, cd. 1894,
having, by the Favourite's sugges- vol. i. p. 217.)
tion, assumed the honour of obtaining
316 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [i7G3
Strawberry Hill, May 1, 1763.
I FEEL happy at hearing your happiness ; but, my dear
Harry, your vision is much indebted to your long absence,
Makes bleak rocks and barren mountains smile.
I mean no offence to Park Place, but the bitterness of the
weather makes me wonder how you can find the country
tolerable now. This is a May-day for the latitude of Siberia 1
The milkmaids should be wrapped in the motherly comforts
of a swan-skin petticoat. In short, such hard words have
passed between me and the north wind to-day, that, accord-
ing to the language of the times, I was very near abusing it
for coming from Scotland, and to imputing it to Lord Bute.
I don't know whether I should not have written a North
Briton against it, if the printers were not all sent to Newgate,
and Mr. Wilkes to the Tower — ay, to the Tower, tout de bon.
The new ministry are trying to make up for their ridiculous
insignificance by a coup d'eclat. As I came hither yesterday,
I do not know whether the particulars I have heard are
genuine — but in the Tower he certainly is, taken up by
Lord Halifax's warrant for treason ; vide the North Briton of
Saturday was se'nnight. It is said he refused to obey the
warrant, of which he asked and got a copy from the two
messengers, telling them he did not mean to make his
escape, but sending to demand his Habeas Corpus, which
was refused. He then went to Lord Halifax, and thence to
the Tower ; declaring they should get nothing out of him
but what they knew. All his papers have been seized.
Lord Chief Justice Pratt, I am told, finds great fault with
the wording of the warrant.
I don't know how to execute your commission for books
1763] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 317
of architecture, nor care to put you to expense, which I know
will not answer. I have been consulting my neighbour,
young Mr. Thomas Pitt *, my present architect : we have all
books of that sort here, but cannot think of one which will
help you to a cottage or a greenhouse. For the former you
should send me your idea, your dimensions ; for the latter,
don't you rebuild your old one, though in another place?
A pretty greenhouse I never saw ; nor without immoderate
expense can it well be an agreeable object. Mr. Pitt thinks
a mere portico without a pediment, and windows removable
in summer, would be the best plan you could have. If so,
don't you remember something of that kind, which you
liked, at Sir Charles dottrel's at Kousham? But a fine
greenhouse must be on a more exalted plan. In short, you
must be more particular, before I can be at all so.
I called at Hammersmith yesterday about Lady Ailesbury's
tubs ; one of them is nearly finished, but they will not both
be completed these ten days. Shall they be sent to you by
water? Good-night to her Ladyship and you, and the
infanta *, whose progress in waxen statuary I hope advances
so fast, that by next winter she may rival Kackstrow's old
man. Do you know that, though apprised of what I was
going to see, it deceived me, and made such impression on
my mind, that, thinking on it as I came home in my chariot,
and seeing a woman steadfastly at work in a window in
Pall Mall, it made me start to see her move ? Adieu !
Yours ever,
Arlington Street, Monday night.
The mighty commitment set out with a blunder ; the
warrant directed the printer, and all concerned (unnamed)
LBTTKR877. — l Afterwards created * Anne Conway, afterwards Mrs.
Lord Camelford. Walpole. Darner.
318 To Sir David Dalrymple [i763
to be taken up. Consequently Wilkes had his Habeas
Corpus of course, and was committed again ; moved for
another in the Common Pleas, and is to appear there to-
morrow morning. Lord Temple being, by another strain
of power, refused admittance to him, said, 'I thought this
was the Tower, but find it is the Bastille.' They found
among Wilkes's papers an unpublished North Briton, designed
for last Saturday. It contained advice to the King not to
go to St. Paul's on the Thanksgiving, but to have a snug one
in his own chapel ; and to let Lord George Sackville carry
the sword. There was a dialogue in it too between Fox and
Calcraft3: the former says to the latter, 'I did not think
you would have served me so, Jemmy Twitcher.'
SIR, Strawberry Hill, May 2, 1763.
I forbore to answer your letter for a few days, till I knew
whether it was in my power to give you satisfaction. Upon
inquiry, and having conversed with some who could inform
me, I find it would be very difficult to obtain so peremptory
an order for dismissing fictitious invalids (as I think they
may properly be called), as you seem to think the state of
the case requires ; by any interposition of mine, quite im-
possible. Very difficult I am told it would be to get them
dismissed from our hospitals when once admitted, and
subject to a clamour which, in the present unsettled state of
government, nobody would care to risk. Indeed, I believe
it could not be done by any single authority. The power of
admission, and consequently of dismission, does not depend
3 Calcraft had treated Fox with creature, his cousin, raised from ex-
great ingratitude. ' In the discus- treme indigence and obscurity to
sion and during the defending and enormous wealth . . . took part with
proving what he [Fox] had or had Lord Shelburne, and witnessed to the
not said relative to the cession of the latter's tale.' (Memoirs of George III,
Paymaster's place, Calcraft, his own ed. 1694, yol. i. pp. 207-8.)
1763] To Sir David Dalrymple 319
on the minister, but on the Board who direct the affairs of
the Hospital, at which Board preside the Paymaster,
Secretary at War, Governor, &c. ; if I am not quite exact,
I know it is so in general. I am advised to tell you, Sir,
that if upon examination it should be thought right to take
the step you counsel, still it could not be done without
previous and deliberate discussion. As I should grudge no
trouble, and am very desirous of executing any commission,
Sir, you will honour me with, if you will draw up a memorial
in form, stating the abuses which have come to your know-
ledge, the advantages which would result to the community
by more rigorous examination of candidates for admission,
and the uses to which the overflowings of the military might
be put, I will engage to put it into the hands of Mr. Grenville,
the present head of the Treasury, and to employ all the little
credit he is so good to let me have with him, in backing
your request. I can answer for one thing and no more, that
as long as he sits at that Board, which probably will not be
long, he will give all due attention to any scheme of national
It is seldom, Sir, that political revolutions bring any man
upon the stage, with whom I have much connection. The
great actors are not the class whom I much cultivate ; con-
sequently I am neither elated with hopes on their advance-
ment, nor mortified nor rejoiced at their fall. As the scene
has shifted often of late, and is far from promising duration
at present, one must, if one lives in the great world, have
now and then an acquaintance concerned in the drama.
Whenever I happen to have one, I hope I am ready and
glad to make use of such (however substantial) interest to
do good or to oblige ; and this being the case at present,
and truly I cannot call Mr. Grenville much more than an
acquaintance, I shall be happy, Sir, if I can contribute to
your views, which I have reason to believe are those of a
320 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [i7S3
benevolent man and good citizen ; but I advertise you truly,
that my interest depends more on Mr. Grenville's goodness
and civility, than on any great connection between us, and
still less on any political connection. I think he would like
to do public good, I know I should like to contribute to it —
but if it is to be done by this channel, I apprehend there is
not much time to be lost — you see, Sir, what I think of the
permanence of the present system ! Your ideas, Sir, on the
hard fate of our brave soldiers concur with mine ; I lamented
their sufferings, and have tried in vain to suggest some little
plans for their relief. I only mention this, to prove to you
that I am not indifferent to the subject, nor undertake your
commission from mere complaisance. You understand the
matter better than I do, but you cannot engage in it with
more zeal. Methodize, if you please, your plan, and com-
municate it to me, and it shall not be lost for want of
solicitation. We swarm with highwaymen, who have been
heroes. We owe our safety to them, consequently we owe
a return of preservation to them, if we can find out methods
of employing them honestly. Extend your views, Sir, for
them, and let me be solicitor to the cause.
Arlington Street, May 6, very late, 1763.
THE complexion of the times is a little altered since the
beginning of this last winter. Prerogative, that gave itself
such airs in November, and would speak to nothing but
a Tory, has had a rap this morning that will do it some
good, unless it is weak enough to do itself more harm.
The judges of the Common Pleas have unanimously dis-
missed Wilkes from his imprisonment, as a breach of
privilege ; his offence not being a breach of the peace, only
tending to it. The people are in transports; and it will
1763] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 321
require all the vanity and confidence of those able ministers,
Lord Sandwich and Mr. C , to keep up the spirits of the
I must change this tone, to tell you of the most dismal
calamity that ever happened. Lady Molesworth's 1 house,
in Upper Brook Street, was burned to the ground between
four and five this morning. She herself, two of her
daughters, her brother*, and six servants, perished. Two
other of the young ladies jumped out of the two pair of
stairs and garret windows : one broke her thigh, the other
(the eldest of all) broke hers too, and has had it cut off.
The fifth daughter is much burnt. The French governess
leaped from the garret, and was dashed to pieces. Dr. Moles-
worth and his wife, who were there on a visit, escaped ;
the wife by jumping from the two pair of stairs, and saving
herself by a rail ; he by hanging by his hands till a second
ladder was brought, after a first had proved too short.
Nobody knows how or where the fire began ; the cata-
strophe is shocking beyond what one ever heard : and poor
Lady Molesworth, whose character and conduct were the
most amiable in the world, is universally lamented. Your
good hearts will feel this in the most lively manner.
I go early to Strawberry to-morrow, giving up the new opera,
Madame de Boumers, and Mr. Wilkes, and all the present
topics. Wilkes, whose case has taken its place by the side of
the seven Bishops, calls himself the eighth — not quite im-
properly, when one remembers that Sir Jonathan Trelawney8,
who swore like a trooper, was one of those confessors.
There is a good letter in the Gazetteer on the other side,
pretending to be written by Lord Temple, and advising
LKTTKK 879. — 1 Mary, daughter of * Sir Jonathan Trelawney, third •
Archdeacon Usher ; m. (1743), as his Baronet (d. 1721), Bishop succes-
second wife, Richard Molesworth, sively of Bristol, Exeter, and Win-
third Viscount Molesworth. Chester.
« Captain Usher.
322 To Sir Horace Mann [i?63
Wilkes to cut his throat, like Lord E 4, as it would be
of infinite service to their cause. There are published, too,
three volumes of Lady Mary Wortley's Letters, which I be-
lieve are genuine, and are not unentertaining. — But have
you read Tom Hervey's letter to the late King? That
beats everything for madness, horrid indecency, and folly,
and yet has some charming and striking passages.
I have advised Mrs. Harris to inform against Jack, as
writing in the North Briton ; he will then be shut up in the
Tower, and may be shown for old Nero 8. Adieu !
Yours ever,
Arlington Street, May 10, 17G3.
You will be impatient to hear the event of last Friday.
Mr. Wilkes was delivered by the Court of Common Pleas,
unanimously : not, said they, on a defect of affidavit in the
warrant ; not on defect of specification of libellous matter
in the warrant (two objections that had been made by his
counsel to the legality of the commitment) ; but on a breach
of privilege, the libel in question not being a breach of the
peace, but only tending to it.
The triumph of the opposition, you may be sure, is great.
Though he is still liable to be prosecuted in the Bong's
Bench, a step gained against the court gives confidence and
encouragement. It has given so much to Mr. Wilkes and
the warmest of his friends, that I think their indiscretion
and indecency will revolt the gravest of their well-wishers.
He keeps no bounds ; wrote immediately to the Secretaries
of State that his house had been robbed, and that he sup-
4 Probably Arthur Capel (1631- prisoner.
1683), Earl of Essex, who is supposed 5 An old lion there, so called,
to have committed suicide in the Walpole.
Tower of London, where he was a
1763] To Sir Horace Mann 323
posed they had his goods — nay, he went to a justice of
peace to demand a warrant for searching their houses,
which, you may imagine, he did not obtain. The King
ordered Lord Temple, Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire,
to remove him from the militia of that county. The Earl
acquainted him with that dismission, in terms of condo-
lence ; for which his Lordship has since been displaced
himself. In short, the scene grows every day more serious
— violence on one side, and incapacity on the other.
I quit politics, to tell you the most melancholy cata-
strophe that one almost ever heard or read of. The house
of Lady Molesworth, in Upper Brook Street, was suddenly
burnt to the ground last Friday, between four and five in
the morning. Herself, two of her daughters, her brother,
and three servants perished, with all the circumstances of
horror imaginable ! The house, which was small, hap-
pened to be crowded, by the arrival of her brother, Captain
Usher, from Jamaica, who lay there but that night for the
first time, and by a visit from Dr. Molesworth (her brother-
in-law) and his wife. The doctor waked, hearing what he
thought haiL He rose, opened the window and saw no-
thing. The noise increased, he opened the door, and found
the whole staircase in flames and smoke. Seeing no retreat,
he would have persuaded his wife to rush with him into
the smoke, and perish at once, as the quickest death. She
had not resolution enough. He then flung out a mattress
for her to jump on (it was two pair of stairs backwards) :
while he was doing this he saw from the garret above one
of the young ladies leap into the back court. Mrs. Moles-
worth then jumped out of the window, and was scarce
hurt ; he clambered out too, and hung by a hook : a man
from the back of another house saw him, and called to him
that he would bring a ladder ; he did, but it was too short.
However, he begged the doctor, if possible, to hang there
Y 2
324 To Sir Horace Mann [1763
still, which, though his strength, for he is a very old man,
almost failed him, he did and was saved ; but he is since
grown so disordered with the terror and calamity, that they
doubt if he will live. Lady Molesworth, who lay two pair
of stairs forwards, and who, to make room, had taken her
eldest daughter, of seventeen, to lie with her, was seen by
persons in the street at the window : the daughter jumped
into the street, fell on the iron spikes, and from thence into
the area. Lady Molesworth was at the other window in
her shift, and lifted up her hands, either to open the sash,
or in agonies for her daughter, but suddenly disappeared.
Some think that the floor at that instant fell with her;
I rather conclude that she swooned when her daughter
leaped, and never recovered.
The young lady has had her leg cut off, and has not been
in her senses since. The youngest daughter, about nine or
ten, had the quickness to get out at window on the top of
the house, but from spikes and chimneys could get no
farther. She went back to her room where her governess
was, who jumped first, and was dashed to pieces. The
child then jumped, and was little hurt, though burnt, and
almost stifled by the bed-clothes which Dr. Molesworth
flung out, for this was her that he saw. They told her her
governess was safe ; she replied, ' Don't pretend to make
me believe that, for I saw her dead on the pavement, and
her brains scattered about.'
Another of the sisters jumped too, and escaped with a
fractured thigh. A footman, who lay below, and could
have saved himself easily, ran up to try to save some of
the family, but being involved in flames and much burnt,
was forced to try the window, fell on the spikes like Miss
Molesworth, but they think will live. Lord Molesworth *,
LETTER 880.— * Richard Nassau Molesworth (1748-1793), fourth Viscount
1763] To Sir Horace Mann 325
the only son, a boy at Westminster, was at home that day,
and was to have lain there, but not having done his task,
was obliged to go back to school, and was thus fortunately
preserved. *
The general compassion on this dreadful tragedy is much
heightened by the very amiable character of Lady Moles-
worth. She had been a very great beauty, and was still
a most pleasing woman, not above forty. Lord Moles-
worth2, then very aged, married her, and had several
children by her ; her character and virtue beyond all sus-
picion, untainted and irreproachable. Her care of her
children was most meritorious, and her general behaviour
to the greatest degree engaging. Dr. Molesworth had been
much her enemy, yet, while her husband lived, she had
persuaded him to give the doctor an annuity, and since his
death has treated him with the utmost friendship.
It is not yet known how this terrible accident happened.
Many suspect two blacks belonging to Captain Usher, but
I believe merely from not knowing how to account for it,
nor where it began.
We have just got three volumes of Lady Mary Wortley's
Letters ; of which she had given copies at Venice. They
are entertaining, though perhaps the least of all her works,
for these were written during her first travels, and have no
personal history. All relating to that is in the hands of
Lady Bute, and I suppose will never see the light. These
letters, though pretty well guarded,* have certain marks of
originality— not bating freedoms, both of opinion, and with
regard to truth, for which you know she had little par-
tiality. Adieu !
P.S. Apropos to letters, I have never received mine,
which you told me you had sent so long ago.
2 Eichard Molesworth (d. 1758), third Viscount Molesworth.
326 To George Montagu [1753
DEAR SlR, Strawberry Hill, May 16, 1763.
I promised you should hear from me if I did not go
abroad, and I flatter myself that you will not be sorry to
know that I am much better in health than I was at the
beginning of the winter. My journey is quite laid aside,
at least for this year ; though, as Lord Hertford goes Em-
bassador to Paris, I propose to make him a visit there early
next spring.
As I shall be a good deal here this summer, I hope you
did not take a surfeit of Strawberry Hill, but will bestow
a visit on it while its beauty lasts ; the gallery advances
fast now, and I think in a few weeks will make a figure
worth your looking at.
I am, dear Sir,
Your obedient humble servant,
Strawberry Hill, May 17, 1763.
' ON vient de nous donner une tres jolie fete au chateau de
Straberri : tout etoit tapiss6 de narcisses, de tulipes, et de
lilacs ; des cors de chasse, des clarionettes, des petits vers
galants faits par des fees, et qui se trouvoient sous la presse,
des fruits a la glace, du th6, du cafe, des biscuits, et force
hot-rolls.' — This is not the beginning of a letter to you, but
of one that I might suppose sets out to-night for Paris, or
rather, which I do not suppose will set out thither, for though
the narrative is circumstantially true, I don't believe the
actors were pleased enough with the scene, to give so
favourable an account of it. The French do not come
hither to see. A I'angloise happened to be the word in
fashion ; and half a dozen of the most fashionable people
1763] To George Montagu 327
have been the dupes of it. I take for granted that their
next mode will be a I'iroquoise, that they may be under
no obligation of realizing their pretensions. Madame de
Boufflers I think will die a martyr to a taste, which she
fancied she had, and finds she has not. Never having
stirred ten miles from Paris, and having only rolled in an
easy coach from one hotel to another on a gliding pave-
ment, she is already worn out with being hurried from
morning till night from one sight to another. She rises
every morning so fatigued with the toils of the preceding
day, that she has not strength, if she had inclination, to
observe the least, or the finest thing she sees ! She came
hither to-day to a great breakfast I made for her, with her
eyes a foot deep in her head, her hands dangling, and
scarce able to support her knotting-bag. She had been
yesterday to see a ship launched, and went from Greenwich
by water to Kanelagh. Madame Dusson, who is Dutch-
built, and whose muscles are more pleasure-proof, came
with her ; there were besides, Lady Mary Coke, Lord and
Lady Holderness, the Duke and Duchess of Grafton, Lord
Hertford, Lord Villiers, Offley, Messieurs de Fleury, Deon *,
et Duclos2. The latter is author of the Life of Louis
Onze ; dresses like a dissenting minister, which I suppose
is the livery of a bel esprit, and is much more impetuous
than agreeable. We breakfasted in the great parlour, and
I had filled the hall and large cloister by turns with French
horns and clarionets. As the French ladies had never
seen a printing-house, I carried them into mine ; they found
something ready set, and desiring to see what it was, it
proved as follows : —
LETTER 882. — 1 Charles Genevieve sequently masqueraded for many
de Beaumont d'Eon (1728-1810), at years in woman's dress, both in Eng-
tbis time secretary to the Due de land and France.
Nivernais, on whose return to France 2 Charles Pinot Duclos (1704-
hu was for a short period Minister 1774).
Plenipotentiary in London. He sub-
328 To George Montagu [1763
The Press speaks —
The graceful fair, who loves to know,
Nor dreads the north's inclement snow ;
Who bids her polish'd accent wear
The British diction's harsher air ;
Shall read her praise in every clime
Where types can speak or poets rhyme.
Feign not an ignorance of what I speak ;
You could not miss my meaning, were it Greek.
'Tis the same language Belgium utter'd first,
The same which from admiring Gallia burst.
True sentiment a like expression pours ;
Each country says the same to eyes like yours.
You will comprehend that the first speaks English, and
that the second does not ; that the second is handsome,
and the first not ; and that the second was born in Holland.
This little gentillesse pleased, and atoned for the popery
of my house, which was not serious enough for Madame
de Boufflers, who is Montmorency, et du sang du premier
Chretien ; and too serious for Madame Dusson, who is a
Dutch Calvinist. The latter's husband was not here, nor
Drumgold8, who have both got fevers, nor the Due de
Nivernois, who dined at Claremont. The gallery is not
advanced enough to give them any idea at all, as they
are not apt to go out of their way for one ; but the cabinet,
and the glory of yellow glass at top, which had a charming
sun for a foil, did surmount their indifference, especially
3 Properly written Dromgoole. Johnaon visited Paris in 1775 he was
The Colonel belonged to an Irish entertained by Dromgoole, who was
family of Danish extraction. He was then at the head of the IScole MiLU
at this time acting as secretary to taire.
the Due de Nivernais. When Dr.
1763] To George Montagu 329
as they were animated by the Duchess of Grafton, who
had never happened to be here before, and who perfectly
entered into the air of enchantment and fairyism, which
is the tone of the place, and was peculiarly so to-day —
apropos, when do you design to come hither? Let me
know, that I may have no measures to interfere with
receiving you and your Grandisons 4.
Before Lord Bute ran away, he made Mr. Bentley a
Commissioner of the Lottery ; I don't know whether a single
or double one : the latter, which I hope it is, is two hundred
a year.
Thursday, 19th.
I am ashamed of myself to have nothing but a journal
of pleasures to send you ! I never passed a more agreeable
day than yesterday. Miss Pelham gave the French an
entertainment at Esher, but they have been so feasted
and amused, that none of them were well enough, or
reposed enough, to come, but Nivernois and Madame
Dusson. The rest of the company were, the Graftons,
Lady Kockingham5, Lord and Lady Pembroke, Lord and
Lady Holderness, Lord Villiers, Count Woronzow the Eussian
minister, Lady Sondes, Mr. and Mrs. Pelham, Miss Mary
Pelham, Lady Mary Coke, Mrs. Pitt, Mrs. Anne Pitt, and
Mr. Shelley. The day was delightful, the scene trans-
porting, the trees, lawns, concaves, all in the perfection
in which the ghost of Kent would joy to see them. At
twelve we made the tour of the farm in eight chaises and
calashes, horsemen, and footmen, setting out like a picture
of Wouverman. My lot fell in the lap of Mrs. Anne Pitt,
which I could have excused, as she was not at all in the
style of the day, romantic, but political. We had a mag-
* Montagu's brother, General heiress of Thomas Bright, of Bads-
Charles Montagu, had recently mar- worth, Yorkshire ; m. (1752) Charles
ried Countess Grandison. Watson- Wentworth, second Marquis
6 Mary (d. 1804), daughter and of Kockingham.
330 To George Montagu [1753
nificent dinner, cloaked in the modesty of earthenware :
French horns and hautboys on the lawn. We walked to
the belvedere on the summit of the hill, where a threatened
storm only served to heighten the beauty of the landscape,
a rainbow on a dark cloud falling precisely behind the
tower of a neighbouring church, between another tower
and the building at Claremont. Monsieur de Nivernois,
who had been absorbed all day, and lagging behind, trans-
lating my verses, was delivered of his version, and of some
more lines which he wrote on Miss Pelham in the belvedere,
while we drank tea and coffee. From thence we passed
into the wood, and the ladies formed a circle on chairs
before the mouth of the cave, which was overhung to
a vast height with woodbines, lilacs, and laburnums, and
dignified by those tall shapely cypresses. On the descent
of the hill were placed the French horns ; the abigails,
servants, and neighbours wandering below by the river —
in short, it was Parnassus, as Watteau would have painted
it Here we had a rural syllabub, and part of the company
returned to town ; but were replaced by Giardini ' and
Onofrio, who with Nivernois on the violin, and Lord
Pembroke on the bass, accompanied Miss Pelham, Lady
Rockingham, and the Duchess of Grafton, who sang. This
little concert lasted till past ten ; then there were minuets,
and as we had seven couple left, it concluded with a country
dance — I blush again, for I danced, but was kept in counte-
nance by Nivernois, who has one wrinkle more than I have.
A quarter after twelve they sat down to supper, and I came
home by a charming moonlight. I am going to dine in
town, and to a great ball with fireworks at Miss Chudleigh's
— but I return hither on Sunday, to bid adieu to this
abominable Arcadian life, for really when one is not young,
6 Felice de' Giardini (171&-1796),a celebrated violinist.
1763] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 331
one ought to do nothing but s'ennuyer — I will try, but
I always go about it awkwardly. Adieu !
Yours ever,
H. W.
P.S. I enclose a copy of both the English and French
Boufflers, qu'embellissent les graces,
Et qui plairoit sans le vouloir,
Elle a qui I'amour du scavoir
Fit braver le Nord et les glaces ;
Boufflers se plait en nos vergers,
Et veut a nos sons etrangers
Flier so, voix enchanteresse.
Repetons son nom mule fois,
Sur tous les cceurs Boufflers aura des droits,
Partout ou la rime et la Presse
A Vamour preteront leur voix.
Ne feignez point, Iris, de ne pas nous entendre ;
Ce que vous inspires, en grec doit se comprendre.
On vous Ta dit d'abord en hoUandois,
Et dans un langage plus tendre
Paris vous Va repete mitte fois.
C'est de nos cceurs I'expression sincere;
En tout climat, Iris, a toute heure, en tous licux.
Partout ou britteront vos yeux,
Vous apprendrez combien ils scavent plaire.
Arlington Street, May 21, 1768.
You have now seen the celebrated Madame de Boufflers *.
I dare say you could in that short time perceive that she
7 The French translation ia not at LETTER 683. — * The Comtesse de
present amongst the Kimbolton MSS. Boufflers, who since the lie volution
332 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [i763
is agreeable, but I dare say too that you will agree with
me that vivacity is by no means the partage of the French —
bating the etourderie of the mousquetaires and of a high-dried
petit maltre or two, they appear to me more lifeless than
Germans. I cannot comprehend how they came by the
character of a lively people. Charles Townshend has more
sal volatile in him than the whole nation. Their King is
taciturnity itself, Mirepoix was a walking mummy, Nivernois
has about as much life as a sick favourite child, and
M. Dusson is a good-humoured country gentleman, who
has been drunk the day before, and is upon his good
behaviour. If I have the gout next year, and am thoroughly
humbled by it again, I will go to Paris, that I may be upon
a level with them : at present, I am trop fou to keep them
company. Mind, I do not insist that, to have spirits,
a nation should be as frantic as poor Fanny Pelham, as
absurd as the Duchess of Queensbury, or as dashing as the
Virgin Chudleigh. Oh that you had been at her ball
t'other night ! History could never describe it and keep
its countenance. The Queen's real birthday, you know,
is not kept : this Maid of Honour kept it — nay, while the
court is in mourning, expected people to be out of mourning ;
the Queen's family really was so, Lady Northumberland
having desired leave for them. A scaffold was erected in
Hyde Park for fireworks. To show the illuminations with-
out to more advantage, the company were received in an
apartment totally dark, where they remained for two hours.
— If they gave rise to any more birthdays, who could help
it? The fireworks were fine, and succeeded well. On
each side of the court were two large scaffolds for the
Virgin's tradespeople. When the fireworks ceased, a large
scene was lighted in the court, representing their Majesties ;
in France of the year 1789, resided with her daughter-in-law the Com-
in England for two or three years tesse fimilie de Boufflers. Walpole.
176s] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 333
on each side of which were six obelisks, painted with
emblems, and illuminated ; mottoes beneath in Latin and
English : 1. For the Prince of Wales, a ship, Multorum spes.
2. For the Princess Dowager, a bird of paradise, and two
little ones, Meos ad sidera toUo. People smiled. 3. Duke
of York, a temple, Virtuti et lionori. 4. Princess Augusta,
a bird of paradise, Non hdbet parem — unluckily this was
translated, I have no peer. People laughed out, considering
where this was exhibited. 5. The three younger Princes,
an orange-tree, Promittit et dat. 6. The two younger
Princesses, the flower crown-imperial. I forget the Latin :
the translation was silly enough, Bashful in youth, graceful
in age. The lady of the house made many apologies for
the poorness of the performance, which she said was only
oil-paper, painted by one of her servants ; but it really
was fine and pretty. The Duke of Kingston was in a frock,
comme chez lui. Behind the house was a cenotaph for the
Princess Elizabeth, a kind of illuminated cradle ; the motto,
All the honours the dead can receive. This burying-ground
was a strange codicil to a festival ; and, what was more
strange, about one in the morning, this sarcophagus burst
out into crackers and guns. The Margrave of Anspach8
began the ball with the Virgin. The supper was most
You ask, when I propose to be at Park Place. I ask,
shall not you come to the Duke of Kichmond's masquerade,
which is the 6th of June ? I cannot well be with you till
towards the end of that month.
The enclosed is a letter which I wish you to read
attentively, to give me your opinion upon it, and return
it. It is from a sensible friend of mine in Scotland s, who
2 Christian Charles, Margrave of 3 Sir David Dalrymple. See Horace
Anspach. He sold his territories to Walpole's letter to him of May 2,
Prussia in 1791, and died in 1806. 1763.
334 To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway [i?63
has lately corresponded with me on the enclosed subjects,
which I little understand ; but I promised to communicate
his ideas to George Grenville, if he would state them —
are they practicable ? I wish much that something could
be done for those brave soldiers and sailors, who will all
come to the gallows, unless some timely provision can be
made for them. — The former part of his letter relates to
a grievance he complains of, that men who have not served
are admitted into garrisons, and then into our hospitals,
which were designed for meritorious sufferers. Adieu !
Yours ever,
Arlington Street, Saturday evening [May 28, 1763].
No, indeed I cannot consent to your being a dirty Phi-
lander *. Pink and white, and white and pink ! and both
as greasy as if you had gnawed a leg of a fowl on the stairs
of the Haymarket with a bunter from the Cardigan's Head !
For Heaven's sake don't produce a tight rose-coloured
thigh, unless you intend to prevent my Lord Bute's return
from Harrowgate. Write, the moment you receive this,
to your tailor to get you a sober purple domino as I
have done, and it will make you a couple of summer
In the next place, have your ideas a little more correct
about us of times past. We did not furnish our cottages 2
with chairs of ten guineas apiece. Ebony for a farm-house !
So, two hundred years hence some man of taste will build
a hamlet in the style of George the Third, and beg his
LETTER 884. — * At the masquerade Privy Garden. Walpole.
given by the Duke of Richmond on 2 General Conway was fitting np
the 6th of June, 1763, at his house in a little rustic building in his grounds.
1763] To George Montagu 335
cousin Tom Hearne to get him some chairs for it of mahogany
gilt, and covered with blue damask. Adieu ! I have not
a minute's time more.
Yours, &c.,
Huntingdon, May 30, 1763.
As you interest yourself about Kimbolton, I begin my
journal of two days here. But I must set out with owning
that I believe I am the first man that ever went sixty miles
to an auction. As I came for ebony, I have been up to
my chin in ebony ; there is literally nothing but ebony
in the house ; all the other goods, if there were any, and
I trust my Lady Conyers l did not sleep upon ebony mat-
tresses, are taken away. There are two tables and eighteen
chairs, all made by the Hallet of two hundred years ago.
These I intend to have; for mind, the auction does not
begin till Thursday. There are more plebeian chairs of
the same materials, but I have left commission for only
the true black blood. Thence I went to Kimbolton and
asked to see the house. A kind footman, who in his zeal
to open the chaise pinched half my finger off, said he would
call the housekeeper : but a groom of the chambers insisted
on my visiting their Graces ; and as I vowed I did not
know them, he said they were in the great apartment,
that all the rest was in disorder and altering, and would
let me see nothing. — This was the reward of my first lie.
I returned to my inn or alehouse, and instantly received
a message from the Duke* to invite me to the Castle.
LETTER 885. — l The Conyers' were Manchester ; his wife was Elizabeth,
of Great Stoughton, in Huntingdon- eldest daughter of Sir James Dash-
shire, wood, second Baronet.
2 George Montagu, fourth Duke of
336 To George Montagu [i?63
I was quite undressed, and dirty with my journey, and
unacquainted with the Duchess — yet was forced to go —
thank the god of dust, his Grace was dirtier than me.
He was extremely civil, and detected me to the groom of
the chambers — asked me if I had dined. I said yes — lie
the second. He pressed me to take a bed there. I hate
to be criticized at a formal supper by a circle of stranger-
footmen, and protested I was to meet a gentleman at
Huntingdon to-night. The Duchess and Lady Caroline*
came in from walking; and to disguise my not having
dined, for it was past six, I drank tea with them. The
Duchess is much altered, and has a bad short cough. I pity
Catherine of Arragon for living at Kimbolton : I never saw
an uglier spot. The fronts are not so bad as I expected,
by not being so French as I expected ; but have no pre-
tensions to beauty, nor even to comely ancient ugliness.
The great apartment is truly noble, and almost all the
portraits good, of what I saw ; for many are not hung up,
and half of those that are, my Lord Duke does not know.
The Earl of Warwick4 is delightful ; the Lady Mandeville*,
attiring herself in her wedding garb, delicious. The Pro-
metheus is a glorious picture, the eagle as fine as my
statue. Is not it by Vandyck? The Duke told me that
Mr. Spence found out it was by Titian — but critics in
poetry I see are none in painting. This was all I was
shown, for I was not even carried into the chapel. The
walls round the house are levelling, and I saw nothing
without doors that tempted me to taste. So I made my
bow, hurried to my inn, snapped up my dinner, lest I
should again be detected, and came hither, where I am
writing by a great fire, and give up my friend the east
s Lady Caroline Montagu. 6 According to Cunningham, Anne
4 According to Cunningham, Eo- Rich (d. 1641), Viscountess Mande-
bert Rich (1587-1658), second Earl of ville.
Warwick, by Mytens.
1763] To George Montagu 837
wind, which I have long been partial to for the south-east's
sake, and in contradiction to the west, for blowing per-
petually and bending all one's plantations. To-morrow
I see Hinchinbrook — and London. Memento, I promised
the Duke that you should come and write on all his
portraits. Do, as you honour the blood of Montagu ! Who
is the man * in the picture with Sir Charles Goring, where
a page is tying the latter's scarf? And who are the ladies
in the double half-lengths ?
Arlington Street, May 31.
Well ! I saw Hinchinbrook this morning. Considering
it is in Huntingdonshire, the situation is not so ugly nor
melancholy as I expected ; but I do not conceive what
provoked so many of your ancestors to pitch their tents in
that triste country, unless the Capulets 7 loved fine prospects.
The house of Hinchinbrook is most comfortable, and just
what I like ; old, spacious, irregular, yet not vast or forlorn.
I believe much has been done since you saw it — it now only
wants an apartment, for in no part of it are there above two
chambers together. The furniture has much simplicity, not
to say too much ; some portraits tolerable, none I think fine.
When this lord gave Blackwood the head of the Admiral 8
that I have now, he left himself not one so good. The head
he kept is very bad : the whole-length is fine, except the face
of it. There is another of the Duke of Cumberland by
Reynolds, the colours of which are as much changed as the
original is to the proprietor. The garden is wondrous small,
the park almost smaller, and no appearance of territory.
The whole has a quiet decency that seems adapted to the
Admiral after his retirement, or to Cromwell before his
8 According to Cunningham, 7 As opposing in everything the
Monntjoy Blount (d. 1666), first Earl Montagus. Walpole.
of Newport, with George Goring 8 Admiral Montagu, Earl of Sand-
(d. 1663), first Earl of Norwich, and wich, by Sir P. Lely, now in the
one of the latter's sons. gallery at Strawberry HilL Walpole.
338 To Sir Horace Mann [i?63
exaltation. I returned time enough for the Opera ; observing
all the way I came the proof of the duration of this east wind,
for on the west side the blossoms were so covered with dust
one could not distinguish them ; on the eastern hand the
hedges were white in all the pride of May. Good-night !
Wednesday, June 1.
My letter is a perfect diary. There has been a sad alarm
in the kingdom of white satin and muslin. The Duke of
Richmond was seized last night with a sore throat and fever ;
and though he is much better to-day, the masquerade9 of
to-morrow night is put off till Monday. Many a Queen of
Scots, from sixty to sixteen, has been ready to die of the
fright. Adieu once more ! I think I can have nothing more
to say before the post goes out to-morrow.
Yours ever,
Strawberry Hill, June 5, 1763.
I AM much concerned at the melancholy accounts you give
me of both Lord and Lady Northampton l. They are young,
handsome, and happy, and life was very valuable to them.
She has been consumptive some time ; but he seemed healthy
and strong.
The misery in the family of Molesworth is not yet closed.
The eldest young lady, who has had her leg cut off, does not
yet know of the loss of her mother and sisters, but believes
them much hurt, and not able even to write to her ; by
9 The masked ball given by the Noel, Duke of Somerset. Walpole. —
Duke of llichmond at his house in The husband and wife died this year
Privy Garden. Walpole. (1763) within a few months of each
LETTER 886. — 1 Charles Compton, other, the one at Lyons, the other at
Earl of Northampton, married Lady Naples.
Anne Somerset, eldest daughter of
1763] To Sir Horace Mann 339
degrees they intend to tell her that her mother grows worse
and then dies. Till this week she did not know she had
lost a limb herself, they keeping the mangled part in a frame.
One of her sisters, she of eleven, who is still lame with her
bruises, was lately brought to her. They had not prepared
the child, thinking she knew nothing of what had happened
to Miss Molesworth. The moment the girl came in, she
said, ' Oh ! poor Harriet ! they tell me your leg is cut off ! '
Still this did not undeceive her. She replied, ' No, it is not.'
The method they have since taken to acquaint her with it
was very artful : they told her her leg must be taken off,
and then softened the shock by letting her know the truth.
She wept much, but soon comforted herself, saying, ' Thank
God, it is not my arm, for now I can still amuse myself.'
It would surprise one that at her age so many indications
should not lead her to the full extent of her calamity ; but
they keep her in a manner intoxicated with laudanum. She
is in the widow Lady Grosvenor's 8 house, and the humanity,
tenderness, and attention of Lord Grosvenor to her is not to
be described. The youngest girl overheard the servants in
the next room talking of her mother's death, and would not
eat anything for two days.
Lord Bath's extravagant avarice and unfeelingness on his
son's death rather increases. Lord Pulteney left a kind of
will, saying he had nothing to give, but made it his request
to his father to give his postchaise and one hundred pounds
to his cousin Colman 3 ; the same sum and his pictures to
another cousin, and recommended the Lakes, his other
cousins, to him. Lord Bath sent Colman and Lockman
word they might get their hundred pounds as they could,
and for the chaise and pictures they might buy them if they
2 Jane, daughter and heiress of Bath's sister, author of several
Thomas Warre, and widow of Sir dramatic works, and afterwards
Robert Grosvenor, sixth Baronet. manager of the Little Theatre in the
3 George Colman, son of Lady Haymarket, Walpole,
Z 2
340 To Sir Horace Mann [1763
pleased, for they would be sold for his son's debts ; and he
expressed great anger at the last article, saying that he did
not know what business it was of his son to recommend
heirs to him.
I have told you of our French: we have got another
curious one, La Condamine *, qui se donne pour philosophe.
He walks about the streets, with his trumpet and a map,
his spectacles on, and hat under his arm. He lodged in
Suffolk Street ; his servants bawling to him disturbed the
lodgers ; the landlady sent two men as bailiffs to turn him
out. On this he has printed in the public newspapers
a letter to the people of England, telling them that he has
travelled in the most barbarous countries, and never met
with such savages as we are — pretty near truth ; and yet
I would never have abused the Iroquois to their faces in
one of their own gazettes.
But, to give you some idea of his philosophy, he was on
the scaffold to see Damien executed. His deafness was very
inconvenient to his curiosity ; he pestered the confessor with
questions to know what Damien said: 'Monsieur, il jure
horriblement.' La Condamine replied, 'Ma foi, il n'a pas
tort ' ; not approving it, but as sensible of what he suffered.
Can one bear such want of feeling 5 ? Oh ! but as a philo-
sopher he studied the nature of man in torments ; — pray, for
what ? One who can so far divest himself of humanity as to
be, uncalled, a spectator of agony, is not likely to employ
much of his time in alleviating it. We have lately had an
instance that would set his philosophy to work. A young
highwayman was offered his life after condemnation, if he
would consent to have his leg cut off, that a new styptic
4 Charles Marie de la Condamine to another, ' Est-il des ndtres ? '
(1701-1774), traveller, mathema- ' Non,' replied he, ' Monsieur n'est
tician, and member of the French qu'amateur.' — Yet, La Condamine
Academy. was a very humane and good man.
6 As La Condamine was on the Walpole.
scaffold, one of the executioners said
1763] To Sir Horace Mann 341
might be tried. ' What ! ' replied he, ' and go limping to
the devil at last? no, I'll be damned first' — and was
hanged !
Mr. Crawford has given me the second plan ; Inigo Jones's
church at Leghorn, for which I thank you. I am happy
that you are easy about your brother James : I had told you
he would write ; have not you received that letter ?
No public news. Parliamentary and political campaigns
end when the military used to begin, and, thank God, we
have now not them !
Did I, or did I not, tell you how much I am diverted with
his Serenity of Modena's match with that old, battered,
painted, debauched Simonetta ? An antiquated bagnio is an
odd place for conscience to steal a wedding in ! Two-and-
twenty years ago she was as much repaired as Lady Mary
Wortley, or as her own new spouse. Why, if they were
not past approaching them, their faces must run together
like a palette of colours, and they would be disputing to
which such an eyebrow or such a cheek belonged. The
first time I saw her, at the fair of Keggio, in 1741, I was to
dine with her ; and going at three o'clock, found her in a
loose linen gown, with no other woman, playing at faro
with eleven men in white waistcoats and nightcaps. Such
a scene was very new to me at that age ! I did not expect
that twenty years afterwards she would become mistress of
the duchy, or be a ladder to help the Duke to heaven.
June 7th.
Last night we had a magnificent entertainment at Eich-
mond House, a masquerade and fireworks. As we have
consciences no wiser than his Modenese Highness's, a
masquerade was a new sight to the young people, who had
dressed themselves charmingly, without having the fear of
an earthquake before their eyes, though Prince William and
342 To George Montagu [1763
Prince Henry 6 were not suffered to be there. The Duchesses
of Kichmond 7 and Graf ton, the first as a Persian Sultana, the
latter as Cleopatra, — and such a Cleopatra ! — were glorious
figures, in very different styles. Mrs. Fitzroy8 in a Turkish
dress, Lady George Lenox 9 and Lady Bolingbroke in Grecian
girls, Lady Mary Coke as Imoinda, and Lady Pembroke as
a pilgrim, were the principal beauties of the night. The
whole garden was illuminated, and the apartments. An
encampment of barges decked with streamers in the middle
of the Thames, kept the people from danger, and formed
a stage for the fireworks, which were placed, too, along the
rails of the garden. The ground rooms lighted, with suppers
spread, the houses covered and filled with people, the bridge,
the garden full of masks, Whitehall crowded with spectators
to see the dresses pass, and the multitude of heads on the
river who came to light by the splendour of the fire-wheels,
composed the gayest and richest scene imaginable, not to
mention the diamonds and sumptuousness of the habits.
The Dukes of York and Cumberland, and the Margrave of
Anspach, were there, and about six hundred masks. Adieu !
Strawberry Hill, June 16, 1763.
I DO not like your putting off your visit hither for so long.
Indeed, by September the gallery will probably have all its
fine clothes on, and by what have been tried, I think it will
look very well. The fashion of the garments to be sure will
be ancient, but I have given them an air that is very
becoming. Princess Amelia was here last night while I was
6 Afterwards Dukes of Gloucester 9 Lady Louisa Kerr, eldest daughter
and Cumberland. Walpole. of the Marquis of Lothian, and wife
7 Lady Mary Bruce. Walpole. of Lord George Lenox, second son
8 Eldest daughter of Sir Peter of Charles, second Duke of Kich-
Warren. Walpole. mond. Walpole.
1763] To George Montagu 343
abroad, and if Margaret is not too much prejudiced by
the guinea left, or by natural partiality to what servants
call our house, I think was pleased, particularly with the
As Mountain-George will not come to Mahomet-me,
Mahomet-I must come to Greatworth. Mr. Chute and I
think of visiting you about the seventeenth of July, if you
shall be at home, and nothing happens to derange our
scheme. Possibly we may call at Horton * ; we certainly
shall proceed to Drayton, Burleigh, Fotheringay, Peter-
borough, and Ely; and shall like much of your company,
all, or part of the tour. The only present proviso I have to
make is the health of my niece 2, who is at present much out
of order, we think not breeding, and who was taken so ill on
Monday, that I was forced to carry her suddenly to town,
where I yesterday left her better at her father's.
There has been a report that the new Lord Holland was
dead at Paris, but I believe it is not true. I was very
indifferent about it: eight months ago it had been lucky.
I saw his jackal t'other night in the meadows, the Secretary
at War 3, so emptily important and distilling paragraphs of
old news with such solemnity, that I did not know whether
it was a man or the Utrecht Gazette, Good-night.
Yours ever,
P.S. Since I wrote this I have received yours, and will
take care of your pictures, as soon as they are notified
to me.
LETTER 887. — * The seat of the 3 Welbore Ellis, afterwards Lord
Earl of Halifax, near Northampton. Mendip.
a Countess Waldegrave.
344 To Sir Horace Mann [1763
Arlington Street, June 80, 1763.
MOKSIEUR DE LA CoNDAMiNE will certainly have his letter ;
but, my dear Sir, it is as sure that I shall not deliver it
myself. I have given it to my Lord Hertford for him,
while I act being in the country. To tell you the truth,
La Condamine is absurdity itself. He has had a quarrel
with his landlady, whose lodgers being disturbed by La
Condamine's servant being obliged to bawl to him, as he
is deaf, wanted to get rid of him. He would not budge:
she dressed two chairmen for bailiffs to force him out. The
next day he published an address to the people of England,
in the newspaper, informing them that they are the most
savage nation in or out of Europe. I honour his zeal for
inoculation, which* is combated by his countrymen. Even
here, nonsense attacks it ; that is of course, for the practice
is sense; but I wish humane men, or men of reflection,
would be content to feel and to think, without advertising
themselves by a particular denomination. But they will
call themselves philosophers, and the instant they have
created themselves a character, they think they must distin-
guish themselves by it, and run into all kind of absurdities.
I wish they would consider that the most desirable kind of
understanding is the only kind that never aims at any parti-
cularity ; I mean common sense. This is not Monsieur de la
Condamine's kind ; and Count Lorenzi must excuse me if
I avoid the acquaintance. I think I said something of him
in a former letter.
Lord Strathmore is arrived, and has brought the parcel.
He has been twice at Palazzo Pitti 1. I prefer the master of
the latter. The Lord is too doucereux and Celadonian *.
LETTER 888. — l The house of Mr. 2 Too much of a swain, a Celadon.
Thomas Pitt, at Twickenham. Wai- WaJpole.
1763] To George Montagu 345
You say I am patron of the French ; I fear they do not
think so. Very, very few of them have struck me. Then
the trouble of conversing in a language not one's own, and
the difficulty of expressing one's ideas as one would, dis-
heartens me. Madame de Boufflers has pleased me most,
and conceives us the best ; though I doubt whether she will
return so partial to us as she came. She told me one day,
' Dans ce pays-ci c'est un effort perpetuel pour se divertir ' ;
and she did not seem to think we succeed. However, next
spring I must go to Paris, which at present, like the de-
scription of the grave, is the way of all flesh. Foley, the
banker at Paris, told Lord Strathmore that thirty thousand
pounds have been remitted from hence every month since
the Peace, for the English that flock thither.
Your account of Lord Northampton is moving. He will,
I fear, be little better for Tronchin8, who, I am assured,
from very good judges at Paris, is little better than a
I have nothing to tell you, and I am glad of it ; we have
a long repose from politics; and it is comfortable when
folks can be brought to think or talk of something else,
which they seldom will in winter. My gallery occupies me
entirely, but grows rather too magnificent for my humility ;
however, having at no time created myself a philosopher,
I am at liberty to please myself, without minding a contra-
diction or two. Adieu !
Strawberry Hill, July 1, 1763.
MR. CHUTE and I intend to be with you on the seventeenth
or eighteenth, but as we are wandering swains, we do not
drive our nail into one day of the almanac irremovably.
8 Louis Tronchin (1709-1781), a celebrated Swiss physician.
34:6 To George Montagu [ires
Our first stage is to Blecheley1, the parsonage of venerable
Cole, the antiquarian of Cambridge. Blecheley lies by
Fenny Stratford ; now can you direct us how to make
Horton in our way from Stratford to Greatworth ? If this
meander engrosses more time than we propose, do not be
disappointed, and think we shall not come, for we shall.
The journey you must accept as a great sacrifice either to
you or to my promise, for I quit the gallery almost in the
critical minute of consummation. Gilders, carvers, up-
holsters, and picture-cleaners are labouring at their several
forges, and I do not love to trust a hammer or a brush
without my own supervisal. This will make my stay very
short, but it is a greater compliment than a month would
be at another season ; and yet I am not profuse of months.
Well ! but I begin to be ashamed of my magnificence ;
Strawberry is growing sumptuous in its latter day ; it will
scarce be any longer like the fruit of its name, or the
modesty of its ancient demeanour, both which seem to have
been in Spenser's prophetic eye, when he sung of
the blushing strawberries
Which lurk, close-shrouded from high-looking eyes,
Showing that sweetness low and hidden lies.
In truth, my collection was too great already to be lodged
humbly ; it has extended my walls, and pomp followed. It
was a neat little house, it now will be a comfortable one,
and, except one fine apartment, does not deviate from its
simplicity. Adieu ! I know nothing about the world, care
nothing about the world, and am only Strawberry's and
Yours sincerely,
LETTER 889.— 1 Bletchley.
1763] To Sir David Dalrymple 347
Strawberry Hill, July 1, 1763.
PERHAPS, Sir, you have wondered that I have been so
long silent about a scheme that called for dispatch. The
truth is, I have had no success. Your whole plan has been
communicated to Mr. Grenville by one 1 whose heart went
with it, going always with what is humane. Mr. Grenville
mentions two objections ; one, insuperable as to expedition ;
the other, totally so. No crown or public lands could be
so disposed of without an Act of Parliament. In that case
the scheme should be digested during a war, to take place
at the conclusion, and cannot be adjusted in time for
receiving the disbanded. But what is worse, he hints, Sir,
that your good heart has only considered the practicability
with regard to Scotland, where there are no poor's rates.
Here every parish would object to such settlers. This is
the sum of his reply; I am not master enough of the
subject or the nature of it, to answer either difficulty. If
you can, Sir, I am ready to continue the intermediate
negotiator; but you must furnish me with answers to
these obstacles, before I could hope to make any way even
with any private person. In truth, I am little versed in
the subject; which I own, not to excuse myself from
pursuing it if it can be made feasible, but to prompt you,
Sir, to instruct me. Except at this place, which cannot be
called the country, I have scarce ever lived in the country,
and am shamefully ignorant of the police and domestic
laws of my own country. Zeal to do any good, I have ;
but I want to be tutored when the operation is at all
complicated. Your knowledge, Sir, may supply my de-
ficiencies ; at least you are sure of a solicitor for your good
intentions in your, &c.
LETTEK 890. — 1 Probably General Conway. See letter to him of May 21, 1763.
348 To Charles Lyttelton, Bishop of Carlisle [i?63
DEAR SlR, Strawberry Hill, July 1, 1763.
As you have given me leave, I propose to pass a day with
you, on my way to Mr. Montagu's. If you have no engage-
ment, I will be with you on the 1 6th of this month, and if
it is not inconvenient, and you will tell me truly whether it
is or not, I shall bring my friend Mr. Chute with me, who
is destined to the same place. I will beg you too to let me
know how far it is to Blecheley, and what road I must
take. That is, how far from London, or how far from
Twickenham, and the road from each, as I am uncertain
yet from which I shall set out. If any part of this proposal
does not suit you, I trust you will own it, and I will take
some other opportunity of calling on you, being most truly,
dear Sir,
Your much obliged and obedient servant,
MY GOOD LORD, Strawberry Hill, July 10, 1763.
You are ever kind and obliging to me, and indulge my
virtuoso humour with as much charity as if a passion for
collecting were a Christian want. I thank you much for
the letter on King James's death: it shall certainly make
its appearance with the rest of your bounties. At present
that volume is postponed ; I have got a most delectable
work to print, which I had great difficulty to obtain, and
which I must use while I can have it. It is the life of the
famous Lord Herbert of Cherbury, written by himself — one
LETTER 892. — Not in C. ; now printed from original in possession of
Viscount Cobham.
1763] To Charles Lyttelton, Bishop of Carlisle 349
of the most curious pieces my eyes ever beheld — but I will
not forestall the amusement it will give you.
Do I confound it, or is the print of Master Prideaux the
same with that of Master Basset ? I have some such notion :
if it is, I have it. If not, I will inquire of Kamsay. As to
your nephew1, he is a lost thing; I have not set eyes on him
this fortnight; he has deserted Palazzo Pitti, at least has
abandoned me. Nay, I do not guess when we shall meet,
for this day se'nnight I begin a ramble to George Montagu's,
Drayton, Burleigh, Ely, Peterborough, and I don't know
where. This is to occupy the time, while they finish what
remains to paint and gild of the gallery. This is very
necessary, for with impatience I have spoiled half the
frames that are new gilt, and do ten times more harm than
I mean to do good. However, I see shore ; three weeks will
terminate all the workmen have to do — I shall long to have
your Lordship see it, though I shall blush, for it is much
more splendid than I intended, and too magnificent for me.
Mr. Borlase2, I believe, knows your Lordship has some
partiality for me. He honours me far beyond my deserts ;
and forgets how little share I can claim in the Anecdotes, as
greatly the largest part was owing to Vertue.
If I have any time towards the end of the summer, I will
certainly visit the Museum ; I have much business there ;
but you will allow, my good Lord, that it is not from
idleness that I have neglected going thither. I am not apt
to be idle ; few people have done so much of nothing, or
have been so constantly employed, though indeed about
trifles. I have almost tired myself, it is true, and yet I do
not hitherto find my activity much relaxed.
You do not mention Kose Castle8: is it in disgrace? —
1 Thomas Pitt, afterwards Lord on Cornish antiquities, and a friend
Camelford. and correspondent of Bishop Lyttel-
8 Dr. William Borlase (1695-1772), ton.
Rector of Ludgvan, Cornwall, a writer 3 Lyttelton's episcopal residence
350 To the Rev. William Cole [ires
well, be it so. Change it for Hartlebury or Farnham
Castles — to these Pitt and I can come with our Gothic
News I can send you none, for none I know. I seldom
in summer do know an event that has happened since 1600.
It is one of those ancient truths that
I am your Lordship's
Most bounden Servant and poor
DEAR SlR, Strawberry Hill, July 12, 1763.
Upon consulting maps and roads and the knowing, I find
it will be my best way to call on Mr. Montagu first, before
I come to you, or I must go the same road twice. This
will make it a few days later than I intended before I wait
on you, and will leave you time to complete your hay-
harvest, as I gladly embrace your offer of bearing me
company on the tour I meditate to Burleigh, Drayton,
Peterborough, Ely, and twenty other places, of all which
you shall take as much or as little as you please. It will
I think be Wednesday or Thursday se'nnight before I wait
on you, that is the 20th or 21st, and I fear I shall come
alone, for Mr. Chute is confined with the gout: but you
shall hear again before I set out. Kemember I am to see
Sir Kenelm Digby's.
Thank you much for your informations ; the Countess of
Cumberland is an acquisition, and quite new to me. With
the Countess of Kent I am acquainted since my last edition.
Addison certainly changed sties in the epitaph to indicabit
near Carlisle ; Hartlebury and Farn- the Bishops of Worcester and Win-
ham Castles are the residences of Chester.
1763] To George Montagu 351
to avoid the jingle with dies : though it is possible that the
thought may have been borrowed elsewhere. Adieu, Sir !
Yours ever,
Wednesday is the day I propose waiting on you ; what
time of it the Lord and the roads know ; so don't wait for
me any part of it. If I should be violently pressed to stay
a day longer at Mr. Montagu's, I hope it will be no dis-
appointment to you ; but I love to be uncertain, rather than
make myself expected and fail.
Yours ever,
Stanford, Saturday night, July 23, 1763.
' THUS far our arms have with success been crowned ' —
bating a few mishaps, which will attend long marches like
ours. We have conquered as many towns as Louis Quatorze
in the campaign of seventy -two ; that is, seen them, for he
did little more, and into the bargain he had much better
roads, and a drier summer. It has rained perpetually till
to-day, and made us experience the rich soil of North-
amptonshire, which is a clay-pudding, stuck full of villages.
After we parted with you on Thursday, we saw Castle
Ashby l and Easton Mauduit s. The former is most magni-
ficently trist, and has all the formality of the Comptons.
I should admire it if I could see out of it, or anything in it,
LETTER 895. — * A seat of the Earl borough,
of Northampton, near Welling- 2 A seat of the Earl of Sussex.
352 To George Montagu [i763
but there is scarce any furniture, and the bad little panes of
glass exclude all objects.
Easton is miserable enough ; there are many modern
portraits, and one I was glad to see of the Duchess of
Shrewsbury3. We lay at Wellinborough — pray never lie
there — the beastliest inn upon earth is there! We were
carried into a vast bedchamber, which I suppose is the
club-room, for it stunk of tobacco like a justice of peace.
I desired some boiling water for tea ; they brought me a
sugar-dish of hot water in a pewter plate !
Yesterday morning we went to Boughton4, where we
were scarce landed, before the Cardigans, in coach and six
and three chaises, arrived with a cold dinner in their
pockets, on their way to Deane, for as it is in dispute, they
never reside at Boughton. This was most unlucky, that
we should pitch on the only hour in the year in which they
are there. I was so disconcerted, and so afraid of falling
foul of the Countess and her caprices, that I hurried from
chamber to chamber, and scarce knew what I saw, but that
the house is in the grand old French style, that gods and
goddesses lived over my head in every room, and that there
was nothing but pedigrees all round me and under my feet,
for there is literally a coat of arms at the end of every step
of the stairs — did the Duke mean to pun, and intend this
for the descent of the Montagus ? — Well ! we hurried away
and got to Drayton an hour before dinner. Oh ! the dear
old place ! you would be transported with it. In the first
place, it stands in as ugly a hole as Boughton — well ! that
is not its beauty. The front is a brave strong castle wall,
embattled and loopholed for defence. Passing the great
gate, you come to a sumptuous but narrow modern court,
3 Adelaida Paleotti (d. 1726), dispute between his daughters, Lady
Duchess of Shrewsbury. Beaulieu and the Countess of Car-
4 A seat of the late Duke of Mon- digan.
tagu, near Kettering. It was in
1763] To George Montagu 353
behind which rises the old mansion, all towers and turrets.
The house is excellent ; has a vast hall, ditto dining-room,
king's chamber, trunk gallery at the top of the house, hand-
some chapel, and seven or eight distinct apartments, besides
closets and conveniences without end. Then it is covered
with portraits, crammed with old china, furnished richly,
and not a rag in it under forty, fifty, or a thousand years
old ; but not a bed or chair that has lost a tooth, or got
a grey hair, so well are they preserved. I rummaged it
from head to foot, examined every spangled bed, and
enamelled pair of bellows, for such there are ; in short,
I do not believe the old mansion was ever better pleased
with an inhabitant, since the days of Walter de Drayton,
except when it has received its divine old mistress. If one
could honour her more than one did before, it would be to
see with what religion she keeps up the old dwelling and
customs, as well as old servants, who you may imagine do
not love her less than other people do. The garden is just
as Sir John Germain brought it from Holland ; pyramidal
yews, treittages, and square cradle walks, with windows
clipped in them. Nobody was there, but Mr. Beauclerc
and Lady Catherine5, and two parsons: the two first
suffered us to ransack and do as we would, and the two
last assisted us, informed us, and carried us to every tomb
in the neighbourhood. I have got every circumstance by
heart, and was pleased beyond my expectation, both with
the place and the comfortable manner of seeing it. We
stayed there till after dinner to-day, and saw Fotheringam 8
in our way hither. The castle is totally ruined. The
mount, on which the keep stood, two doorcases, and a piece
of the moat, are all the remains. Near it is a front and
8 Lady Catherine Ponsonby (d. of Han worth, •whom he succeeded
1789), eldest daughter of second Earl in 1781, becoming Duke of St. Albans
of Bessborough ; m. (1763) Hon. in 1787.
Aubrey Beauclerk, son of Lord Vere 6 So in MS. ; read Fotheringay.
354 To George Montagu [176 3
two projections of an ancient house, which, by the arms
about it, I suppose was part of the palace of Kichard and
Cicely, Duke and Duchess of York 7. There are two pretty
tombs for them and their uncle Duke of York in the church,
erected by order of Queen Elizabeth. The church has been
very fine, but is now intolerably shabby, yet many large
saints remain in the windows, two entire, and all the heads
well painted. You may imagine we were civil enough to
the Queen of Scots, to feel a feel of pity for her, while we
stood on the very spot where she was put to death ; my
companion8, I believe, who is a better royalist than I am,
felt a little more — there, I have obeyed you. To-morrow
we see Burleigh and Peterborough, and lie at Ely; on
Monday I hope to be in town, and on Tuesday I hope much
more to be in the gallery at Strawberry Hill, and to find
the gilders laying on the last leaf of gold. Good night !
Yours ever,
Hockerill l, Monday night, July 25, vol. 2nd.
I CONTINUE. You must know we were drowned on Satur-
day night. It rained, as it did at Greatworth on Wednesday,
all night and all next morning, so we could not look even
at the outside of Burleigh ; but we saw the inside pleasantly ;
for Lord Exeter, whom I had prepared for our intentions,
came to us, and made every door and every lock fly open,
even of his magazines, yet unranged. He is going through
the house by degrees, furnishing a room every year, and has
7 Lady Cicely Nevill (d. 1495), 8 William Cole,
daughter of first Earl of Westmor- LETTER 896. — l Hockerill or Bi-
land, wife of Richard Plantagenet, shop's Stortford, on the high road
Duke of York, and mother of Edward between London and Newmarket.
IV and Richard III.
1763] To George Montagu 355
already made several most sumptuous. One is a little tired
of Carlo Maratti and Luca Jordano, yet still these are
treasures. The china and japan are of the finest, miniatures
in plenty, and a shrine full of crystal vases, filigree, enamel,
jewels, and the trinkets of taste that have belonged to many
a noble dame. In return for his civilities, I made my Lord
Exeter a present of a glorious cabinet, whose drawers and
sides are all painted by Kubens. This present you must
know was his own, but he knew nothing of the hand or the
value. Just so I have given Lady Betty Germain a very
fine portrait, that I discovered at Drayton in the wood-house.
I was not much pleased with Peterborough ; the front is
adorable, but the inside has no more beauty than consists in
vastness. — By the way, I have a pen and ink that will not
form a letter2. — We were now sent to Huntingdon in our
way to Ely, as we found it impracticable, from the rains
and floods, to cross the country thither. We landed in the
heart of the assizes, and almost in the middle of the races,
both which, to the astonishment of the virtuosi, we eagerly
quitted this morning. We were hence sent south to Cam-
bridge, still on our way northward to Ely — but when we
were got to Cambridge we were forced to abandon all
thoughts of Ely, there being nothing but lamentable stories
of inundations and escapes. However, I made myself
amends with the University, which I have not seen these
four-and-twenty years, and which revived many youthful
scenes, which, merely from their being youthful, are forty
times pleasanter than any other ideas. You know I always
long to live at Oxford — I felt that I could like to live even
at Cambridge again. The colleges are much cleaned and
improved since my days, and the trees and groves more
venerable ; but the town is tumbling about their ears. We
surprised Gray with our appearance, dined and drank tea
* The original is very ill-written.
A a 2
356 To Dr. Ducarel [i?63
with him, and are come hither within sight of land.
I always find it worth my while to make journeys, for the
joy I have in getting home again. A second adieu !
DEAR SlR, Strawberry Hill, Aug. 8, 1763.
You judge rightly, I am very indifferent about Dr. Shorton,
since he is not Dr. Shorter.
It has done nothing but rain since my return ; whoever
wants hay, must fish for it ; it is all drowned, or swimming
about the country. I am glad our tour gave you so much
pleasure ; you was so very obliging, as you have always
been to me, that I should have been grieved not to have
had it give you satisfaction. I hope your servant is quite
The painters and gilders quit my gallery this week, but
I have not got a chair or a table for it yet ; however, I hope
it will have all its clothes on by the time you have promised
me a visit. I am, dear Sir,
Your much obliged
Humble servant,
898. To DR. DUCAEEL.
gIR) Strawberry Hill, Aug. 8, 1763.
I have been rambling about the country, or should not so
long have deferred to answer the favour of your letter.
I thank you for the notices in it, and have profited of them.
I am much obliged to you too for the drawings you intended
me ; but I have since had a letter from Mr. Churchill, and
he does not mention them.
1763] To the Hon. Henry Seymour Conway 357
Strawberry Hill, Aug. 9, 1763.
MY gallery claims your promise ; the painters and gilders
finish to-morrow, and next day it washes its hands. You
talked of the 15th ; shall I expect you then, and the
Countess *, and the Contessina 2, and the Baroness 3 ?
Lord Digby is to be married immediately to the pretty
Miss Feilding * ; and Mr. Boothby 5, they say, to Lady Mary
Douglas. What more news I know I cannot send you ; for
I have had it from Lady Denbigh and Lady Blandford6,
who have so confounded names, genders, and circumstances,
that I am not sure whether Prince Ferdinand is not going
to be married to the Hereditary Prince. Adieu !
Yours ever,
P.S. If you want to know more of me, you may read
a whole column of abuse upon me in the Public Ledger of
Thursday last; where they inform me that the Scotch
cannot be so sensible as the English, because they have not
such good writers. Alack ! I am afraid the most sensible
men in any country do not write.
I had writ this last night This morning I receive your
paper of evasions, perfide que vous etes! You may let it
LETTER 899. — * Of Ailesbury. Wai- Tooley Park, near Leicester, and
pole. brother-in-law of Hugo Meynell, first
2 Miss Anne Seymour Conway. master of the Quorn Hounds. He
Walpole. was a man about town, and a com-
3 Elizabeth Rich, second wife of paiiion of Fox, Fitzpatrick, and
George, Lord Lyttelton. Walpole, others of that set. In later life he
* Elizabeth (d. 1765), daughter of became very eccentric, and com-
Hon. Charles Fielding ; m. (Sept. 5, mitted suicide (July 27, 1800) by
1763) Henry Digby, seventh Baron shooting himself at his rooms in
(afterwards first Earl) Digby. Clarges Street.
5 Charles Skrimshire Boothby « They were both Dutchwomen,
Clopton, known as ' Prince ' Boothby, and spoke yery bad English. Wal-
grandson of Thomas Boothby, of pole.
358 To the Earl of Stra/ord [i?63
alone, you will never see anything like my gallery — and
then to ask me to leave it the instant it is finished ! I never
heard such a request in my days ! — Why, all the earth is
begging to come to see it : as Edging 7 says, I have had
offers enough from blue and green ribands to make me
a falbala-apron. Then I have just refused to let Mrs. Keppel
and her Bishop be in the house with me, because I expected
all you — it is mighty well, mighty fine ! — No, sir, no,
I shall not come ; nor am I in a humour to do anything else
you desire: indeed, without your provoking me, I should
not have come into the proposal of paying GiardinL We
have been duped and cheated every winter for these twenty
years by the undertakers of operas, and I never will pay
a farthing more till the last moment, nor can be terrified at
their puffs ; I am astonished you are. So far from frighten-
ing me, the kindest thing they could do would be not to let
one have a box to hear their old threadbare voices and
frippery thefts ; and as for Giardini himself, I would not go
'cross the room to hear him play to eternity. I should think
he could frighten nobody but Lady Bingley 8 by a refusal.
MY DEAR LORD, Strawberry Hill, Aug. 10, 1763.
I have waited in hopes that the world would do some-
thing worth telling you : it will not, and I cannot stay any
longer without asking you how you do, and hoping you
have not quite forgot me. It has rained such deluges, that
I had some thoughts of turning my gallery into an ark,
and began to pack up a pair of bantams, a pair of cats, in
short, a pair of every living creature about my house : but it
7 A character in Gibber's Careless of first Baron Bingley ; m. (1731)
Husband. George Fox Lane, cr. Baron Bingley
8 Hon. Harriet Benson, daughter in 1762.
1763] To Sir Horace Mann 359
is grown fine at last, and the workmen quit my gallery
to-day without hoisting a sail in it. I know nothing upon
earth but what the ancient ladies in my neighbourhood
knew threescore years ago ; I write merely to pay you my
peppercorn of affection, and to inquire after my Lady, who
I hope is perfectly well. A longer letter would not have
half the merit : a line in return will however repay all the
merit I can possibly have to one to whom I am so much
I am, my dear Lord, your most faithful servant,
Arlington Street, Aug. 11, 1763.
I AM never so fruitful in summer, you know, as in winter.
This year I am particularly barren. Your letter of July 23rd
has given me a little fillip, or I don't know when I should
have writ, for I have not a single circumstance to tell you,
but that you will soon see a greater prince than him of
Lichtenstein. The Duke of York is going to take a Medi-
terranean tour with Augustus Hervey1, and, when at Leg-
horn, will certainly see Florence. You will find him civil,
condescending, and good-natured to a great degree ; and loro
eccellenze, the Dame Florentine, will like him still better, for
he is very gdlant and very generous.
I am very sorry for Lord Northampton, and yet I could
not help smiling at his physician's expression, that he
seemed to go al patibolo in gala 2. La Condamine, I believe,
is departed ; I have heard nothing of him this month or six
weeks. The French do not arrive in such shoals as we do
LETTER 901. — 1 Captain of a man- though dying of consumption, in-
of-war, and afterwards Earl of sisted on making his state entry as
Bristol Walpole, Ambassador to the Venetian Re-
2 The Earl of Northampton, al- public.
360 To George Montagu [i?63
at Paris; there are no fewer than five English Duchesses
there, Ancaster, Kichmond, Bridge-water, Hamilton, and
Douglas 8 : the two last, indeed, upon an extraordinary law-
suit*, which is vastly too long for a letter, and curious
enough for the Causes Celebres. It is a contest about the
Douglas estate, to which the Hamiltons think a pretender
has been set up, and whom they say they shall, or have
detected. This suit is not more extraordinary than the
taste of the French, who prefer the Duchess of Ancaster B to
either the Hamilton or the Eichmond. The last (Lady
Ailesbury's daughter) is in all the bloom of youth and
beauty, but awkward and unfashioned ; the second is sadly
changed by ill health from that lovely figure which disputed
with her sister Coventry ; and yet one is surprised that what
was so charming, or what could be so charming, should not
be preferred to the first, who is not young, was at best
a pretty figure, is now repaired by every evident art, and is
a heap of minauderies and affectations which have not even
the stamp of a woman of quality ; but taste seems as much
extinguished ia France as spirit or parts. Adieu !
Strawberry Hill, Aug. 15, 1763.
THE most important piece of news I have to tell you is,
that the gallery is finished ; that is, the workmen have
quitted it. For chairs and tables, not one is arrived yet.
Well ! how you will tramp up and down in it ! — Methinks
I wish you would. We are in the perfection of beauty;
verdure itself was never green till this summer, thanks to
the deluges of rain. Our complexion used to be mahogany
3 Margaret, daughter of James * The Douglas Cause.
Douglas, of Mains, Dumbartonshire ; 5 Daughter of Mr. Pan ton, of New-
m. (1758) Archibald Douglas, first market. Walpole.
Duke of Douglas ; d. 1774.
1763] To George Montagu 361
in August. Nightingales and roses indeed are out of blow,
but the season is celestial. I don't know whether we have
not even had an earthquake to-day. Lady Buckingham1,
Lady Waldegrave, the Bishop of Exeter, and Mrs. Keppel,
and the little Hotham * dined here ; between six and seven
we were sitting in the great parlour ; I sat in the window
looking at the river. On a sudden I saw it violently
agitated, and, as it were, lifted up and down by a thousand
hands. I called out, they all ran to the window; it con-
tinued ; we hurried into the garden, and all saw the Thames
in the same violent commotion for I suppose a hundred
yards. We fancied at first there must be some barge rope ;
not one was in sight. It lasted in this manner, and at the
farther end, towards Teddington, even to dashing. It did
not cease before I got to the middle of the terrace, between
the fence and the shell 3. Yet this is nothing to what is to
come. The Bishop and I walked down to my meadow by
the river. At this end were two fishermen in a boat, but
their backs had been turned to the agitation, and they had
seen nothing. At the farther end of the field was a gentle-
man fishing, and a woman by him ; I had perceived him in
the same spot at the time of the motion of the waters,
which was rather beyond where it was terminated. I now
thought myself sure of a witness, and concluded he could
not have recovered his surprise. I ran up to him ; ' Sir,'
said I, ' did you see that strange agitation of the waters ? '
'When, Sir?' — 'When, Sir! now, this very instant, not
two minutes ago.' He replied, with the phlegm of a philo-
sopher, or of a man that can love fishing, ' Stay, Sir, let me
recollect if I remember nothing of it.' ' Pray, Sir,' said I,
LETTER 902. — 1 Mary Anne Drury, the Countess of Suffolk, with whom
Countess of Buckinghamshire. she frequently resided. She died un-
* Henrietta Gertrude, daughter of married in 1816.
Sir Charles Hotham - Thompson, 3 The shell bench, designed by
eighth Baronet, and great-niece of Bentley
362 To George Montagu [i?G3
scarce able to help laughing, 'you must remember whether
you remember it or not, for it is scarce over. ' ' I am trying
to recollect,' said he, with the same coolness. 'Why, Sir,'
said I, 'six of us saw it from my parlour window yonder.'
'Perhaps,' answered he, 'you might perceive it better where
you was, but I suppose it was an earthquake.' His nymph
had seen nothing neither, and so we returned as wise as
most who inquire into natural phenomena. We expect to
hear to-morrow that there has been an earthquake some-
where ; unless this appearance portended a state-quake. You
see, my impetuosity does not abate much; no, nor my
youthfullity, which bears me out even at a sabbat. I dined
last week at Lady Blandford's, with her, the old Denbigh,
the old Litchfield4, and Methuselah knows who. I had
stuck some sweet peas in my hair, was playing at quadrille,
and singing to mes sorcieres. The Duchess of Argyle and
Mrs. Young came in. You may guess how they stared — at
last the Duchess asked what was the meaning of those
flowers? 'Lord, Madam,' said I, 'don't you know it is the
fashion ? The Duke of Bedford is come over with his hair
full.' Poor Mrs. Young took this in sober sadness, and has
reported that the Duke of Bedford wears flowers. You will
not know me less by a precipitation of this morning. Pitt
and I were busy adjusting the gallery. Mr. Elliot came in
and discomposed us ; I was horridly tired of him. As he
was going, he said, ' Well, this house is so charming, I don't
wonder at your being able to live so much alone ' — I, who
shudder at the thought of anybody's living with me, replied
very innocently, but a little too quick — 'No, only pity me
when I don't live alone.' Pitt was shocked, and said, 'To
be sure he will never forgive you, as long as he lives.'
Mrs. Leneve used often to advise me never to begin being
* Probably Frances (d. 1769), Baronet, of Woodchurch, Kent, and
daughter of Sir John Hales, fourth widow of second Earl of Lichneld.
1763] To Sir Horace Mann 363
civil to people I did not care for, ' For,' says she, ' you grow
weary of them, and can't help showing it, and so make it ten
times worse, than if you had never attempted to please them.'
I suppose you have read in the papers the massacre of my
innocents. Every one of my Turkish sheep, that I have
been nursing up these fourteen years, torn to pieces in one
night by three strange dogs ! They killed sixteen outright,
and mangled the two others in such a manner, that I was
forced to have them knocked on the head. However, I bore
this better than an interruption.
I have scrawled and blotted this letter, so I don't know
whether you can read it ; but it is no matter, for I perceive
it is all about myself ; but what has one else in the dead of
summer ? In return, tell me as much as you please about
yourself, which you know is always a most welcome subject
to me. One may preserve one's spirits with one's juniors,
but I defy anybody to care but about their cotemporaries.
One wants to know about one's predecessors ; but who has
the least curiosity about their successors ? This is abomin-
able ingratitude : one takes wondrous pains to consign one's
own memory to them at the same time that one feels the
most perfect indifference to whatever relates to them them-
selves.— Well, they will behave just so in their turns.
Adieu ! Yours ever,
Strawberry Hill, Sept. 1, 1763.
MY letters are like the works of Vertot ; I write nothing
but les Revolutions d'Angleterre. Indeed, the present history
is like some former I have sent you, — a revolution that has
not taken place, and, resembling Lord Granville's ', begun
LETTEB 903. — * In 1746. Walpole.
364 To Sir Horace Mann [i?63
and ended in three days. I could have dispatched it last
Tuesday with regard to the termination of it ; but, though
I heard it was begun, even on the Saturday while it was
beginning, my curiosity did not carry me to town till
Tuesday, when I found it all addled. Still, I knew too little
to detail it to you ; and, even now, I can tell you little more
than the outlines and general report — but have patience ;
this is one of the events which in this country will produce
paper-war enough, and between attacks and defences one
comes pretty near to the truth of the whole.
Last Sunday was se'nnight Lord Egremont 2 died suddenly,
though everybody knew he would die suddenly : he used no
exercise, and could not be kept from eating, without which
prodigious bleedings did not suffice. A day or two before
he died, he said, 'Well, I have but three turtle-dinners to
come, and if I survive them I shall be immortal.' He was
writing, as my Lady breakfasted, complained of a violent
pain in his head, asked twice if he did not look very particu-
larly, grew speechless, and expired that evening. He has
left eighteen thousand pounds a year, and, they say, an
hundred and seventy thousand pounds in money. I hope
you have as much philosophy as I have, or you will lose
patience at these circumstances, when you are eager to hear
the revolution. That week, you may be sure, was passed
by the public in asking who was to be Secretary of State ?
It seemed to lie between your old friend, Lord Sandwich,
and Lord Egmont. Lord Shelburne, a young aspirer, who
intends the world shall hear more of him, et gui postule le
ministere, was in the meantime one of the candidates to
succeed Lord Egremont. Somebody said, 'It ought to be
given to him as you marry boys under age, and then send
them to travel till they are ripe.' While this vacancy was
2 Sir Charles Wyndham, first Earl of Egremont. Walpole. — He was the
second EarL
176s] To Sir Horace Mann 365
the public's only object, behold Mr. Pitt, in his chair, with
two servants before it, goes openly, at nine o'clock on
Saturday morning, through the Park to Buckingham House.
You rub your eyes ; so did the mob, and thought they did
not see clear. Mr. Pitt, of all men alive, except Lord Temple
and Mr. Wilkes, the most proscribed there, Mr. Pitt to
Buckingham House ! Oui, veritdblement ! What ! to ask to
be Secretary of State ? By no means : sent for ; desired to
accept the administration. Well, but do you know who
stared more than the mob or you ? the ministers did ; for it
seems this was the act and deed of Lord Bute, who, though
he had given the present administration letters of attorney
to act for him, has thought better of it, and retained the sole
power himself ; the consequence of which was, as it was
before, he grew horridly frightened, and advised this step,
which has done him more hurt than all he had done before.
Mr. Pitt stayed with the King three hours ; is said not
to have demanded more than might well be expected that
he would demand ; and had all granted. The next day,
Sunday, the opposition were much pleased, looking on their
desires as obtained ; the ministers, as much displeased,
thinking themselves betrayed by Lord Bute. On Monday,
Mr. Pitt, who the day before had seen the Duke of Newcastle
and the Lord Mayor Beckford, — the one or the other of
whom is supposed to have advised what follows, — went
again to the King, with a large increase of demands. What
those were are variously stated, nor do I pretend to tell you
how far the particulars are exact. The general purport is,
though I dare say not to the extent given out, that he in-
sisted on a general dismission of all who had voted for the
Peace ; and that he notified his intention of attacking the
Peace itself: that he particularly proscribed Lord Holland,
Lord Halifax, Lord Sandwich, Lord Barrington, and Lord
Shelburne ; named himself and Charles Townshend for
366 To Sir Horace Mann [1763
Secretaries of State, Lord Temple for the Treasury, Pratt for
Chancellor ; proposed some place, not of business, for the
Duke of Newcastle, forgot Mr. Legge, and desired the Duke
of Cumberland for the head of the army. They tell you,
that the King asked him, ' Mr. Pitt, if it is right for you to
stand by your friends, why is it not as right for me to stand
by mine?' and that the treaty broke off, on his Majesty
refusing to give up his. Broken off the negotiation certainly
is. Why broken, I shall, as I told you before, wait a little
before I settle my belief. The ministers were sent for
again ; Mr. Pitt and Lord Temple, according to the modern
well-bred usage, were at the levee yesterday, had each their
Drawing-room question ; and there ended this interlude.
It is said Lord Sandwich kisses hands to-morrow for
Secretary of State. If a President of the Council is named
too, I shall think they mean to stand it : if not, shall con-
clude a door is still left open for treating.
There was a little episode, previous to this more dignified
drama, which was on the point of employing the attention
of the public, if it had not been overlaid by the revolution in
question. The famous Mr. Wilkes was challenged at Paris,
by one Forbes, an outlawed Scot in the French service, who
could not digest the North Britons. Wilkes would have
joked it off, but it would not do. He then insisted on
seconds ; Forbes said duels were too dangerous in France
for such extensive proceedings. Wilkes adhered to his
demand. Forbes pulled him by the nose, or, as Lord Mark
Kerr s, in his well-bred formality, said to a gentleman, ' Sir,
you are to suppose I have thrown this glass of wine in your
face.' Wilkes cried out murder! The lieutenant de police
was sent for, and obliged Forbes to promise that he would
proceed no farther. Notwithstanding the present discussion,
8 Brother of the Marquis of Lothian, a very brave but remarkably
formal man. Walpole.
176.3] To Sir Horace Mann 367
you may imagine the Scotch will not let this anecdote be
still-born. It is cruel on Lord Talbot, whom Wilkes ventured
to fight.
Other comical passages have happened to us at Paris.
Their King, you know, is wondrous shy to strangers, awkward
at a question, or too familiar. For instance, when the Duke
of Eichmond was presented to him, he said, ' Monsieur le
Due de Cumberland boude le Koi, n'est-ce pas?' The Duke
was confounded. The King persisted, ' II le fait, n'est-il pas
vrai ? ' The Duke answered very properly, ' Ses ministres
quelquefois, Sire, jamais sa Majeste.' This did not stop
him : ' Et vous, Milord, quand aurez-vous le cordon bleu ? '
George Selwyn, who stood behind the Duke, said softly,
'Answer that if you can, my Lord.' To Lord Holland, the
King said, ' Vous avez fait bien du bruit dans votre pays,
n'est-ce pas ? ' His answer was pretty too : ' Sire, je fais
tout mon possible pour le faire cesser.' Lord Holland was
better diverted with the Duchess d'Aiguillon 4 ; she got him
and Lady Holland tickets for one of the best boxes to see
the fireworks on the Peace, and carried them in her coach.
When they arrived, he had forgot the tickets ; she flew into
a rage, and, sans marchander, abused him so grossly that
Lady Holland coloured, and would not speak to her. Not
content with this, when her footman opened the door of the
coach, the Duchess, before all the mob, said aloud, ' C'est une
des meilleures tetes de 1'Angleterre, et voici la betise qu'il a
faite ! ' and repeated it. He laughed, and the next day she
recollected herself, and made an excuse. . . . 5
Mrs. Poyntz 6 is an comble de la gloire there ; she has cured
Madame Victoire 7 of the stone, by Mrs. Stephens's medicine.
4 Anne Charlotte de Crussol de a great beauty : the poem of The
Florensac, Duchesse d'Aiguillon. Fair Circassian was written on her.
* Passage omitted. She was Maid of Honour to Queen
6 Anna Maria Mordaunt, wife of Caroline. Walpole.
Stephen Poyntz, governor of William, 7 Fourth daughter of Louis XV;
Duke of Cumberland. She had been d. 1800.
368 To Sir Horace Mann [i763
When Mrs. Poyntz took leave of them for Spa, they shut
the door, and the whole royal family kissed her ; for the
King is so fond of his children that, they say, it was visible
every day in his countenance whether his daughter was
better or worse.
We sent you Sir William Stanhope 8 and my Lady, a fond
couple ; you have returned them to us very different. When
they came to Blackheath, he got out of the chaise to go to
his brother Lord Chesterfield's, made her a low bow, and
said, 'Madam, I hope I shall never see your face again.'
She replied, ' Sir, I will take all the care I can that you never
shall.' He lays no gallantry to her charge. It would not
be very wonderful if he did, considering the disproportion
of their ages, of which he was so sensible, that finding her
extremely alarmed the first night, he said, ' It is I, Madam,
that have most reason to be frightened.'
We are sending you another couple, the famous Garrick 9
and his once famous wife10. He will make you laugh as
a mimic, and as he knows we are great friends, will affect
great partiality to me ; but be a little upon your guard,
remember he is an actor.
My poor niece u has declared herself not breeding : you
will be charmed with the delicacy of her manner in breaking
it to General Waldegrave 12. She gave him her Lord's seal
with the coronet. You will be more charmed with her.
On Sunday the Bishop of Exeter13 and I were talking of
this new convulsion in politics — she burst out in a flood
of tears, reflecting on the great rank her Lord, if living,
would naturally attain on this occasion.
8 A man of wit, and brother of the 10 La Violetta, a German dancer,
famous Lord Chesterfield. His third Walpole.
wife was sister of Sir Francis Del aval. n Lady Waldegrave. Walpole.
Walpole. 12 General John Waldegrave, her
9 The Garricks left England in husband's brother and successor.
September 1768, and travelled on 1S Dr. Keppel, her brother-in-law,
the Continent until April 1765. Walpole.
1763] To George Montagu 369
I think I have nothing more to tell you, but a bon mot
of my Lady Townshend. She has taken a strange little
villa at Paddington, near Tyburn. People were wondering
at her choosing such a situation, and asked her, in joke,
what sort of neighbourhood she had: 'Oh,' said she, 'one
that can never tire me, for they are hanged every week.'
Good night. This would be a furious long letter, if it was
not short by containing a whole revolution.
Strawberry Hill, Sept 3, 1763.
I HAVE but a minute's time for answering your letter ;
my house is full of people, and has been so from the instant
I breakfasted, and more are coming — in short, I keep an
inn ; the sign, ' The Gothic Castle.' — Since my gallery was
finished I have not been in it a quarter of an hour together ;
my whole time is passed in giving tickets for seeing it, and
hiding myself while it is seen. — Take my advice, never
build a charming house for yourself between London and
Hampton Court : everybody will live in it but you.
I fear you must give up all thoughts of the Vine for this
year, at least for some time. The poor master is on the
rack. I left him the day before yesterday in bed, where
he had been ever since Monday with the gout in both knees
and one foot, and suffering martyrdom every night. I go
to see him again on Monday. He has not had so bad a fit
these four years ; and he has probably the other foot still
to come. You must come to me at least in the meantime,
before he is well enough to receive you. After next Tuesday
I am unengaged, except on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday
following ; that is, the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth, when
the family from Park Place are to be with me. Settle your
motions, and let me know them as soon as you can, and
370 To George Montagu [1763
give me as much time as you can spare. I flatter myself
the General and Lady Grandison will keep the kind promise
they made me, and that I shall see your brother John and
Mr. Miller too.
My niece is not breeding. You shall have the auction
books as soon as I can get them, though I question if there
is anything in your way ; however, I shall see you long
before the sale, and we will talk on it.
There has been a revolution and a re-revolution, but I
must defer the history till I see you, for it is much too big
for a letter written in such a hurry as this. Adieu !
Yours faithfully,
H. W.
Strawberry Hill, Sept. 7, 1763.
As I am sure the house of Conway will not stay with me
beyond Monday next, I shall rejoice to see the house of
Montagu this day se'nnight (Wednesday), and shall think
myself highly honoured by a visit from Lady Beaulieu * ;
I know nobody that has a better taste, and it would flatter
me exceedingly if she should happen to like Strawberry.
I knew you would be pleased with Mr. T. Pitt ; he is
very amiable and very sensible, and one of the very few
that I reckon quite worthy of being at home at Strawberry.
I have again been in town to see Mr. Chute; he thinks
the worst over, yet he gets no sleep, and is still confined to
his bed : but his spirits keep up surprisingly. As to your
gout, so far from pitying you, 'tis the best thing that can
happen to you. All that claret and port are very kind to
you, when they prefer the shape of lameness to that of
apoplexies, or dropsies, or fevers, or pleurisies.
LETTER 905. — ^ Isabella Montagu, Baroness Beaulieu, formerly Dowager
Duchess of Manchester.
176s] To Sir Horace Mann 371
Let me have a line certain what day I may expect your
party, that I may pray to the sun to illuminate the cabinet.
Adieu! Yours ever,
H. W.
DEAR SIR, Strawberry Hill, Sept. 7, 1763.
Though I am sensible I have no pretensions for asking
you a favour, and, indeed, should be very unwilling to
trespass on your good nature, yet I flatter myself I shall
not be thought quite impertinent in interceding for
a person, who I can answer has neither been to blame,
nor any way deserved punishment, and therefore I think
you, Sir, will be ready to save him from prejudice. The
person is my deputy, Mr. Grosvenor Bedford, who, above
five-and-twenty years ago, was appointed Collector of the
Customs in Philadelphia by my father.
I hear he is threatened to be turned out. If the least
fault can be laid to his charge, I do not desire to have
him protected. If there cannot, I am too well persuaded,
Sir, of your justice not to be sure you will be pleased to
protect him.
When I have appealed to your good nature and justice,
it would be impertinent to say more than that I am,
&c., &c.
Strawberry Hill, Sept. 13, 1763.
THE administration is resettled: the opposition does
not come in ; and the old ministers have resumed their
functions. The Duke of Bedford, who had formerly advised
B b 2
372 To Sir Horace Mann [1763
to invite Mr. Pitt to court, finding himself omitted in
Mr. Pitt's list, is cordially united, nay, incorporated with
the administration; he has kissed hands for President of
the Council. Lord Sandwich is the new Secretary of
State, Lord Egmont the new head of the Admiralty, and
Lord Hilsborough the new First Lord of Trade, for Lord
Shelburne, whom I mentioned to you in my last, has
resigned in the midst of these bustles. Many reasons are
given, but the only one that people choose to take is,
that, thinking Mr. Pitt must be minister, and finding
himself tolerably obnoxious to him, he is seeking to make
his peace at any rate.
This concussion has produced one remarkable event, the
total removal of Lord Bute, which Mr. Grenville and
Lord Halifax made the absolute sine qua non of their
re-acceptance. The favourite Earl has given it under
his hand that he will go abroad. Thus ends his foolish
drama — not its consequences, for the flames he has lighted
up will not be extinguished soon.
I could tell you a great deal of what is reported of the
dialogue in the closet, but not a circumstance which is not
denied on one side or the other, for though there were but
two interlocutors1, there is a total disagreement in the
relation. Parties will not meet in better humour next
session for this abortive negotiation : the paper-war is re-
kindled with violence, but produces no wit ; nay, scarce
produces the bulk of a pamphlet, for the fashionable
warfare at present is carried on by anonymous 2 letters in
the daily newspapers, which die as suddenly as other lies
of the day. This skirmishing is sharp and lively, but not
very entertaining.
LETTER 907. — 1 The King and Pitt their letters printed in the daily
* It is certain that from this time, newspapers, pamphlets grew exceed-
when anonymous writers oould get ingly more rare. Walpcile.
1763] To George Montagu 373
I have not a syllable of other news to send you. You
must take this rather as a codicil to my last letter, than
as pretending to be a letter itself. The Parliament, I
suppose, will not meet till after Christmas, and till then
little material is likely to happen ; unless some notable
death should intervene, which, considering the tottering
condition of some principal performers, is not unlikely.
An old statesman that has November to pass through
in his way to preferment, may chance never to arrive
at it. Adieu !
Strawberry Hill, Oct. 3, 1763.
I WAS just getting into my chaise to go to Park Place,
when I received your commission for Mrs. Cosby's pictures ;
but I did not neglect it, though I might as well, for the
old gentlewoman was a little whimsical, and though I sent
my own gardener and farmer with my cart to fetch them
on Friday, she would not deliver them, she said, till
Monday ; so this morning they were forced to go again —
they are now all safely lodged in my cloister ; when I say
safely, you understand that two of them have large holes
in them, as witness this bill of lading signed by your aunt.
There are eleven in all, besides Lord Halifax, seven half-
lengths and four heads ; the former are all desirable, and
one of the latter ; the three others woful. Mr. Wicks
is now in the act of packing them, for we have changed
our minds about sending them to London by water, as
your waggoner told Louis last time I was at Great worth,
that if they were left at the Old Hat, near Acton, he
would take them up and convey them to Greatworth ;
so my cart carries them thither, and they will set out
towards you next Saturday.
374 To George Montagu [i?63
I felt shocked, as you did, to think how suddenly the
prospect of joy at Osterley was dashed after our seeing it.
However, the young lover1 died handsomely. Fifty thousand
pounds will dry tears, that at most could be but two
months old. His brother 2, I heard, has behaved still more
handsomely, and confirmed the legacy, and added from
himself the diamonds that had been prepared for her — here
is a charming wife ready for anybody that likes a senti-
mental situation, a pretty woman, and a large fortune 3.
I have been often at Bulstrode from Chaffont, but I don't
like it. It is Dutch and trist. The pictures you mention
in the gallery would be curious if they knew one from
another ; but the names are lost, and they are only sure
that they have so many pounds of ancestors in the lump.
One or two of them indeed I know, as the Earl of
Southampton, that was Lord Essex's friend.
The works of Park Place go on bravely; the cottage
will be very pretty, and the bridge sublime, composed
of loose rocks, that will appear to have been tumbled
together there the very week of the deluge. One stone
is of fourteen hundred weight. It will be worth an
hundred of Palladio's bridges, that are only fit to be used
in an opera. I had a ridiculous adventure on my way
thither. A Sir Thomas Eeeves wrote to me last year,
that he had a great quantity of heads of painters, drawn
by himself from Dr. Mead's collection, of which many
were English, and offered me the use of them. This was
one of the numerous unknown correspondents which my
books have drawn upon me. I put it off then, but being
to pass near his door, for he lives but two miles from
LETTER 908. — 1 Francis Child, stantia Hampden, only daughter of
banker and M.P. for Bishop's Castle. fourth Baron Trevor (afterwards
* Robert Child ; d. 1782. Viscount Hampden). She married,
* Francis Child had been on the in 1764, Henry Howard, twelfth Earl
point of marrying Hon. Maria Con- of Suffolk, and died in 1767.
176s] To George Montagu 375
Maidenhead, I sent him word I would call on my way
to Park Place. After being carried to three wrong houses,
I was directed to a very ancient mansion, composed of
timber, and looking as unlike modern habitations, as the
picture of Penderel's house in Clarendon. The garden was
overrun with weeds, and with difficulty we found a bell.
Louis came riding back in great haste, and said, 'Sir, the
gentleman is dead suddenly.' You may imagine I was
surprised — however, as an acquaintance I had never seen
was a very endurable misfortune, I was preparing to
depart, but happening to ask some women, that were
passing by the chaise, if they knew any circumstance of
Sir Thomas's death, I discovered that this was not Sir
Thomas's house, but belonged to a Mr. Meake*, a fellow
of a college at Oxford, who was actually just dead, and
that the antiquity itself had formerly been the residence
of Nel Gwyn. Pray inquire after it the next time you
are at Frogmore. I went on, and after a mistake or two
more found Sir Thomas — a man about thirty in age, and
twelve in understanding; his drawings very indifferent,
even for the latter calculation. I did not know what to
do or say, but commended them, and his child, and his
house, said I had all the heads, hoped I should see him
at Twickenham, was afraid of being too late for dinner,
and hurried out of his house before I had been there
twenty minutes. It grieves one to receive civilities when
one feels obliged, and yet finds it impossible to bear the
people that bestow them.
I have given my assembly, to show my gallery ; and it
was glorious ; but happening to pitch upon the feast of
tabernacles, none of my Jews could come, though Mrs. Clive
proposed to them to change their religion. So I am forced
to exhibit once more. For the morning spectators, the
* Rev. John Meeke, Fellow of Pembroke College.
376 To the Eev. William Cole [1763
crowd augments instead of diminishing. It is really true
that Lady Hertford called here t'other morning, and
I was reduced to bring her by the back gate into the
kitchen ; the house was so full of company that came
to see the gallery, that I had nowhere else to carry her.
Yours ever,
P.S. I hope the least hint has never dropped from the
Beaulieus of that terrible picture of Sir Charles Williams B,
that put me into such confusion the morning they break-
fasted here. If they did observe the inscription, I am
sure they must have seen too how it distressed me.
Your collection of pictures is packed up, and makes two
large cases and one smaller.
My next assembly will be entertaining; there will be
five countesses, two bishops, fourteen Jews, five papists,
a doctor of physic, and an actress ; not to mention Scotch,
Irish, East and West Indians.
I find that, to pack your pictures, Louis has taken some
paper out of a hamper of waste, into which I had cast
some of the Conway Papers. Perhaps only as useless —
however, if you find any such in the packing, be so good as
to lay them by for me.
DEAR SIB, Strawberry Hill, Oct. 8, 1763.
You are always obliging to me and always thinking of
me kindly ; yet for once you have forgotten the way of
5 The portrait of Sir Charles Han- hang in the blue bedchamber at
bury Williams, holding a paper in- Strawberry Hill. The ' Isabella ' of
scribed Isabella or the Morning, which the poem was Lady Beaulieu.
1763] To Sir Horace Mann 377
obliging me most. You do not mention any thought
of coming hither, which you had given me cause to hope
would be about this time. I flatter myself nothing has
intervened to deprive me of that visit. Lord Hertford
goes to France the end of next week ; I shall be in town to
take leave of him; but after the 15th, that is, this day
se'nnight, I shall be quite unengaged, and the sooner I see
you after the 15th, the better, for I should be sorry
to drag you across the country in the badness of November
I shall treasure up your notices against my second
edition ; for the volume of Engravers is printed off, and
has been some time ; I only wait for some of the plates.
The book you mention I have not seen, nor do you
encourage me to buy it. Some time or other however
I will get you to let me turn it over.
As I will trust that you will let me know soon when
I shall have the pleasure of seeing you here, I will make
this a very short letter ; indeed I know nothing new or old
worth telling you.
Your obedient and obliged humble servant,
Strawberry Hill, Oct. 17, 1763.
I DON'T know how long it is since I wrote to you, —
I fear a great while; but I think my fidelity to you as
a correspondent is so proved, that you may be sure not
an incident worthy of a paragraph has happened when
you do not hear from me. The very newspapers have
subsisted only on the price of stocks, horse-races, the
arrival of the good ship Charming Nancy, and such
anecdotes, with the assistance of the heroic controversy
378 To Sir Horace Mann [1763
between Mr. Wilkes and Mr. Forbes, of which one is
heartily sick. But the campaign draws near, and will
be hot enough. Methinks I wish we had some fresh
generals ; I am rather tired of the old ones, all of whom
I have seen so often both on the offensive and defensive,
that I am incredibly incurious about their manoeuvres.
The press for soldiers is so warm that Augustus Hervey
could not be spared to attend the Duke of York, who has
sailed some time. I shall be very impatient to hear of
the Duke's arrival at Florence ; tell me the whole history.
You will be very anxious, but you will acquit yourself
perfectly well. Lord Hertford set out on his embassy last
Thursday, and by this time I suppose Monsieur de Guerchy 1
is in London. Most of our Parisian English are come
back. The newspapers have given the rage of going to
Paris a good name ; they call it the French disease. I shall
be a little ashamed of having it so late; but I shall next
spring. Having Lord Hertford there will be so agreeable
a way of seeing Paris, that one cannot resist, especially
as I took such pains to see so little of it when I was there
before. I don't expect to like it much better now, though
having a particular friend minister goes a great way in
reconciling one to a country not one's own ; I don't believe
I should have been quite so fond of Florence, if I had lived
with nothing but Florentines. This time I am determined
to ascertain what I have always doubted of, whether there
is any such thing as a lively Frenchman ; the few I knew,
and all those I have seen here, have had no more vivacity
than a German. You see I do not go prejudiced.
Have you got Mr. Garrick yet? If you have, you may
keep him ; there is come forth within these ten days
a young actor, who has turned the heads of the whole
LETTER 910. — l Claude Frai^ois cently appointed French Ambassador
(1716-1767), Comte de Guerchy, re- in London,
1763] To Sir Horace Mann 379
town. The first night of his appearance the audience,
not content with clapping, stood up and shouted. His
name is Powell 2 ; he was clerk to Sir Kobert Ladbroke,
and so clever in business that his master would have taken
him in partner, but he had an impulse for the stage, was
a Heaven-born hero, as Mr. Pitt called my Lord Clive. His
figure is fine and voice most sonorous, as they say, for
I wait for the rebound of his fame, and till I can get in,
for at present all the boxes are taken for a month. As
the reputation of this prodigy could not have reached
France, where they have the English disease, they were
content with showering honours on Mr. Garrick ; appointed
a box for him, revived their best plays, and recalled their
veteran actors. Their Helvetius, whose book has drawn
such persecution on him, and the persecution such fame,
is coming to settle here, and brings two Miss Helvetiuses,
with fifty thousand pounds apiece, to bestow on two
immaculate members of our most august and incorruptible
senate, if he can find two in this virtuous age who will
condescend to accept his money. Well, we may be dupes
to French follies, but they are ten times greater fools to be
the dupes of our virtue. Good night.
Arlington Street, Oct. 18.
I brought this to town to-day for the Secretary's office,
and found yours of October 1st. Marshal Botta's advice of
ceding your palace to the Duke of York may be very proper,
but his Eoyal Highness, who is all good breeding and good
humour, will certainly not suffer it. Yet, I am not averse
to your making the offer, if it is still to make. Do you
know, my national pride is wonderfully gratified by the
Pope's humility and respect for whom we please to have
2 William Powell (1735-1769), whose popularity became so great as to
excite Garrick's jealousy.
380 To the Earl of Hertford [i763
Duke of York. An hundred and fifty years ago an English
Protestant dared not own himself for such at Eome ; now
they invite the very son of a family that has turned out
their Stuarts, under the nose of those very Stuarts, nay,
when the Stuart Duke of York is even a cardinal. I trust
it is not only the Papal chair that has sunk, but the crown
of England that has risen. Think of the mighty Elizabeth
excommunicated by Sixtus V and the brother of George III
invited to Rome by Clement XIII ! If the honours I have
told you Mr. Garrick has received in France do not obtain
him a chair in a Florentine conversazione, I think you must
threaten them with the thunder of the Vatican, which you
see we have at command ; but to be serious, I would not
have you get into a squabble about him ; he is not worth
We hear the King of Poland s is dead ; is that to be the
source of a new war? You will see by the Gazette, that
without such an event we had a nest-egg for another war.
There have been half a dozen battles in miniature with the
Indians in America*. It looked so odd to see a list of
killed and wounded just treading on the heels of the Peace.
MY DEAR LORD, Arlington Street, Oct. 18, 1763.
I am very impatient for a letter from Paris1, to hear of
your outset, and what my Lady Hertford thinks of the new
world she is got into, and whether it is better or worse than
she expected. Pray tell me all: I mean of that sort, for
8 Augustus HI, King of Poland ; feated by Colonel Bouquet in August,
d. Oct. 6, 1763. at Bushy Bun, but the war was still
4 Some tribes of Indians rose in the in progress, and continued till the
summer of 1763. They laid waste following year.
the frontiers of Pennsylvania, Vir- LETTER 911. — * Lord Hertford had
ginia, and Maryland, and took some just gone to Paris as Ambassador,
of the smaller forts. They were de-
1763] To the Earl of Hertford 381
I have no curiosity about the family compact, nor the
harbour of Dunkirk. It is your private history — your
audiences, reception, comforts or distresses, your way of
life, your company — that interests me ; in short, I care
about my cousins and friends, not, like Jack Harris, about
my Lord Ambassador. Consider you are in my power.
You, by this time, are longing to hear from England, and
depend upon me for the news of London. I shall not send
you a tittle, if you are not very good, and do not (one of you,
at least) write to me punctually.
This letter, I confess, will not give you much encourage-
ment, for I can absolutely tell you nothing. I dined at
Mr. Grenville's to-day, where, if there had been anything to
hear, I should have heard it ; but all consisted in what you
will see in the papers — some diminutive battles in America,
and the death of the King of Poland, which you probably
knew before we did. The town is a desert ; it is like a vast
plain, which, though abandoned at present, is in three weeks
to have a great battle fought upon it. One of the colonels,
I hear, is to be in town to-morrow, the Duke of Devonshire.
I came myself but this morning, but as I shall not return to
Strawberry till the day after to-morrow, I shall not seal my
letter till then. In the meantime, it is but fair to give you
some more particular particulars of what I expect to know.
For instance, of Monsieur de Nivernois's cordiality; of
Madame Dusson's affection for England ; of my Lord
Holland's joy at seeing you in France, especially without
your secretary 2 ; of all my Lady Hertford's cousins at
St. Germains ; and I should not dislike a little anecdote
or two of the late embassy s, of which I do not doubt you
2 Lord Holland 'procured his it, he treated Bunbury with such
wife's brother-in-law, Mr. Bunbury, obstinate coldness, that the latter
to be imposed on Lord Hertford as was glad to quit the employment.'
secretary of the embassy, an affront (Memoirs of George III, ed. 1894,
Lord Hertford was advised not to voL L p. 209.)
digest : but though he acquiesced in 3 That of the Duke of Bedford.
382 To the Earl of Hertford [i?63
will hear plenty. I must trouble you with many compli-
ments to Madame de Boufflers, and with still more to the
Duchesse de Mirepoix, who is always so good as to remember
me. Her brother, Prince de Beauvau4, I doubt has for-
gotten me. In the disagreeableness of taking leave, I omitted
mentioning these messages. Good night for to-night — oh !
I forgot — pray send me some cafe au lait: the Due de
Picquigny B (who by the way is somebody's son, as I thought)
takes it for snuff, and says it is the new fashion at Paris ;
I suppose they drink rappee after dinner.
Wednesday night.
I might as well have finished last night; for I know
nothing more than I did then, but that Lady Mary Coke
arrived this evening. She has behaved very honourably,
and not stolen the Hereditary Prince.
Mr. Bowman 6 called on me yesterday before I came, and
left word that he would come again to-day, but did not.
I wished to hear of you from him, and a little of my old
acquaintance at Kheims. Did you find Lord Beauchamp
much grown? Are all your sons to be like those of the
Amalekites 7 ? who were I forget how many cubits high.
Pray remind Mr. Hume 8 of collecting the whole history
of the expulsion of the Jesuits. It is a subject worthy of
his inquiry and pen. Adieu ! my dear Lord.
4 The son of Horace Walpole's old Beauchamp, with whom he had
friend, the Princesse de Craon. lately been at Bheims.
8 Marie Joseph Louis d'Albert 7 All Lord Hertford's sons, and
d'Ailly (1741-1793), Due de Piquigny, some of his daughters, were un-
eldest son of the Due de Chaulnes, usually tall,
whom he succeeded in 1769. 8 David Hume was secretary to
6 According to Croker, Mr. Bow- Lord Hertford,
man was travelling tutor to Lord
1763] To George Montagu 383
Strawberry Hill, Nov. 12, 1763.
1 SEND you the catalogue as you desired ; and as I told
you, you will, I think, find nothing to your purpose: the
present Lord bought all the furniture-pictures at Navestock :
the few now to be sold are the very fine ones of the best
masters, and likely to go at vast prices, for there are several
people determined to have some one thing that belonged to
Lord Waldegrave. I did not get the catalogue till the night
before last, too late to send by the post, for I had dined with
Sir Kichard Lyttelton at Eichmond, and was forced to return
by Kew Bridge, for the Thames was swelled so violently
that the ferry could not work. I am here quite alone in the
midst of a deluge, without Mrs. Noah, but with half as many
animals. The waters are as much out as they were last year,
when her vice-majesty of Ireland1, that now is sailed to
Newmarket with both legs out at the fore glass, was here.
Apropos, the Irish court goes on ill ; they lost a question by
forty the very first day on the Address. The Irish not being
so absurd or so complimental as Mr. Allen 2, they would not
suffer the word adequate to pass. The Prime Minister is so
unpopular that they think he must be sent back. His patent
and Kigby's are called in question. You see the age is not
favourable to Prime Ministers ! Well ! I am going amidst
it all, very unwillingly ; I had rather stay here, for I am
sick of the storms, that once loved them so cordially. Over
and above, I am not well; this is the third winter my
nightly fever has returned. It comes like the bellman
before Christmas, to put me in mind of my mortality.
LETTER 912. — 1 The Countess of fellow member for Bath in present-
Northumberland, ing to the King an address from the
2 Ralph Allen (1694-1764), of Prior Bath Corporation, in which the word
Park, Bath. A coolness had arisen 'adequate,' describing the recently-
between him and Pitt in consequence concluded Peace, was inserted by
of the latter's refusal to join his Allen's advice.
384 To the Earl of Hertford [1768
Sir Michael Foster 3 is dead, a Whig of the old rock : he
is a greater loss to his country than the prim Attorney-
General 4, who has resigned, or than the Attorney's father 5,
who is dying, will be.
My gallery is still in such request, that, though the middle
of November, I gave out a ticket to-day for seeing it. I see
little of it myself, for I cannot sit alone in such state;
I should think myself like the mad Duchess of Albemarle ',
who fancied herself Empress of China. Adieu !
Yours ever,
I ask you nothing about your coming, for I conclude we
shall not see you till Christmas. My compliments to your
brother John and your almoner Mr. Miller.
Arlington Street, Nov. 17, 1763.
IP the winter keeps up to the vivacity of its debut, you
will have no reason to complain of the sterility of my letters.
I do not say this from the spirit of the House of Commons
on the first day, which was the most fatiguing and dull
debate I ever heard, dull as I have heard many ; and yet for
the first quarter of an hour it looked as if we were met to
choose a Xing of Poland, and that all our names ended in
isJcy. Wilkes, the night before, had presented himself at
the Cockpit : as he was listening to the Speech, George
Selwyn said to him, in the words of the Dunciad, ' May
Heaven preserve the ears you lend ! ' We lost four hours
debating whether or not it was necessary to open the session
8 Sir Michael Poster, Knight (1689- 5 The Earl of Hard wicke.
1768), Puisne Judge of the King's 6 Elizabeth Cavendish, Duchess of
Bench. Albemarle ; d. 1734.
4 Hon. Charles Yorke.
176s] To the Earl of Hertford 385
with reading a bill. The opposite sides, at the same time,
pushing to get the start, between the King's message, which
Mr. Grenville stood at the bar to present, and which was to
acquaint us with the arrest of Wilkes and all that affair, and
the complaint which Wilkes himself stood up to make. At
six we divided on the question of reading a bill. Young
Thomas Townshend 1 divided the House injudiciously, as the
question was so idle ; yet the whole argument of the day
had been so complicated with this question, that in effect it
became the material question for trying forces. This will
be an interesting part to you, when you hear that your
brother2 and I were in the minority. You know him, and
therefore know he did what he thought right ; and for me,
my dear Lord, you must know that I would die in the House
for its privileges, and the liberty of the press. But come,
don't be alarmed : this will have no consequences. I don't
think your brother is going into opposition ; and for me, if
I may name myself to your affection after him, nothing but
a question of such magnitude can carry me to the House at
all. I am sick of parties and factions, and leave them to
buy and sell one another. Bless me ! I had forgot the
numbers : they were 300, we 111. We then went upon the
King's message ; heard the North Briton read ; and Lord
North, who took the prosecution upon him and did it very
well, moved to vote it a scandalous libel, &c., tending to
foment treasonable insurrections. Mr. Pitt gave up the paper,
but fought against the last words of the censure. I say
Mr. Pitt, for indeed, like Almanzor, he fought almost singly,
and spoke forty times : the first time in the day with much
wit, afterwards with little energy. He had a tough enemy
LETTER 913. — l Thomas (d. 1800), Whitchurch ; Lord of the Treasury,
eldest son of Hon. Thomas Town- 1765-67 ; Paymaster-General, 1767-
shend ; cr. (March 6, 1783) Baron 68 ; Secretary at War, 1782 ; Home
Sydney of Chislehurst, Kent ; and Secretary, 1782-83, and 1783-89.
Viscount Sydney, 1789. M.P. for 2 General Con way.
386 To the Earl of Hertford [i?63
too ; I don't mean in parts or argument, but one that makes
an excellent bull-dog, the Solicitor-General Norton. Legge
was, as usual, concise ; and Charles Townshend, what is not
usual, silent. We sat till within few minutes of two, after
dividing again ; we, our exact former number, 111; they,
273 ; and then we adjourned to go on the point of privilege
the next day ; but now
Listen, lordlings, and hold you still ;
Of doughty deeds tell you I will.
Martin, in the debate, mentioned the North Briton, in which
he himself had been so heavily abused ; and he said, ' Who-
ever stabs a reputation in the dark, without setting his
name, is a cowardly, malignant, and scandalous scoundrel.'
This, looking at Wilkes, he repeated twice, with such rage
and violence, that he owned his passion obliged him to sit
down. Wilkes bore this with the same indifference as he
did all that passed in the day. The House too, who from
Martin's choosing to take a public opportunity of resent-
ment, when he had so long declined any private notice,
and after Wilkes's courage was become so problematic,
seemed to think there was no danger of such champions
going further ; but the next day, when we came into the
House, the first thing we heard was that Martin had shot
Wilkes : so he had ; but Wilkes has six lives still good.
It seems Wilkes had writ, to avow the paper, to Martin, on
which the latter challenged him. They went into Hyde
Park about noon ; Humphrey Cotes, the wine-merchant,
waiting in a postchaise to convey Wilkes away if trium-
phant. They fired at the distance of fourteen yards : both
missed. Then Martin fired and lodged a ball in the side
of Wilkes; who was going to return it, but dropped his
pistol. He desired Martin to take care of securing himself,
and assured him he would never say a word against him,
and he allows that Martin behaved well. The wound
1763] To the Earl of Hertford 387
yesterday was thought little more than a flesh-wound, and
he was in his old spirits. To-day the account is worse,
and he has been delirious : so you will think when you
hear what is to come. I think, from the agitation his
mind must be in, from his spirits, and from drinking, as
I suppose he will, that he probably will end here. He
puts me in mind of two lines of Hudibras s, which, by the
arrangement of the words combined with Wilkes's story,
are stronger than Butler intended them : —
But he that fights and runs away
May live to fight another day.
His adventures with Lord Talbot, Forbes, and Martin, make
these lines history.
Now for Part the Second. On the first day, in your
House, where the Address was moved by Lord Hillsborough
and Lord Suffolk, after some wrangling between Lord
Temple, Lord Halifax, the Duke of Bedford, and Lord
Gower, Lord Sandwich laid before the House the most
blasphemous and indecent poem that ever was composed,
called An Essay on Woman, with notes, by Dr. Warburton.
I will tell you none of the particulars : they were so ex-
ceedingly bad, that Lord Lyttelton begged the reading
might be stopped. The House was amazed ; nobody
ventured even to ask a question : so it was easily voted
everything you please, and a breach of privilege into the
bargain. Lord Sandwich then informed your Lordships
that Mr. Wilkes was the author. Fourteen copies alone
were printed, one of which the ministry had bribed the
printer to give up. Lord Temple then objected to the
manner of obtaining it ; and Bishop Warburton, as much
shocked at infidelity as Lord Sandwich had been at ob-
scenity, said, 'the blackest fiends in hell would not keep
company with Wilkes when he should arrive there.' Lord
3 These lines are not in Httdibras.
C C 2
388 To the Earl of Hertford [i?63
Sandwich moved to vote Wilkes the author ; but thia Lord
Mansfield stopped, advertising the House that it was neces-
sary first to hear what Wilkes could say in his defence.
To-day, therefore, was appointed for that purpose ; but it
has been put off by Martin's lodging a caveat. This bomb
was certainly well conducted, and the secret, though known
to many, well kept. The management is worthy of Lord
Sandwich, and like him. It may sound odd for me, with
my principles, to admire Lord Sandwich ; but besides that
he has in several instances been very obliging to me, there
is a good humour and an industry about him that are very
uncommon. I do not admire politicians ; but when they are
excellent in their way, one cannot help allowing them their
due. Nobody but he could have struck a stroke like this.
Yesterday we sat till eight on the Address, which yet
passed without a negative : we had two very long speeches
from Mr. Pitt and Mr. Grenville ; many fine parts in each.
Mr. Pitt has given the latter some strong words, yet not so
many as were expected. To-morrow we go on the great
question of privilege ; but I must send this away, as we
have no chance of leaving the House before midnight, if
before next morning.
This long letter contains the history of but two days ;
yet if two days furnish a history, it is not my fault. The
ministry, I think, may do whatever they please. Three
hundred, that will give up their own privileges, may be
depended upon for giving up anything else. I have not
time or room to ask a question, or say a word more.
Nov. 18, Friday.
I have luckily got a holiday, and can continue my dis-
patch, as you know dinner-time is my chief hour of busi-
ness. The Speaker *, unlike Mr. Onslow, who was immortal
4 Sir John Gust.
1763] To the Earl of Hertford 389
in the chair, is taken very ill, and our House is adjourned
to Monday. Wilkes is thought in great danger: instead
of keeping him quiet, his friends have shown their zeal by
visiting him, and himself has been all spirits and riot, and
sat up in his bed the next morning to correct the press for
to-morrow's North Briton. His bons mots are all over the
town, but too gross, I think, to repeat ; the chief are at the
expense of poor Lord George 6. Notwithstanding Lord Sand-
wich's masked battery, the tide runs violently for Wilkes,
and I do not find people in general so inclined to excuse
his Lordship as I was. One hears nothing but stories of
the latter's impiety, and of the concert he was in with
Wilkes on that subject. Should this hero die, the Bishop
of Gloucester may doom him whither he pleases, but Wilkes
will pass for a saint and a martyr.
Besides what I have mentioned, there were two or three
passages in the House of Lords that were diverting. Lord
Temple dwelled much on the Spanish ministry being
devoted to France. Lord Halifax replied, ' Can we help
that ? We can no more oblige the King of Spain to change
his ministers, than his Lordship can force his Majesty to
change the present administration.' Lord Gower, too,
attacking Lord Temple on want of respect to the King,
the Earl replied, ' he never had wanted respect for the King :
he and his family had been attached to the House of
Hanover full as long as his Lordship's family had6.'
You may imagine that little is talked of but Wilkes, and
what relates to him. Indeed, I believe there is no other
news, but that Sir George Warren 7 marries Miss Bishop,
the Maid of Honour. The Duchess of Grafton is at Euston,
and hopes to stay there till after Christmas. Operas do not
begin till to-morrow se'nnight ; but the Mingotti is to sing,
8 Lord George Sackville. 7 Sir George Warren, KB., of
6 Lord Gower's father was a con- Poynton, Cheshire,
vert from Jacobitism.
390 To the Earl of Hertford [i?63
and that contents me. I forgot to tell you, and you may
wonder at hearing nothing of the Keverend Mr. Charles
Py lades 8, while Mr. John Orestes is making such a figure :
but Dr. Py lades, the poet, has forsaken his consort and the
Muses, and is gone off with a stone-cutter's daughter. If
he should come and offer himself to you for chaplain to the
embassy !
The Countess of Harrington was extremely alarmed last
Sunday, on seeing the Due de Perquigny enter her assembly :
she forbade Lady Caroline 9 speaking to such a debauched
young man, and communicated her fright to everybody.
The Duchess of Bedford observed to me that as Lady
Berkeley and some other matrons of the same stamp were
there, she thought there was no danger of any violence being
committed. For my part, the sisters are so different, that
I conclude my Lady Hertford has not found any young man
in France wild enough for her. Your counterpart, M. de
Guerchy, takes extremely. I have not yet seen his wife.
I this minute received your charming long letter of the
llth, and give you & thousand thanks for it. I wish next
Tuesday was past, for Lady Hertford's sake. You may
depend on my letting you know, if I hear the least rumour
in your disfavour. I should do so without your orders,
for I could not bear to have you traduced and not adver-
tise you to defend yourself. I have hitherto not heard
a syllable ; but the newspapers talk of your magnificence,
and I approve extremely your intending to support their
evidence ; for though I do not think it necessary to scatter
pearls and diamonds about the streets like their vice-majesties
of Ireland, one owes it to oneself and to the King's choice
to prove it was well made.
8 Wilkes's friend, Charles Churchill, Harrington ; m. (1765) Kenneth Mac-
thepoet. konzic, Viscount Fortrose (after-
» Lady Caroline Stanhope (d. 1767), wards Earl of Seaforth).
eldest daughter of second Earl of
1763] To Sir Horace Mann 391
The colour given at Paris to Bunbury's stay in England
has been given out here too. You need not, I think,
trouble yourself about that ; a majority of three hundred
will soon show, that if he was detained, the reason at least
no longer subsists.
Hamilton 10 is certainly returning from Ireland. Lord
Shannon's son " is going to marry the Speaker's daughter,
and the Primate has begged to have the honour of joining
their hands.
This letter is wofully blotted and ill-written, yet I must
say it is print compared to your Lordship's. At first I
thought you had forgot that you was not writing to the
Secretary of State, and had put it into cipher. Adieu !
I am neither dead of my fever nor apoplexy, nay, nor of
the House of Commons. I rather think the violent heat
of the latter did me good. Lady Aylesbury was at court
yesterday, and benignly received ; a circumstance you will
not dislike.
P.S. If I have not told you all you want to know,
interrogate me, and I will answer the next post.
Arlington Street, Nov. 17, 1763.
THE campaign is opened, hostilities begun, and blood
shed. Now you think, my dear Sir, that all this is meta-
phor, and mere eloquence. You are mistaken: our diets,
like that approaching in Poland, use other weapons than
the tongue ; ay, in good truth, and they who use the tongue
too, and who perhaps you are under the common error
10 William Gerard Hamilton. 1764 ; m. Catherine(d. 1827), daughter
11 Richard Boyle (1728-1807), Vis- of Hon. John Ponsonby, Speaker of
count Boyle, eldest son of first Earl the Irish House of Commons.
of Shannon, whom he succeeded in
392 To Sir Horace Mann [i763
of thinking would not fight, have signalized their prowess.
But stay, I will tell you my story more methodically ;
perhaps you shall not know for these two pages what
member of the British Senate, of that august divan whose
wisdom influences the councils of all Europe, as its incorrupt
virtue recalls to mind the purest ages of Kome, was shot
in a duel yesterday in Hyde Park. The Parliament met
on Tuesday. We — for you know I have the honour of
being a senator — sat till two in the morning; and had it
not been that there is always more oratory, more good
sense, more knowledge, and more sound reasoning in the
House of Commons, than in the rest of the universe put
together, the House of Lords only excepted, I should have
thought it as tedious, dull, and unentertaining a debate as
ever I heard in my days. The business was a complaint
made by one King George of a certain paper called the
North Briton, No. 45, which the said King asserted was
written by a much more famous man called Mr. Wilkes. —
Well ! and so you imagine that Mr. Wilkes and King
George went from the House of Commons and fought out
their quarrel in Hyde Park? And which do you guess
was killed? Again you are mistaken. Mr. Wilkes, with
all the impartiality in the world, and with the phlegm
of an Areopagite, sat and heard the whole matter discussed,
and now and then put in a word, as if the affair did not
concern Mm. The House of Commons, who would be
wisdom itself, if they could but all agree on which side
of a question wisdom lies, and who are sometimes forced
to divide in order to find this out, did divide twice on
this affair. The first time, one hundred and eleven, of
which I had the misfortune to be one, had more curiosity
to hear Mr. Wilkes's story than King George's ; but three
hundred being of the contrary opinion, it was plain they
were in the right, especially as they had no private motives
17G3] To Sir Horace Mann 393
to guide them. Again, the individual one hundred and
eleven could not see that the North Briton tended to foment
treasonable insurrections, though we had it argumentatively
demonstrated to us for seven hours together: but the
moment we heard two hundred and seventy-five gentlemen
counted, it grew as plain to us as a pike-staff, for a syllogism
carries less conviction than a superior number, though that
number does not use the least force upon earth, but only
walk peaceably out of the House and into it again. The
next day we were to be in the same numerical way con-
vinced that we ought to be but one hundred and ten, for
that we ought to expel Mr. Wilkes out of the House : and
the majority were to prove to us (for we are slow of
comprehension, and imbibe instruction very deliberately)
that in order to have all London acquainted with the person
and features of Mr. Wilkes, it would be necessary to set
him on a high place called the pillory, where everybody
might see him at leisure. Some were even almost ready
to think that, being a very ugly man, he would look better
without his ears ; and poor Sir William Stanhope, who
endeavoured all day by the help of a trumpet to listen to
these wise debates and found it to no purpose, said, 'If
they want a pair of ears they may take mine, for I am
sure they are of no use to me.' The regularity, however,
of these systematic proceedings has been a little interrupted.
One Mr. Martin1, who has much the same quarrel to
Mr. Wilkes with King George, and who chose to suspend
his resentment like his Majesty, till with proper dignity he
could notify his wrath to Parliament, did express his
indignation with rather less temper than the King had
done, calling Mr. Wilkes to his face cowardly scoundrel,
LETTER 914. — l Samuel Martin, a Lord, and Treasurer to the Princess
West Indian, Secretary to the Dowager of Wales. Walpole.
Treasury, when Lord Bute was First
394: To Sir Horace Mann [1763
which you, who represent monarchs, know is not royal
language. Mr. Wilkes, who, it seems, whatever may have
been thought, had rather die compendiously than piece-
meal, inquired of Mr. Martin by letter next morning, if
he, Mr. Wilkes, was meant by him, Mr. Martin, under the
periphrasis cowardly scoundrel. Mr. Martin replied in the
affirmative, and accompanied his answer with a challenge.
They immediately went into Hyde Park ; and, at the second
fire, Mr. Wilkes received a bullet in his body. Don't be
frightened, the wound was not mortal — at least it was not
yesterday. Being corporally delirious to-day, as he has been
mentally some time, I cannot tell what to say to it. How-
ever, the breed will not be lost, if he should die. You
have still countrymen enough left : we need not despair of
Now, would not you think that this man had made noise
enough, and that he had no occasion to burn a temple to
perpetuate his name? Alas, alas! there is nothing like
having two strings to one's bow. The very day in which
the scene I have mentioned passed in the House of Commons,
Lord Sandwich produced to the Lords a poem, called an
Essay on Woman, written by the same Mr. Wilkes, though
others say, only enlarged by him from a sketch drawn by
a late son 2 of a late archbishop. It is a parody on Pope's
Essay on Man ; and, like that, pretending to notes by
Dr. Warburton, the present holy and orthodox Bishop of
Gloucester. It is dedicated to Fanny Murray s, whom it
prefers to the Virgin Mary from never having had a child ;
and it calls the ass a noble animal, which never disgraced
itself but once, and that was when it was ridden on into
Jerusalem. You may judge by these samples of the whole :
the piece, indeed, was only printed, and only fourteen
« Thomas Potter, son of Dr. Potter, * A noted courtesan, afterwards
Archbishop of Canterbury. Walpolc. married to Boss the actor. Walpole.
1763] v^ To Sir Horace Mann 395
copies, but never published. Mr. Wilkes complains that
he never read it but to two persons, who both approved
it highly, Lord Sandwich and Lord Despencer 4. The style,
to be sure, is at least not unlike that of the last. The
wicked even affirm, that very lately, at a club with Mr.
Wilkes, held at the top of the playhouse in Drury Lane,
Lord Sandwich talked so profanely that he drove two
harlequins out of company. You will allow, however, that
the production of this poem so critically was masterly : the
secret too was well kept : nor till a vote was passed against
it, did even Lord Temple suspect who was the author.
If Mr. Martin has not killed him, nor should we, you see
here are faggots enough in store for him still. The Bishop
of Gloucester, who shudders at abuse and infidelity, has
been measuring out ground in Smithfield for his execution ;
and in his speech begged the devil's pardon for comparing
him to Wilkes.
Well, now ! after all, do you with your plain Florentine
understanding comprehend one word of what I have been
saying? Do you think me or your countrymen quite
distracted? Go, turn to your Livy, to your history of
Athens, to your life of Sacheverel. Find upon record what
mankind has been, and then you will believe what it is.
We are poor pigmy, short-lived animals, but we are comical,
— I don't think the curtain fallen and the drama closed.
Three hundred is an omnipotent number, and may do
whatever it will ; and yet I think there are some single
men, whom three hundred cannot convince. Well, but
then they may cut their ears off ; I don't see what could
hinder it. Adieu !
4 Sir Francis Dashwood, Lord Despencer. WalpoU.
396 To George Montagu [1763
Arlington Street, Nov. 20, 1763.
You are in the wrong, believe me you are in the wrong
to stay in the country ; London never was so entertaining
since it had a steeple or a mad-house. Cowards fight duels ;
Secretaries of State turn Methodists on the Tuesday, and
are expelled the playhouse for blasphemy on Friday. I am
not turned Methodist, but Patriot, and what is more extra-
ordinary, am not going to have a place. What is more
wonderful still, Lord Hardwicke has made two of his sons
resign their employments. I know my letter sounds as
enigmatic as Merlin's Almanack ; but my events have really
happened. I had almost persuaded myself like you to quit
the world — thank my stars I did not ! Why, I have done
nothing but laugh since last Sunday ; though on Tuesday I
was one of a hundred and eleven that were outvoted by three
hundred ; no laughing matter generally to a true Patriot,
whether he thinks his country undone or himself. Nay,
I am still more absurd — even for my dear country's sake
I cannot bring myself to connect with Lord Hardwicke, or
the Duke of Newcastle, though they are in the minority —
an unprecedented case, not to love everybody one despises,
when they are of the same side. On the contrary, I fear
I resemble a fond woman, and dote on the dear betrayer.
In short (and to write something that you can understand),
you know I have long had a partiality for your cousin
Sandwich, who has out-Sandwiched himself. He has im-
peached Wilkes for a blasphemous poem, and has been
expelled for blasphemy himself by the Beef-steak Club at
Covent Garden. Wilkes has been shot by Martin, and
instead of being burnt at an auto da fe, as the Bishop of
Gloucester intended, is reverenced as a saint by the mob,
1763] To the Earl of Hertford 397
and if he dies, I suppose, the people will squint themselves
into convulsions at his tomb, in honour of his memory.
Now, is not this better than feeding one's birds and one's
bantams, poring one's eyes out over old histories, not half
so extraordinary as the present, or ambling to Squire Blen-
cow's on one's pad-nag, and playing at cribbage with one's
brother John and one's parson? Prithee come to town,
and let us put off taking the veil for another year. Besides,
by this time twelvemonth we are sure the world will be
a year older in wickedness, and we shall have more matter
for meditation. One would not leave it methinks till it
comes to the worst, and that time cannot be many months
off. In the meantime, I have bespoken a dagger, in case
the circumstances should grow so classic as to make it
becoming to kill oneself; however, though disposed to quit
the world, as I have no mind to leave it entirely, I shall
put off my death to the last minute, and do nothing rashly,
till I see Mr. Pitt and Lord Temple place themselves in
their curule chairs in St. James's Market, and resign their
throats to the victors. I am determined to see them dead
first, lest they should play me a trick, and be hobbling to
Buckingham House, while I am shivering and waiting for
them on the banks of Lethe. Adieu ! Yours,
Arlington Street, Nov. 25, 1763.
You tell me, my dear Lord, in a letter I have this moment
received from you, that you have had a comfortable one from
me ; I fear it was not the last : you will not have been fond
of your brother's voting against the court \ Since that, he
LETTER 916. — J Con way's vote the King, who at once proposed to
against the court deeply offended Grenville to dismiss him from his
398 To the Earl of Hertford [i?63
has been told by different channels that they think of taking
away regiments from opposers. He heard it, as he would
the wind whistle : while in the shape of a threat he treats it
with contempt ; if put into execution, his scorn would subside
into indifference. You know he has but one object — doing
what is right ; the rest may betide as it will. One or two
of the ministers, who are honest men, would, I have reason
to believe, be heartily concerned to have such measures
adopted ; but they are not directors. The little favour they
possess, and the desperateness of their situation, oblige them
to swallow many things they disapprove, and which ruin
their character with the nation ; while others, who have no
character to lose, and whose situation is no less desperate,
care not what inconveniences they bring on their master,
nor what confusion on their country, in which they can
never prosper, except when it is convulsed. The nation,
indeed, seem thoroughly sensible of this truth. They are
unpopular beyond conception : even of those that vote with
them there are numbers that express their aversion without
reserve. Indeed, on Wednesday, the 23rd, this went farther :
we were to debate the great point of privilege 2 : Wilbraham
objected, that Wilkes was involved in it, and ought to be
present. On this, though, as you see, a question of slight
moment, fifty-seven left them at once : they were but 243
to 166. As we had sat, however, till eight at night, the
employments. This step was not of Pitt and of a powerful protest
taken until after Conway's vote signed by seventeen peers, a resolu-
against the legality of general war- tion was now carried through both
rants in February 1764. Houses " that privilege of Parliament
2 'The doctrine that no member does not extend to the case of writing
of Parliament could be arrested or and publishing seditious libels, nor
prosecuted without the express per- ought to be allowed to obstruct the
mission of the House, except for ordinary course of the laws in the
treason, felony, or actual breach of speedy and effectual prosecution of
the peace, or for refusal to pay so heinous and dangerous an of-
obedience to a writ of Habeas Corpus, fence.'" (Lecky, Hist. Cent, XVIII,
had hitherto been fully acknow- ed. 1895, voL iii. p. 264.)
ledged. ... In spite of the opposition
1763] To the Earl of Hertford 399
debate was postponed to next day. Mr. Pitt, who had a
fever and the gout, came on crutches, and wrapped in
flannels : so he did yesterday, but was obliged to retire at
ten at night, after making a speech of an hour and fifty
minutes ; the worst, I think, I ever heard him make in my
life. For our parts, we sat till within ten minutes of two in
the morning ; yet we had but few speeches, all were so long.
Hussey, Solicitor to the Princess of Wales s, was against the
court, and spoke with great spirit, and true Whig spirit.
Charles Yorke shone exceedingly. He had spoke and voted
with us the night before ; but now maintained his opinion
against Pratt's. It was a most able and learned performance,
and the latter part, which was oratorio, uncommonly beautiful
and eloquent. You find I don't let partiality to the Whig
cause blind my judgement. That speech was certainly the
masterpiece of the day. Norton would not have made a
figure, even if Charles Yorke had not appeared ; but giving
way to his natural brutality, he got into an ugly scrape.
Having so little delicacy or decency as to mention a cause in
which he had prosecuted Sir John Kushout (who sat just
under him) for perjury, the tough old knight (who had been
honourably acquitted of the charge) gave the House an
account of the affair ; and then added, ' I was assured the
prosecution was set on foot by that honest gentleman ; I hope
I don't call him out of his name — and that it was in revenge
for my having opposed him in an election.' Norton denied
the charge, upon his honour, which did not seem to persuade
everybody. Immediately after this we had another episode.
Eigby, totally unprovoked either by anything said or by the
complexion of the day, which was grave and argumentative,
fell upon Lord Temple, and described his behaviour on the
commitment of Wilkes. James Grenville, who sat behind
him, rose in all the acrimony of resentment : drew a veiy
* He was Solicitor to the Queen.
400 To the Earl of Hertford [1733
favourable picture of his brother, and then one of Rigby,
conjuring up the bitterest words, epithets, and circumstances
that he could amass together : told him how interested he
was, and how ignorant: painted his journey to Ireland to
get a law-place4, for which he was so unqualified; and
concluded with affirming he had fled from thence to avoid
the vengeance of the people. The passive Speaker suffered
both painters to finish their works, and would have let them
carry their colours and brushes into Hyde Park the next
morning, if other people had not represented the necessity
of demanding their paroles that it should go no farther.
They were both unwilling to rise: Rigby did at last, and
put an end to it with humour and good-humour. The
numbers were 258 to 133. The best speech of all those
that were not spoken was Charles Townshend's. He has
for some time been informing the world that for the last
three months he had constantly employed six clerks to
search and transcribe records, journals, precedents, &c. The
production of all this mountain of matter was a mouse, and
that mouse still-born: he has voted with us, but never
uttered a word.
We shall now repose for some time ; at least I am sure
I shall. It has been hard service : and nothing but a Whig
point of this magnitude could easily have carried me to the
House at all, of which I have so long been sick. Wilkes
will live, but is not likely to be in a situation to come forth
for some time. The blasphemous book has fallen ten times
heavier on Sandwich's own head than on Wilkes's : it has
brought forth such a catalogue of anecdotes as is incredible !
Lord Hardwicke fluctuates between life and death. Lord
Effingham is dead suddenly, and Lord Cantelupe has got his
These are all our news; I am glad yours go on so
4 Rigby was Master of the Bolls in Ireland.
1763] To the Earl of Hertford 401
smoothly. I take care to do you justice at M. de Guerchy's
for all the justice you do to France, and particularly to the
house of Nivernois. D'6on 5 is here still : I know nothing
more of him but that the honour of having a hand in the
Peace overset his poor brain. This was evident on the fatal
night at Lord Halifax's : when they told him his behaviour
was a breach of the peace, he was quite distracted, thinking
it was the peace between his country and this.
Our operas begin to-morrow. The Duchess of Grafton is
come for a fortnight only. My compliments to the Ambassa-
dress, and all your court.
Arlington Street, Dec. 2, 1763.
I HAVE been expecting a letter all day, as Friday is the
day I have generally received a letter from you, but it is
not yet arrived, and I begin mine without it. M. de Guerchy
has given us a prosperous account of my Lady Hertford's
audience: still I am impatient to hear it from yourselves.
I want to know, too, what you say to your brother's being
in the minority. I have already told you that unless
they use him ill, I do not think him likely to take any
warm part. With regard to dismission of officers, I hear
no more of it: such a violent step would but spread the
flames, which are already fierce enough. I will give you
an instance : last Saturday, Lord Cornwallis l and Lord
5 ' D'Eon took it into his fancy George III, ed. 1894, vol. i. p. 242.)
that one Treyssac de Vergy, an LETTER 917. — 1 Charles Cornwallis
adventurer, -was brought over to (1738-1805), second Earl Cornwallis,
assassinate him; and on this belief cr. Marquis Cornwallis in 1792; en-
broke out so outrageously against the tered the army in 1756. He took
Count after dinner at Lord Halifax's, a prominent part in the American
that the Earl, at M. de Guerchy's War, but after several successes he
desire, was obliged to aend^for Justice was obliged to surrender at York-
Fielding and put D'Eon under town (Oct. 19, 1781). He was
arrest; and next day Vergy swore Governor-General and Commancler-
the peace against him.' (Memoirs of in-Chief in the East Indies, 1786-98 ;
402 To the Earl of Hertford [i763
Allen* came drunk to the Opera: the former went up to
Rigby in the pit, and told him in direct words that Lord
Sandwich was a pickpocket. Then Lord Allen, with looks
and gestures no less expressive, advanced close to him, and
repeating this again in the passage, would have provoked
a quarrel, if George West" had not carried him away by
force. Lord Cornwallis, the next morning in Hyde Park,
made an apology to Rigby for his behaviour, but the rest
of the world is not so complaisant. His pride, insolence,
and over-bearingness, have made him so many enemies,
that they are glad to tear him to pieces for his attack on
Lord Temple, so unprovoked, and so poorly performed. It
was well that with his spirit and warmth he had the sense
not to resent the behaviour of those two drunken young
On Tuesday your Lordship's House sat till ten at night,
on the resolutions we had communicated to you ; and you
agreed to them by 114 to 35: a puny minority indeed,
considering of what great names it was composed ! Even
the Duke of Cumberland voted in it ; but Mr. Yorke's
speech in our House, and Lord Mansfield's in yours, for
two hours, carried away many of the opposition, particularly
Lord Lyttelton, and the greater part of the Duke of New-
castle's Bishops. The Duke of Grafton is much com-
mended. The Duke of Portland commenced, but was too
much frightened. There was no warmth nor event ; but
Lord Shelburne, who they say spoke well, and against the
court, and as his friends had voted in our House, has
produced one, the great Mr. Calcraft being turned out
yesterday, from some muster-mastership ; I don't know
General, 1798 ; Lord-Lieutenant of Viscount Allen.
Ireland, 1798-1801. » Hon. George West (1733-1776),
2 Joshua Allen (1728-1816), fifth second son of first Earl Delaware.
1763] To the Earl of Hertford 403
Lord Sandwich is canvassing to succeed Lord Hardwicke,
as High Steward of Cambridge ; another egg of animosity.
We shall, however, I believe, be tolerably quiet till after
Christmas, as Mr. Wilkes will not be able to act before the
holidays. I rejoice at it : I am heartily sick of all this folly,
and shall be glad to get to Strawberry again, and hear nothing
of it. The ministry have bought off Lord Clive with a bribe
that would frighten the King of France himself: they have
given him back his 25,OOOZ. a year4. Walsh6 has behaved
nobly: he said he could not in conscience vote with the
administration, and would not vote against Lord Clive, who
chose him : he has therefore offered to resign his seat. Lady
Augusta's 6 fortune was to be voted to-day, and Lord Strange
talked of opposing it ; but I had not the curiosity to go down.
This is all our politics, and indeed all our news ; we have
none of any other kind. So far you will not regret England.
For my part, I wish myself with you. Being perfectly
indifferent who is minister and who is not, and weary of
laughing at both, I shall take hold of the first spring to
make you my visit.
Our operas do not succeed. Giardini, now become minister,
and having no exchequer to buy an audience, is grown un-
popular. The Mingotti, whom he has forced upon the town,
is as much disliked as if he had insisted on her being first
Lord of the Treasury. The first man, though with sweet
notes, has so weak a voice that he might as well hold his
tongue like Charles Townshend. The figurantes are very
pretty, but can dance no more than Tommy Pelham. The
first man dancer is handsome, well made, and strong enough
to make his fortune anywhere : but, you know, fortunes
made in private are seldom agreeable to the public. In
4 The ' jaghir ' granted to Clive by ' The Princess Augusta, eldest
Mir Jaffier, of which the East India daughter of Frederick, Prince of
Directors wished to deprive him. Wales, married in Jan. 1764 to the
• John Walah, M.P. for Worcester. Hereditary Prince of Brunswick.
D d 2
404 To the Earl of Hertford [i?63
short, it will not do ; there was not a soul in the pit the
second night.
Lady Mary Coke has received her gown by the Prince de
Masseran7, and is exceedingly obliged to you, though much
disappointed ; this being a slight gown made up, and not
the one she expected, which is a fine one bought for her by
Lady Holland, and which you must send somehow or other :
if you cannot, you must dispatch an ambassador on purpose.
I dined with the Prince de Masseran, at Guerchy's the day
after his arrival ; and if faces speak truth, he will not be
our ruin. Oh ! but there is a ten times more delightful
man — the Austrian minister8: he is so stiff and upright,
that you would think all his mistress's diadems were upon
his head, and that he was afraid of their dropping off.
I know so little of Irish politics, that I am afraid of mis-
informing you ; but I hear that Hamilton, who has come off
with honour in a squabble with Lord Newton9 about the
latter's wife, speaks and votes with the opposition against
the Castle. I don't know the meaning of it, nor, except it
had been to tell you, should I have remembered it.
Well ! your letter will not come, and I must send away
mine. Remember, the holidays are coming, and that I
shall be a good deal out of town. I have been charming
hitherto, but I cannot make brick without straw. Encore,
you are almost the only person I ever write a line to.
I grow so old and so indolent that I hate the sight of a pen
and ink.
7 The Spanish Ambassador in Lanesborough, whom he succeeded
London. in 1768 ; m. (1754) Lady Jane Boch-
8 Count von Seillern. fort, daughter of first Earl of Belvi-
9 Brinsley Butler (1728-1 7 79), Lord dere.
Newtown Butler, son of first Earl of
1763] To the Rev. William Cole 405
DEAR SlR, Arlington Street, Dec. 6, 1763.
According to custom I am excessively obliged to you :
you are continually giving me proofs of your kindness.
I have now three packets to thank you for, full of informa-
tion, and have only to lament the trouble you have given
I am glad for the tomb's sake and my own, that Sir Giles
Allington's1 monument is restored. The draft you have
sent is very perfect. The account of your ancestor Tuer 2
shall not be forgotten in my next edition. The pedigree of
Allington I had from Collins s before his death, but I think
not so perfect as yours. You have made one little slip in
it : my mother was grand-daughter, not daughter of Sir John
Shorter, and was not an heiress, having three brothers, who
all died after her, and we only quarter the arms of Shorter,
which I fancy occasioned the mistake, by their leaving no
children. The verses by Sir Edward Walpole4, and the
translation by Bland 5, are published in my Description of
I am come late from the House of Lords, and am just
going to the Opera, so you will excuse me saying more,
than that I have a print of Archbishop Button 8 for you (it
is Dr. Ducarel's), and a little plate of Strawberry, but I do
not send them by the post, as it would crease them : if you
LETTER 918. — 1 Sir Giles Allington, * Sir Edward Walpole, K.B., great-
Knight, of Horseheath, Cambridge- grandfather of Horace Walpole. The
shire, an ancestor of Horace Walpole. verses in question were written upon
8 Herbert Tner, painter, of whom his wife's death.
a short account ia given in Anecdotes 6 Henry Bland, Dean of Durham ;
of Painting. d. 1746.
8 Arthur Collins (d. 1760), author 6 Matthew Hutton, Archbishop of
of the Peerage. Canterbury; d .1758.
406 To the Earl of Hertford [ires
will tell me how to convey them otherwise, I will. I repeat
many thanks to you and am,
Dear Sir,
Yours most sincerely,
Friday, Dec. 9, 1763.
YOUR brother has sent you such a full account of his
transaction with Mr. Grenville *, that it is not necessary for
me to add a syllable, except, what your brother will not
have said himself, that he has acted as usual with the
strictest honour and firmness, and has turned this negotia-
tion entirely to his own credit. He has learned the ill
wishes of his enemies, and what is more, knows who they
are : he has laughed at them, and found at last that their
malice was much bigger than their power. Mr. Grenville,
as you would wish, has proved how much he disliked the
violence of his associates, as I trust he will, whenever he
has an opportunity, and has at last contented himself with
so little or nothing, that I am sure you will feel yourself
obliged to him. For the measure itself, of turning out the
officers in general who oppose, it has been much pressed,
and what is still sillier, openly threatened by one set ; but
they dare not do it, and having notified it without effect,
are ridiculed by the whole town, as well as by the persons
threatened, particularly by Lord Albemarle, who has treated
their menaces with the utmost contempt and spirit. This
mighty storm, like another I shall tell you of, has vented
itself on Lord Shelburne and Colonel Barre2, who were
LETTER 919. — 1 At a meeting on Conway refused to bind himself.
Dec. 4, in presence of the Dnke of a Isaac Barre (1726-1802), M.P. for
Richmond, Grenville tried to pledge Chipping Wycombe. Joint Vice-
Conway to support the government. Treasurer of Ireland, 1766-68 ; Trea-
1763] To the Earl of Hertford 407
yesterday turned out ; the first from aide-de-camp to the
King, the latter from adjutant-general and governor of
Stirling. Campbell 3, to whom it was promised before, has
got the last ; Ned Harvey, the former. My present expecta-
tion is an oration from Barre, in honour of Mr. Pitt; for
those are scenes that make the world so entertaining.
After that, I shall demand a satire on Mr. Pitt, from
Wilkes ; and I do not believe I shall be balked, for Wilkes
has already expressed his resentment on being given up by
Pitt, who, says Wilkes, ought to be expelled for an im-
postor. I do not know whether the Duke of Newcastle
does not expect a palinodia from me. T'other morning at
the Duke's levee he embraced me, and hoped I would come
and eat a bit of Sussex mutton with him. I had such
difficulty to avoid laughing in his face that I got from him
as fast as I could. Do you think me very likely to forget
that I have been laughing at him these twenty years ?
Well ! but we have had a prodigious riot : are not you
impatient to know the particulars? It was so prodigious
a tumult, that I verily thought half the administration
would have run away to Harrowgate. The North Briton
was ordered to be burned by the hangman at Cheapside
on Saturday last. The mob rose ; the greatest mob, says
Mr. Sheriff Blunt, that he has known in forty years. They
were armed with that most bloody instrument, the mud
out of the kennels: they hissed in the most murderous
manner; broke Mr. Sheriff Harley's* coach-glass in the
most frangent manner; scratched his forehead, so that he
is forced to wear a little patch in the most becoming
surer of the Navy, 1782 ; Paymaster- * Captain (afterwards Sir James)
General, 1782-88. He was a political Campbell, of Ardkinglas», M.P. for
adherent of Shelburne, and, after Stirling Burghs,
his dismissal, of Pitt* He was one * Hon. Thomas Harley(1730-1804),
of the most prominent members of third son of third Earl of Oxford,
the opposition to Lord North's M.P. for the City of London. He was
ministry. Lord Mayor in 1767.
408 To the Earl of Hertford [i763
manner ;